How Is Agile Methodology Different Than Traditional Waterfall Process?

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1. How is Agile Methodology different than Traditional Waterfall process?

 The following are some of the key differences:

 Agile is a method that is incremental and iterative, whereas Waterfall is
a method that is linear and sequential.
 A project is divided into sprints in Agile, while a project is divided into
stages in Waterfall.
 Agile aids in the completion of numerous minor projects, whereas
Waterfall aids in the completion of a single project.

2. What are the pros and cons of Agile Methodology?

 Pros:
 All the stakeholders (customers, developers, and testers) are
involved within the process which results in technical excellence and
good design.
 It facilitates close interaction between business people and developers.
 Agile methods have better communication because the project team
works closely with the customer to revisit requirements and priorities.
Continual feedback driven by the cyclic nature of project work provides
better communication.

 Cons:
 Agile projects have overhead costs in terms of meetings, reviews and
retrospectives, daily stand-ups, client interaction, and a lot more. You
might not want to go for it for small projects - the projects that won’t
ring much of your cash register.
 The agile approach is not possible without the decisions of the expert in
the company. It needs a managing force to arrange meetings, dividing
sprints, reviewing work, and interacting with clients.

3. What kind of projects is suitable for the Agile Methodology?

 The customary philosophy is appropriate for projects with predefined,

unmistakably expressed necessities while deft advancement system is
reasonable for projects with dynamic prerequisites where successive
changes in the item come up consistently.
4.What are the different types of Agile Methodologies?
 There are several types of agile development methodology: Scrum ,
Crystal Methodology, Dynamic Software Development Method,
Feature-driven development(FDD), Lean software development.

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