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Health, Safety, Security and Environment

Fire Prevention & Emergency Management Department

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Document ID Code:

Fire Risk Assessment Report

Facility Name: Qatar Academy Al Khor-

Academic Building, Energy Center.
Date Conducted: 4 November 2020

Approvals Signature Block:

Position Name Signature Date

Michael Merced

FRA Team Member 5Nov20

Prepared by Adam Kuloor

Michael Linford

Endorsed and
Fire Safety Specialist Chaitrali Aphale 8 Nov 20
Reviewed by

Approved by FP&EM Manager Abdulaziz Murad

Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Building General Information

Date of Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) 4-Nov-20

State parts of building assessed Qatar Academy Al - Khor
Estimated Age of Building 3 yrs
Renovations/alterations to the building No
Previous Fire History No
Building Classification: Education, Busniness, Assembly.
Building Focal Point details Name: John Hero
Contact : 44546875
Total no of Fire Wardens 7
Any Fire Wardens during night time No
Night shift staff Security:
Staff persons :
Disable Persons present No
Types of Disabilities, if present No

Building Description
No of Storeys Ground Floor + First+ Roof
Total Area of the building 50,404 sq.m (GF)
Building Occupancy Classification Mixed Used Occupancy
Fire Ala+A24:A28rm System Educational Occupancy
Assembly Occupancy
Business Occupancy
Building has Education Classroom clubbed with
Description of occupancy at Each Level
assembly areas like library & Administrative areas.

Building Classification ( Habitable Height) Low Rise ( <15m)

Hazard Classification Low Hazard

Building Fire Fighting System

Fire Extinguishers Yes
Automatic Sprinkler System Yes
Fire Pump Yes Separate building
Fire Pump capacity
Fire Water Tank Yes Separate building
Fire Water Tank Capacity Tank -1 : 168 m3 Tank-2 : 168m3
Hose Reel Yes
Clean Agent Supression System Yes FM 200
Other Automatic Supression system/s No
Kitchen Hood Extinguishing System Ansul System

Fire Alarm System

Smoke Detectors Yes
Automatic Fire Alarm
Heat Detectors Yes
Manual Pull Stations Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPMD/FRA XXX 2020 Page 1 of 26
Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Building General Information

Smoke Management System

Smoke Management System Yes
Location Stairwells Manaul Vents

Total No of Public Elevators 4
Total No of Freight Elevator 0
Total No of Fire Fighter Elevators 0

Hazardous Material Installation

Liquified Petroleum Gas installation Yes
LPG capacity
Diesel Tanks Yes
Tank capacity
Chemical Storage area in the premises Yes Garden store - outdoor
Any other hazardous material storages. No

Egress Features
Travel Distance within limits Yes
Dead End within limits Yes
Common path of Travel within limits. Yes

Occupant Load details

Total no of persons in building
Security: 9
Staff: 150 teachers
Students: @ 1500
Contractor Staff:

List of Documents Reviewed

Certificates Date of Validity Certificate no
Qatar Civil Defense Certificate Expired
Completion Certificate Valid
Kaharama building permit Valid
Building occupancy Certificate Valid
Building Insurance Certificate Valid
Waqood Approval. Valid
Enviornmental Approval Valid

Approved Civil defence drawings review Availibility Comments

Architecture - Life Safety Plans Yes
Fire Alarm Yes
Fire Fighting Yes

Updated Maintainence Reports Availibility Date of Testing

Fire Alarm Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Building General Information

Fire Extinguishers Yes

Fire pump Yes
Generators Yes
Exit Lights Yes
Emergency Lights Yes
Elevator Yes
Hose Reel Yes
Kitchen Suppression System N/A
Novec Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPMD/FRA XXX 2020 Page 3 of 26
Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

1 Means of Egress - Exit corridors

Directional Emergency exits signages for in some areas missing.

