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CSIRO PUBLISHING International Journal of Wildland Fire 2010, 19, 737–745

Prescribed burning of thinning slash in regrowth stands

of jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) following
bauxite mining in south-west Australia

Andrew H. GriggA,B, Melanie A. NormanA and Carl D. Grant A

Environmental Department, Alcoa World Alumina Australia, Pinjarra, WA 6208, Australia.
Corresponding author. Email:

Abstract. Prescribed burning of regrowth jarrah stands established after bauxite mining is key to their integration into
standard jarrah forest management, but fire management in thinned regrowth stands has not been studied. Fuel loads in
10- to 13-year-old thinned regrowth increased exponentially with thinning intensity, doubling from 18 t ha1 in untreated
stands (1500–2500 stems ha1) to 37.4 t ha1 in the heaviest treatment (400 stems ha1 retained); however, litter and
standing dead vegetation were concentrated within 60 cm of the ground. Intensities of subsequent autumn prescribe-burns
increased with increasing fuel loads, but all burns were typically of low to moderate intensity o1800 kW m1. Three
months post-burn, total fuel loads averaged 5 t ha1, recovering after 4.5 years to 75% of pre-burn levels across all thinning
treatments owing mostly to dense understorey regeneration. Where no burning occurred after thinning, total fuel loads
declined to be comparable to the unthinned control after 4.5 years, averaging 20 t ha1. Prescribed burns in autumn
following thinning are not recommended because a dense well-aerated and elevated fuel layer is reinstated, posing a future
fire risk. Burning 1–2 years before thinning may be an appropriate alternative strategy.

Additional keywords: fire management, fuel loads, litter, prescribed fire, understorey, vegetation structure.

Introduction a range of forest uses. Since 1988, forest stands dominated by the
Fire is a natural feature of the jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) native overstorey species of jarrah and marri (Corymbia calo-
forests of south-western Australia, and prescribed fires have phylla) with a diverse mix of understorey species have been
been routinely applied by management agencies since the early established (Koch 2007). Completion criteria have been devel-
1950s to reduce fuel loads and reduce the risk and intensity of oped between Alcoa and relevant stakeholders to define when
wildfires (Abbott and Loneragan 1986). Prescribed burns are rehabilitation is successful and lease relinquishment require-
undertaken in a mosaic pattern at rotations of 5–12 years ments are met (DOIR 2007). Five broad principles were agreed
depending on the rate of fuel recovery, silvicultural objectives on for rehabilitated areas, these being that they meet land-use
and other considerations (Burrows 1985; McCaw and Burrows objectives, be integrated into the natural landscape, exhibit
1989). The majority of burns are undertaken in the spring sustained growth and development, have vegetation as resilient
months around October, but burns are also carried out in autumn as the jarrah forest, and be capable of integration into forest
(April) although these tend to be hotter owing to lower fuel management practices (Elliott et al. 1996). Integration of
moisture and lower soil moisture contents at the end of the regrowth stands into current broadscale fire management is a
summer drought (Burrows 1987). Fuel loads are an important specific requirement, and several studies have now investigated
factor controlling the intensity of fires, and patterns of fuel the reintroduction of fire and its management implications
accumulation in the forest are well understood (Bell et al. 1989). (Grant et al. 1997, 2007; Grant 2003; Morley et al. 2004; Smith
However, burning of logs and larger debris can cause extensive et al. 2004). Smith et al. (2004) recommended that jarrah-
damage to nearby retained trees (Burrows 1987; McCaw et al. dominant regrowth should be protected from burning until these
1997), and there can be complex interactions between fuel loads, areas are at least 8 years of age, allowing adequate time for the
silvicultural activities and fire management (Stoneman et al. development of the topsoil seed bank for understorey succession
1989). Indeed, current fire prescriptions were partially born out and permitting trees to develop sufficient bark thickness to
of historical uncontrolled and widespread logging, which led to withstand fire damage. Regrowth forests up to 15 years of age
increased fuel loads on the forest floor and negative impacts on typically support a dense mid-storey shrub layer, a feature
young jarrah regrowth from later fires (Stoneman et al. 1989). generally absent in the adjacent unmined forest. The resultant
Alcoa World Alumina Australia (Alcoa) has mined bauxite fuel structure is central to differences in fire behaviour between
in the jarrah forest since 1963 and currently mines and rehabi- regrowth and unmined forest (Smith et al. 2004). Furthermore,
litates ,600 ha annually. The present aim of rehabilitation is to Grant (2003) found that autumn burning in regrowth forest
re-establish a self-sustaining jarrah forest ecosystem supporting stimulated the re-establishment of dense stands of Acacia and

