SOCEM Sub Orbital CubeSat Experimental M

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SOCEM: Sub-Orbital CubeSat Experimental Mission

James E. Lumpp, Jr., Anthony K. Karam, Daniel M. Erb,

Jason R., Bratcher, Samir A. Rawashdeh and Twyman Clements
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY 40506

Nathan Fite, Jeffrey Kruth and Benjamin Malphrus

Morehead State University
Morehead, KY 40351

Ivan Bland, Riki Munakata, Roland Coelho and Jordi Puig-Suari

California Polytechnic University
San Luis Obispo, CA 93407

Jason Reese
Northrop Grumman/NSROC
Wallops Island, VA 23337

Charles Brodell and Scott Schaire

NASA Wallops Flight Facility
Wallops Island, VA 23337

Abstract—SOCEM: Sub-Orbital CubeSat Experimental

Mission will attempt, for the first time, to eject CubeSats in 1. INTRODUCTION
space from a sub-orbital sounding rocket.1 2 This
technology demonstration flight will eject two CubeSats Sounding Rockets have long provided rapid access to space
from a standard 17-inch diameter NASA sounding rocket. for a variety of payloads. In particular, the NASA Wallops’
Two student-designed and student-built CubeSats will be 17-inch diameter sounding rocket form factor provides
ejected as part of the mission, a 2U CubeSat ADAMASat access to space for small payloads using several different
(Antenna Deployment and Mono-filament Actuator launch vehicles. The CubeSat standard also contributes
Satellite) developed by Kentucky Space to test CubeSat standardized deployers which provide a popular platform
actuator designs and a 1U CubeSat developed by Cal Poly for rapid access to space for commercial and government
as a test-bed for PolySat bus technologies. The CubeSats satellites, and especially for educational institutions. The
will be ejected perpendicular to the direction of flight CubeSat Standard (10x10x10cm basic cube with mass ≤ 1
without requiring a de-spin maneuver providing the kg) was developed by Stanford University and California
CubeSats with several minutes in space before re-entry and Polytechnic University (Cal Poly) as a means to standardize
impact in the Atlantic Ocean. The SOCEM flight is pico-satellite buses, structures, and subsystems. The current
scheduled for launch on 21 January 2010. Success in this CubeSat standard allows two or three cubes to be “stacked”
effort could provide a robust ride-share technology for to construct larger 2-U and 3-U CubeSats. Cal Poly has also
future NASA sounding rocket missions. developed a standardized Launch Vehicle Interface (LVI) to
accommodate CubeSats known as the Poly-Picosatellite
TABLE OF CONTENTS Orbital Deployer (P-POD) which can launch up to 3-U’s in
several configurations (one 3-U, three 1-U’s, etc). This
1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................1 system has opened space exploration to smaller
2. CUBESATS ON NASA SOUNDING ROCKETS ....................2 organizations; in particular university student teams, that
3. CUBESAT PAYLOADS........................................................4 would not otherwise have the opportunity to build, launch,
4. GROUND OPERATIONS .....................................................5 and operate spacecraft. SOCEM intends to extend the
5. VALIDATION AND TESTING ..............................................7 capability of the CubeSat standard into sub-orbital space
6. CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................7 with the use of a Poly CubeSat Launcher (PCL) based on P-
REFERENCES ........................................................................8 POD technology [1].
BIOGRAPHY ..........................................................................8

978-1-4244-3888-4/10/$25.00 ©2010 IEEE
IEEEAC paper#1500, Version 3, Updated 2009:10:31

Wallops Sounding Rocket Program Overview 2. CUBESATS ON NASA SOUNDING ROCKETS
Established in 1945 and now operated by the Goddard SOCEM consists of five components: the Cal Poly 1U,
Space Flight Center, the NASA Wallops Flight Facility is ADAMASat, the PCL, the beanie, and the pedestal. The
located on Wallops Island, on the Atlantic coastline of PCL (Poly CubeSat Launcher) developed by Cal Poly,
Virginia. The facility’s emphasis on education, science, and interfaces to the rocket’s aluminum deck and blow-off door
low cost, fast access to space [2], coupled with a long developed by the NASA Sounding Rocket Program
history of safety and expertise, makes the sounding rocket (NSRP), via interfacing hardware (the pedestal and beanie)
service provided by Wallops a promising candidate for use developed by the University of Kentucky.
with the CubeSat standard. NASA Wallops flies a variety of
sub-orbital sounding rockets, as seen in Figure 2. SOCEM
will demonstrate the feasibility of deploying CubeSats from
the facility's 17-inch diameter payload section form factor.