a. Emergency exits marked with signage No

b. Emergency exits clear and unobstructed Yes

c. Emergency exit doors properly maintained without obstruction or locking Yes

d. Emergency exit doors swing in direction of travel Yes

e. Emergency exits have sufficient width for the occupants to evacuate Yes
All Fire doors are without the automatic self closing device. The doors are wedged open , mainly 2 hrs
fire rated doors between the academic blocks.

e. Emergency exits have sufficient width for the occupants to evacuate No

f. Corridors and Aisles of sufficient Size Yes

2 Means of Egress - Staircase enclosures

a. Staircase enclosures clear of storage Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

b. All staircases are approachable from the common areas (lobby, corridors etc) Yes

c. Fire Exit stairs are free from any penetrations /equipment except those required for fire fighting Yes

d. Handrails provided on both sides of the staircase Yes

e. Fire exit stairs are provided with anti-slip flooring Yes

f. Width of staircase flight sufficient to evacuate the occupant load Yes

g. Stairwells directly access the roof Yes

i. Roof doors/hatches locked Yes

j. Ground Floor + First+ Roof N/A

3 Means of Egress - Egress doors and Fire Resistant Doors.

Fire Rated doors between the academic blocks are wedged open in many cases.

a. Self-closing, fire-resisting doors free from wedges or items illicitly holding them open No

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Door closures missing for all fire doors.

b. Self-closing, fire-resisting doors able to fully close under their own effort No

c. Doors swing in the direction of egress travel Yes

d. Doors, that swing into exit access corridors, do not interfere with travel path Yes

e. All secured doors immediately release upon activation of the fire alarm Yes

f. Access control/Electromagnetic secured doors provided with manual override switches Yes
All final exits and intermediate doors easily operable from the escape side without the use of a
g. Yes
key, code or access control
h. Doors open freely and to their full width without obstruction Yes

i. Means of escape suitable for mobility impaired persons? Yes

Any occupants especially at risk from fire (e.g. sleeping occupants, disabled occupants,
j. N/A
occupants in remote areas, lone workers or young persons)?
k. Disabled refuge provided with suitable means of communication? N/A

l. Occupants able to exit and reach designated assembly points safely? Yes

m. Panic/Fire Exit Hardware Operable Yes

n. Doors Open easily. Yes

4 Emergency Lighting

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

a. Emergency escape lighting systems installed Yes

b. Emergency exits routes adequately illuminated Yes

c. Emergency lighting units tested for correct operation and tests results recorded Yes

d. Emergency escape lighting systems tested monthly/anually by a competent person Yes

e. Emergency power supply for exit signs and emergency lighting Yes

f. Exit signs indicate and lead to an assembly point Yes

Reasonable measures taken to prevent the spread of fire in respect of the internal surface
g. Yes
linings or walls and ceilings?

5 Electrical

a. Electrical transformers installed Yes

b. Switchgear room sprinklered Yes

External safety signage placed (noise, electric shock, use of PPE, access to authorized
c. N/A
personnel only, etc. )
d. Control of emergency power to individual floors Yes

e. Building generator powered by diesel or natural gas Yes Diesel

f. Building generator supplies power to which areas/locations/zones Yes

g. Other generators in the building (location, power source, supply which areas/locations/zones) Yes

h. Large UPS system and/or battery banks (location and supply power to what) Yes

i. Electrical cables and equipment in good condition without signs of visible defects Yes

j. Electrical sockets used correctly and not overloaded (One plug and one socket rule applied) Yes

k. Electrical plan available Yes

l. Exposed electrical wiring installations is to Qatar standard Yes

m. Electrical circuits properly grounded Yes

n. Electrical installations housed in proper enclosures Yes

o. Switches in good condition Yes

p. Over-current protection available Yes

q. Main switch properly enclosed Yes

r. Main switch easily accessible to responding firemen Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

s. Main switch easily accessible for maintenance Yes

t. Switchboard properly enclosed Yes

u. Main electrical system tested within the last 5 years by a competent engineer Yes

Computer Examinations- Plugged on Extension on Extension…with input from 2 sockets for @20 screens.

