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Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)

Vocab Quiz every Saturday

Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
To place two things side I always juxtapose my past and
Juxtapose Verb
by side for comparison present to see my progress.
Easily irritated The professor became petulant and
Petulant Adj Tetchy, Moody
(Khijha hua) left the lecture.

Impulsive decisions can make you Spontaneous, Off-

Impulsive Adj Unplanned
regret later. hand, Sudden

Diffidence in taking the required Hesitation,

Diffidence Noun Lack of self-confidence
action can spoil your life. Reluctance
Phrase The idea of population control is still
Gain Traction Gain support
(verb) not gaining traction in the rural India.
(1) Law is the bulwark of society.
Dependable support,
(2) The France-made Rafale aircraft are Mainstay, Rampart,
Bulwark Noun Defensive boundary
our strongest bulwark against the Parapet
(1) No one can get by without oxygen.
Phrasal Cope with, subsist,
Get by Survive, Manage (2) It is hard to get by on a small
Verb get along, live on
income in metro cities.
Hard work is the cornerstone of
Cornerstone Noun Foundation Bedrock, Mainstay

The world is still divided over eventual Concluding,

Eventual Adj Final
outcome of global warming. ultimate, inevitable
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
A legal tussle has been going on Skirmish, Tug-of-
Tussle Noun Fight
between Ratan Tata and Cyrus Mistry. war, scuffle

Noun/ The workers' main grouse is that they

Grouse Complaint, to complain Grievance
Verb are not paid on time.
(1) Hoarding and black marketing is a Endeavour,
A risky attempt/
Noun/ risky venture (Noun). investment,
Venture business, to take a
Verb (2) A few fishermen ventured into the experiment,
chance (Verb)
stormy waters and lost their lives. adventure
The Government retaliated by
To fight back, give a Retaliation
Retaliate Verb throwing the violent protestors into Strike back
counter reply (Noun)

Noun A cover/mask to hide The comedian concealed her sorrow Façade, Camouflage,
Fig leaf
Phrase something behind the fig leaf of a smiling face. Disguise
(1) It is incumbent upon the
Government to give tax relief to
-1) Necessary (duty) Incumbency
Incumbent N/Adj MSMEs.
-2) Officeholder (Noun)
(2) The incumbent Chairperson will
resign tomorrow.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
-1) Begin a journey/ (1) The climbers will set out to scale
Phrasal task with a goal Mt. Everest next week. Begin, Commence,
Set out
Verb -2) To present ideas (2) The college set out a schedule of Declare
facts in formally classes on the notice-board.
(1) Vanity is the quicksand of the
Hubris, High-
Vanity Noun Pride, Arrogance handedness, Vain (Adj)
(2) Her vanity kept her from getting
our help.
Covid-19 has caused the world Regress,
Get worse, go back to Retrogression
Retrogress (Verb) economy to retrogress to where it was Deteriorate,
bad behaviour (Noun)
a decade ago. Retrograde

It is difficult to envisage the

Envisage (Verb) Visualize, Picturize Imagine, Assume
consequences of another pandemic.

Phrasal Contending with failure and turning it Deal with

Contend with Deal with
Verb into success is the art of living. Grapple with, Tackle
(1) The PM spent the whole election
(1) To gather support/
campaign canvassing for support. (1) Solicit
Canvass Verb votes
(2) The documents relating to the (2) Scrutinize, Probe
(2) Analyze deeply
fraud are being canvassed by the CBI.
The world’s investigative agencies are
In tandem Adverb In close co-operation working in tandem to figure out the
origin of the Covid-19 virus.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) The volcano has been dormant for
Dormant Adj Inactive, Sleeping (2) All of us have dormant talents that Latent, hidden
need someone’s encouragement to be
Aggravate, Rub
Ruffle Idiom Her statements have ruffled feathers
To cause annoyance someone the wrong
feathers (Verb) in the political arena of the country.
A meeting was called to iron out the
Phrasal Reconcile,
Iron out Resolve, Settle differences between the management
Verb harmonize
and the workers.