Ó IAWF 2010 10.1071/WF08201 1049-8001/10/060737

738 Int. J. Wildland Fire A. H. Grigg et al.

other legumes, thereby potentially ‘recycling’ the fire hazard. and autumn burn plots at each site were arranged in contiguous
Therefore, fire management employed in unmined jarrah forest blocks ,4 ha in size, separated from each other by mineral soil
may not always be appropriate for regrowth forest stands. access tracks. Within each burn treatment, thinning treatments
Completion criteria currently stipulate a maximum density (1500–2500 stems ha1 (unthinned), 1111 stems ha1 retained
of eucalypts of 2500 stems ha1 (see Grant and Koch 2007) in (lightly thinned), 625 stems ha1 retained (moderately thinned)
order to promote desirable successional processes (Grant 2006; and 400 stems ha1 retained (heavily thinned)) were applied to
Norman et al. 2006). However, ,4000 ha of heavily stocked areas with approximate dimensions 130  80 m. Thinning from
stands with tree densities of up to 8000 stems ha1 exist in below took place in January 2002, with felling of smaller trees or
regrowth stands that pre-date this requirement (Grant et al. those with multiple stems or poor crown development. Minimal
2007). Thinning is recommended as a management manipula- effort was made to move felled logs away from the bases of
tion to return these densely stocked stands to a preferred retained trees. The heaviest thinning treatment complied with
successional state (Grant 2006), while at the same time addres- the minimum stocking required under the agreed completion
sing wood production and water yield objectives (Grigg and criteria (DOIR 2007) of 300 trees with future sawlog potential
Grant 2009). There presently exists no commercial use for trees per hectare plus 100 marri trees with resistance to Phytophthora
from the first thinning cycle, meaning felled logs and other cinnamomi, a soil-borne pathogen (Dell and Malajczuk 1989).
thinning slash remain on the forest floor. Fuel loads and fuel Cut stumps were treated immediately after felling with gly-
structure are altered as a consequence, with implications for phosate (360 g L1, 10 parts water to 1 part glyphosate), and
subsequent fire management and restoration objectives (e.g. coppice regrowth was foliar sprayed in April 2003. Fertiliser
Roccaforte et al. 2008). However, no studies have been con- treatments (none) and 500 kg ha1 di-ammonium phosphate
ducted to determine the changes in fuel loads or structure in (DAP) with added KCl, Cu, Zn, Mn and Mo (DAP þ
response to thinning, the behaviour of fire after thinning, or the micronutrients) were applied within each thinned area by hand
patterns of fuel load recovery following thinning and fire. broadcasting in August 2002 (autumn burn treatments) or
A trial was established to investigate thinning and prescribed August 2003 (no-burn treatments). Each individual treatment
burning as potential management tools to enhance the develop- replicate covered an area of 0.25 ha (50  50 m) with 10- to 20-m
ment of jarrah-dominant regrowth stands and their integration buffers.
into the management of the surrounding unmined forest. Here,
we report the changes over a 4.5-year period of fuel loads
Vegetation structure and fuel loads
and vegetation structure in response to thinning and burning in
10- to 13-year-old regrowth stands. The specific objectives of Permanent plots of 20  20 m were established in the centre of
the current study were to (i) determine the effect of thinning each 50  50-m treatment area (total 64 plots). Vegetation
intensity on fuel loads and fire behaviour compared with structure and fuel loads were assessed in November–December
unthinned stands; (ii) determine the recovery of fuel loads and 2001 before treatment, shortly after thinning in January 2002,
fuel structure following thinning, or thinning and burning; and two winters after treatment in August 2003 (1.5 years after
(iii) provide recommendations for fire management in regrowth thinning) and again in November 2006 (ca. 4.5 years after
jarrah forest where thinning has occurred or is being considered. thinning). For plots subject to autumn burning, additional
assessments of fuel loads were made 1 week and 3 months post-
Methods burn. All trees within the permanent plots were identified to
species, and measurements of diameter, bark depth and tree
Study sites
height taken. Standing trees were not regarded as contributing
The trial was located within the northern jarrah forest near Perth, significantly to fuel loads and only tree stocking results are
Western Australia. The jarrah forests are largely restricted to used here. Conversely, understorey vegetation forms a major
highly weathered lateritic soils of the Darling Plateau on terrain fuel component and the vertical structuring of this layer (here
of low to moderate relief. The climate of the study area is defined to include saplings of the canopy species up to 2.5 m in
typically Mediterranean with cool wet winters and hot dry height) was characterised using a modified levy pole method
summers. Long-term annual rainfall averages ,1200 mm. The (Smith et al. 2004). Levy pole measurements were recorded at
trial was established within areas of the jarrah forest that had 28 positions located at 2-m intervals across the diagonals of the
been mined for bauxite and rehabilitated at the Jarrahdale and permanent plots. Dead and live contacts on the rod were counted
Huntly mines, 45 and 80 km respectively south-east of Perth. All at 0.3-m interval classes to a maximum height of 3.9 m. At the
sites chosen for the trial were established between 1988 and same 28 levy pole positions, litter depth was measured using a
1991 using standard procedures of the time (see Grant and Koch gauge developed by Sneeuwjagt (1973). Lateral cover of
2007), resulting in regrowth stands of similar composition and understorey was assessed in five 4  4-m subplots located at the
structure. corners and centre of the main permanent plot. Cover of each
species present was recorded separately, such that it could be
Experimental design possible for the summed cover of all species to exceed 100%
The experiment was established as a factorial combination of owing to overlap. Available fuel loads were estimated by col-
burning (two levels), thinning (four levels) and fertiliser appli- lecting all plant material up to 2 m in height from a 1  1-m
cation (two levels), with each full combination of treatments quadrat randomly located in each permanent plot. Litter,
replicated in blocks in four separate regrowth stands, giving a standing dead plant material o25 mm diameter (Collins 1996)
total of 64 measurement plots. For logistical purposes, no-burn and live plant material (o4 mm diameter) were collected
Prescribed burning in thinned eucalypt regrowth Int. J. Wildland Fire 739

