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Write an essay on the philosophical perspective of the self. Consider the following questions in writing
your essay.

1. Explain how each philosophy of the self impacts your self-understanding?

2. Which philosophy relates to your own belief?

3. What is your own philosophy of self?

4. What is the importance of having a philosophy of the self?

5. Describe who you are, the meaning of your life, the purpose of your existence, and how to
achieve a happy and successful life.

6. What are your characteristics that can contribute to your happiness and success?



Self-understanding starts within myself. As read the topic of philosophical perspective of the
self, I ask, “what is self?” and as I said self I mean myself. According to the lesson, the self is the sense of
who you are, as human we’re curious and we have this desire for truth by asking some philosophical
questions to provide answer to our very own existence. Philosophers, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, St.
Augustine, Rene Descartes, John Locke, David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Sigmund Freud, Gilbert Ryle, Paul
Churchland, and Maurie Merleau- Ponty give their own definition, belief, essence, and principle of
philosophical persperctive of the self. Each of the philosophy of the self impacts me to understand my
self, and which I believe that I exist because Im conscious, I have an identity, I’m curious, Im doubting, I
think, I act, and therefore I am.

Though I learned a lot from philosophy of the self, sometimes I can’t understand my self
because if I truly and fully understood my emotions I would be in total self control. I be like, “this is not
the right thing to do”, then I would do it anyway even though I know the outcome of my action, I still
would do it, like, “what’s wrong with me?”. I guess the saying, “It’s ok not to be ok” is accurate and it
would eventually happen to our life, where we feel we’re not ok and it’s ok because it’s part of life. We
only have ourselves and it’s our responsibility to heal, to overcome our struggles and pain, and after that
we had learned to uderstand ourselves and we closely find the true wisdom of the self.

Since Im a catholic, the philosophy of St. Augustine relates to my own belief.

Simply, he integrates the idea of Plato and the teachings of Christianity. I believe in God,
so does St. Augustin, once, I ask myself, “if there is God? Do I believe in God? Why?”
then it hit me, I observe that the world or the universe, rather is so systematic, we
expect the sun to rise at morning and set at evening, the moon doesn’t have a light on
it’s self, it only reflect the sun’s light, humans are so unique that no else in this world has
the exact same fingerprints, and still some people don’t believe in God, I mean ,“who
created the universe then? Why its systematic? Why humans are unique? Why there is
life?” someone must had created the world.
According to St. Augustine in his philosophy, humankind is created in the image
of God and the self is known only through knowing God, means that when I believe in
myself in an honoring way, I’m honoring what God has created, and therefore, God
himself. The more I believe in myself, the more seperated I am spiritually from God. The
principle, “I am doubting, therefore I am” which I also believe doubting is an ethical
guide, it is necessary to nurture our capacity to doubt and, ultimately, to increase our
doubts about the world. Only by doing so we can claim the existence of our selves and
distinguish ourselves from empty shells that travel though reality un altered.

My own philosophy of self is the self is the vessel of the soul. The implication is that the body is
just a container for what is truly important in our superficial modern society, we have certainly lost sight
of this. The thing that bugs me most is not that people are obsessed with their apperances, external
beauty is something everyone is no doubt attracted to, and this attraction is probably hardwired into us
biologically. What bugs me most is that people’s whole identify is too often controlled by their external
appearance. The sense of self worth should not depend on what you like. To truly feel a sense of
belonging in this world, a person must first be at peace with the self, this includes being comfortable in
your own body. External beauty is only skin deep and doesn’t last, innerr beauty radiates as brilliantly as
the sun and shines throughout your lifetime. It may even last forever, just look at the person whom the
title of this pice is most associated with.

The importance of having a philosophy of the self is it help us understand ourself, make better
decisions by developing our critical thinking, and provide us with knowledge of logic.