Rich people often get away with their

Loopholes Noun An escape route Way out
crimes using loopholes in the law.

Consumption of sweets can Worsen, Aggravate,

Exacerbate Verb Make things worse
exacerbate your diabetes. Exasperate

Prediction, omen,
These sales figures are a good augury
Augury Noun Predict prophesy, herald, Augur (Verb)
for another profitable year.

Ingeminate The prisoner ingeminated his request Reiterate, Ingemination

Verb To repeat something
In + geminate for mercy in front of the judge. emphasize, echo (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) Most people act out of expediency,
instead of their principles. Expedient
Expediency Noun Convenience, Usefulness, fitness
(2) International relations are based on (Adj)
economic expediency.
(1) A miser would not spend money
even when it is expedient to spend. Expediently
Expedient Adj Practical, Suitable Pragmatic
(2) The company is trying to apply its (Adverb)
latest invention in an expedient way.
Quicken, hasten,
Expedite/ We need to produce more vaccine to Expedition
Verb To speed up (efficiently) rush through
expediate expedite vaccination against the virus. (Noun)
(1) The company was accused of
1. To cheat overreaching its customers by selling
Over-reach 2. To fail because of second-hand products. Outwit, outsmart
targeting high (2) By making unwise investments, I
have overreached myself financially.
1. A thing that spreads
Noun/ over into another area. Increased fuel costs have a spillover
Verb 2. An unexpected or effect on other consumer goods.
indirect consequence.
- A port or refuge (N) (1) Panama is a harbour of tax evaders.
Noun/ Haven, Refuge
Harbour - To conceal something (2) She has been harbouring ill-will for
Verb Conceal, cherish
(article/ feeling) (V) her best friend after the incident.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Noun/ revealing (Adj) Revealing, Divulging,
Tell-tale Nervousness is a tell-tale sign of a liar.
Adj A gossiper, Betraying, Giveaway
whistleblower (N)
After an argument, the atmosphere of
Bonhomie Noun Khushmijaji Friendliness,
bonhomie was suddenly gone.
Freedom and the battles against slavery Authoritarianism,
Totalitarianism Noun Tanashahi and totalitarianism dominate the 20th Despotism,
century. Absolutism
Conservative customs are Anachronism
Anachronistic Adj chronologically Obsolete
anachronistic in a modern society. (Noun)
The share market rebounded two
Rebound Verb Jump back, Revive Bounce back, Revive
weeks after the crash.
(1) India is believed to be an emergent
Emerge (V)
1) Appearing global force.
Emergent Adj Appearing Emergency
2) Urgent (2) The patient needed an emergent
surgery procedure.
To decrease in The actor’s popularity started to Wane, Die down,
Subside Verb
intensity subside after his arrest. Peter out, Taper off
1) Calculate It is reckoned that India’s economy will Reckoning
Reckon Verb Suppose, Estimate
2) Believe, Assume be second largest by 2050. (N)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) We need to reckon with all
To consider/ take into
Phrasal possible hurdles.
Reckon with account something Take into account
Verb (2) She is a tough opponent to be
reckoned with.
To hinder/ prevent a The law enforcement agencies foiled Thwart, Nip in the
Foil Verb
plan, desire or attempt an attack on the President. bud
To make someone Raju, our neighbour, roped in
Phrasal Involve, Convince,
Rope in involve with something everyone to help him move to his new
verb trap
(with force) house.
Extremely heavy in The teacher a gave an onerous
Onerous Adj burden, difficult to assignment to the students as
perform homework.
The Government imposed an embargo
Embargo Noun A ban order Ban, Restriction
on export of vaccines.
Noticeable and The book presents salient facts of the
