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The Island: Castaway 2 Walkthrough & Cheats
The Island - Castaway 2 Walkthrough provides you with hints and strategies for gameplay, locations of hidden items, and a
walkthrough. In this game, you play as Yati a
young native boy who is trying to discern his calling while coming to
the terms of the
disappearance of his father and dealing with a group of perhaps not so nice strangers. Any changes from the first game are basically
nonexistent. Some of the animals and
vegetation have different names. In addition to food recipes, there are magic potions to make and
then utilize.

The Island - Castaway 2  Walkthrough provides you with hints and

strategies for gameplay, locations of hidden items, and a
walkthrough.  In this game, you play as Yati a
young native boy who is trying to discern his calling while coming to
the terms of the
disappearance of his father and dealing with a group
of perhaps not so nice strangers.  Any changes from the first game
are basically
nonexistent.  Some of the animals and
vegetation have different names. In addition to food recipes, there are
magic potions to make and then


Understanding how to use the map is probably the most crucial for
enjoyment while playing the game.

Once you are allowed to buy potions and/or ingredients, do so; it's a lot easier.

a way to earn pearls that you enjoy.  Personally I liked catching
lots and lots and lots of crabs and would do so by walking up the beach
as I traveled between destinations.

How exactly does the map work?

If you have not explored an area, there will be cloud

covering the area..  
Once you have met someone, he or she will be identified by
a star on the map.  
There are a few times you won't be able to find someone on
the map. 
They are either somewhere you have not explored and under
the clouds 
Langst will be inside
a cave sometimes.
Roho likes to spend time
being invisible and will pop in and out. 
Muze ends up going off on
adventures and you just need to wait for him to return.
The characters are indicated
by stars. When you hover over the star, the name will be
Character stars come in four
Yellow means that they need
to talk to you. 
Red means you are in the
process of performing a task for them. 
Green means that you have
completed the task and can return to them. 
Blue means they don't need
anything from you and are not available for interaction. 
Also on the map, as you encounter them or get access to them are 4 cooking fires, 2 magic fires, and 3 different shops.

I'm tired of clicking all the time. How can I move more
Use the map. You can click on
any character who is not blue, the fires, the shops, the totem, or the
When you do, the map will fold
up and you will automatically move at your regular pace to that
you see something you want to pick up or do on the way, you just click
on it like you normally would. You can then either move
yourself or go
back to the map. 
If you have a character icon
to the left, you can also click on that and it will open the
If you just need to get somewhere that doesn't have a star, just click
on something else that will take you on your path and
click for
yourself when you want to break away from that direction. 
example, if you need mushrooms from the cave, you can click on Roho's
fire or shop and sit back and relax until you enter the

What happens to my character when I am using the map, my inventory, or

my recipe area? 
You will keep doing what you
were doing. You will keep running or chopping. 
you are around boars, they can still attack you. This is especially
disconcerting if you have stopped and are looking at the map
and start
hearing yourself start grunting. 
opening up your inventory does not stop a boar, snake, or crocodile
from attacking you while
you are trying to feed
yourself. But on the positive side, you can eat,
check your inventory, and prepare food that doesn't need cooking while you are

How do I know when I have to find somebody?

It tells you to talk to
someone on the task list. 
There is a photo on the left
side of the screen. 
Sometimes you just need to
look at the map to see if you can find a yellow star or green
you can't find somebody, it might be because they are either under the
cloud cover or in a cave. The clouds only go away on the
map if you
have been there. 

Should I pick up everything I see? 

That is your decision. If you
do, then you will be more likely to have it in your inventory when you
need it. 
However, you will also be more
likely to not enough room in your inventory. 
you are going to try for the gold trophies and you don't pick up a lot
of extra stuff, it will take you longer at the end. 
I used a middle of the road method.  Depending on my mood, I would
pick up everything I saw or just keep moving, but I
did pick up
a lot more than I needed at the time and frequently didn't have to go
looking for stuff at the end. 
Take a look at the gold
trophies to see what you need for those. That might help you make up
your mind. 

My inventory bag is too small. How do I get a larger inventory or get

rid of excess inventory? 
You can upgrade your inventory
bag twice by buying it from Wasani, but you need pearls. 
The second bag upgrade is your first priority from Wasani's shop.
You can sell your extra
inventory at Muze's shop or eat the stuff that is edible. 
You can also just throw stuff away by using the trashcan when your inventory is open.

