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Our healthcare workers give their best to provide quality care for all. It is their
responsibility and goal to eliminate dangers that might harm the patient. However, I am
surprised after reading articles and textbooks about the history of bioethics because before,
some scientists and clinicians treat their patients without care for their rights and welfare. They
conducted medical experiments without consent, standard research, or ethical behavior—some
was successful, but most of it causes people lives.

On the other hand, as bioethics emerged, unethical works were exposed, such as Nazi
experiment and the Tuskeegee syphilis study. With that, numerous discussions about clinical
ethics in the medical field have been made—how to protect human rights and welfare. As a
result, bioethics has been practiced in the medical field until now as it assists our medical
professionals in making ethical decisions about how they will approach certain medical issues,
particularly when it comes to life and death situations—what is the right or wrong decision for
the patients.

Furthermore, we may have begun with an unethical approach in the past, but I believe it
aids in the development of bioethics, which is essential in today's medical field—that is also
part of the continuous study to improve things in healthcare. We are far from the past
approach since we have a different practice now. As a nursing student, I may make mistakes,
but just like the history of bioethics, those mistakes will help me improve my skills in providing
quality care.
Jecker, N. A. S., Jonsen, A. R., & Pearlman, R. A. (1997). Bioethics: An introduction to the history,
methods, and practice. Boston: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.

Bioethics: How the Discipline came to be in the United States. Portada Universidad de Chile.

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