Figure 1 – A NASA Wallops sounding rocket launch [3]

SOCEM is scheduled to launch on 21 January 2010 on the

maiden flight of the 17-inch diameter NASA Wallops
Terrier Improved Malemute. The two stage solid-fuel
Figure 3 – A CAD model of the SOCEM hardware
sounding rocket will release two CubeSats in space via a
blow-off door in the payload section of the Malemute. The
CubeSats and rocket will reach an apogee of over 300 km, The Cal Poly 1U and ADAMASat are the two payloads for
will impact the ocean east of Wallops, and will not be SOCEM. The Cal Poly 1U is a 1U (~10x10x10cm) CubeSat
recovered. designed by Cal Poly to test an attitude determination
system. ADAMASat is a 2U (~20x10x10cm) CubeSat
designed by Kentucky Space to test two satellite
This paper will discuss the mission concept and
components in space. The two payloads are seen in Figure
implementation, the unique technological challenges that
were overcome, details of the ground operations and the
experimental results from each satellite.

Figure 4 – Cal Poly 1U (left) and ADAMASat (right)

(with US nickels for size reference)

The PCL, shown in Figure 5, was designed by Cal Poly to

deploy the CubeSat payloads using a combination of spring
force and the acceleration due to the spinning of the rocket
body. It is similar to Cal Poly’s Mk. III P-POD which is
used for CubeSat deployment from orbital spacecraft but
Figure 2 – Various Sounding Rockets Launched at differs in that it has no door (in SOCEM the rocket body
Wallops [4] uses a blow-off door for payload deployment), incorporates
a stronger spring (to compensate for the inertia of the
rotating mass on the spring side of the spin axis), lacks SOCEM Design
access port doors, lacks a pusher plate locking pin, lacks
Sub-orbital CubeSat missions offer several benefits over
plungers, and lacks a QWKNUT 3K (as well as the
orbital CubeSat missions, most notably faster access to
associated bracketing).
space, faster mission turnaround, and lower cost. However,
along with the benefits there are also a number of
challenges which must be met in the design of the hardware.

In contrast to deployment from an orbital launch vehicle

such as the Dnepr, Taurus, or Minotaur, the SOCEM
payloads will be deployed from a sounding rocket which
has not been de-spun at the time of payload deployment. As
a result, any hardware on the side of the spin axis toward
the PCL spring will have a tendency to stay in the rocket
due to its inertia (that is, the rotating mass will have a
tendency to continue in its tangential motion at any instant,
Figure 5 – The PCL (bolted to the pedestal) thereby resulting in a perceived force towards the spring,
for the mass which is on the spring-side of the spin axis). To
The beanie, shown in Figure 6, is the component that account for the rotation, ADAMASat was designed with a
provides the interface, between the CubeSats and the dense brass end cap on its face away from the PCL spring,
sounding rocket's blow-off door. A high-temperature tape is thereby shifting its center of gravity towards the blow-off
also added to its curved surface (the surface adjacent to the door. Furthermore, the spring used in the PCL is much
rocket door) to bring it to its necessary size and provide an stronger than the springs typically used in microgravity
internal pressure among the payloads. applications, in order to produce sufficient force to deploy
the SOCEM CubeSats even under worst-case spin
conditions. The SOCEM hardware was also designed such
that its equivalent center of gravity is on the spin axis of the

The SOCEM components were designed specifically for the

forces involved during launch and the expected flight
dynamics. For example, instead of mating multiple
aluminum plates to create the ADAMASat frame, it was
instead fabricated from a single piece of square aluminum
extrusion. Also, when two antenna designs for ADAMASat
were considered, the less efficient design with the wider
antenna geometry was chosen due to its increased structural
Figure 6 - The Beanie

The pedestal provides the interface between the PCL and

the rocket's payload deck. It was designed using steel so that
the entire SOCEM system would be spin balanced by
removing material, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 8 – An AGI STK simulation of SOCEM, showing

telemetry links to Kentucky

Another challenge of sub-orbital missions is

communications. In contrast to orbital missions, there is
only one chance to secure a link. One way the Kentucky
Space team mitigated this problem was by choosing to
Figure 7 - The pedestal transmit over the North American APRS frequency. As a
result, as long as a single APRS-IS IGate on 144.390
secures the link, the data will be available via the internet.
An AGI (Analytical Graphics) STK (Satellite Tool Kit)
simulation has shown that SOCEM will be in the line of
sight of amateur radio operators as far west as St. Louis. A
screenshot from a similar simulation is shown in Figure 8.

