Index: Also Primary Aldosteronism

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Note: Page numbers followed by the letter f refer to figures and those followed by t refer to tables.

A Coronary Disease Trial Investigating Outcome with ACTION (A Coronary Disease Trial Investigating Adolescents (Continued)
Nifedipine Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System Outcome with Nifedipine Gastrointestinal secondary causes of, 441, 446
(ACTION), 272t, 273, 281 Therapeutic System), 272t, 273, 281 acute vs. chronic, 446t
AASK. See African American Study of Kidney Disease Action potential, cardiac membrane, β-adrenergic target organ damage with, 447, 448, 449f, 450
and Hypertension (AASK). blockers effect on, 231, 232t substance use/abuse in, 446, 446t, 560
AB/CD rule, for treatment decisions, 506, 575 Active/positive control group, in new drug Adrenal adenoma, resistant hypertension related to, 503
ABCD-HT (Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in development, 540, 541, 541f, 542 Adrenal hyperplasia
Diabetes-Hypertension), 271, 272t, 280, 319t, Acute Candesartan Cilexetil Evaluation in Stroke aldosterone excess from. See Primary aldosteronism.
353t, 354f Survivors (ACCESS), 258, 259f, 399 hypertension related to, 148–149
Abdominal obesity, 370 Acute cellular rejection, in heart transplant, 347 adenoma vs., 112–113, 149
insulin resistance associated with, 418–419 Acute coronary syndromes congenital, 106
resistant hypertension and, 509 hypertension management with, 336–337 resistant hypertension related to, 503
Abdominal surgery, for pheochromocytoma resection, hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t Adrenal medulla
128 management of, 519 ACTH-producing tumors of, 109–110
ABI. See Ankle-brachial index (ABI). Acute hypertension, in children, 446, 446t aldosterone-secreting tumors of, 110, 112–113. See
Ablation therapy, radiofrequency, for metastatic Acute hypertensive crises also Primary aldosteronism.
pheochromocytoma, 129 with malignant pheochromocytoma, 129 catecholamine-secreting tumors of, 119. See also
ABPM. See Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring with pheochromocytoma resection, 128 Pheochromocytoma.
(ABPM). prevention of, 126–128 Adrenal veins, bilateral sampling of, for adrenal
Abruptio placentae, with chronic hypertension, 431 Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy (AIRE) study, 336, adenoma localization, 113, 114f
Absolute risk 343 Adrenalectomy
of cardiovascular disease, 7, 8f Acute-phase response, to diuretics, 217, 217f for ACTH-producing tumors, 110
of hypertension, 3 Additive effect, of gene-environment interactions, 22 for primary aldosteronism, 113–114
of renovascular hypertension, 95, 95f Adducin gene, 27–28, 29 medical management guidelines, 115
Accelerated hypertension. See also Malignant diet interactions with, 207 laparoscopic, for pheochromocytoma, 128
hypertension. Adenoma Adrenergic agonists
natural history of, 165 adrenal, resistant hypertension related to, 503 central
ACCESS (Acute Candesartan Cilexetil Evaluation in aldosterone-producing, 110 for children and adolescents, 450, 451t
Stroke Survivors), 258, 259f, 399 hyperplasia vs., 112–113, 148, 149 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 432, 433t
Access to care, as blood pressure control factor, 527 hypertension related to. See Primary hypertension related to, 146
Acculturation aldosteronism. partial activity of, 231
of African Americans, 468 malignant transformation of, 115 Adrenergic antagonists. See also α-Adrenergic blockers;
of Hispanics, 483 Adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase), vascular tone and, β-Adrenergic blockers.