How do I buy stuff? What can I buy? 

Go to Muze. 
You can pretty much buy
anything except for some of the ingredients needed for tasks. 
You also can never buy
prepared dishes; however, eventually you will be able to buy potions 
Just note that some
ingredients are very expensive
some tasks, you can buy the ingredients if desired. I would
occasionally use it for picking up a vegetable or mushroom or
portion ingredient because I
didn't want to take the time to grow it or use a potion just to get an ingredient. 

How does trading at Muze's or Roho's shops work? 

The items you have in your
inventory are on the left side. 
The prices that you can sell
them at are listed along with the quantity. 
The items you can buy are on
the right with their prices. 
Also note there is a slider
for scrolling down the screen. 
start a transaction, click on the item you want to sell or buy, select
how many you want, and click okay. You can also move the
slider to
select lots of items. 
You will also see a running
total of your transactions. You can keep doing this until you are
Before you finalize all of
your transactions, you will be given a choice to cancel

I have more than one task to complete or more than one person to talk
to. Which should I do first? 
Why not talk to whomever is
the closest. This game is somewhat linear. 
You have to complete all of
the tasks to move on and it doesn't really matter the order you go
only advantage to doing something more quickly is that you might get
another task sooner and can look for those items while
doing something
I would usually try as much as
I could to not be running back and forth the island. 
The walkthrough incorporates
this strategy as much as possible. 

What is up with the wild animals? 

The boars will actively chase you if they see you. Luckily you can run
as quickly as they can. If you are being chased,
just run until they
stop. The boars won't go past their normal area. 
The snakes don't chase you
unless you pick up a mushroom.
The crocodiles are impossible.
 You cannot get past them--period, unless you have a Protective Potion.
Using the Protection Potion
will cause the animals to ignore you. 
You will need a protection
potion anytime you need to go through the Marshy Wood and it is helpful to
have extras on hand.

How do I kill the boars and birds?

You will use your bow and arrow. It will take 3 hits to
kill a boar and 1 hit to kill a leap-quick.
You can buy bow upgrades from Wasani but they are expensive. 
When you want to hit the animal, you will see a target over
animal. Just click on it and as long as the animal doesn't move, you
should hit the animal. 
Then wait for it to stop moving around. The
boars will actually take off running after they are hit, so just follow
them at a little distance
until they stop. 
You do not need to get super
close to an animal to hit it as you will move into striking distance
If you have extra time on the protection potion, why not
hunt boars?

Where can I find... ?

Fruit and herbs.  Look at the map.
Apples--red circles
Bananas--blue circles
Oranges--orange circles
Coconuts--brown circles
Lemons--yellow circles
Kiwi--green circles
Blue plants--blue triangles
White plants--white triangles
Yellow plants--yellow triangles
Dead trees for logs--black circles
Seeds--Buy them
from Muze's shop
Arrows--Make at the workshop (free if you have logs or billets) or buy them
at the magic fires or buy at Roho's shop.  I recommend buying
potions once these become available to purchase--after
the shop opens
and after you have made a potion once
Mushrooms--Any cave
Oke uru--almost anywhere if you are using the vision
Ancestor's flower--Ancestor's Wood with the Interworld Potion active
Datura flower -- Marshy Wood with the Vision Potion; you will only be
able to get one at a time because of the crocodiles 

How do I catch a crab?

First you need to have a net, which you will get early on in the game. 
Second you cannot get too
close to them
before you throw. Sometimes when you throw, the movement itself will
cause them to scurry
Be sure to pick up your net and not wander
away. All this requires is to not click on something before you pick up
your net. 

When I try to catch a crab, I run away?

You left your net somewhere else and are going back to get it. Just run
along and you'll find it. 

How do I fish?

The trick to fishing is to click and then wait for your

fishing line to
turn white or at least light pink before clicking again. 
You will catch
a rock if you cast too near a rock or up the shore. Sometimes you will
catch a shoe or a shark will get your bait. 
When you first cast you
will see a bobber for your cursor. The bobber in the water will bob 3
times before you hook the fish. 
Then your cursor will turn into a fish. 
Upgrading your fishing rod will decrease the number of times you have
to click and the strength of your line. 
You get bait to fish when you dig holes at the farm

Where do I find sweet root, earth apple, green ear, multifoil, cabbage, sweet smelly, or stripie?