Salient Adj Noticeable,
important India’s freedom struggle.
The Centre and State governments In tandem,
Co-ordinated and Concertednes
Concerted Adj have started a concerted campaign to Synchronized,
preplanned s (Noun)
encourage people to get vaccinated. Collaborated
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
(1) She complained of rigidity in her
Inflexibility, neck.
Rigidity Noun Bullheadedness, Rigid (Adj)
Stubbornness (2) Rigidity of one’s routine may cause
a feeling of boredom.
To take away The court impeached the President
Strip someone Verb Divest of,
medal/honor as and stripped him of his powers and
of something Phrase Rob of
punishment title.
Deprive To prevent someone
Verb Poverty deprives many children of
someone of from having something Bereave of
Phrase even the basic education.
something important
The monk was in a perpetual search of Long-lasting, Perpetuity
Perpetual Adj Never-ending
truth. Perennial, Eternal (Noun)
A general character or
Mood, theme, gist,
Tenor Noun meaning of something The tenor of the meeting was positive.
At the start of second wave of the
A difficult situation pandemic, tha nation was in a
Dilemma Noun Quandary, Hobson's
(Dharmsankat) dilemma over the necessity of lock-
It’s a moot (arguable/ debatable) Arguable,
Moot Adj Debatable question when will the pandemic be Unresolved,
over. Unsettled
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
The UPA Government mooted
To discuss or think Deliberate, Weigh,
Moot verb (thought carefully) the idea of a GST
carefully Consider
system and the NDA implemented it.
After an argument, the tensions in the Palpable, Evident, Discernibility
Discernible Adj Noticeable, Apparent
room were discernible. Perceptible (Noun)
The new intern mooted a hitherto
Hitherto Adverb Until now, So far As yet
unthinkable solution to the problem.
(1) The government has placed an
Complete, Direct (Adj) outright ban on the export of vaccines. Unconditional,
Outright Completely, Directly, (2) I asked him about the incident Down-right,
immediately (Adverb) outright. Absolute
(3) We bought the car outright.
Clamp down
Phrasal Control (Shikanja The tax authorities have started
Crack down Rein in
Verb kasna) cracking down on tax evaders.
Curb, Control
The new law enacted by the Gag, Suppress,
Silence (Gala ghotna,
Muzzle Verb Government aims at muzzling the Choke, Stifle,
awaj dabana)
freedom of speech. Restrain
Introduction, Drinks were overture to dinner.
Overture Noun Prelude, Preface
Preliminary advance She rejected his friendly overtures.
Appear from
Phrasal Come from, Originate The pandemic has stemmed from the
Stem from Materialize from
Verb from negligence of China.
Emanate from
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Noun/ An organization representing MSMEs is Buttonhole
Lobby Advocate for something
Verb lobbying for tax relief for the sector. Push for
(1) The thief dashed to the highway.
1. Run quickly (2) People caught the thief and dashed 1. Race
Dash Verb 2. Break into pieces his head against the wall. 2. Crack, Shatter
3. Hit into something (3) All our hopes were dashed when 3. Hit, Smash
we couldn’t find a bed for our uncle.
1. A race (1) He won the 100-meter dash.
1. Race
2. A small quantity of (2) I added a dash of sugar in my black
Dash Noun/ Adj 2. Fraction, Smidgen,
something coffee.
3. Style, Elegance (3) She married a dashing young man.
Vindictive Adj Tigers are vindictive by nature. Resentful, Spiteful
(1) Most rap songs are full of
Needless gratuitous vulgarity. Uncalled for, Gratuitously
Gratuitous Adj
Free (2) We have some gratuitous tickets Excessive (Adverb)
for the upcoming match.
1. To meet someone
(1) Shalini came across an old
Phrasal photograph of herself in the cupboard.
Come across 2. To be understood or Stumble upon