v. Multiple devices connected to single switch No

6 Other General requirements

Fixed heating installations, gas appliances and/or boilers subject to regular maintenance by
a. N/A
competent contractors
b. Use of portable heaters avoided N/A
Cooking processes properly supervised, deep fat fryers, ovens and other catering equipment
c. N/A
regularly checked for defects and all cleaning routines followed
d. Kitchen extraction systems subject to annual/six monthly deep cleaning N/A
Emergency cut off facilities provided for cooking facilities (including any form of extraction
e. N/A
f. Access to all plant rooms restricted to authorised persons only Yes

7 Storage of combustible materials

a. Plant rooms not utilized for storage Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Garden waste, chemical storage, building refuge area is without any detection and protection.

b. External refuse managed correctly No

Existing control measures are adequate for any potentially hazardous processes that may take
c. Yes
d. Storage of combustible materials kept to an acceptable level Yes

e. Appropriate arrangements available near or in close proximity of storage tanks/area Yes

Adequate control measures are in place for any highly flammable materials (solids, powders,
f. Yes
liquids, gases) that are stored and/or used on the premises
g. Significant ignition sources are separated from combustible or highly flammable materials Yes
Adequate control measures are in place for any process and/or activity that uses naked flames
h. Yes
or may generate sparks (e.g. welding, grinding, etc)
i. Combustible materials kept well away from light fittings Yes

j. Photovoltaic (solar) panels installed and regularly tested N/A

Emergency cut off facilities provided for cooking facilities (including any form of extraction
k. Yes
l. Hazardous areas are protected with Fire Resistant Seperation. Yes

m. Extinguishing system appropriate for the hazard present. No Garden waste, chemical storage area do not have any fire extinguishers .

n. Incompatible materails Seperated. Yes

8 Emergency Planning and Fire Management policies and procedures

Emergency plans are not posted ; with fire warden details and contact numbers.
a. Adequate Emergency Plans and Fire Management policies and procedures No
Plans posted now are not readable and are temporary not in QF format.
Temporary evacuation plans are not posted in the strategic points.
b. Evacuation plans posted at strategic places in the building No

c. Fire Evacuation Drills conducted regularly (minimum 1 per year) Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan/s (PEEPs) / Person Centred Fire Risk Assessments
d. Yes
(PCFRAs) been completed for all building occupants with disabilities
e. Fire safety officer/ representative/ focal point appointed for the building Yes
All staff received fire safety training (within the last 12 months) and training attendance is
f. Yes
New members of staff receive fire safety training as part of an induction program, and training
g. Yes
attendance is recorded
Fire Wardens appointed, trained, refresher training provided and exercised (minimum 1 per
h. Yes
Adequate members of staff nominated to assist in the evacuation of any staff, contractor or
i. Yes
visitors with temporary or permanent disabilities
Building occupants are familiar with emergency plan, emergency numbers, escape routes and
j. Yes
their individual actions in the event of an emergency

9 Signs and Notices

Every final exit/fire escape door is indicated by an appropriate emergency exit sign and a
a. Yes
symbol to explain how to open the door in an emergency
All self-closing fire-resisting doors in good condition and fitted with appropriate signage (e.g.
b. No No Fire doors have the signage mentioning " Fire Door Keep Closed"
‘Fire Door Keep Shut’ or ‘Automatic Fire Door Keep Closed’)
c. Appropriate signage on the exterior of each final exit door (e.g. 'Fire Exit Keep Clear') Yes

d. All fire exits and fire exit routes clearly indicated by appropriate directional signage Yes

e. Fire action notices (including Fire Warden identification) are displayed at appropriate locations No Fire Warden names , contact details, emergency contact numbers are not posted in the facility.

f. Hazardous materials correctly labelled Yes

Oxygen cylinder has no safety signage outside.