separately. Fresh weights for each sample were converted to Unthinned
oven-dry weights by drying either the complete sample, or a Light
representative subsample for larger samples, at 708C for 48 h. 40 Moderate
All fuel load estimates are reported as means of the four replicate Heavy

Total fuel load (t ha1)

treatment plots. Crown cover was measured using a spherical y  44 e0.0006x

densiometer, calculated as the average of five readings taken 30 R 2  0.75

from positions at the centre and four corners of each permanent
plot. Readings were taken at the same times as for vegetation 20
structure and fuel loads, with an additional assessment of burnt
plots only in November 2002, 6 months post-burn.
Burning procedure, fire behaviour and soil temperature
Burning at all sites occurred on a single day in late May 2002 0
under mild temperatures (max. 238C), moderate relative 0 500 1000 1500 2000
humidity (27–38%) and light winds (5–17 km h1). Surface Residual stocking (stems ha1)
(0–10 cm) soil samples collected before the burn to determine
moisture content, which can influence fire behaviour in the litter Fig. 1. Total fuel load in relation to residual stocking immediately
layer (Sneeuwjagt and Peet 1985; Grant et al. 1998), averaged following thinning under four thinning treatments. Mean and standard error
,10% moisture across thinning treatments at both mines. (bars) of four replicates in autumn burnt and no-burn treatment blocks before
burning are shown.
Burning commenced between 1230 and 1630 hours by using
drip torches to ignite a main fire front on the corner or boundary
line closest to the direction of wind, followed by lines of fire
around the perimeter of each burn block to back-burn toward Live
the flame front. Back-burns along the other boundaries, being Standing dead
mostly on the downwind outer margins of the burn areas, were 40 Litter
generally less intense and did not lead to unnaturally intensified

fire behaviour towards the centre of the burn areas.

The rate of spread of the main fire fronts, wind speed (fire-
Fuel load (t

induced) and flame height through each treatment were visually

estimated by field observers and recorded. Fire intensity was 20
calculated using Eqn 1 (Burrows 1994):

