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We all have lived in a family at some stage in our life.

In my opinion most of the people

believe that their experiences within the family are normal and all families are like their
own. Do you agree with me?

- I think that most of the families tend to think this way but actually that's not true because
every family is different, each family has its own traditions, values and a way of lifestyle.
Most of the families doesn't even look like that perfect family in the TV commercials with
sparky kids, genial parents and long marriage.It may be hard to accept this fact but the
model of standard family consisting of parents and dependent children is disappearing so
fast. Could you prove that?

Of course I could. I agree with you that standard family consisting of parents and dependent
children is disappearing fast, because more than 20 percent of families are headed by a
single parent, moreover, more than 42 percent of all marriages end in divorce, also, millions
of couples live together first before marrying, remarriages fail even more often than first
marriages, and lastly, more than 26 percent of house-holds consist of one person living
By the way, do you think that it’s harder to plan your schedule and find free time living in a
modern family?

- Definitely yes, because usually in families where both parents work, outside activity, beside
work and daily obligations, becomes way harder to fit in. While in families where relatives
live together it becomes a little bit easier to cope with obligations and chores, and that is
why you could have more free time living in such kind of families. Do you agree, that in
modernfamilies happiness tend to be less important than success in job?

Definitely! In such kind of families, parents focus more about their job and try to make a
successful career to make better solutions for the family, but they forget about having a
happier nature in it. They only focus on future, and forget about current moment. To
continue, how do you think, what is the main difference between modern and earlier

- I think that there is a huge difference between the modern families and those who lived
for example 50years ago.
The main difference is that earlier families involved relatives to live together. Together living
grandparents helped to raise children and cope with daily obligations and life in such kind of
family was easier. By the way, I believe that in the future family life will also continue to
change, how do you think, what changes will happen?

Well I think that the family will become a very uncomfortable place, breeding more and
more isolation and emotional chillness. Children’s might never grow out of an almost
pathological desire for privacy and become adults who prefer to live alone because they can
only tolerate low levels of real closeness.

Yes, I fully agree with you. Thank you for the conversation.

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