g. Additional emergency and/or safety signage, as required Yes

h. Fitout areas clearly marked with signages N/A

i. Fire System Isolations labelled correctly in the isolated zone. N/A

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

10 Qatar Civil Defence (QCD) Requirements

a. Access for fire service vehicles marked, identified and clear of obstruction Yes

b. QCD formally advised of any changes to the building or occupancy type Yes

c. Hydrants or other water supplies located suitably close to the premises Yes

d. External signage provided to warn firefighters of storage hazards Yes

e. Suitable firefighters’ isolation switches provided externally to the premises Yes

f. Prominent signage of any issues which might significantly affect the environment in case of fire N/A

g. Possibility of fire spread to or from adjoining or adjacent buildings N/A

11 Water-based Fire Protection features

a. All floors sprinkled Yes

b. Automatic sprinkler system available Yes

c. Fire Risk Assessment Checklist conducted/reviewed annually Yes

d. Automatic sprinkler system tested monthly (review previous test records) Yes

e. Automatic sprinkler system has working water/air pressure Yes

f. Ladder required (and location) to reach the sprinkler control valve Yes

g. Sprinkler valves PRVs (pressure regulator valves) present Yes

What is the sprinkler valves PRVs' pressure that is available at the outlet valves and maintained
h. Yes
in the system
i. Location of pre-action systems not controlled by the flow valve N/A

j. Direct connection to a water source Yes

A standpipe system (water piping built into buildings to which fire hoses can be attached by
k. Yes
firefighters, allowing manual application of water to the fire) is available
l. Vertical standpipe zones (low zone, mid zone, high zone) Yes

m. Riser outlets in stairwells, floor/ office areas or both? Yes

n. Riser outlets have PRV's (Pressure regulator valves)? Yes

o. Levels do not have PRV's (which)? Yes

p. Outlet pressure that the PRV's are calibrated to provide at full flow? Yes
Pressure in a PRV system that must be maintained in each vertical zone to provide adequate
q. Yes
flow (what)?

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

r. Other than PRVs, describe if the risers outlets have any type of flow restrictors? Yes

s. Location of the vertical zones of the standpipe/sprinkler system? Yes

Key Valves are not seen in many Hose Cabinets. The hose reel is tight to pull the hose easily. Need appropriate
t. Fire Hose System maintained. No

u. Hoses cover all the critical areas of the facility Yes

12 Fire Pumps & Water Supply

a. Source of fire water Supply available from central plants N/A

b. Source of fire water supply available from individual fire water tanks Yes

c. Separate Fire pump room available for the facility Yes

d. Access to the fire pump room from ouside indicated with signage Yes Specific signage." Access to Fire Pump Room" is missing

e. Upon power failure, does a generator supply power to the fire pumps Yes

f. Breeching inlet locations signed Yes

g. Zones of the breeching inlet feed identified with signage No Breeching inlet do not have any signage mentioning the feeder zone.

h. System design pressure normal Yes

Fire pumps signage Diesel Filling outlet is placed in breeching inlet cabinet box.. No signage mentioning that this is for diesel.

i. No

j. Cut In and Cut out pressure chart available in the pump room Yes

13 Fire Alarm System

a. Fire Alarm System healthy Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Garden store outside full of chemicals, garden waste, equipments is not provided with any smoke detectors.

b. Fire alarm detection & notification system provided for entire facility No

c. Dedicated fire command center available Yes

d. Fire alarm interfaced to a remote manned centre Yes

e. Fire panels or repeater locations are monitored by security Yes

f. Emergency control feature in fire command centre Yes

Step by step procedure for the operation of the fire alarm panel, including silencing the panel
g. Yes
h. Printer available to record alarms transaction as they occur Yes

i. Smoke detectors provided in all rooms Yes

j. Smoke detectors in good working condition. Yes

k. Sounder and flashing strobes devices placed in strategic locations Yes

l. Functional Test conducted and records available Yes

m. Regular Inspection, testing and maintainence of Fire Detection System? Yes

Building accessible by any person, including roof plant areas, within audible or visual range of a
n. fire alarm sounder or warning device - even when the plant or machinery in those areas is Yes
Fire alarm break-glass call point can be reached from any part of the building, including any roof
o. Yes
plant or basement area
Fire alarm system tested on a weekly basis from a different call point each week, and results of
p. Yes
the tests recorded in the Fire Log Book
q. Fire alarm system maintained in accordance with NFPA guidance Yes

r. Alarm sound the same throughout the whole building Yes

s. Type of access control system and in working condition? Yes Some access control systems were deactivated during the inspection.