I ¼ ðW  rÞ  ROS  0:516 ð1Þ 10

where I is fire intensity (kW m1), W is the total fuel o25 mm in 0

diameter (t ha1), r is the post-fire fuel residue (t ha1), and ROS Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy
is the rate of spread (m h1) of the main fire front. W was Thinning treatment
measured in January 2002 after thinning, and r corresponded to
the measurement 1 week post-burn, as described above. Fig. 2. Fuel composition (litter, standing dead material and live under-
Surface soil temperatures resulting from the fire were mea- storey vegetation) across the four thinning treatments, immediately after
sured using thermocolour pyrometers. These were constructed thinning but before burning. Bars are means  s.e.
of 15  15-cm pieces of fibre cement sheeting each marked on
one side with a series of parallel lines drawn with heat-sensitive
(1–4 min) periods in small sections where typically a dense
crayons. Crayons with eight different melting temperatures were
midstorey carried fire into the canopy, or where fire fronts
used for each pyrometer, in the range 65–6008C. Three pyro-
coalesced. In these cases, complete canopy consumption
meters were buried in each thinning treatment of the autumn
occurred. Average burn intensities ranged from 120–700
burn areas (four thinning  four replicates ¼ 16 plots), and
(unthinned), 170–1000 (lightly thinned), 250–1450 (moderately
retrieved following the fire. The pyrometers were placed in the
thinned) to 300–1800 (heavily thinned) kW m1, characterising
soil such that the lines of crayon were vertical, with the upper
all fires as low to moderate intensity according to Cheney (1981).
edge level with the ground surface. Heat of a given temperature
However, sections with crown consumption experienced higher
penetrating to a certain depth is recorded as melting of the crayon
intensities of up to 6000 kW m1 (ROS ,420 m h1). Generally,
line of the appropriate set melting temperature to that depth.
the surface 1 cm of soil was heated to a temperature of less than
758C by the fires. Greater heating to more than 1008C was
recorded in some pyrometers, but these were limited to the upper
Fire behaviour and fuel loads 0.5 cm and were unrelated to thinning treatment.
The pattern of ignition and generally dense vegetation made Total fuel loads before thinning averaged 18 t ha1, and
accurate recording of ROS and flame height difficult. Maximum increased exponentially with thinning intensity (Fig. 1). Fuel
flame height was in the order 4–6 m but up to 15 m for brief loads averaged 21 and 31.7 t ha1 in lightly and moderately
740 Int. J. Wildland Fire A. H. Grigg et al.

thinned treatments respectively, and 37.4 t ha1 in heavily fuel component increased from 7 to 16 t ha1 in the more
thinned plots, which was double the level in unthinned stands. intensive thinning treatments. Live plant material contributed
Litter dominated the fuel composition (52–59%) of post-thinned very little to available fuel loads regardless of thinning, aver-
sites, ranging from 11 to 21 t ha1 (Fig. 2). The standing dead aging 2 t ha1.
Burning reduced total fuel loads to an average of 7 t ha1
20 1 week post-burn (Fig. 3), with no significant differences
between thinning treatments. Fuel loads decreased further
during the first winter, averaging 5 t ha1 3 months post-burn,
before rising again. Recovery was most rapid in unthinned plots
15 where total fuel loads were significantly higher than in heavily
Total fuel load (t ha1)

thinned plots after 1.5 years. However, 4.5 years after thinning
and burning, fuel loads were similar across all thinning treat-
ments, averaging 15 t ha1 (Fig. 3) or ,75% of pre-burn levels.
Comparison of fuel composition in autumn-burnt and no-
burn plots 1.5 years after treatment (Fig. 4a, b) showed that
Unthinned burning effectively removed the litter and standing dead fuel
5 Light components. Removal was generally higher as thinning inten-
Moderate sity increased. The increasing fuel load observed after the first
winter (Fig. 3) was due mainly to increases in live vegetation
and, to a lesser extent, standing dead fuels (Fig. 4c). Understorey
0 regrowth in autumn burnt plots was strongly correlated with
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time since burn (years)
thinning intensity, with an understorey dominated by Mirbelia
dilitata, Senecio spp. and Trymalium ledifolium increasing
Fig. 3. Change in total fuel loads with time since burn for four thinning linearly with decreasing stocking (Fig. 5). Changes in mean
treatments. The dotted line indicates mean fuel load in unthinned plots litter loads were small, falling slightly in unthinned and
before burning. Bars are standard errors.