Verb (2) He comes across as a humble
received in a particular
person during his public appearances.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Our cantankerous neighbours are used
Petulant, Grumpy,
Cantankerous Adj Easily irritated, Petulant to picking gratuitous fights with
Tetchy, Crotchety
The presentation was boring and full Extra, Repetitious, Redundancy
Redundant Adj Needless, Useless
of redundant details. Surplus (Noun)
1. Development This past decade saw a massive 1. Generation Proliferate
Proliferation Noun
2. Growth, increase proliferation of online services. 2. Expansion (Verb)
The second wave of the covid Far-flung areas,
A remote and under-
Hinterland Noun penetrated even the rural hinterlands Wilderness, back-
developed area
of the country. woods
The latest bail-out package will cost Coffers, Government
Exchequer Noun Government Treasure
the exchequer ₹ 50,000 crore. treasury
(1) The team lost because of the
abysmal performance of the batsmen.
1. very poor/ bad (2) Her arguments are full of abysmal 1. Awful
Abysmal Adj 2. limitless (negatively) stupidity. 2. Boundless Abyss (Noun)
3. bottomless (3) Scientists discovered a new species 3. Unfathomable
of fish in the abysmal depths of the
Atlantic Ocean.
Hesitant or allergic to Most unsuccessful people are averse Loath, Unwilling, Aversion
Averse Adj
something to change. reluctant (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
A compensation (Noun)
Noun/ The airline will have to recompense Reparation,
Recompense To give compensation
Verb the passengers for cancelling the flight. Restitution
To make amends (V)
Lacking spirit, half- Competitive Exams of India can’t be
Lackadaisical Adj Listless, lethargic
hearted cracked with a lackadaisical approach.
Silent, Dis-inclined to Taciturn, Reserved, Reticence
Reticent Adj She is very reticent about her past.
talk Restrained (Noun)
Unjustified or The theory was found to be untenable Untenability
Un-tenable Adj Indefensible, illogical
Unacceptable and rejected. (Noun)
1) Most religions posit the existence of
God and Devil.
Verb/ Postulate, Suppose,
Posit Assume, Present 2) Many scientists have posited the lab
Noun Assume, Put forward
leak theory of Covid-19 virus from a
Wuhan lab.
Many clairvoyant nations are ramping
up their health infrastructure before Clairvoyance
Clairvoyant Adj/ Noun Far-sighted Visionary
the onset of further waves of the (Noun)
In a myopic move, the Government Myopia
Myopic Adj Short- sighted Near-sighted
again increased the tax on fuel. (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
1) The job was easy and the salary
made it attractive all the more. (even
All the more Adverb Even more 2) The international prices of petrol Much
Phrase and diesel are already high and high
rates of tax make them all the more
more) expensive.
The army claims the rebels are on Enervated, run-
On the ropes Phrase In a state of collapse
the ropes. down
1) She felt that someone was dogging
1) To annoy or bother Hound, Trouble,
Dog Verb
2) Follow closely 2) The allegations of right-wing Plague
nationalism have been dogging the
1) To make something
successful by putting in Hammer out,
efforts. (1) New Delhi has forged alliances with Construct
2) To make an illegal all major western powers.
Forge Verb
copy of a document. (2) He was accused of forging the Falsify, Fabricate,
3) To shape a metal by property documents of his uncle. Tamper with,
heating and Manipulate
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Ordinary, Most of the famous Indian scientists
Middling, Mediocrity
Mediocre (Adj) Unremarkable, Run-of- had their education from mediocre
Unexceptional (Noun)
the-mill Government schools.
Her plan to visit Europe during the Audacity
Audacious Adj Bold, Risky Intrepid, Foolhardy
pandemic was audacious. (Noun)