Who am I? I’m Donita Dalumpines, 19 yrs old, I live at Aguadulce street, and my hobbies are
playing football, gardening, playing video games, and binge watching. The meaning of my life, well, I’m
not sure what my life means, but I just want to say that I’m thankful to my parents because they
brought me here and took care of me. One day I’m gonna leave this world behind, and so I want to live a
life that I will remember. The purpose of my existence is to live, from the moment I was born my
purpose is to live and as I grow old my purpose became biggger which is to advocate and care for
individuals, the reason I want to be a nurse. For now, I achieved happiness, but a succesful life is the life
I haven’t achieve yet. However, As we become happier, we become more successful. I believe that being
happy leads us to successful life because successful life for me doesn’t mean having great possessions.
Successful life for me is me being happy and living my life to the fullest. It’s easy to achieve happiness,
just follow what you truly desire and nail it.

The characteristics that contribute my happinness and success is maybe because I have a great
humor and I’m resourceful. Here are my other following characteristics that contribute my happiness
and success:

 Patience
 Passion
 Optimism
 Willpower
 Gratitude

Write an essay on the theories and concepts of Mead, Cooley, Baudriillard and Lanuza. Consider the
following questions in writing your essay.

1. What are the three things you have discovered about your social self?

2. How are you going to apply your insights in understanding your social self?


The three things I have discovered about my social self through learning the theories and concepts
Cooley, Mead, Baudrillard, and Lanuza of their own sociological perspective. I discover that I have
different social self, like wearing a mask. When I’m with my parents, my attitude or the way I act is
different than when I’m with my friends, my attitude when I’m with my parents are silent and lowkey
but with I’m with my friends, I’m being loud and opened with them. However, when I’m alone or with
my self, it’s like I’m taking my mask off, where I’m at my vulnerable moment, which I can be true with
myself and reflect my actions and decisions. It shows who truly I’am without pretending.

I’m going to apply my insights in understanding my social self by understanding myself better to
understand the toughts and feelings of other people. Learning how to better put myself in other
people's shoes is a useful social skill in everyday life that could also be important in promoting more
cross-cultural understanding in society. Through socializing, I learned a lot especially in developing my
personsality and building relationship with others. I believe in the saying “no man is an island”, every
human being needs other human being to survive and get through obstacles and challenges in life.We
could hardly live as happy as we are if we have no other people to support us in our lives.We all need
family,friends,teachers or mentors to guide,love and cheer us up during the ups and downs in life.No
one could live all by himself or herself as life is not a bed of roses.In another words,no one could live as
lonely as an island. I entirely agree with the proverb which stated that 'No Man Is An Island' by John

The self is continually influenced by cultural variation that depends on our inherited biological
characteristics and cultural environments. Every human being is born with a specific set of genetic
potentials and limitations which influence his or her own construction of self, but the self is also a
result of the complex interplay of biological and cultural environments. Using the biocultural
framework, list down your inherited potentials as well as your cultural environment such as your
personal experiences, beliefs, norms and values. Analyze your lists, then describe your “biocultural
self.” Use the graphic organizer on the next page.


 Squinty eyes
 Black hair
 Brown eyes
 Brown skin


1. One way to learn about the self is by using a self-assessment measures. Understand more
about yourself and gain insights about your strengths by taking the survey of character

2. The Story of My Life

You can deepen your self-understanding by writing your life story. Essentially, the stories we
tell are windows into our inner self. Write your life story. Begin your story by writing the basic
information about yourself such as your name, nickname, age, birthplace, favorite subjects, course,
year level, interests, hobbies, goals in life; and the aspirations and lessons you learned in your life.
Then in the subsequent paragraphs, tell something about your parents, the lessons that your parents
taught you, the things that you are grateful for about them, and the things that you are happy with
and grateful for in your life.

3. My Ideal Self

Describe what you will be or what you want to be in the next ten years, including your goals
and ambitions, the places you want to go to, and the things you want to have, among others. Include
views and ideas about who and what you aspire in the future. Start your statements with prompts
such as “ten years from now, I envision myself as.......”