(a) Autumn burn (b) No burn

Standing dead
Fuel load (t ha1)



(c) 30 (d)
Fuel load (t ha1)



Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy

Thinning treatment

Fig. 4. Composition of fuel loads 1.5 years (a, b), and 4.5 years (c, d) after treatment in restored stands subject to
four thinning treatments and either burnt (left) or unburnt (right). Mean data are pooled across fertiliser treatments.
Prescribed burning in thinned eucalypt regrowth Int. J. Wildland Fire 741

moderately thinned treatments but increasing by 2.5–3 t ha1 in which experienced an increased contribution from scorched
lightly and heavily thinned treatments. leaves (Fig. 4a). Mean depth was higher in unthinned plots
In contrast to autumn-burnt plots, total fuel loads in no-burn compared with other thinned and burnt plots, although differ-
plots either did not change (unthinned and lightly thinned ences were only statistically significant 1.5 years after treatment
treatments) or declined (moderately and heavily thinned treat- (Table 1). Depths for all autumn-burnt plots decreased over
ments) with time. By 4.5 years after treatment, all treatments time, except for the heavily thinned treatment, which showed
displayed total fuel loads close to the pretreatment level of a small increase between 1.5 and 4.5 years. Litter depth also
18 t ha1 (Fig. 4d). Comparison of Fig. 2 with Fig. 4b shows that declined with time in no-burn plots (Table 1), but with no sig-
standing dead fuels contributed most to the declines up to 1.5 years nificant differences or trends among thinning treatments. After
after treatment, with slight increases in litter. By 4.5 years after 4.5 years, litter depths in no-burn plots were approximately
treatment, standing dead fuels had generally increased again but double those of autumn-burnt plots for the same thinning
litter loads had declined in all thinning treatments, returning close intensity.
to pretreatment levels of ,11 t ha1 (Fig. 4d). In the no-burn Litter depth and litter load were closely correlated (Fig. 6).
plots, there was no relationship between canopy tree stocking The relationship between these variables in this study was in
and the live fuel component (Fig. 5), and there was no effect of good agreement with previous studies in regrowth stands fol-
fertiliser application. lowing mining, with the exception of the three thinned but
unburnt treatments 1.5 years after thinning (Fig. 6). In these
Litter depth three cases, litter fuel loads were greater than expected and
Litter depths 0.5 years post-burn were less than half the pre-burn suggest a degree of compaction or consolidation in the litter
levels in thinned plots, but less so in unthinned plots (Table 1), layer.


Understorey cover (%)

Litter fuel load (t ha1)

y  102.8  0.039x
R 2  0.89

Autumn burn
No burn 5 This study, thinned no burn plots
This study, all other plots
0 500 1000 1500 2000 Grant et al. (1998)
Stocking (stems ha1) 0
0 10 20 30 40
Fig. 5. Response of understorey vegetation cover to residual tree stocking Litter depth (mm)
4.5 years after thinning and either burnt in autumn or left unburnt. Bars are
standard errors of four replicate plots. The fitted line and equation shown are Fig. 6. Litter fuel load in relation to litter depth for mining regrowth stands.
for autumn burnt plots. The line of best fit (dotted line) is redrawn from Grant et al. (1998).

Table 1. Mean litter depth over time in relation to thinning and burning treatments
Different letters as superscripts indicate significant differences within a burn treatment and time (ANOVA; P o 0.05).
Litter depths were not measured in unburnt plots at 0.5 years

Years post-burn Litter depth (mm)

No-burn Autumn-burnt
Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy

Preburn 17 16 13 18 16 16 20 18
0.5 – – – – 13 8 8 7
1.5 13 13 13 13 10a 5ab 5b 3b
4.5 11 10 11 8 7 5 4 4
742 Int. J. Wildland Fire A. H. Grigg et al.

(a) Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy



Height (cm)







Height (cm)





Height (cm)





0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Mean number of touches

Fig. 7. Vegetation structure (contact with levy pole) across four thinning treatments (a) 3 weeks after thinning;
(b) 4.5 years after thinning only, and (c) 4.5 years after thinning and autumn burning. Bars are means of dead standing
plant material (filled) and live plant material (open).

Vegetation structure fewer total touches in unthinned and burnt plots compared with
Patterns in vertical vegetation structure with time were con- unthinned no-burn plots, and fewer overall touches in thinned
sistent with those observed for total fuel loads. Thinning no-burn plots relative to thinned and autumn-burnt plots
removed the majority of the shrubby understorey cover, parti- (Fig. 7b).
cularly in the moderately and heavily thinned treatments, and
increased the amount of dead material in the height range Crown cover
0–90 cm (Fig. 7a). By 4.5 years after treatment, prolific Prior to thinning, crown cover across all plots averaged 80%.
regrowth in autumn-burnt plots had developed into a dense Reductions in cover after treatment reflected the intensity of
understorey up to 2.4 m in height in all plots subject to thinning, thinning (Table 2). Cover was significantly reduced in moder-
and particularly the moderately and heavily thinned treatments ately and heavily thinned plots compared with the unthinned
(Fig. 7c). The structure of live vegetation was consistent with plots 0.5 years post-burn, and in all thinned plots compared with
that observed for cover (Fig. 5), with increasing overall touches the unthinned control after 1.5 years (Table 2). Crown cover
of the levy pole with thinning intensity in autumn-burnt plots, in thinned treatments recovered over time, and by 4.5 years,
Prescribed burning in thinned eucalypt regrowth Int. J. Wildland Fire 743