of South Asians, 495 38 for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 140
Accupril Titration Interval Management Evaluation Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent calcium pharmacogenetic studies of, 20, 32, 33
(ATIME) trial, 475 pump, 268, 269f α-Adrenergic blockers, 286–292
ACE gene Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium adverse effects of, 292
association studies on, 18, 19–20, 19t channels, activation of, 299 chemical structures of, 289f
pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 27 ADH (antidiuretic hormone), diuretic therapy impact for diabetes-related hypertension, 410f, 411t, 413
ACE-I. See Angiotensin I–converting enzyme (ACE-I). on, 214f, 224f for heart failure, 341
ACE-II. See Angiotensin II–converting enzyme Adherence, to treatment. See Nonadherence. for hypertension, 288–292
(ACE-II). Adipose tissue, natriuretic peptide receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 243
ACE Inhibition in Progressive Renal Disease (AIPRD), overexpression in, 42 cardiovascular events with, 289–291, 290f
353, 353t, 354, 355 Adiposity CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 565, 565f
ACE inhibitors. See Angiotensin-converting enzyme excess, 194 clinical trial trends, 288–289, 292
(ACE) inhibitors. hypertension related to, 477 considerations with, 231–232, 236, 288–289
Acebutolol resistant hypertension and, 509 diuretics vs., 220f–221f
elimination characteristics of, 234t Admixture mapping, of genetic patterns, 17, 20, 21f, 482 in African Americans, 470
historical studies on, 306 Admixture populations, genetic studies on, 17, 20, 21f, in children and adolescents, 450, 451t
molecular structure of, 232, 235f 482 peripheral, 450, 453t
pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t Adolescents in elderly patients, 459, 461, 463, 463t, 464
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t blood pressure measurement in, 441 in obesity, 378–379, 380t
Acetazolamide, 213, 225 hypertension in, 440–454 metabolic effects of, 291
Acetorphan, 298 by age percentiles, 440, 443t, 445t for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433, 433t
Acid-base balance by height percentiles, 440, 443t, 445t for resistant hypertension, 506
in ectopic ACTH syndrome, 109–110 by sex, 440, 443t, 445t for stroke prevention, primary, 395, 397
thiazide diuretics effect on, 225 defining, 49–50, 50f, 54 for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t, 366
transplant hypertension and, 365 essential, 446–447 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 574, 575f
Acromegaly, 150 characteristic findings of, 448 historical studies on, 306
resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 504 evaluation of, 447–449, 449f hypertension related to, 145
ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). diagnostic testing for, 448–449 lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t
ACTH suppression, for glucocorticoid-remediable medical history in, 447–448 pharmacology of, 287–288, 289f
aldosteronism, 116 physical examination in, 447–448 preoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, 126,
ACTH suppression test, for hypercortisolism diagnosis, obesity trends and, 6, 207–208, 447 127
109–110 weight loss for, 449 receptor subtypes and, 286–287, 287f
Actin, calcium channel blockers effects on, 268, 269f practice standards for, 552, 553t sympathetic nervous system physiology and, 286, 290
578 Index

β-Adrenergic blockers, 231–236 Adrenocorticotropic hormone (Continued) African Americans, hypertension in (Continued)
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring and, 89 in glucocorticoid resistance, 108 calcium channel blockers in, 270, 468, 475, 496
elimination characteristics of, 234t overproduction of, 107–108 diuretics in, 222, 475–476, 496
for angina Adrenomedullin, mediating role of, 26f, 43 goals of, 478
stable, 335 α1-Adrenoceptor antagonists, 286 intravascular volume limitation, 478, 478f
unstable, 336 for hypertension, 288–292 monotherapies, 468, 469f, 475, 477–478
for chronic kidney disease related hypertension, 356, clinical trial trends, 288–289, 292 racial differences in, 478
357t, 358 for Raynaud’s phenomenon, 288, 292 physiologic tendencies with, 469–470, 469t
for coronary artery disease, 329, 331t α1-Adrenoceptors post-transplant, 363–364
for diabetes-associated hypertension, 236, 406, 410f, molecular activation of, 286–287, 287f preterm birth and, 472
411t, 412–413 postsynaptic blockade of, selective, 287 prevalence trends of, 4, 4t, 6, 482
type 2 diabetes pathology and, 414 uroselective, 286, 288, 291, 292 in Africa, rural vs. urban, 468
for heart failure, 342, 343, 344 Adult Treatment Panel, Third (ATP III), of National in U.S., age and sex adjustments for, 468
for hypertension, 231–236 Cholesterol Education Program, 158, 406, 418, renal injury mechanisms with, 472–474, 473f
adverse effects of, 236 419t, 423 renin-angiotensin system antagonists, 476–477, 479
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, Adults secondary, 469