The minister’s statements invited a
Salvo Noun An all-out attack salvo of questions from the journalists Volley, Barrage
Pluto (God of wealth)
The plutocrat had amassed his wealth Plutocracy
Plutocrat Noun + crat (administrator)
from the business of illegal mining. (Noun)
A wealthy politician
There is a tenuous difference between Fragile, Slim,
Tenuous Adj Very thin, weak
a soldier and a terrorist. Delicate, Flimsy
1. The accident led to his demise.
1. Death
Demise Noun 2. These losses led to the demise of Death
2. Failure, Collapse
their business.
1. Something is weighing on/down her
Weigh Phrasal 1. Cause anxiety mind.
on/down Verb 2. Cause burden 2. Inflation is weighing on/down the
To make a meaningful
Phrasal Each member weighed in with his/her
Weigh in contribution in an Contribute
Verb opinion.
activity or discussion
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Deviating from what is
She gets perverse satisfaction from Pervert
Perverse Adj normal or immoral, Abnormal, Depraved
embarrassing others. (Noun)
Relent + less 1. The rebels surrendered before a
1. Cruel or someone relentless army. Relentless-
Relentless Adj Unyielding
refusing to give up 2. Relentless traffic noise affects my ness (Noun)
2. Never ceasing work.
To formally resign from
The man abdicated his family Abandon, Renounce, Abdication
Abdicate Verb a position of power or
responsibilities and became a hermit. Relinquish (Noun)
The war was marked by a lengthy spell
Blood-shed Noun Massacre, Slaughter Carnage, Gore
of bloodshed.
Make up for,
Offset Verb Counterbalance Your virtues cannot offset your vices.
Compensate for
(1) Increased FDI can ratchet up our
Ratchet up GDP.
(Phrasal Start, upgrade or Upgrade, Level,
Crank up (2) The RBI needs to provide a financial
Verb) intensify an activity Improve
Ramp up stimulus package to crank up the
recovery after Covid-19.
Prepositio The little girl took an ice-cream in lieu
In lieu of In place of
n of a plastic doll.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Very strict or Army schools are known for their Stringent, Rigid, Rigour
Rigorous Adj
burdensome rigorous discipline. Harsh, Stern (Noun)
Issuing a bad check is a form of
Larceny Noun Theft, Misappropriation Plundering, stealing
1. To support or (1) The USA patronizes the United
promote something Nations.
2. To be a regular client (2) We patronize the nearby Kirana 1. Support, Sponsor Patron
Patronize Verb
or customer Store for decades. 2. Condescend (Noun)
3. Treat someone in a (3) Feminists argue that men need to
demeaning way stop patronizing women.
(1) The noise of the traffic made it
difficult for me to concentrate.
1. Focus Combine, Concentrate
Concentrate Verb (2) The company is planning to
2. Gather, Unite Accumulate, (Noun)
concentrate its several branches into
one subsidiary office.
The right to life and privacy gives us
To give form/shape to Design, Carve, Erect, Fashion
Fashion Verb the right to fashion our lives in the
something Manufacture (Noun)
way we find suitable.
(1) Fashion changes very frequently.
1. Latest style (2) The question paper was prepared
Fashion Noun Manner, way, Style
2. Attitude or manner in such a fashion that none could score
more than 70% marks.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Something very strong
Three people lost their lives while Daunting,
and impressive because Formidability
Formidable Adj accomplishing the formidable task of Intimidating,
it is very difficult and (Noun)
scaling this mountain. Dreadful
1. Reasonable and (1) The police could find no plausible
credible explanation for the murder. Probable, Tenable, Plausibility
Plausible Adj
2. A person good at (2) He is so plausible that fooling Logical, Rational (Noun)
lying and cheating someone is a piece of cake for him.