I’m Donita Dalumpines but you can call me Don, I’m 19 years old, I was born at Maternity Hospital, my
favorite subjects are math, literature, and History. I’m currently taking a BSN course, first year college at
Western Leyte College. I’m interested in astronomy in exploring natural phenomena and physical bodies
occuring in outer space or intergalactic space. My hobbies are playing football, reading books, and binge
watching. I want to be an astronaut or a lawyer, but it seems impossible to happen since I’m taking BSN.
So, my goals for now is to graduate, pass the board exam, have a job, save money, and to return the
favor my parents have done to me. I aspired to be happy and never fail to try more.

Bong and Badet are co-worker and eventually they develop feelings with each other and end up having
relationship and that’s when they had me and my siblings. My father came from province of Antique
while my mama lived here in Ormoc. When they had a child they decided to live here in Ormc
permanently. My parents, they don’t have a college degree because of financial problem or being poor.
Despite of experiencing difficulty in life, they strive harder and to support us and provide us from our
basin needs. The reason I have to do well in my study, to pay back the sacrifices of my parents. My
parents taught me to work harder and to be successful in life. I’m very grateful to my parents for taking
care of me, for providing my needs, for having me. I’m happy because I’m doing allright and I’m with my
love ones. I’m grateful to the Lord above that give strength and chance to live as I woke up.


Ten years from now, I envision myself working at a hospital. I had graduated bachelor of sciencein
nursing and
as a happy and most probably, simple individual who has finished most of the plans he has made and set
as his life was slowly expended on each day that passed by. These plans would not only involve the actual
completion of a series of courses I would really love to graduate from, namely, my current course,
Medical Technology. And of course to become also a Registered one. At that age, I am already a full
pledge RMT. Working on a very nice hospital which pays relatively huge sums of money for some
meager job I have to accomplish.
I will also save my money. I will also travel to Paris with my family. I will let my parents feel and enjoy
life through buying them plane tickets and go around the world. I will also help my relatives who ask
helps from me. I will work hard so that I can buy anything I want. And experience the things I wanted to
do when I was still a child. I will also help and support my younger brother in his studies. I wanted also to
continue what I've started. What I'm trying to say is I will go and study at Medicine School. Because my
parent want me to become a Doctor.
I really wanted also to become one because, as what I mention earlier I want to earned huge sums of
money. I want also to help people who doesn't afford to go to hospital. I want also to make my parents
proud. At the age of 28 or 29, this is already the right time to experience going out with someone else. I
mean it's boyfriend time. Hahaha! It's time to experience how to be love and how to love by special
someone. So, I will do all my best to pursue all my dreams. I will follow and listen to my parents. I will
also ask the help and guidance of the Lord.

Activity A. Sentence completion. Fill in each blank with the first answer that comes to your mind.

1. I am ______________________.

2. I am ______________________.

3. I am ______________________.

4. I am ______________________.

5. I am ______________________.

6. I am ______________________.

7. I am ______________________.

8. I am ______________________.

9. I am ______________________.

10. I am ______________________.

11. I am ______________________.

12. I am ______________________.

13. I am ______________________.

14. I am ______________________.

15. I am ______________________.
Activity B. In the following chart, categorize your responses in the Activity A (sentence completion).

Individual self: Unique personal traits, skills, Collective self: Beliefs, values, and
abilities, and hobbies characteristics which are socially shared within
a group
B. Cite your Western, Eastern, and Filipino Characteristics

My Western Characteristics My Eastern Characteristics My Filipino Characteristics


Physical Very Satisfied Satisified Moderately Dissatisified Very Dissatisfied

Characteristics Satisified
5 4 2 1

1. Hair color

2. Hair texture

3. Eye color

4. Eye shape

5. Eyelashes

6. Eyebrow

7. Nose shape

The following questionnaire designed to describe how satisfied you are with your physical
characteristics. Rate each item from 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisified)
8. Cheekbones

9. Cheeks

10. Facial

11. Skin color

12. Skin texture

13. Posture

14. Height

15. Body weight

16. Body size

17. Physical vigor

18. Clothing

19. Grooming

20. Hygiene
Make a list of the things that make you beautiful as a person. You may start your statements with
prompts such as “I have pretty…”; “My greatest asset is….”; “I am good at….”; etc.