242–243 defining hypertension in, 49–50, 50f target organ injury and, 469
β1-selectivity of, 231, 232t treatment guidelines for. See Clinical practice therapeutic considerations for
calcium channel blockers vs., 270, 271, 273f, guidelines (CPGs). diet modifications, 477
276–277 Adverse clinical events, in untreated hypertension, drugs as, 477–479, 478f
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f 157–164 exercise as, 477
combination formulations of aortic dissection as, 164 lifestyle modifications, 477
with diuretics, 233–234, 236 cardiovascular death as, 161–162, 162f response distributions, 468, 469f
with miscellaneous drugs, 236 heart failure and, 162–163 treatment disparities in, 483–484, 483t, 484f
contraindications to, 236 ischemic heart disease and, 157–159, 158f–159f weight loss as, 477
diuretic therapy vs., 219, 220f–221f, 225, 227 natural history of, 155–157, 156f, 166 Afterload, cardiac
in black patients, 222 peripheral vascular disease and, 164 in isolated systolic hypertension
in elderly patients, 219, 222 renal failure and, 163–164, 163f elevation of, 164–165, 173
in African Americans, 236, 468, 470, 496 stroke and, 159–161, 160f–161f therapeutic reduction of, 174
in children and adolescents, 450, 451t–452t vascular dementia and, 164 in left ventricular hypertrophy, 179
in East Asian populations, 489 Adverse drug interactions aging impact on, 340–341
in elderly patients, 219, 222, 459, 461, 461t, 463, with angiotensin II receptor blockers, 256 obesity and, 372
463t with diuretics, 227 preeclampsia and, 436
in obesity, 379, 380t Adverse effects Age/aging
lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t, no-observed level of, 537 aortic pressure profile resulting from, 327–328, 329f
421, 424 of α-adrenergic blockers, 292 as risk factor, 5, 5f
list of approved, 231, 232t of calcium channel blockers, 273, 274t, 275, 275f diet influence on, 201, 202f, 207–208
mechanism of action, 232t, 233–234, 236 of diuretics, 223–226 epidemiology of, 169, 170f
properties of, 231–233, 232t, 233t, 235f Advisory Committee, Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs, in U.S. population, 12–13, 13t
for hypertensive emergencies, 518 538, 544, 546 blood pressure staging and, 7
for non-ST-segment myocardial infarction, 336 Aerobic exercise, for weight loss, 374, 376, 377t coronary heart disease relationship to, 171, 171f,
for perioperative hypertension, 513–514, 515 Affluence, as risk factor, in India population, 495 330f
for peripheral arterial disease, 389 African American Study of Kidney Disease and therapeutic goals for, 174–175
for pregnancy-related hypertension, 234, 432–433, 433t Hypertension (AASK), 244, 272t, 309–310, 319t calcium channel blockers and, 270
for primary aldosteronism, 114 chronic kidney disease in, 353t, 354, 354f, 356, 357 chronic kidney disease and, 185
for resistant hypertension, 502, 506 lessons learned from, 476–477 global cardiovascular risk and, 190, 192, 193f
for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 336 African Americans, hypertension in, 468–479 home blood pressure monitoring and, 72
for stroke prevention, primary, 395, 396, 396f, 397f clinical trials and, 474–477 hypertension and
for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t monotherapies, 468, 469f, 475, 477–478 definition based on, 49–50, 50f
for vascular dementia, 401 coronary heart disease risk estimation in, 195–196 heart failure mechanisms with, 340–341
guidelines for, international comparisons of, 574, definition for, 49–50, 50f isolated systolic hypertension and, 169, 170f
575, 575f, 575t detection disparities with, 468, 483–484, 483t target goals based on, 174–175
historical studies on, 306 dietary trials in, 208 new drug development and, 539
hypertension related to, 145 DASH, 205 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136,
JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f potassium intake increase, 204 136t, 137f
meta-analyses of, 318, 319t, 321f, 322 sodium intake reduction, 203, 203f perioperative hypertension and, 513t
metabolism of, 234t dyslipidemia and, 196, 418 peripheral artery disease prevalence based on, 384, 385f
molecular structure of, 232, 235f epidemiology of, 468–469 stroke mortality adjusted for, 393–394, 393f
outcome studies on, 307, 309 genetic studies and, 16, 17, 19t, 21–22, 42 stroke risk based on, 394, 394f, 396, 396f
peripheral resistance and, 33 admixture mapping, 20, 21f, 482 Age percentiles, for children, blood pressure levels for,
pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t hemodynamic tendencies with, 469–470, 469t 440, 442t–445t
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t, 234t, home blood pressure monitoring impact on, 80 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ),
235f low birth weight and, 472 552
plasma levels of, 233t mortality trends of, 58, 156, 161, 469 AGT. See Angiotensinogen (AGT).
preoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, 126, neurohumoral tendencies with, 469t, 470, 471–472 AHA. See American Heart Association (AHA).
