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3rd Week Developed by: Aqsa Qaiser

Taught by:_________
Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 1st /20 min Day/Date: 21st Nov,16 – 25th Nov ,16
Subject :Morning Meeting Topic : “Care of Environment.”
Objective: Character building will be focused.
Skills: Listening, speaking, cooperation and class room procedures.
Resources : Oral discussion, morning meeting board, live objects , surroundings.
Methodology : Mehodologies: Sharing, demostration, discussion.
Mon: Students will be explained that an environment is the natural surroundings
Which help life to grow and nourish. Everything comes under an environment
The air which we breathe every moment, the water we use for our daily routine,
Plants, animals and other living things etc around us.
Tue: Students will be told that air and water pollution leading our health on
Danger by causing various diseases and disorder. Video will be shown.
Wed:They will be told to save our environment in very easy manner with the C.W
Little step taken by everyone e.g. throw rippers and all other wastage
To a proper way , reduce water wastage etc.
Thu: They will also learn that through planting more tress we can keep our Oral work
Environment clean and healthy.

Fri: All given contents will be revised & how did they apply them in their
daily routine will be shared.
Activities: Visit in the garden and plantation
Success Criteria: sharing, listening and speaking.
Assessment Plan: Through question/answer session.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 60min Day/Date: Mon/ 21st Nov, 2016

Subject : English Topic : Introduction of letter “Oo” & phonogram “an”.
Objective: Students will acquire the phonetic sound & related vocabulary of letter “Oo”.
Skills: Listening, recognition, speaking, memorizing.
Resources : White board, flash cards, live objects.
Methodology : Method applying: brain storming, activity based , demonstration
 Prior knowledge will be assessed through brainstorming by asking.
i) Which letter is this ”Aa-Nn”.
ii) Sing poem “Ants on apple”.
 Flash cards will be displayed in jumble & arranged in sequence C.W
by singing ABC song then intro of letter “Oo” will be given. W.B pg# 80
NINM abs
 Sound of letter “Oo” will be introduced by showing live objects e.g.
Orange, ostrich, off/on, oil, out, old, octopus, orchand etc.
 Colouring and tracing of letter “Oo” on pg# 80 will be
helpful to acquire the directions given by the teacher.
 Students will be guided to blend and make three words with phono-
Gram “an”.
 Students will be asked to choose and paste flashcards on white
board to make a new word one by one.
Activities: Arrange flash cards in sequence. H.W
Success Criteria: Vividness in recognition, correct in phonetic sounds. NA
Assessment Plan:Collect the vocabulary of letter “Oo” through surrounding.
Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG / Period: 80 min Day/Date: Tue/ 22nd Nov ,2016

Subject :English Topic : Tracing of letter “Oo”, sight reading.
Objective: Students will acquire the correct formation of letter “Oo” & predict the title (Read with me).
Skills: Recognition, eye-hand coordination, writing, reading.
Resources: White board, salt tray,
Methodology: Method applying: Board practice and demonstration.
 Prior knowledge will be assessed by asking.
i) Sing ABC song and check the position of letter ‘Oo”?
ii) Sound of letter “Oo” is…………..?
 Formation of letter “Oo” will be introduced by showing flashcards & C.W
Live objects will be pasted on white board. W.B pg # 81
 Tracing of small “Oo” will be done in salt tray then on W.B pg# 81. Read with me
Pg. Title
 Title picture of the book “Read with me” will be shown to students and
let them guess/ make their own stories. To develop interest of the
students explain the title of the book in an interesting manner with
articulation and facial expression.
 How many characters are on the title page “Read with me” book?
There are three characters on the title page.
 What are their names?
Their names are “Tom , Kate and Sam(the dog).
 Do you like the title page of the book?
 Picture description will enhance their vocabulary & speaking skills.
Activities: Show and tell, sensorial. H.W
Success Criteria: Strong recognition, fluent in reading and writing.
Assessment Plan: Control of error during completion of class work.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 40min Day/Date: Wed/ 23rd Nov,2016

Subject : English Topic : Tracing capital “Oo” & sight reading.
Objective: Students will acquire the correct formation of letter “Oo”.
Skills: Recognition, writing, hand-eye coordination.
Resources :White board, flash cards, play dough,
Methodology : Method applying: Demonstration, brain storming.
 Prior knowledge will be assessed by asking
i) Compare the formation of capital & small “Oo” and found out the differences?
 Recognition will be focused through show & tell activity by using C.W
flash cards. W.B pg# 82
 Line formation and letter formation will be reinforced through Read with me
demonstration. Pg. 4
 Recapitulation of lesson through “Model Making” by play dough and
correct one will be chosen on the board one by one.
 Teacher will write the title of the book ”Read with me “ as sight
Words on the white board. Students will learn about the character
“Tom” through big cutouts with name on the white board.
Activities: Play dough activity. H.W
Success Criteria: Strong recognition, fluent in reading and writing.
Assessment Plan: Small “o” is a ………… letter?