Another consideration in the design of SOCEM was the

temperature profile of the rocket skin, including the blow-
off door to which the beanie directly interfaces. Originally
PTFE was considered for the beanie material due to its easy
machinability and low cost. However, concerns arose
regarding the maximum temperature of the blow-off door
which would have been too high for PTFE. Ceramics were
considered but due to the poor performance of most readily
available ceramics under high vibration levels and shock
conditions, metal was selected instead. Steel was a natural
choice as it is readily available, easy to machine,
structurally stable at high temperatures, and a good thermal
insulator (to protect the payloads). However, because of
steel’s high density, designing the overall assembly such
that the center of gravity would be on the spin axis of the Figure 9 - ADAMASat hardware block diagram
rocket proved difficult. As a result, aluminum was ADAMASat is battery powered and beacons its status and
considered. Following a series of increasingly detailed experiment results continuously over the downlink channel
thermal simulations, the thermal conductance of aluminum, throughout the mission duration, with no uplink
although high compared to other options, was proven to be communication. The APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting
sufficiently low to ensure that the temperature among the System) protocol at 144.390 MHz is used to take advantage
payloads would not be of concern at the time of of APRS infrastructure consisting of digipeaters and
deployment. internet gateways to maximize and facilitate the retrieval of
the transmitted data.
Doppler Effect concerns for the ground operations were
dismissed following calculations that showed the maximum The experiment board, shown in Figure 10, consists of four
velocity of the payloads relative to the ground stations spring-loaded switches held closed using mono-filament
would never be great enough to exceed the requirements of wire. Each mono-filament line is routed through the
the receivers. nichrome cutter assembly which ADAMASat aims to space
qualify. The flight processor controls the current level
through the cutters by adjusting a digital potentiometer, and
3. CUBESAT PAYLOADS initiates the experiment by enabling a solid-state switch in
series with the nichrome cutter.

The ADAMASat payload will allow Kentucky Space to

experiment with hardware and software subsystems it
intends to use in future orbital CubeSat designs. The main
objective of the ADAMASat mission is to establish heritage
for two components which are used on an upcoming orbital
satellite mission, KySat-1 [5]. The two components being
tested on ADAMASat are the antenna deployment nichrome
cutter and the power conditioning circuitry which actuates
the cutter. Both of these custom components play a critical
role in the success of KySat-1. Thus gaining information
about their performance is valuable. The nichrome cutter
system has been tested in vacuum chambers at UK, but has
yet to gain flight heritage. ADAMASat’s goal is to test this
system in the space environment and characterize the power
levels necessary to successfully cut monofilament line using
these nichrome cutters. Figure 9 lays out a block diagram of
the hardware onboard ADAMASat. Figure 10 – ADAMASat experiment board

ADAMASat is based on the Silicon Laboratories immediately, and will begin transmitting data as soon as it
C8051F020 microcontroller. Power is isolated using a has been ejected from the PCL. This will provide Cal Poly
spring-loaded switch at the foot of the satellite, giving the with data never before collected.
payload power upon ejection from the PCL. The
microcontroller is programmed to initiate the experiments
90 seconds after deployment at a sequence of increasing
current levels and monitor the status switches to detect
successful cutting of the mono-filament lines. The software
was developed with several fault tolerance techniques. A
watchdog timer is used to mitigate software hang-ups.
Experiment status is preserved across processor resets.

The packet is designed to include the experiment results and

satellite state in a single packet format that is repeatedly
transmitted to the ground to maximize the chance of
success. Receiving a single packet after experiment
initiation will provide everything Kentucky Space hopes to
learn about the cutter system. Mission time, temperature,
cutter status, and the time duration of successful cut are
reported in the transmitted packet through the 300mW
APRS downlink radio system. Figure 11 shows a sample Figure 12 – Cal Poly 1U
packet that ADAMASat will report.
Additionally, with a modification to the side panel
containing the antenna, the physical length of the antenna
has been increased to the proper length of a half-wave
dipole. The received power will be monitored, and
compared to the received power from Cal Poly’s in-orbit
satellites. The Cal Poly satellite bus, known as the CPX
Bus, will receive additional flight heritage through the
SOCEM flight, helping PolySat understand necessary
improvements and hardware optimization for future