127 pathophysiology of, 469–474 AHA (anterior hypothalamic area), in salt-sensitive
regulatory development of, 543, 544, 545 common “tendencies” in, 469–470, 469t hypertension, 31–32, 32f
with α1-adrenoceptor antagonist activity, 288 diurnal blood pressure variation, 469t, 470 AHI (apnea-hypopnea index), in sleep disorders, 134,
α-Adrenergic receptors endothelin in, 469t, 471 135, 136, 137f
imidazoline agonists targeting, 297–298, 297f, 298t natriuretic hormones in, 469t, 471 AHIP (America’s Health Insurance Plans), 552
obesity-related hypertension and, 379 plasma volume and, 469t, 470 AHRG (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality),
subtypes of, 286 renin-angiotensin system and, 469t, 470–471 552
β-Adrenergic receptors salt sensitivity and, 469t, 471–472 AIPRD (ACE Inhibition in Progressive Renal Disease),
candidate genes of, 19t sympathetic nervous system activity, 469t, 470, 353, 353t, 354, 355
subtypes of, 286 471, 472, 473f AIRE (Acute Infarction Ramipril Efficacy) study, 336, 343
Adrenocortical enzyme deficiency, hypertension related transforming growth factor-β in, 469t, 471 Aladotril, 298
to, 106–108, 108f vascular function and, 469t, 472 Alaskan Natives
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). See also pharmacotherapy for, 477–479, 478f low birth weight in, 472
Corticotropin. α-adrenergic blockers in, 470 mortality trends of, 161
ectopic excess of β-adrenergic blockers in, 236, 468, 470, 496 Albumin-to-creatinine ratio, in chronic kidney disease,
Cushing’s syndrome resulting from, 109–110 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, 242, 354–355, 355t
pituitary excess vs., 110 247, 475, 496, 565 Albuminuria
for renal potassium-wasting disorders, 107t quinapril response distributions, 468, 469f, 475 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 244,
in glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism, angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 468 245
115–116, 116f attenuated nocturnal BP decline and, 478–479 as cardiovascular death risk factor, 355, 355f
Index 579

Albuminuria (Continued) Alzheimer’s dementia (Continued) Amlodipine (Continued)

in chronic kidney disease, 186, 186t, 351 blood pressure and for hypertension
hypertension management and, 357–358 as risk factor, 164, 401 elderly patients, 459
treatment goals for, 354–355 treatment trials for reducing, 401–402, 402f in African Americans, 475, 476
obesity and, 379 Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM), 85–91 in children and adolescents, 450, 452t
Alcohol intake blood pressure classifications and, 53–54, 54t in East Asian populations, 489
blood pressure response to, 204 circadian variation in in Hispanic populations, 485
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564 early morning surge and, 86 for stroke prevention, 397
coronary heart disease and, 193–194 nighttime dipping and, 85–86, 86f for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
home blood pressure monitoring and, 73, 73t transplant hypertension and, 362–363, 363f historical studies on, 306
hypertension related to, 6, 147, 566 devices for, 90 home monitoring evaluation of, 70f, 79
in elderly patients, 459, 459t validation protocol for, 90–91 pharmacokinetics of, 269
obesity and, 372 for hypertension management, 87–90 regulatory development of, 545
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136, 136t algorithm for, 87–88, 88f Amphotericin B, hypertension related to, 148
resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t impact on treatment advances, 88–89, 89t Amputations, peripheral arterial disease and, 387
transplant hypertension and, 364 self-monitoring and, 88 Anabolic steroids, resistant hypertension related to,
Aldosterone utility of, 89–90, 90t 500f, 507, 508t
acromegaly impact on, 150 for left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 180 ANBP-1 (Australian National Blood Pressure trial no. 1),
atrial natriuretic peptide and, 42 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 430 159, 159f, 164
diuretic therapy impact on, 214f, 215, 216 guidelines for ANBP-2 (Australian National Blood Pressure trial no. 2),
adaptive, 223, 224f, 225 CHEP 6, 561 311, 319t
hypertensive syndromes related to international comparisons of, 571, 572t Ancestral populations, genetic studies of, 17
excessive production, 110–116. See also JNC 7, 555 Androgens
Aldosteronism. WGTF 4, 558, 560, 561 adrenocortical enzyme deficiency impact on,
mineralocorticoid receptors and, 108–109, 109f home monitoring and, 69, 77 106–108, 108f
kidney disease role, 351, 356 correlations between, 75–76 oral, hypertension related to, 145
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f in children and adolescents, 441 synthesis pathway of, 108f