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

t. Fire alarm control panel conveniently located for fire service access Yes

u. Zone diagram provided Yes

v. Fire alarm system monitored by the fire service or other monitoring service Yes
One manual pull station was seen mounted on Red background, which is slightly difficult to locate.

f. Manual Pull station provided near exit doors, are visible,correctly mounted. No

14 Supression systems (FM 200, NOVEC, )

a. Number of room enclosures are fitted with Clean Agent Supression Systems Yes

b. Is the Clean Agent supression system active/connected Yes

c. Instruction/signage clear for the clean agent release Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

FM 200 protected IDC room, door has no fire rated label and automatic door closure.
2-3 regular classroms were protected with FM200 system.

d. ClearnAgent room enclosure fire rated No

Fire Sealants are not seen around penetration.

e. All penetrations sealed with fire sealant No

f. Risk rooms pressure-tested in accordance with NFPA guidance Yes

15 Portable Fire Extinguishers

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Electrical room , IDF room, IT room provided with Powder Extinguisher.

The extinguisher cabinets in the corridor has Foam & Co2 extinguishers.

a. Portable fire extinguishers provided are suitable and compatible to the area and occupancy No

Fire Extinguishers cabinets are not easily located in some areas, specially when the corridor doors are closed.
Roof Level- All the A- L are connected. We could locate only one extinguisher outside.Each Electrical room have
extinguishers, but are locked.

Adequate number/spacing of portable fire extinguishers? (Extinguishers shall be placed so that

b. No
maximum travel distance to the nearest unit shall not exceed 30m/100ft.)

All fire extinguishers mounted properly near each exit door? (Gross weight is less than 40lb - top
Fire Extinguishers in Some Stores, Garbage rooms , electro mechanical rooms are not near the exit door or
c. of the fire extinguisher should be not more than 1.53m/5ft. above the floor. Gross weight is more No
common path of travel
than 40lb - top of the fire extinguisher should not be more than 1.07m/3.5ft. above the floor.)

d. Extinguisher pressure guage readings are normal Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Some Blocks have extinguishers mounted between the classrooms…

e. Extinguishers mounted correctly No

Fire Pump Room- Diesel storage tank.. Fire extinguisher is mounted next to the hazard. It should be at sufficient
distance to grab and fight fire in emergency.

Move The extinguishers to the other side

f. Fire extinguishers easily accessible and unobstructed No

g. Records of recent fire extinguisher maintenance available Yes

h. Portable extinguishers serviced twice a year Yes

i. Documented inventory of all firefighting equipment available Yes

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

16 Compartmentation

a. Zero penetration through the fire walls provided with fire resistive ceilings Yes
Compartmentation of the premises satisfactory to support the safe evacuation of all persons
b. No IDF room , store room, penetrations are not sealed with fire sealent.
from the premises
Fire doors adequate (i.e. 3 hinges, a self-closer and intumescent strips and smoke seals, close
c. No All fire rated doors are without automatic door closure. Doors are unable to self close.
fully into the rebates)
d. Fire resistant walls form compartment from ceiling to floor Yes
Fire rated enclosures , Fire doors, appropriate signages are not correct as per the design.
Integrated lab one door on left and the viewing window are not fire rated.

e. Passive fire protection satisfactory for business continuity No

Not Fire Resistant

Passive Fire Protection Survey carried out by a "3rd Party Accredited Passive Fire Protection Need clarity on the "3rd Party Accredited Passive Fire Protection Specialist Company". No stickers seen in the
f. Unknown
Specialist Company" wall penetration
g. Periodic passive fire protection surveys carried out by building end-user Unknown
The Fire Rating of the walls, doors, do not comply as per the drawing in many cases. Fire Doors without lables,
No automatic door closure making it diffcult to identify if the door is fire rated or not.
h. QCD Fire Safety Drawings and fire doors and walls on site as per drawing. No Doors between the academic block are painted , is the paint compatible to the fire resistance required.
Penetration in many places not sealed with fire resistance sealant.