Figure 11 – An example ADAMASat APRS packet

Finally, as shown in Figure 4, the gold-colored component
on ADAMASat is a brass endcap that was added in order to There are two ground station designs for SOCEM to support
move the center of gravity of the CubeSat towards the each of the CubeSats. To further increase mission success
rocket door. Calculations show that the modification was multiple stand-alone ground stations will be spread across
crucial in ensuring actual deployment from the spinning the Wallops facility and the launch site. Furthermore, two
rocket. larger stations in Kentucky, one at the University of
Kentucky and the other at Morehead State University, will
Cal Poly 1U be used to receive telemetry data during the SOCEM flight.
ADAMASat uses a 300mW transmitter at 144.39MHz, with
The primary purpose of Cal Poly’s 1U payload, shown in a ½ wave dipole antenna. The ground stations to
Figure 12, is attitude determination testing. New sensors accommodate this include a circularly polarized receiving
have been mounted on the side panels, and the data antenna, the Kenwood TH-D7A handheld FM, transceiver
collected will provide information on the spin rate of the with built in TNC and two laptops. Due to the absence of
satellite. This data will be compared to on-orbit data any stabilization of the satellites during flight, and the
collected from Cal Poly’s satellites, providing valuable resulting uncontrolled tumbling of the antenna, circularly
information on the most effective method of attitude polarized receiving antennae are essential to mission
determination. success. The primary laptop will be running Terminal and
the other will be running a GUI, an I-Gate, and an audio
After orbital ejection from the P-POD on the rocket, Cal recording of the packets for future analysis. The Cal Poly
Poly’s satellites are typically programmed to turn on satellite uses a low power transmitter at 437.365MHz, with
following a significant delay, allowing for physical a ½ wave dipole antenna. The corresponding ground station
separation from other payloads. Because of the sub-orbital consists of a high gain, circularly polarized antenna, the
nature of SOCEM, the satellite has been modified to turn on ICOM-910H transceiver, and a laptop running Mix-W.

ADAMASat transmits AFSK (Audio Frequency Shift Table 1. ADAMASat link budget
Keying) modulated packets encoded in the AX.25 protocol
at a rate of 1200 BAUD. The onboard link budget
parameters include: the 300mW (25dBm) transmitter, the
half-wavelength antenna (2dB), and cable loss (2dB);
yielding an EIRP of 25dBm. The free space path loss
experienced by the signal equals approximately -128dB
(assuming a conservative d = 400km).

The ground station portion of the link budget consists of the

circularly polarized antenna, cable losses, system
temperature, impedance mismatching, and polarization
mismatching. The resulting gain is approximately 4dB.

There are three sets of elements in each plane that are

separated by roughly a quarter-wavelength, each set adds
3.5dB to the system, making it +7dB. As the antenna is
circularly polarized, the antenna gain takes a 3dB hit due to
the phase mismatching necessary for circular polarity,
yielding a total gain of 4dB.

The total ground system losses (6dB) consist of the cable,

temperature, impedance mismatching, and polarization
mismatching losses all grouped together (Doppler shift and Because ADAMASat will be communicating over the North
pointing losses are negligible). The final link calculation American APRS frequency 144.390 MHz, the mission will
gives the resulting signal of -102dBm. Taking into give Kentucky Space a unique outreach opportunity to
consideration that the minimum receivable signal for an FM interface with the Amateur radio community. A Windows-
receiver ~ 10dB above the noise floor, is in this case - based Graphical User Interface for real-time parsing of the
122dBm, the margin of the link is 20dB, or a SNR (signal to ADAMASat packets is being developed by Kentucky Space
noise ratio) of ~115. students (Figure 13) and will be freely available prior to the
launch through the SOCEM website. Anyone with a radio
The ground station for ADAMASat uses a modified which is capable of receiving the packets, and a TNC with a
146/437 Arrow II Satellite Antenna. It is composed of three serial output will be able to run the application to see, in
sets of VHF elements in the horizontal plane and three sets real time, the raw packets, the status of each line cutter, a
of VHF elements in the vertical plane, with each set being graph of the CPU and thermistor temperatures, and Twitter
±0.05 of a half-wavelength. Each set of elements is tweets by the Kentucky Space team.
orthogonal and is separated by a quarter-wavelength in the
respective planes. The middle, driven elements have an in-
line gamma matching system that allows for a BNC
connector to the transmission line. Phase networks were
constructed, consisting of dual BNC connectors out of the
antenna to a single SMA connection into the radio via a
75Ω coaxial cable. The dual phase network was tuned so
that the dual input cables are 90˚ out of phase to introduce
the spin necessary for circular polarization. The receiving
transceiver for the ADAMASat mission is the Kenwood
TH-D7A, chosen because of the portability and built in
TNC. The radio sends the demodulated packets via RS-232
with a DB-9 and DB-9 to USB converter to the computers
at each station, where they will then be displayed and
logged by Terminal.
Figure 13 – ADAMASAT FREE GUI screenshot