pathophysiologic role of, 39–40, 40f, 295 in clinical trials Anemia
genetic mechanisms in, 26f, 28f chronotherapeutic agents assessment, 89–90, 90t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced,
renin and. See Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system chronotherapeutic agents delivery systems and, 90 249–250
(RAAS). data analyses of, 88–89, 89t angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264
resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 502–503 different drug class comparisons, 89 bariatric surgery and, 378
vascular tone experiments in, 33–34 same drug class comparisons, 89 hemolytic, 518
zona fasciculata regulation of, 115, 116f in elderly patients, 458 Aneroid sphygmomanometer, 59
Aldosterone-producing adenoma, 110 in new drug development, 543 calibration of, 60, 60f, 61
hyperplasia vs., 112–113, 148, 149 in perioperative period, 515 inspection for quality assurance
hypertension related to. See Primary aldosteronism. nurse-pharmacist collaboration and, 531 ambulatory monitoring and, 90–91
malignant transformation of, 115 prognostic value of, 86, 87f in office, 66
Aldosterone receptor antagonists, 40, 115 white-coat hypertension and, 86–87 Anesthesia/anesthetics
adverse effects of, 225 white-coat normotension and, 87 for pheochromocytoma resection, 128
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t, 565, 565f AME (apparent mineralocorticoid excess), syndrome of, hypertension related to, 145
for elderly patients, 461t 17t, 26f, 27t, 28f perioperative hypertension related to, 514, 515
for heart failure, 344 American College of Cardiology Aneurysms
for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 on cardiovascular complication predictors, 512, 513t aortic, 162
JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f on heart failure, 181, 342, 342f intracerebral, 160
new investigations on, 295–296 perioperative hypertension management guidelines, micro-, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184, 185t
Aldosterone synthase, in glucocorticoid-remediable 514, 515 renal artery, renovascular hypertension with, 94
aldosteronism, 115, 116f American Diabetes Association, blood pressure control Angina pectoris (AP)
Aldosterone-to-renin ratio, 110 standards of, 192, 527 assessment of, 179t, 180
Aldosteronism American guidelines, for clinical practice. See United calcium channel blockers and, 273, 281
antagonistic drug therapy for, 295–296. See also States guidelines. chronotherapeutic treatment of, 89–90
Aldosterone receptor antagonists. American Heart Association (AHA) circadian patterns of, 89
glucocorticoid-remediable, 115–116, 116f blood pressure measurement guidelines of, 58, 59, diagnostic workup for, 334
primary 551 hypertension management with
adenoma vs. hyperplasia differentiation, 112–113 for home monitoring, 69, 76, 458 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t
clinical recognition of, 110 for improvement strategies, 59, 60 stable, 334–335
diagnosis of, 110, 112f, 112t, 113t definition recommendations, 54, 54t unstable, 336
simplified approach to, 113, 114f on cardiovascular complication predictors, 512, 513t hypertension risk for, 9f
hypertension related to, 107t, 110–115 on heart failure, 181, 342, 342f perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513, 513t
in African Americans, 469, 469t, 470 perioperative hypertension management guidelines, management of, 514–515, 515f
in resistant hypertension, 500f, 501t, 502–503 514, 515 Angioedema
localizing procedures for, 113, 114f Pooling Project of, 155 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced,
screening tests for, 110, 111f–112f, 113t stroke prevention recommendations, 248 249, 250f
therapeutic choices for, 113–115, 114f–115f American Medical Association, 552, 552t angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264
Alfuzosin, 288, 289f American Society of Hypertension Angiogenesis, in preeclampsia, 430f, 435
Aliskiren, 299 definition recommendations, 54, 85 Angiography
Alkalosis, hypokalemic, in ectopic ACTH syndrome, on home blood pressure, 458 cerebral, for stroke assessment, 184
109–110 upper limits for, 76 computed tomography, for renal disease, 95–97
Alleles Americans. See United States. performance characteristics of, 97t, 99–100
ANP gene variants of, 42 America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), 552 resistant, 501t, 502
D, of ACE gene, 27, 29 Amiloride coronary
I, 29 adverse effects of, 225 for angina assessment, 335
Trp460, 27–28 clinical trials on, 26 for ischemic heart disease assessment, 180
Allergy(ies), to diuretics, 227 for aldosteronism, 114, 116 magnetic resonance. See Magnetic resonance
ALLHAT. See Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering for children and adolescents, 450, 453t angiography (MRA).
Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack Trial pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 216 of peripheral artery disease, 387
(ALLHAT). Aminoglycosides, nephrotoxicity of, diuretics and, 227 renal. See Renal angiography.
Allograft vasculopathy, cardiac, 348 Amlodipine Angioplasty, balloon, for renovascular hypertension, 94,
Allografts. See Transplant hypertension. ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 89 101–102
ALPINE (Antihypertensive Treatment and Lipid Profile in angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 243, clinical trials on, 102–103
a North of Sweden Efficacy Evaluation), 411t, 414 259, 260 resistant, 501t, 502
Alternative medicine, complementary and, ethnic use clinical trials on, 55, 219, 222, 258 stenting plus, 102, 501t
of, 485, 489 outcome-based, 272t, 276t, 279, 307 Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,
Alzheimer’s dementia, 164, 170, 401 for chronic kidney disease, 356 239–250
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t angiotensin II receptor blockers combined with
248, 248f for heart failure, 341–342 clinical trials on, 259–262, 259f, 263–264
580 Index

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) (Continued)
(Continued) (Continued) pharmacology of, 254, 255t, 256–257
diabetes and, 257–258, 265 renin inhibitors and, 299 AT1 vs. AT2 receptor response to, 254, 256, 257
meta-analysis of, 265, 265f sensitivity to, 38 binding characteristics, 256
side effects of, 264 side effects of, 248–250 elimination differences, 256
calcium channel blockers and, 242, 243, 270, 271, transplant hypertension and, 364, 365, 365t, 366 metabolic effects, 256
273f, 276–277 Angiotensin-converting enzymes regulatory development of, 540, 542, 543, 545
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f chronotherapeutic treatment and, 89–90 transplant hypertension and, 364
clinical trials on, 102–103, 159f, 162, 219 digestion susceptibility of, 38 Angiotensin II-receptors
end-organ effects and, 244–248 gene coding for, 246 hormonal effects at, 39, 39f
recent, 244–248 schematic representation of, 37–38, 37f subtypes of, 254, 257
dihydropyridine. See Dihydropyridines. Angiotensin I, functional representation of, 37–38, 37f Angiotensin II–converting enzyme (ACE-II)
diuretics vs., 219, 222, 225 Angiotensin I–converting enzyme (ACE-I) catalytic actions of, 37–38, 37f
end-organ effects of, 244–248 catalytic actions of, 37–38, 37f, 254 functional representation of, 37, 37f
cardiac, 246–247 functional representation of, 37, 37f gene association studies on, 18, 19–20, 19t
renal, 163–164, 244–246, 245f, 246t gene association studies on, 18, 19–20, 19t Angiotensin III, functional representation of, 37–38, 37f
stroke and, 247–248, 248f gene mutations of, 27 Angiotensin IV, 254
end-stage renal disease and, 163–164, 163f Angiotensin II functional representation of, 37–38, 37f
clinical trials on, 244–246, 245f, 246t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, Angiotensin receptor blockers, meta-analyses of, 319t,
endothelin antagonists combined with, 296–297 241 322, 322f
for angina diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 217, 224f Angiotensinases, 38
stable, 335 functional representation of, 37–38, 37f Angiotensinogen (AGT)
unstable, 336 in African Americans, 469t, 470–471 gene association studies on, 18, 19, 19t
for arterial stiffness, 36–37 in renovascular hypertension, 94 gene-diet interactions and, 207
for cardiac disorders, 239, 240, 240t, 242, 243 kidney disease role, 351, 352 pharmacogenetic studies of, 21
for chronic kidney disease, 353, 353t, 354, 355–356 local production of, 39 renin reaction with, 37
hypertension management and, 357–358, 357t obesity and, 372 Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial (ASCOT),
for coronary artery disease, 330, 331t–332t, 332 pathophysiologic role of, 27, 30f, 34, 38–39 330, 397, 420–421, 420t
for diabetes-associated hypertension, 242, 244–245, physiologic effects of, 254 Ankle-brachial index (ABI)
244f, 406, 408, 409, 410–411, 410f, 411t receptor blockade for, 254–265. See also Angiotensin angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
type 2 diabetes pathology and, 414 II receptor blockers (ARBs). 243
for heart failure, 341–344, 343f–344f Angiotensin II escape, 241 in peripheral arterial disease, 182–183, 384
for hypertension, 239–250 Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs), 254–265 hypertension contributing to, 386, 387
and dyslipidemia, 422, 422t, 424 adverse effects of, 264 two-vessel criteria for, 387
class effect in, 240–241 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 89 Annuloplasty, mitral valve, for heart failure, 345–346
combinations with other agents, 242–243 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors combined ANP. See Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP).