Enviable Adj Desirable Maria is a woman of enviable beauty. Worthy, Excellent Envy (Noun)

1. A warning or special
The man sold cheap second-hand Forewarning,
Caveat Noun condition
products with a caveat of no warranty. Provision, Caution
2. A restriction
Noun The salesman used his craft and guile
Craft and guile Art and cleverness Proficiency, Trickery
Phrase to close every deal.
After an argument, the tensions in the Discernible, Evident, Palpability
Palpable Adj Noticeable, Apparent
room were palpable. Perceptible (Noun)
Empirical evidence suggests that the
Empirical Adj Universe comprises millions of planets Practical
with earth-like conditions.

Integral Adj Inseparable Risk is integral in stock markets. Inherent, Immanent

Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Prevalence of poverty is higher among Prevail
Prevalence Noun Popularity, Dominance Pervasiveness
illiterate sections of the society. (Verb)
Quicksilver, Erratic,
Fashion designing is a mercurial Mercury
Mercurial Adj Changeable Fickle,
business. (Noun)
Phrasal To cause something to Continuous wars brought about their Generate, Produce,
Bring about
Verb occur destruction. Engender
To go through a difficult
Reel from/ Phrasal Our economy is still reeling
time because of Falter, Stagger
under Verb from/under the Covid-19 pandemic.
The company fired its dawdling Procrastinate,
To delay or waste time
Dawdle Verb employees after giving them several dither, laze, linger,
in taking action
warnings. To drag one’s feet
A risky situation that
Indian diaspora in South Africa is in a
Tinder-box Noun can turn into a violent
tinderbox situation.
one at any moment
Latent, Secret,
Cloaked Adj Hidden The meeting was cloaked in mystery.
(1) A very virulent form of the disease
-1) Extremely poisonous has appeared in Africa. Virulence
Virulent Adj malignant, toxic
-2) Very harsh (2) China is a virulent critic of the (Noun)
American sanctions on Iran.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Subtle difference A good teacher should know the Nuanced
Nuance Noun Subtlety
(Bareeki) nuances of his subject. (Adj)
Phrasal To put an end to Three fire-brigades were called in to Defeat, Crush, Kill,
Snuff out
Verb something snuff out the deadly fire. Stamp out
To follow an aimless After the tragedy, her personal life Meandering
Meander Verb Roam, Drift
and curved path started to meander. (Adj)
Meandering, Tortuosity
Tortuous Adj Complicated, Tricky Life is a hard and tortuous journey.
Complex, Twisted (Noun)
The new law has been accused of
Hyperexcited, Overzealous-
Overzealous Adj overzealous surveillance of the Fanatic
Hyperactive ness (Noun)
The management has issued precise Well-defined, Precision
Precise Adj Exact, Accurate
directions for the workers. Unambiguous (Noun)
Children need a wholesome
Healthful, Decent, Wholesome-
Wholesome Adj environment to grow physically and Salubrious, Salutary
Appropriate ness (Noun)
1) The welfare of citizens should
override all other objectives in the
1. Dominate, To be the
policies of a State. Overriding
Override Verb most important Supersede
2) The latest ruling of the SC overrides (Adj)
2. Cancel, Annul
the rulings passed by the Delhi HC in
the past.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
In the policies of a State, all other
Subservient Adj Inferior, Secondary objectives should be subservient to Submissive
the cause of welfare of citizens.
To deliberately- (1) The protestors tried to sabotage Vandalize, Hamper,
Noun/ 1. Destroy property electricity supply. Obstruct, To put
Verb 2. Hinder someone’s (2) Her colleagues are trying to spoke in someone’s
work/ plans sabotage her plans. wheel
1. Leave a bad effect
Phrasal The new law may impinge upon the Impact, encroach,
Impinge upon 2. Trespass, advance
Verb freedom of press. Trample upon
beyond normal limits
The news of her failure perturbed her Annoy, Bother,
Perturb Verb Disturbed, Angry Perturbing
deeply. Enrage
Exceptionally bad and Child- rape is the most abominable Abominate
Abominable Adj Disgusting,
distasteful crime. (Verb)
Spying, the act of The Government is facing the charges Surveillance,
Espionage Noun
watching over someone of wide-spread espionage. Snooping
A group of similar
people (by age, The initial cohort of patients have
