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Running Head: SPED638_Phonemic Awareness Toolkit 1

Phonemic Awareness Toolkit

Focus/Outcome Area of the Strategy:

Students will practice decoding skills through the manipulation of a blending wheel in

order to help increase their phonemic awareness skills.

Pre-requisite Skills:

Students can read words by memorizing their visual features or are able to guess based

upon context. Students can recognize some letters of the alphabet and can remember

some words by sight.

Critical Components for Implementation:

Students must be in the partial alphabetic phase of Ehri’s phases of word reading

development. The use of the wheel must first be modeled by the instructor until the

demonstrate mastery of using the wheel.

Considerations for Implementation:

The wheel can be used for whole class, small group, and individual instruction. When

doing whole group or small group instruction it is helpful to have multiple identical

wheels so all students can be manipulating and practicing the same phonemes and


Mini-Lesson Plan

Connection to Standard:


Lesson Objective:
Running Head: SPED638_Phonemic Awareness Toolkit 2

Students will be able to successfully identify blending letters and their sounds. Students

will be able to produce words using the blending wheel.

Procedures for Direct Instruction:

This lesson requires advanced preparation of whole class blending wheels.

1. First the teacher shows the class the blending wheel

2. Show students how the letters line up on the wheel, teacher model student follow

3. Demonstrate how to move the first consonant on the wheel, read the new word

4. Move the first consonant wheel 2-3 more times, reading each new word

5. Next demonstrate how the final consonant moves, read the new word

6. Practice with the final consonant words

7. Demonstrate how to move the vowel wheel, read the new word

Guided practice/small group: Move whole class into small groups, have students

practice moving the wheel and saying the new words


This can be delivered as whole class, small group or individually. Depending on the

students present level of abilities, they would start with a beginning blending wheel, a

challenging blending wheel, or an even more challenging blending wheel.

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