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 60 min Day/Date: Thu/ 24th Nov ,2016

Subject : English Topic : Writing ‘Oo” & sight reading.
Objective: Students will write letter “Oo” independently following correct formation and line format.
Skills: Recognition, writing, eye-hand coordination, observe and explore.
Resources : White board, real objects, W.B.
Methodology : Method applying: sensorial activity based, board practice.
 Prior knowledge will be assessed during board preparation & by asking
i) I have a small letter , do you know which is its capital friend?
ii) Pint out letters “Aa-Oo” from surroundings.
 How to arrange the words with sounds will be reinforced by joining C.W
Flashcards of different letters. W.B pg#83
 Students will be guided to learn correct formation of “Oo” and practice
RWM pg#5
It on W.B pg# 83
 Teacher will write the title of the book ”Read with me “ as sight
Words on the white board. Students will learn about the character
 “Kate” through big cutouts with name on the white board.
Activities: Observe and explore. H.W
Success Criteria: Strong recognition, fluent in reading & writing.
Assessment Plan: Spot test: Dodging” Aa-Oo”

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period:35min Day/Date:Fri/ 25th Nov,2016

Subject : English Topic : Reinforcement of letters ” Aa-Oo”, Read with me.
Objective: Children will acquire the phonetic sound & reading, writing skills will be focused.
Skills: Writing, eye hand coordination.
Resources :Writing center, white board..
Methodology : Method applying: brain storming, activity based , demonstration
 Prior knowledge will be assessed by arranging:
1. Letter Aa-Oo by singing poem ABC
2. Sounds of letters Aa-Oo by singing poem ants on apple
3. Formation of Aa-Oo through body language.
4. Choose the sky letters and why is it so?
5. Collection of grasss letters and why is it so?
6. Choose the root letters and why is ti so?
 Follow up of given correction will be completed. C.W
Board practice
 Different real objects will be pasted on the board and students will be asked Read with me
to come one by one and write the start letter related to the object. Oral recap
 Students will be asked : (Read with me)
Which character do you like?
Activities: Demonstration, poem singing, observe and explore. H.W
W.B pg#84
Success Criteria: Independent of written work. NA
Assessment Plan: Vocabulary collection.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 40 min Day/Date: Mon/ 21st Nov,2016

Subject : Math Topic : Writing & Intro of # 25
Objective: Sts will acquire the understanding of number 25.
Skills: Recognition, memorizing, comparing, identifying.
Resources : white board, live objects, flashcards,
Methodology :Method applying , brainstorming, demonstration.
 Mental Math: What comes before 0-20(Backward order).
 A. What comes after 0…24?
 B: Structure of numbers 0-24?
 Intro of 25 by showing flash cards & then Worth of 25 will be explained W.b pg #70
By arranging groups of different values.
 Structure of 25 will be observed on teen & ty board & story of brave man
Will be narrated to improve their understanding level.
Activities: Group making. H.W
Success Criteria: instill strong basics of counting. N.A
Assessment Plan: Recognition of 0-24 orally.
Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 20 min Day/Date: Tues/ 22nd Nov ’2016

Subject : Math Topic : Intro of solid shapes.
Objective: Students will recognize and identify solid shapes.
Skills: Learning , writing, eye hand coordination.
Resources : white board, live objects, flashcards, play dough, geometric solid shapes etc.
Methodology: method applying ,demonstration, board practice, activity based.
 Mental Math :Sts will be asked to count the different group of different objects &tell
How many objects in each group.
A: 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th are…….?
B: Poem signing “One two three four five, Once I caught a fish alive.
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking:
i) Structure of numbers (0-20) with body language?
ii) What comes after and before (0-24)?
 Students will learn about different shapes through geometric solid shapes
Or similar real objects like for cube shape show an empty tea box.
 Students will learn shapes with its names e.g. cone, cuboid, sphere and C.W
Cylinder. W.B pg#72
MEL pg#42
 (Activity)Students will mould play dough and make different shapes.
They will be guided to be creative and make new shapes by
joining learned shapes, e.g. by placing cone shape on top of the
cylinder, make a tower or combine shapes as shown on MEL pg#42
Activities: Group making, show &tell, discussion.
Success Criteria: Strong recognition of different shapes.
Assessment Plan: Sort out shapes through surroundings.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG / Period: 80min Day/Date: Wed/ 23rd Nov,2016

Subject :Math Topic : Writing numbers ‘25”
Objective: Students will acquire perfection in number formation.
Skills: Writing, recognition, identifying, eye hand coordination.
Resources : Counting chart, white board , t.b.
Methodology :Method applying: Activity based , board practice.
Mental Math: Who is tall and who is short?
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking:
1. 1st number in counting is ?
2. What comes after 0-25 ?
3. Poem singing “One two buckle my shoe”
 Family of 20 will be reinforced through story telling and board practice. C.W
 Students will be guided to count the objects on MEL pg # 70. MEL pg# 70,71
 Students will be guided to write number “25” on MEL pg # 71
Activities: Group discussion H.W
Success Criteria: Developing recognition skills NA
Assessment Plan: Counting 0-25 through live objects .