5. VALIDATION AND TESTING the PCL. Review of the deployment will also be possible
due to the video recording capabilities of the spin
Vibration Testing deployment and separation chamber. Additionally, to ensure
personnel and payload safety, the spin deployment bay at
In further validating the ADAMASat design the satellite NASA Wallops Flight Facility is lined with Kevlar, as seen
was put through a series of acceptance vibration tests at the in Figure 15.
University of Kentucky Vibration Test Facility. These tests
followed a standard procedure of pre sine sweep, random
vibration test, and post sine sweep used to check for any
structural changes that may have occurred. A main obstacle
encountered during the design phase of the test involved the
fixture to hold the rectangular satellite. This problem arose
because the team wanted to avoid “coupling” the satellite
vibration response with that of the fixture. However, due to
time constraints a simple clamping design that used a 0.25”
thick piece of aluminum and 6 standard bolts to maintain
pressure (Figure 8) was used that would not fully avoid the
“coupling” problem but would ensure that the ADAMASat
payload had undergone the appropriate vibration levels. The
vibration testing of ADAMASat occurred on 23 September
2009 at the University of Kentucky Vibration Test Facility.
The data showed the test article survived the vibrations
structurally and subsequent functional testing proved that no
electrical components were damaged. This demonstrated
that the ADAMASat portion of the SOCEM mission could
survive the vibrations transferred to it during launch. The
satellite will undergo one more vibration test at NASA
Wallops with the fully integrated SOCEM hardware and the
Malemute stage of the rocket.

Figure 15 – Spin deployment bay

SOCEM will demonstrate the feasibility of a new platform
Figure 14 – ADAMASat on the shaker
for high-risk, fast turnaround, low cost access to space by
combining the benefits of the CubeSat standard with the
Spin Up Test
expertise and history of the NASA Wallops Sounding
Rocket Program Office. The demonstration mission, which
The payload section of the rocket will be spun up at NASA
is scheduled to fly on 21 January 2010, will deploy two
Wallops in January 2010, at which point the capability of
student-built payloads into space: the Cal Poly 1U, a
the blow-off door to withstand the force of the payloads
CubeSat built by Cal Poly, and ADAMASat, a 2U CubeSat
against it will be verified. [6] Assuming nominal
built by Kentucky Space. Both non-recoverable payloads
performance of the blow-off door, the brass bolt keeping the
will conduct experiments and report data to ground stations
door shut will then be cut by a guillotine pyrotechnic and
in real time via radio links. Roughly 30 students are
the ability of the payloads to deploy with rocket rotation
involved in this mission which will inexpensively mature
will be verified. The test will also give the Kentucky Space
technologies for CubeSats. It is hoped that the new platform
team the opportunity to observe the dynamics of the
will prove to be a viable alternative for future missions.
deployment of ADAMASat's antennas after departure from

REFERENCES management for the UK Space Systems Laboratory, GUI
development for the ADAMASat mission, hardware design
[1] H. Heidt, J. Puig-Suari, A.S. Moore, S. Nakasuka, R.J. for SOCEM, and scheduling/management of SOCEM.
Heidt, “CubeSat: A new Generation of Picosatellite for
Education and Industry Low-Cost Space
Experimentation,” 14th Annual USU Conference on
Small Satellites, August 2000. Daniel Erb is a student at the University
of Kentucky and is currently working
[2] NASA Wallops Web site About page towards a MS in Electrical Engineering. Daniel is currently the program manager
for Kentucky Space. His research
[3] NASA Wallops Web site Multimedia page interests include small spacecraft power systems, embedded systems, and control
[4] Surface Combat Systems Center page

[5] G. D. Chandler, D. T. McClure, S. F. Hishmeh, J. E. Jason Bratcher is a graduate research

Lumpp, Jr., J. B. Carter, B. K. Malphrus, D. M. Erb, W. assistant pursuing a MS in Electrical
C. Hutchison, III, G. R. Strickler, J. W. Cutler, R. J. Engineering at the University of
Twiggs, “Development of an Off-the-Shelf Bus for Small Kentucky. He joined the IDEA lab in
Satellites,” IEEEAC paper #1365, IEEE Aerospace Spring of 2008 and has since led the
Conference, Big Sky, Montana. March 2007. hardware design and build on several
lab projects. His research interests
[6] NSROC Environmental Testing Policy Manual, include embedded systems hardware and
ME40280, Rev C, Released 9 February 2007. software.