17 Elevators

a. Fireman's elevators identified and labelled N/A

b. Location of the elevator control panel N/A

If the elevators are recalled by the alarm system, is it necessary for a key to switch on (phase 1
c. N/A
recall) before phase 2 operation
d. Location of the recall switches for each bank of elevators N/A
After recall, do the elevator doors open and remain open or do the doors open briefly and then
e. N/A
If the doors close after recall, where is the switch to re-open them and, if a key is required,
f. N/A
where is the key

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Does the same key operate the Phase 1 (recall) switch and the Phase 2 (in-car) fire service
g. N/A
h. Detailed procedure available for operating the elevators in the fire service mode N/A
Is it possible, while operating in Phase 2 fire service, to turn the Phase 2 key switch to the Off-
i. N/A
position and return the elevators to Phase 1 recall mode
j. Elevators powered by emergency power Yes

k. Elevator Emergency communication systems operational Yes

18 Smoke Management System

a. Does the building have a smoke removal or smoke control system Yes

b. Smoke removal or smoke control system is mechanical or natural Yes Natural - in some stairs smoke vents are provided.

c. If manual, where are the controls N/A

d. Which groups of floors are connected by common vertical ventilation shafts or ducts N/A

e. Fans operating through those shafts shut down upon alarm N/A
Could these shafts or ducts then provide a path for smoke to migrate from the fire floor to other
f. floors? ( Fire dampers should be installed wherever shafts or ducts pass through a fire resisting N/A
compartment wall)
g. If no, what will prevent that smoke migration N/A

h. Special break-glass window used and marked as such N/A

19 Communication

a. Emergency Fire telephones provided Yes

b. Total Emergency Fire telephones Yes

c. Emergency Fire telephones operational Yes

d. Location of emergency fire telephones control point Yes

e. Alternative emergency calling systems provided Yes

f. Location of the alternative emergency calling systems and their control point Yes

g. Elevator communication systems N/A

h. Public Address system installed Yes

i. Location of Public Address system control point Yes

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Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

j. Flexibility within the Public Address system to speak to selected floor or department Yes

20 CCTV System

a. CCTV system installed at premises Yes

b. Number of CCTV monitors in control room Yes

c. More than one control room in building Yes

d. Number of security posts in building Yes

21 Control of Contractors

a. Any building renovation works taking place N/A

b. Building works compromise the fire safety of the premises N/A

c. Building works compromise or introduce any unusual hazards or ignition sources N/A

d. Are QCD-approved Contractors working on site N/A

e. Is the Permit to Work authorised by the applicable QF departments N/A

f. Contractor provided with appropriate information as to their actions in the event of fire N/A
Contract staff daily at site (cleaners, kitchen staff, care takers) are trained how to respond in the
g. N/A
event of fire and training records available

22 Other Features

a. Housekeeping to a good standard Yes

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Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Library - Clear access to the Electrical borads are blocked by combustibles.

Art work of students is posted all over the place, Fire Doors, Walls, Corridors, Glass walls.

b. All areas free of clutter and excessive combustible materials No

c. Waste disposed of appropriately Yes

d. Waste bins, wheelie bins, skips etc. stored away from the exits and building openings Yes

e. Trash removed on a regular basis Yes

f. External storage well managed Yes

g. Inside fuel storage fire-rated separations provided Yes

h. Specific area designated for smoking N/A

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Fire Risk Assessment Checklist

Library - pantry set up seen . Not designated for such activity. No blanket,extinguisher dedicated.
All the equipments plugged to an extension cord.

i. Pantry areas well managed. No

References :

Qatar Civil Defense - Fire & Life Safety Guideline 2015

Qatar Civil Defense - Guideline for Inspection, Testing & Maintainance of Fire protection and Life Safety Safety Systems.