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG Period: 40 min Day/Date: Thur/ 24th Nov,2016

Subject : Math Topic : Writing & Intro of # 26
Objective: Sts will acquire the understanding of number 26.
Skills: Recognition, memorizing, comparing, identifying.
Resources : white board, live objects, flashcards,
Methodology :Method applying , brainstorming, demonstration.
Mental Math: Who is the first member in 20th family?
 Mental Math: What comes before 0-20(Backward order).
 A. What comes after 0…25?
 B: Structure of numbers 0-25?
 Intro of 26 by showing flash cards & then Worth of 26 will be explained W.b pg #85
By arranging groups of different values.
 Structure of 26 will be observed on teen & ty board & story of brave man
Will be narrated to improve their understanding level.
Activities: Group making. H.W
Success Criteria: instill strong basics of counting. N.A
Assessment Plan: Recognition of 0-25 orally.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG/ Period: 70 min Day/Date: Fri/ 25th Nov ,2016
Subject :Math Topic : Writing no. 26.
Objective: Students will learn and write no.26 with correct formation..
Skills: Writing, recognition, identifying, eye hand coordination.
Resources : Counting chart, white board, salt tray, w.b.
Methodology :Method Applying: Demonstration, sensorial
Mental Math: How many members are in 20th family?
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking:
1. Activity “group making” will be done to understand the worth of
different numbers?
2. In which hand you will hold the Braveman
 Concept of brave man, left & right & structure of no.20 will be fully C.W
emphasized in oral then on board practice before going onward. MEL pg# 72,73
 Students will be asked to count objects on MEL pg3 72 and say the
Number loudly. They will also practice writing no.26 on MEL pg#73.
Activities: Demonstration, grouping H.W
Success Criteria: Strong recognition, good eye hand coordination
Assessment Plan: Spot test: Dodging “0-26”

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG/ Period: 20/20 Day/Date: Mon / 21st Nov ,2016
Subject :General Knowledge /Lib Topic :Plants and Thumbelina .
Objective: Students will be able to learn about different plants and there importance in our life.
Skills: Memorizing, speaking, identifying, LEIP,SEIP.
Resources : White board, flash cards, props, pictures and big book.
Methodology : Demonstration and discussion
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking.
1. From where we get vegetables and fruits?
2. Poem singing: Continent continents
 Students will be told about plants that all the greenery we see C.W
Around us in the form of trees, bushes, shrubs, flowers are all Oral work
Plants. They give us oxygen. We cannot live without plants. Plants
Keep the air clean and give us food. Many products are made
from plants and tress e.g. paper, furniture, medicines etc. There
are many types of plants in the world. Different places have different
Plants e.g. deserts plants are different form plants and tress of
Other areas.
 Story “ Thumblina” will be told with the help of props and big
book in the library session.
Activities: Show and tell, story telling. H.W
Success Criteria: Listening, speaking, memorizing.
Assessment Plan: Through question answer session.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG/ Period: 20/20 Day/Date: Wed /23rd Nov , 2016
Subject :General Knowledge Topic :Plants and Thumbelina .
Objective: Students will be able to learn about different plants and there importance in our life.
Skills: Memorizing, speaking, identifying.
Resources : White board, flash cards, props, pictures and big book.
Methodology : Demonstration and discussion
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking.
1. Why plants are necessary in this world?
2. Name the things we get from plants?
 Students will learn about the different parts of the plants. They will also
Learn that plants vary in shape, size, colour, fruit, smell according to
Their area/weather. In spring usually flowers blossom. Evergreen plants
Remain green throughout the year.
 Remaining portion of the story will be shown in video. C.W
Oral work
Activities: Show and tell, story telling, observe and explore. H.W
Success Criteria: Listening, speaking, memorizing.
Assessment Plan: Through question answer session.

Daily Lesson Plan

Class/ Sec : KG/ Period: 20/20 Day/Date: Fri /25th Nov,2016

Subject :General Knowledge Topic :Plants and Thumbelina .
Objective: Students will be able to learn about different plants and there importance in our life.
Skills: Memorizing, speaking, identifying.
Resources : White board, flash cards, props, pictures and Laptop.
Methodology : Demonstration and discussion
 Prior knowledge will be checked by asking.
1. What are evergreen plants?
2. In which season flowers blossoms?
3. Name any three flowers? ( pansy, rode, tulip, sunflower, jasmine etc)
 Students will learn about the care of plants through the cleaning and
Care activity. Students will visit to the gardener to know how to dig soil
And keep flowers beds clean. Love of plantation and gardening will be
Focused. Students will be encouraged to plant more tress and keep their
Environment clean.
 Remaining portion of the story will be told with the help of video C.W
and big books. Questions will be asked about the characters of the Oral
story. Students will be asked to come one by one and narrate the
story in their own simple words.
 Students will be asked to narrate the story in their own words.
Activities: Show and tell, story telling. H.W
Success Criteria: Learn the new five words from story book.
Assessment Plan: Name five parts of body.

Coordinator Signature:____________ Sec Head Signature:____________

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