Samir Rawashdeh is a graduate student

BIOGRAPHY pursuing a PhD degree Electrical
Engineering. He joined the Space
James Lumpp is an Associate Professor Systems Lab in 2007, and took part in
in the Department of Electrical and several missions and research
Computer Engineering at the University projects since then with Kentucky
of Kentucky. He is the director of the Space. His research efforts have been in
Space Systems Laboratory at the Embedded Systems Design and Signal
University of Kentucky and the Processing, and is now focused on Satellite Attitude
Engineering lead for Kentucky Space. He Dynamics and Estimation Filters.
is a Member of IEEE, ACM, and AIAA
and the Center for Advanced Networking and the Advanced
Science and Technology Commercialization Center at the Twyman Clements is a graduate student
UK. He has worked as a visiting scientist or intern at in Mechanical Engineering. He joined
Rockwell International, Northrop, Oak Ridge National Kentucky Space in May 2008. Since then
Laboratory and AT&T Bell Labs. His research interests he has worked on Balloon-1, KySat-1,
include embedded systems and safety critical systems for the Garvey and Terrier Improved
aerospace applications. Malemute test flights, and the design and
manufacturing of the CubeLab system.
Twyman's research interests include
vibration/acoustic modeling and testing.
Anthony Karam is a senior in the
Mechanical Engineering Department at
the University of Kentucky. Since he Nathan Fite is a senior at Morehead
joined Kentucky Space in the summer of State University pursuing a B.S. in Space
2008, he has worked on CAD modeling Science. His primary research has been
of several payloads (Balloon-1, GSC P- in RF R&D. Nathan joined the Kentucky
12A IMU, SOCEM), passive Space design team the summer of 2009.
aerostabilization research, server

Jeffrey Kruth currently serves as RF and Jordi Puig-Suari is a Professor of the
Microwave Engineer at the Space Aerospace Engineering Department at
Science Center at Morehead State Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. He also
University. He has worked in research, serves as the director and advisor for the
primarily in the defense industry, for CubeSat and PolySat Programs at Cal
over 30 years. He has served as senior Poly.
engineer at Westinghouse Electric
Corporation, Aerospace Division, Electronic Warfare
Engineering, and owned and managed a private microwave
research company, K-MEC.

Jason Reese is a mechanical Engineer with

Northrop Grumman NSROC. He helped by
Benjamin Malphrus is Professor of incorporating the design of the SOCEM
Space Science at Morehead State hardware into the rocket payload.
University where he also directs the
Morehead State University Space
Science Center. He served as project
director of the design and construction of
the 13 M Morehead Radio Telescope and
the 21 M Space Tracking Antenna
operated by the Center. He has significant experience in
satellite ground operations and radio astronomy observing Charles Brodell is a Technical Manager at
techniques and has participated in the design of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
nanosatellite systems. Wallops Flight Facility (WFF). He serves
as the Vehicle Manager for the Sounding
Rocket Program where he is responsible
for rocket motor assets, performance,
Ivan Bland is an Electrical Engineering vehicle configurations, and vehicle systems.
student finishing his Master's degree at
Cal Poly. He oversaw the payload
development for PolySat and helped
coordinate the ground station for Cal
Poly's payload. Scott Schaire is a Technical Manager at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,
Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) where he
manages multi-disciplined engineering
Riki Munakata is a student at Cal Poly projects, develops feasibility concepts for
currently finishing a B.S. in Aerospace future missions, and supports new business
Engineering. He is the technical lead development. One such project is managing
and Student coordinator of the CubeSat support for the National Science Foundation Cubesat
program at Cal Poly. His research Program. He is also is currently the point of contact for
interests include mechanical design, WFF technical collaboration with the Operational
integration, and testing. Responsive Space Office.

Roland Coelho is a research associate at

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and is
completing a MS in Aerospace
Engineering. His research interests
include integration, test, and launch of
small satellites.

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