Table 2. Crown cover before treatment (0 years) and after thinning when fires are typically hotter (Burrows 1987; Grant et al. 1998).
and burning for four different thinning intensities, averaged across Estimated intensities of 120–700 kW h1 in unthinned plots, up
burn treatments to 300–1800 kW m1 in heavily thinned plots, were comparable
Values in parentheses are standard errors. Different letters as superscripts with intensities of 380–1820 kW m1 reported for spring burns
within a row indicate significant differences among thinning treatments by Grant et al. (1997), and lower than the 1100–8000 kW m1
(ANOVA; P o 0.05)
these authors reported for autumn burns. Smith et al. (2004)
recorded fire intensities of 2700–16 000 kW m1 for an autumn
Years after Crown cover (%)
burn in 8-year-old restoration but in this case intensity was
treatment Unthinned Light Moderate Heavy deliberately increased by experimentally raising fire-induced
0 82.7 (1.4) 80.9 (1.9) 79.6 (2.3) 78.2 (2.3) wind speeds. Soil temperatures recorded during the fires were
0.5 77.3a (4.6) 54.0a (8.0) 28.1b (4.5) 20.8b (3.4) also consistent with cooler spring burn characteristics (Grant
1.5 71.0a (3.3) 46.7b (2.0) 35.9b (3.0) 22.9b (2.6) et al. 1997). Thinning by felling thus had the effect of producing a
4.5 67.3 (3.3) 63.3 (3.6) 57.4 (3.7) 58.1 (4.1) vegetation structure and fire behaviour more similar to the
unmined jarrah forest. There is some confidence, therefore, that
standard fuel types and aspects of fire management designed for
the native forest (Sneeuwjagt and Peet 1985) may be able to be
differences between treatments were not significant (P 4 0.2). directly applied to these treated regrowth stands.
There was no significant response to burning alone after either Burning reduced the total fuel load in 10- to 13-year-old
1.5 or 4.5 years; however, there was a significant (P o 0.01) regrowth sites from an average of 20 t ha1 down to 5 t ha1
thin–burn interaction 1.5 years post-burn. At this time, crown 3 months post-burn across all thinning treatments, typical of
cover was relatively higher in autumn-burnt unthinned and loads recorded after prescribed burning in regrowth stands
lightly thinned plots, but lower in autumn-burnt moderately and (Grant et al. 1998). In general, fuel loads were reduced to a
heavily thinned plots. greater extent with increasing thinning intensity (Fig. 4a),
suggesting that either removal by the higher-intensity fire was
Discussion greater or recovery has been slower at the higher thinning
Thinning and the resultant logging slash in 10- to 13-year-old intensities, or a combination of both. After burning, increases
stands increased fuel loads as expected, but the results indicate in total fuel loads were mostly due to regrowth of the under-
that fuel loads are manageable and that thinning does not storey layer and standing dead material (Fig. 4a, c). Regrowth
necessarily contribute to a heightened fire risk for regrowth was associated with strong recruitment of reseeder species, a
stands. In terms of total fuel loads, the maximum load of pattern observed after fire in the unmined jarrah forest where
37.4 t ha1 in the heavily thinned treatment was within the range obligate reseeder legumes contribute most to post-fire commu-
observed for similar-aged but unthinned regrowth stands. nity changes (Bell et al. 1989), and also in regrowth stands after
Collins (1996) and Grant et al. (1997) reported total fuel loads mining where strong establishment of Acacia spp. can occur
of 23.4–42.7 t ha1 for 10- to 15-year-old regrowth sites, and (Smith et al. 2000, 2004), particularly after autumn fires where
Smith et al. (2004) measured loads of 29.8 t ha1 in younger moister soil conditions in the winter and spring allow more
8-year-old regrowth. Although fuel loads in the northern jarrah successful seedling establishment (Grant and Loneragan 1999).
forest are typically less than this (7–22 t ha1; Hingston et al. Soil moisture is a key factor limiting growth in the jarrah forest
1981; Bell et al. 1989; Morley et al. 2004), the post-thinning fuel (Bell et al. 1989; Stoneman et al. 1996), and reduced competi-
loads in the current study remained within the range of fuel loads tion for moisture from the tree canopy due to thinning is likely to
in which burns in regrowth forest have been successfully be important in influencing the strength of the understorey
undertaken in the past (Grant et al. 1997). response in thinned treatments. Because a dense, well-aerated
Thinning operations had the benefit of crushing and com- and elevated fuel layer is reinstated, forming a future fire risk,
pacting live shrubby understorey vegetation and dead standing autumn burns following thinning are not recommended. This is
material, which dominate the vertical distribution of fuel up to reinforced when tree damage is also considered. Grigg and
1.2 m in height at this age (Fig. 7a; Grant et al. 1997). In Grant (2009) reported that autumn burning reduced the growth
unthinned regrowth stands, the prominent understorey layer of response in retained trees after thinning most likely as a con-
mostly senescent Acacia material, absent in the native forest sequence of cambial damage. However, such damage may be
(Grant et al. 1997; Smith et al. 2004), results in the formation able to be minimised by removing felled material from the base
of dense thickets of dry, well-aerated and elevated fuel that of retained trees (McCaw et al. 1997), a strategy that was not
represents a high fire risk. Observations of the burns in this undertaken in the present study.
study, and results from previous work (Grant et al. 1998; Smith Burning before thinning may be an alternative strategy to
et al. 2004), have shown this layer is instrumental in carrying fire avoid the negative consequences of an autumn burn after
into tree crowns, causing extensive crown scorch or consump- thinning. Understorey regeneration following burning in
tion. Thinning by felling helped to remove this layer (Fig. 7a), unthinned plots was less than in thinned but unburnt plots
and compact the litter layer (Fig. 6), both of which would have (Figs 4, 5). Therefore, by delaying thinning until 1–2 years
reduced fire intensity (Grant et al. 1998; Smith et al. 2004). post-burn, reseeder understorey establishment success and the
Although fire intensity did increase with increasing total fuel risk of a ‘recycled’ fire hazard could conceivably be restricted.
loads, intensities even in the heaviest thinning treatment were This option has the added management benefits of improved
generally low to moderate despite being conducted in autumn visibility and access for tree marking and thinning operations.
744 Int. J. Wildland Fire A. H. Grigg et al.