You have to grow them. You will be given some seeds at

first, but then
you will need to buy them at the Muze's shop. 
Buy seeds in batches of 20, as that is how many plots you have available.
By the time you have planted about 10 seeds, the first ones will be finished growing. 
The items come up at random but in equal proportions. 
Just dig
a hole and drop in the seed. To do so, you can queue up your clicks but
just don't click off the plots or on the menus or you will

I am hungry. How and what should I eat?

To eat, open your bag and double click on the food. Below
is a list of
the food value of items. 
If you don't think you will need an item, use
the higher value food or one that you have plenty of. 
I found that I
frequently had the ingredients for a fruit salad or fruit water, which
had a reasonable amount of food
To prepare food, click on the cooking button, choose your
recipe, and if you have the ingredients you can select cook. 
The icons
of ingredients will show you the number you have on hand and then the
number you need for the recipe. 
If you have enough, the icons will be
green; if not, they will be green. 
Some recipes have a fire icon, which
means it needs to be cooked. It can only be prepared at one of the four
If you click on the fire, the cursor will turn into a
bird and the menu will open. 
The recipes without a fire can be prepared
anywhere, even while moving. 
Food values 
Banana 4 
Orange 5 
Lemon 2 
Apple 4
Kiwi 3
Coconut 6 
Stripey (watermelon) 10
Smelly (pineapple) 10
Fruit salad 20, 1 apple, 1 banana, 1 kiwi 
Stewed multipede 35, 1 multipede, 1 earth apple, 1 green ear, 1 stick, fire 
Fried fish 30, 1 fish, 1 kiwi, 1 stick, fire
Baked fruit 35 , 2 apples, 1 banana, 1 orange, 1 stick, fire
Grilled leap-quick 40, 1 leap-quick, 2 lemon, 1 white plant, 2 sticks, fire
Fruit water 40, 1 coconut, 1 lemon, 3 oranges, 1 stripey
Fish soup 50, 1 fish, 1 earth apples, 1 blue herb, 1 white plant, 2 sticks, fire
Roast boar 65 1 boar, 2 earth apples, 1 blue herb, 1 yellowcolored , 3 sticks, fire
Leap-quick soup 45, 1 leap-quick, 3 multifoil, 1 earth apple, 2 yellowcolored, 2 sticks, fire 
Vegetable stew 45, 2 multifoil, 2 sweet root, 1 earth apple, 1 white flour, 3 sticks, fire
Big-man's steak  68, 1 boar meat, 2 yellowcolored, 2 blue herb, 1 white plant, 3 sticks, fire

What kind of upgrades are there?

Inventory bags--more room 

Shovel--less shovelfuls to dig a hole 
Fishing rod--stronger line, less clicks
Axe--Less chops to make logs 
Bow--less shots needed to kill 

How do I use the potions?

Click on the potion icon to the right.  You will

see a small vial with a number noting the number that you have
The progress bar is actually a piece of paper that burns up
to nothing.

What happens when I completely run out of food energy?

You will lose a few items in your inventory and wake up at

the near Keja's hut. 
If you need to end up there anyway, you might consider going hungry on purpose.

How do I earn pearls quickly?

I actually liked to walk up the beach and catch crabs all
the way.
I would rather sell a couple crabs and buy a potion or a
potion ingredient than worry about finding everything
Crabs are worth 20 pearls and while less than some other
items, such as boar meat, they are much quicker and easier to catch.
Where are all of the Rarities?
Cross reference the collection rarity numbers to the
numbers on the map.
Where are the 6 hidden items, the ones at the bottom of the achievement

There is one for each chapter and these are usually available
near the end.
If you miss one and the next chapter starts, you will not
be able to get it later.
Check the above map for the locations, circled in red with the chapter number.

How do I get all the Achievements?

Most are pretty self-explanatory.

either come automatically as you play the game or you will need to just
pick up more, catch more, or do more to get the gold
Do not do the last task in the game, returning to your tribemates on Far Beach, if you want to
get all the achievements without replaying
the game.
If you miss something or accidentally finish the game, your
achievements and rarity collection will follow you when you restart.