Cohort Noun Contingent, Regiment
profession or other safely recovered from the disease.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Misleading, All claims of the company proved to be Disingenuous, Speciousness
Specious Adj
Unauthentic, False specious. Spurious (Noun)
Something that
confuses you because Technology is developing with a Bewilder
Bewildering Adj Confounding,
of being complex or bewildering pace. (Verb)
To make something Belittle, Diminish,
Phrasal The politician tried to play down his
Play down look less important, Make light of, Make
Verb role in the scam.
Underplay little of, Dumbfounded
(1) To remember the (1) Some old people always hark back
Phrasal past to how things were 30 years ago. Remind, Recall, Be
Hark back
Verb (2) To cause to (2) This new style harks back to the reminiscent of
remember the past fashion of 60’s.
The pursuit of happiness ends with the Pursue
Pursuit Noun Chase, Desire Quest
death. (Verb)
Flirting, Love affair, Bill Clinton was impeached for his Dally
Dalliance Noun Espousal, Nuptial
Brief connection dalliance with a White House intern. (Verb)
The sage was in an eternal quest for Persisting, Endless, Eternity
Eternal Adj Never ending
truth and Nirvana. Long-lasting (Noun)
A passage or way to do Terrorists use POK as a conduit for
Conduit Noun Pipeline, Canal
something terror activities.
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
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Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Something that causes Covid-19 has proved to be a health Curse, Bane, Terror, Scourge
Scourge Noun
death or misery scourge. Affliction (Verb)
Something that causes
India’s population has been increasing Alarm
Alarming Adj apprehension or fear, Alerting, horrifying
at an alarming rate. (Noun)
1. A huge snow-slide 1. Many tourists are trapped in an
2. A sudden appearance avalanche. Avalanche
Avalanche Noun Land-slip, Snowslide
of something large in 2. We received an avalanche of (Verb)
numbers inquiries for our new course.
Something that cannot Global warming is doing irreversible Irreversibility
Irreversible Adj Irrevocable
be reversed damage to our environment. (Noun)
The minister was avaricious for power Avarice
Avaricious Adj Greedy Rapacious
and money. (Noun)
The car of the drunk driver was Impoundmen
Impound Verb Seize, Confine Imprison
impounded by the traffic police. t (Noun)
A large uncontrollable Many people died in a multi-story Hellfire, Inferno,
Conflagration Noun
fire building conflagration in Surat. Wildfire
The virus remains dormant until it Dormancy
Dormant Adj Asleep, Inactive Inoperative
finds a new host. (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
There was a casual bonhomie between Agreeableness,
Bonhomie Noun Amicability
the G-7 leaders during the summit. Geniality
Disregard, To turn a
No democratic state can condone the Condonation
Condone Verb Ignore an evil blind eye to
use of violence. (Noun)
(1) Massive unemployment is the
Noun (Un-
Bad consequences, fallout of the pandemic. Side-effects,
Fallout countable)/
breach in relations (2) The US and China fell out in a tussle ramifications
over tariffs.
The Government has ordered a
Relating to something Substant
Substantive Adj substantive investigation into the Thoughtful
important or serious (Noun)
Considerable, The effects of the lock-downs have Substant
Substantial Adj Noticeable
Significant been substantial. (Noun)
Covid-19 vaccines are the result of
Agreement, Merging, Converge
Convergence Noun convergence of many streams of
Concurrence Confluence (Verb)
The divergence between the incomes
Disagreement, Deviation, Diverge
Divergence Noun of the rich and the poor seems to be
Difference Dissimilarity (Verb)
Big banks are averse to sanctioning Averseness
Averse Adj Allergic, Disinclined Indisposed
risky loans. (Noun)
Vocabulary notes (YET Aman Sir)
Vocab Quiz every Saturday
Word POS Meaning Sentence Syn Other forms
Law making powers on police and
Ambit Noun Domain, Scope agriculture fall under the ambit of the Orbit, Jurisdiction
States of India.
Out of place, A huge shopping mall in the middle of Incongruity
Incongruous Adj Unfitting, Inconsistent
Incompatible a village looked incongruous. (Noun)

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