Individual Calculation 2021

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Centro Internacional del Mejoramiento del Maíz y Trigo

Individual Defined Benefit Obligation as of January 1, 2022

I. General Information


Company: Centro Internacional del Mejoramiento del Maíz y Trigo
Date of birth (dd,mmm,yyyy): 23/Dec/1961
Date of Hire: 01/Jul/1993
Date of actuarial valuation: 01/Jan/2022
Date of birth of the spouse (dd,mmm,yyyy): 27/Feb/1973
Marital Status: Married
Current Information:
Age: 60.02
Years of Service: 28.50
Age of Spouse: 48.84
At Retirement:
Age: 65.00
Years of Service: 33.48
Age of Spouse: 53.82

II. Benefit Calculation:

Years of Service as of December 31, 2017: 24.50

Subsidy Level: 50.00%
Annual premium - based on the marital status (1): 7,740.00

Benefit: 50% of subsidy of the medical insurance premium. In case of participant's death, the surviving spouse will receive the benefit during the following twelve months.

Annual benefit at retirement: 3,870.00

Defined Benefit Obligation as of January 1, 2022 (1): 44,850.00


- Discount rate as of August 31, 2021: 2.10%

- Assuming the employee will retire at 65 years old (no taking into considering probabilities of termination from now to retirement age)
- Considering normal mortality rates as for the entire population.

(1) All amounts are shown in USD.

These results are provided subject to the terms set out herein and in our email dated September 14th, 2021 and referenced General Terms and Conditions of Business which were signed
on November 7th, 2017. These results are provided solely for the Company's use and for the specific purposes indicated above. It is not intended for and may not be suitable for use in
any other context or for any other purpose.
In preparing these results, we have relied upon information and data provided to us orally, electronically and/or in writing by Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo and
other persons or organizations designated by Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo. We have relied on all the data and information provided, including plan provisions,
participant data and asset information, as being complete and accurate.
The Company may make a copy of this report available to its auditors, but we make no representation as to the suitability of this report for any purpose other than that for which it was
originally provided and accept no responsibility or liability to the Company's auditors in this regard.

Elaboration Date: Monday, September 27, 2021

Willis Towers Watson GMM/
Individual calculation_2021.xls

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