The Walkthrough

Chapter 1

1. Pick up the bananas 

2. Talk to Mdogoku 
3. Talk to Tambusi; she wants 2 apples, 2 bananas and 2 kiwi 
4. After you collect these, Tambusi wants fruit salad; make one and return to Tambusi.
5. Talk to Hakomo 
6. Click on the Totem to read the first riddle of the Clay Doll's Song 
7. Talk to Mdogoku  (in Northwest Dungu Lands) 
8. Talk to Bomani; he wants 1 multipede; catch one and return to him
9. Talk to Hakomo 
10. Read the second riddle of the Clay Doll's Song (from the Totem) 
11. Talk to Muze; he wants 1 bait to teach you to fish 
12. Talk to Mkulima; dig a hole in the field 
13. Mkulima wants 1 earth apple and 1 green ear; grow them and talk to her 
14. Talk to Muze; he wants 1 fish 
15. Catch a fish and return to Muze; he wants you to learn how to cook over fire 
16. Talk to Hakomo 
17. Read the 3rd riddle 
18. Talk to Tambusi; she wants ingredients for 1 stewed multipede and then wants you to make it. 
19. Talk to Hakomo; he wants you to decide what to become by talking to Roho, Bomani, and Wasani 
20. Talk to Tambusi; 
Find Mdogoku (in the middle of Leap-Quicks Wood) and give the baked fruits to him 
21. Talk to Muze; make fried fish and give it to him.
You can now shop in his store 
22. Find yourself north of the village 
23. Pick up the grass doll 
24. Talk to Keja 
25. Talk to Bomani - Go to the sanctuary
to find him.
26. Talk to Roho - Go through the cave north of the village 
27. Head to the right 
28. Catch up with the little man (monkey) by following him into the northern cave 

Chapter 2 

1. Talk to Roho 
2. Have a walk in the Ancestors Wood (to the east of Keja's hut) 
3. Talk to Keja 
4. Talk to Muze 
5. Talk to Wasani - Find a business 
6. Talk to Mkulima; she is over by Muze's hut 
7. Talk to Wasani 
8. Talk to Tambusi to get the recipe for baked fruit for Wasani and then make it 
9. Return to Wasani; he wants 10 logs 
10. Return to Wasani to fix Mkulima's field 
11. Talk to Mkulima.
12. Find wood hammer behind Mkulima's hut and take it to W. 
13. Talk to Tambusi - Find Mdogoku by the south exterior wall of sanctuary 
14. Talk to Keja to help Mdogoku 
15. Pick up the ingredients for Keja and return to her 
16. Tell Tambusi about Mdogoku 
17. Talk to Bomani - he wants 1 Leap Quick meat 
18. Return to Bomani; he wants grilled leap quick and will give you the recipe; make it and return 
19. Talk to Hakomo 
20. Find Roho in Oke Lands; you need a larger bag. 
21. Talk to Wasani and use his shop to get the New Man Bag
(upgrade to the next bag as soon as you can)
22. Find yellowcolored, chilling mushroom, and sharp-scent mushroom 
23. Make the clear vision potion and take to Roho 
24. Use the clear vision potion and pick up oke burs while you can 
25. Bring Roho the oke bur 

Chapter 3

1. Roho wants chilling mushroom, sharp-scent mushroom, and lightning mushroom 

2. Make the fast run potion 
3. Find out what is happening in the village by heading there 
4. Go to the entrance of Marshy Wood
5. Find Mdogoku in the sanctuary; he wants a big stick 
6. Let Tambusi know you found him 
7. Check to see if Muze is back 
8. Ask Wasani to make a stick for Mdogoku 
9. Wasani wants a log and baked fruit; return when you have these. 
10. Give the stick to Mdogoku 
11. Try to make friends with the foreigner in a big hat, Neumann Langst 
12. Get butterfly for Neumann 
13. Talk to Corc; he needs a drink 
14. Talk to Tambusi for the recipe for sweet water 
15. Talk to Mkulima 
16. Tambusi wants a smelly, 3 stripeys, 3 green ears, 3 earth apples so grow them 
17. Tambusi wants the ingredients for fruit water 
18. Make fruit water and give to Corc 
19. Corc now wants roast boar 
20. Talk to Gilles 
21. Tambusi thinks he needs fish soup and gives you the recipe 
22. Talk to Bomani and then return with boar meat; he will give you a recipe 
23. Make roast boar and give to Corc 
24. Talk to Corc again 
25. Go to Marshy Wood's entrance 
26. Roho wants 1 yellowcolored, 2 oke bur, 2 sharp-scent mushroom 
27. Make protective potion by finding the magic fire in sanctuary and give it to Roho.
28. Find
a blow pipe in the bushes just one bush to the northeast of the
transfer circle (stone circle) in Dungu Lands; take it to Bomani 
29. Approach the strangers 

