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Name: Jenelyn C.

Subject/course: EM17 Teaching & Assessment of Macro Skills
Instructure: Carmelin P .Mosa
Becoming a life Readers
Reading is the probably smartest thing we can do for ourself.but those busy people must make a special
effort to follow it. In reading we can acquire information when we scanning text or watching a video,
but it’s not the same as reading a good book. Deep engagement with the text is an unparalleled mental
enrichment exercise. Quite simply, reading is the skill of civilized adults: it imparts the necessary body of
knowledge required in modern society and builds the brain’s capacity to understand and use it.

Reading books is not only about learnings. By reading it can change our life. It will bring us to the
future of what we want to be. a lifetime reader is very important not only for fun but also to discover
new ideas and knowledge that are needed for us to face in our daily life. It is very essential that we may
put at least 1 hours a day for reading.Becoming a lifetime reader is very important not only for fun but
also to discover new ideas and knowledge that are needed for us to face in our daily life.If we want to
become a life time reader, there a lot of things to be consider just like put reading as a daily routine in
our life which we may read on or before breakfast, lunch and dinner it depends on the availability or
choices of time. In this way, there will be a management of time for reading and assura it will not be
forgotten.Reading is not an easy part because it engaged in cognitive processwhere we use we our mind
to interact or understand of what the text is all about. Put a little bit of serious attitude towards reading.
To developede our reading skills, try different reading styles like for example skim reading where it may
help us to determine the specific or important words that enable to understand of what is the essence
of the topic. The skimming style is most useful when the student has to read a large material in a short
amount of time, here he has to identify the main ideas in each paragraph, and ignore the details in
supportive sentences, because he is looking only for the main idea in each paragraph.

Reading book expand vocabulary because I believe that if we have more vocabulary in our pocket it is
easy to navigate and understand a certain text from the paragraph. Try to read everyday as to may
encounter new words and try to consult it to dictionary if you getting hard of comprehend with it. Use a
new words everyday by putting into action in our daily life. Choose a book that matches your interests,
and whenever you finish a chapter give yourself a reward. Read in a comfortable place with no
distractions.The first thing we need to do to becoming a better reader is the attitude that makes a
successful one: enjoyment.

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