Fuel loads would naturally be higher after the thinning operation Bell DT, McCaw WL, Burrows ND (1989) Influence of fire on jarrah forest
than would be the case after a post-thinning burn. However, it vegetation. In ‘The Jarrah Forest’. (Eds B Dell, JJ Havel, N Malajzcuk)
appears that litter decomposition processes and ongoing settling pp. 203–215. (Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, the Netherlands)
of standing dead material, while new inputs from the more Burrows ND (1985) Planning fire regimes for nature conservation forests in
open canopy (Table 2) are disrupted, allows depletion of these south-western Western Australia. In ‘Fire Ecology and Management in
Western Australian Ecosystems’. (Ed. J Ford) pp. 129–138. (Western
fuel components to some extent (Table 1, Fig. 4), presumably
Australian Institute of Technology: Perth, WA)
leading to lower total fuel loads compared with a strategy of Burrows ND (1987) The soil dryness index for use in fire control in Western
thinning without burning. Australia. Western Australian Department of Conservation and Land
Although spring burns are routinely conducted in the jarrah Management Technical Report 17. (Perth, WA)
forest, the effect of spring burns after thinning instead of Burrows ND (1994) Experimental development of a fire management model
autumn burning was not tested in this study. Results from for jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata Donn ex Sm.) forest. PhD thesis,
earlier studies of spring burns in regrowth stands suggest that Australian National University, Canberra.
understorey regeneration, at least, may be less vigorous. Grant Cheney NP (1981) Fire behaviour. In ‘Fire and the Australian Biota’. (Eds
and Loneragan (1999) showed that understorey regeneration is AM Gill, RH Groves, IR Noble) pp. 151–175. (Australian Academy of
less prolific, related to lower survival over the ensuing summer Science: Canberra, ACT)
Collins S (1996) Fuel loads, composition and distribution in rehabilitated
of seedlings germinated post-burn. Spring burns are also
bauxite mines in Western Australia. In ‘Proceedings of the Third
typically cooler owing to higher fuel and soil moisture contents International 21st Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environmental
(Burrows 1987), but the interactions with increased fuel loads Workshop’, 14–18 October 1996, Newcastle, NSW. pp. 213–222.
from thinning are unclear. Fire intensities from autumn burns in (Minerals Council of Australia: Canberra, ACT)
the present study were comparable with those reported for Dell B, Malajczuk N (1989) Jarrah dieback – a disease caused by Phyto-
spring burns in earlier studies (Grant et al. 1997), yet tree phthora cinnamomi. In ‘The Jarrah Forest’. (Eds B Dell, JJ Havel,
damage was still apparent (Grigg and Grant 2009). It may be N Malajzcuk) pp. 67–87. (Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht)
that the proximity of thinning slash to retained trees is the more DOIR (2007) Alcoa World Alumina Australia Darling Range Bauxite Mine
critical factor (McCaw et al. 1997), rather than fuel load per se. Rehabilitation Completion Criteria. (Department of Industry and
Resources: Perth, WA) Available at
ments/Bauxite_Mine_Rehabilitation(1).pdf [Verified 22 July 2010]
Conclusions Elliott P, Gardner J, Allen D, Butcher G (1996) Completion criteria for Alcoa