Chapter 4 

1. Find the ghost of Fathi 

2. Use the Protection Potion and go through Marshy Wood 
3. Talk to Gilles 
4. Corc wants vegetable stew but Gilles is not well 
5. Talk to Tambusi; she thinks leap quick stew would be good for Gilles 
6. Find Roho in Oke Land; just head to his fire even though he is not there yet. 
7. You now have access to Roho's shop where you can buy ingredients, which I think is very handy. 
8. You need to make an Interworld Potion and you can buy the ingredients at the shop if you want 
9. Return to Roho; you will end up in Ancestor's Wood 
10. Pick Ancestor's Flowers as you leave 
11. Buy seeds and farm to get the needed vegetables. 
12. Make the stew give to Gilles; you will need to wait a bit to get the recipe for vegetable stew 
13. Talk to Muze 
14. You need to collect different herbs 
15. After getting them talk to Keja and she wants you to get Muze 
16. Go to his area; he is missing 
17. Go to the field to talk to Keja 
18. Now Gilles wants to talk to you 
19. You need ingredients for vegetable stew 
20. Gilles will make the stew and you need to take Gilles and the food to Corc 
21. To take Gilles to Corc you need protection potion 
22. Neumann want 15 billets 
23. Return box from Neumann to Bomani 
24. Talk to Neumann again 
25. Find Corc in the Marshy Woods 
26. Talk to Keja 
27. Talk to Muze 
28. Talk to Gilles 
29. Anytime
after Muze is missing from his field, you can find barrel to the north
west; you need to talk to Muze (can't find Muze for a bit
while Keja is
making the charm) 

Chapter 5
1. Talk to Neumann; you can't find him, just go to their camp and you will find out he is in a cave 
2. Enter the cave and before talking to him go down into the blue area in the cave to find a rarity to collect
3. After talking to Neumann, you will flash over to Agnelo 
4. Go to Oke Land and talk to Roho 
5. Need to talk to Wasani and Keja 
6. Now talk to Muze and Bomani 
7. Keep talking to everyone, Muze, Keja, Mkulima, and you will finally get over to Far Beach automatically 
8. Then talk to Wasani who will help fix the boat 
9. Talk to the Olof, the big guy, to get him to help you with the boat 
10. Talk to Gilles, he's just north of you. 
11. You need the ingredients for big man steak of Olof 
12. Cook it and bring it back to Gilles and then talk to Olof 
13. You will end up at Wasani's hut. Talk to him 
14. Wait until Wasani decides how to fix Fathi's boat 
15. Go to the cave in the Ancestor's Wood and get the necklace all the way to the right 
16. Talk to Wasani who will fix the boat
17. Then to Keja 
18. Talk to Bomani and collect the items to help make the stuffed boar
19. Talk Roho; collect everything for the next potion 
20. Make the transfer potion and talk to Roho 
21. Finish the other tasks 
22. Gilles now wants to talk to you too.
23. Go to the workbench to make the boar 
24. Talk to Mkulima now; she's ready to return 
25. Be sure you have protective potions for her
26. Before you return to Roho, find Mdogoku's doll, which is near the stuffed boar and give it back to him.
27. Talk to Roho; you will automatically go to the Ancestor's Land
28. While you are there, go in the cave and find the rarities and pick mushrooms
29. Leave the Ancestor's land

Chapter 6
1. Go into Marshy Wood
2. Pick up Gille's scarf
3. Head back to Far Beach
4. Then talk to Hakomo
5. Talk to Roho; he will take you to the Heart of the Island
6. Talk to Hakomo again; you need to get things for the hunt
7. Tambusi wants 3 multipedes, 2 fish, 2 leap-quick, 1 boar, 3 sweet roots
8. Keja wants 3 oke burs, 3 ancestor's flowers, 3 Datura flowers
9. Wasani wants 10 billets, 10 logs
10. Once you have collected everything, talk to Hakomo
11. Talk to Corc, using protection potions
12. Find Neumann Langst in the cave
13. Everyone will go off to capture the crocodile, while you can return the scarf to the Ancestor's Wood
14. Find the hunters in the Marshy Wood
15. Hurry to the Spirit's Small Circle by going into the Sanctuary and touching the altar
16. Find Langst by trying to go to the cave; you can't find him.
17. Return to the tribe by the fire on Far Beach; DO NOT DO THIS unless you are ready to finish the game
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