NFPA - National Fire Protection Association relevant codes and standards.

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Block Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPEMD /FRA XXX 2020 Page 22 of 26
Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Action List

Health ,Safety ,Security, and Enviornment

Fire Safety & Emergency Management Department
Fire Risk Assessment Report
Document ID Code:
QF-HSSE-ECM-FRA-006 Rev 00
Facility Name: Qatar Academy Al-Khor, School Building, Energy center
Fire Risk Assessment Date: 4 November 2020

Ref Si. Suggested Date

Name: John Hero Suggestions /Corrective Actions Action Owner Status
No of Completion
Risk Rating

Directional Emergency exits signages for in some Additional direction exit signage need to be installed in all areas
areas missing. Medium , specially change of diection, Long corridors.
1a FM 3 -Months Open

All Fire doors are without the automatic self closing All Fire Rated doors should have a label and automatic self
device. The doors are wedged open , mainly 2 hrs High closing device.
1e fire rated doors between the academic blocks. FM 1 -Month Open

Fire Rated doors between the academic blocks are The door between the academic blocks , for school operations
wedged open in many cases. need to be kept open..Install the magenetic hold open
device..which will keep the door open for daily operational
High purpose and automatically close during the fire alarm
3a FM 3 -Months Open
(12) inspection. OR
Keep the doors closed at all times... Do not wedge open Fire

Door closures missing for all fire doors. Fire Doors should have automatic self closing device.
3b FM 3 -Months Open

Computer Examinations- Plugged on Extension on Medium

5v Extension…with input from 2 sockets for @20 Overloading of electrical gadgets shall be controlled. FM 1 -Week Open
Garden waste, chemical storage, building refuge Smoke detectors shall be installed in the garden and chemical
area is without any detection and protection. storage building and integrated with main fire panel.
High Fire Extinguisher shall be provided specific for storage.
7b P&D 6 -Months Open

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

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Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Action List

Garden waste, chemical storage area do not have Provide 2 dry powder fire extinguisher for each
7m any fire extinguishers . compartment. FM 3 -Months Open

Ground Floor + First+ Roof Fire Warden details with emergency contact numbers shall be
posted with the emergency plans throught the facility at all
8a strategic locations. FM 3 -Months Open

Temporary evacuation plans are not posted in the Permanent evacuation plans to be posted . Temporary plans to
strategic points. Medium be replaced with permanent ones.
8b P&D 6 -Months Open

No Fire doors have the signage mentioning " Fire For Fire Doors specially for all the technical rooms signage for "
9b Door Keep Closed" Fire Door Keep Closed". P&D 1 -Month Open
Key Valves are not seen in many Hose Cabinets. Proper maintainence for the Hose Cabinets shall be done..
11t The hose reel is tight to pull the hose easily. Need FM 3 -Months Open
appropriate maintainence. (10)

Breeching inlet do not have any signage Signage for signage mentioning the area (building blocks)
mentioning the feeder zone. Medium served by the perticular breeching inlet.
12g FM 6 -Months Open

Diesel Filling outlet is placed in breeching inlet Signage mentioning the Diesel inlet shall be mentioned.
cabinet box.. No signage mentioning that this is for
12i FM 6 -Months Open

One manual pull station was seen mounted on Red Manual Pull Station shall be mounted on contrasting
13f background, which is slightly difficult to locate. background for clear visibility. FM 3 -Months Open
FM 200 protected IDC room, door has no fire rated FM 200 protected room shall be fire rated. Walls and doors shall
label and automatic door closure. have automatic door closure for IDC rooms.
14d 2-3 regular classroms were protected with FM200 FM 6 -Months Open
system. (12)

Fire Sealants are not seen around penetration. All penetrations in the fire wall shall be protected with fire
High sealants.
14e FM 1-Year Open

Electrical room , IDF room, IT room provided with Recomend to protect all the IDF, IT rooms with Co2
Powder Extinguisher. Medium extinguisher. In case of use of powder extinguisher the whole
15a The extinguisher cabinets in the corridor has Foam unit gets damaged. FM 3 -Months Open
& Co2 extinguishers.