Total fuel loads in 10- to 13-year-old regrowth stands estab- of Australia Limited’s bauxite mine rehabilitation. In ‘Proceedings of the
lished after bauxite mining increase exponentially with thinning Third International 21st Annual Minerals Council of Australia Environ-
mental Workshop’, 14–18 October 1996, Newcastle, NSW. pp. 79–89.
intensity, doubling from 18 to 37.4 t ha1 when thinned from
(Minerals Council of Australia: Canberra, ACT)
2500 to 400 stems ha1. Burning reduced total fuel loads to an Grant CD (2003) Post-burn vegetation development of rehabilitated bauxite
average of 5 t ha1 3 months post-burn. Although fire intensity mines in Western Australia. Forest Ecology and Management 186,
of autumn burns after thinning increased as a result of greater 147–157. doi:10.1016/S0378-1127(03)00233-0
fuel loads, intensities were comparable with typically cooler Grant CD (2006) State-and-transition successional model for bauxite mining
spring burns observed in unthinned stands. However, autumn rehabilitation in the jarrah forest of Western Australia. Restoration
burns following moderate to heavy thinning are not recom- Ecology 14, 28–37. doi:10.1111/J.1526-100X.2006.00102.X
mended as they led to the rapid redevelopment of a dense Grant C, Koch J (2007) Decommissioning Western Australia’s first bauxite
understorey dominated by the reseeding legumes or fireweeds mine: co-evolving vegetation restoration techniques and targets. Ecolo-
Mirbelia dilitata, Senecio spp. and Trymalium ledifolium, which gical Management & Restoration 8, 92–105. doi:10.1111/J.1442-
poses a future fire risk. Burning 1–2 years before thinning may
Grant CD, Loneragan WA (1999) The effects of burning on the understorey
be an alternative strategy to reduce fire risk while restricting composition of 11–13-year-old rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western
both vigorous understorey regeneration and damage to retained Australia. Plant Ecology 145, 291–305. doi:10.1023/A:1009821128075
trees. Grant CD, Loneragan WA, Koch JM, Bell DT (1997) Fuel characteristics,
vegetation structure and fire behaviour of 11–15-year-old rehabilitated
bauxite mines in Western Australia. Australian Forestry 60, 147–157.
Acknowledgements Grant C, Koch J, Smith RD, Collins SJ (1998) A review of prescription
Larry Hantler supervised the implementation of the thinning treatments and burning in rehabilitated bauxite mines in Western Australia.
assisted with vegetation monitoring, as did Tim Morald, Carla Wilkinson CALMScience 2, 357–371.
and Bill Freeman. Kristian Pollock, Rob Turner and the Western Australia Grant CD, Norman MA, Smith MA (2007) Fire and silvicultural manage-
Department of Conservation and Land Management (CALM, now Depart- ment of restored bauxite mines in Western Australia. Restoration
ment of Environment and Conservation) fire crews carried out the prescribed Ecology 15, S127–S136.
burns. Two anonymous referees made constructive comment on an earlier Grigg AH, Grant CD (2009) Overstorey growth response to thinning,
draft of the manuscript. burning and fertiliser in 10–13-year-old rehabilitated jarrah (Eucalyptus
marginata) forest after bauxite mining in south-western Australia.
Australian Forestry 72, 80–86.
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