Inside Self Outside Self


1. Activity A: Answer the Love Attitude Scale Test. Think of the person you love most
passionately right now and answer the items in the Love Attitude Scale Test. If you are not in
love right now, think of the last person you loved passionately. Write a short reflection paper
about the results of the survey.

PDF file of the Love Attitude Scale Test will be posted in your classroom and gc.

1. Begin improving your relationships and discover your love language by answering the at – TEENS for those who are not married. For COUPLE for
those who are married…Write a short reflection paper about the result of the survey. Please
attach the resulr of the survey.

1. Write your most treasured material possessions and explain the reasons why you consider
them to be so:

a. Body part

b. Clothes

c. People

d. Other material possessions

2. Choose one material thing that you possess and has personal significance or meaning to you. Why
do you find that particular object personally relevant or meaning ful. Discuss your answer.

Activity A. Answer the following questions.

1. Distinguish the difference between belief in spirits and belief in Holy Spirit.

2. What is the relationship between religion and spirituality

3. Give at least two kinds of spiritual beliefs (animism) in the Philippines. What are the reasons
for having those spiritual beliefs.

4. What are the functions of religion in developing the spiritual self?

Activity B.

1. Answer the test on “How Spiritual Are You?” What are your insights on the outcomes of the

2. What do you hold sacred in your life? How do you experience and express spirituality in your

The lives of national heroes are greats sources of inspiration. Choose one Filipino hero.
Identify his or her courageous and heroic acts which make him or her worthy of respect and
emulation. Identify your characteristics which are similar to the hero you have chosen and the things
that you can do for the country.

A. Answer the Internet Addiction Test by Dr. Kimberly Young. Total your answers from numbers
1 to 20.

B. What are your insights on the outcomes of the test?


1. As adolescents enhance their self-understanding, they become more aware of their own
strengths, weaknesses, emotions, and feelings and how these may affect their learning and
behavior. Your journey toward self – understanding may begin with your answers to the

a. My Goals

Short term goals Long term goals

b. My strengths and weaknesses

Strengths Weaknesses

c. Special abilities and skills I have that can help me achieve my goals
d. Barriers to achieving my academic goals and how to overcome them.

Barriers How to Overcome

e. Areas that I am unhappy / disappointed with in my school performance and ways to improve in
these areas

Things that I am unhappy / Disappointed with Ways to Improve

f. The things I have achieved

g. The things that make me happy

2. Answer the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory.

3. Color a mandalas and discover the intellectual and reflective process of coloring. Use a colored
pencil or a crayon. Write a short reflection paper about your experience.

A. The following activity is designed to help you set your goals and plan your strategies to achieve
them. The first step in setting your goals is to reflect and think about your future and the things you
want to achieve.

Short – term goals

Write your to do list for a week

Day To do list







Long – term goals:

a. Specific: What exactly do you want to achieve?

b. Measurable: How would you know if you have achieved your goal

c. Attainable: What resources can you use to achieve your goal? What needs to be done to
achieve your goal?

d. Relevant: Why is the goal important to your life?

e. Time bound: When will you achieve your goal?

B. What are the possible challenges that may hinder you fromachieving your goal? What will you doto
successfully achieve your goal?

Develop your own self-care plan. A self care plan can help you manage your stress, enhance
your health and well-being, and improve your academic performance. In your self-care plan, include
the things you need to do and need to avoid. Specifically, make your self-care plan in the following six


Physical Cognitive

Emotional Social

Moral Spiritual

Write an essay on the important things you discovered about yourself and learned from the

Write a short evaluation of the subject and the instructor.

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