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPEMD/FRA XXX 2020 Page 24 of 26
Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Action List

Fire Extinguishers cabinets are not easily located At roof level additional 5-6 extinguishers are need to be placed .
in some areas, specially when the corridor doors
are closed.
Roof Level- All the A- L are connected. We could Medium
15b locate only one extinguisher outside.Each FM 3 -Months Open
Electrical room have extinguishers, but are locked.

Fire Extinguishers in Some Stores, Garbage rooms Fire Extinguishers shall be either placed near to exit door or in
, electro mechanical rooms are not near the exit Medium the common path of travel.
15c door or common path of travel FM 3 -Months Open

Some Blocks have extinguishers mounted between The Extinguishers placed in the corridor , between the teaching
the classrooms… classrooms can be removed. Adjoing extinguishers cabinets
15e comply to the required travel distance FM 6 -Months Open

Fire Pump Room- Diesel storage tank.. Fire Fire Extinguisher near the diesel tank to be located on the other
extinguisher is mounted next to the hazard. It side of door .
15f should be at sufficient distance to grab and fight FM 3 -Months Open
fire in emergency.

IDF room , store room, penetrations are not sealed All the penetration of fire rated enclosures shall be sealed with
16b with fire sealent. fire sealent. FM 6 -Months Open

All fire rated doors are without automatic door Fire Doors shall be equipped with automatic door closure.
closure. Doors are unable to self close. Medium
16e FM 3 -Months Open

The Fire Rating of the walls, doors, do not comply The compatibility of the approved drawings and site conditions
as per the drawing in many cases. Fire Doors need to be maintained at all times.
without lables, No automatic door closure making it No changes are permitted to deviate from the approved set of
diffcult to identify if the door is fire rated or not. design drawings.
Doors between the academic block are painted , is
16h. the paint compatible to the fire resistance required. FM 1 -Month Open
Penetration in many places not sealed with fire
resistance sealant.

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPEMD/FRA XXX 2020 Page 25 of 26
Fire Prevention and Emergency Management Department
Action List

Library - Clear access to the Electrical borads are Clear the obstructions near the electrical boards in the library.
blocked by combustibles. Clear access and safe clar distance of min 1m shall be
Art work of students is posted all over the place, Medium maintained from the hazard.
22b Fire Doors, Walls, Corridors, Glass walls. FM 1 -Week Open

Library - pantry set up seen . Not designated for Pantry set up in the library is not permitted . All the pantry
such activity. No blanket,extinguisher dedicated. activities shall be performed in the designated pantry areas.
22i All the equipments plugged to an extension cord. FM 1 -Week Open

Facility Name : QA-Al Khor Academic Blocks, Energy Center

Report No: QF/HSSE/FPEMD/FRA XXX 2020 Page 26 of 26
Fire Safety and Emergency Management Department
Risk Matrix
Likelihood Risk Rating
The risk event is
expected to occur more
Almost Certain than once per year. 5 10 15 20 25

The risk event is

expected to occur once in
High a 2 year range. 4 8 12 16 20

The risk event is

expected to occur once in
Medium a 2 to 5 years range. 3 6 9 12 15

The risk event is

expected to occur once in
Low a 5 to 10 year range. 2 4 6 8 10

The risk event is

expected to occur once in
Almost Impossible 10-15 year range. 1 2 3 4 5

Risk Rating Level Guidelines for Risk Matrix

High Risk treatment actions must be taken to mitigate the risk to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP), unless the risk reduction cost significantly outweighs the risk reduction benefit. If the risk cannot be effectively mitigated to an acceptable level, it must be eliminated.

Medium The risk is accepted if adequate controls and other internal measures are in place. Risk control measures may be implemented to further mitigate the risk if a strong effectiveness case exists.

Low The risk is acceptable.

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