dosage and treatment guidelines for, 239, 240t, with, 243, 254 ANP gene, allelic variants of, 42
242 clinical trials on, 259–262, 259f, 263–264 Antagonizing substances, resistant hypertension related
evidence-based benefits of, 240–241 diabetes and, 257–258 to, 500f, 507–508, 508t
in African Americans, 242, 247, 475, 496 meta-analysis of, 265, 265f Anterior hypothalamic area (AHA), in salt-sensitive
quinapril response distributions, 468, 469f, 475 calcium channel blockers combined with, 258, hypertension, 31–32, 32f
in children and adolescents, 450, 451t 259–260, 263 Anthracycline exposures, angiotensin-converting
in East Asian populations, 489, 490 differences among, clinical importance of, 256–257 enzyme inhibitors for, 243
in elderly patients, 459, 461, 461t, 463, 463t diuretics combined with, 222, 256, 258, 259 Antiatherogenic action, of calcium channel blockers,
in Hispanics, 484, 485 drug interactions with, 256 278–279, 278f, 278t
in obesity, 378, 379, 380t FDA approved, 254, 255t Anticoagulant therapy
in South Asian populations, 496 for chronic kidney disease, 356, 357–358, 357t for angina, unstable, 336
JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f for coronary artery disease, 332–333, 332t for stroke prevention, 399–400, 400t
list of approved, 239, 240t, 242 for diabetes-associated hypertension, 244, 245, Antidepressant agents, hypertension related to, 146
mechanism of action, 241–242, 241t 257–258, 265, 408, 409, 410f, 411–412, 411t Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), diuretic therapy impact
properties of, 239–241 for heart failure, 342–344 on, 214f, 224f
response rates, 242 for hypertension Antiemetic agents, hypertension related to, 145
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 560 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f Antihistamines, hypertension related to, 146
for hypertensive emergencies, 518 in African Americans, 468 Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to
for metabolic syndrome, 422, 422t in children and adolescents, 450, 451t Prevent Heart Attack Trial (ALLHAT), 306, 319t
for non-ST-segment myocardial infarction, 336 in East Asian populations, 489, 490 α-adrenergic blockers in, 289–291, 290f
for perioperative hypertension, 514, 515 in elderly patients, 461, 461t African Americans in, 475–476
for peripheral arterial disease, 243, 389 in Hispanics, 484–485 chronic kidney disease in, 354, 354f
for pregnancy-related hypertension, 248–249, 431, in obesity, 379, 380t diabetic patients in, 408, 411t, 412, 413, 414
433t, 434–435 in South Asian populations, 496 diuretics in, 461, 574
for renal arteriopathy, 33 JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f drug interaction findings of, 420–421, 420t
for renovascular hypertension, 94, 102–103 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 560 elderly patients in, 219, 222, 459–460, 461
for resistant hypertension, 500, 501t, 502, 503, 508, for hypertensive emergencies, 518 Hispanics in, 484
509 for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 obesity in, 378, 379
in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f for metabolic syndrome, 422, 422t on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 243,
for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 336 for perioperative hypertension, 514, 515 244, 247
for stroke prevention for pregnancy-related hypertension, 431, 433t, 434 on calcium channel blockers, 272t, 275, 276t, 277, 341
primary, 395, 396, 396f, 397, 397f for renovascular hypertension, 94, 95, 96t, 102 on diuretics, 219, 221f, 226, 342, 408
secondary, 398 clinical trials on, 102–103 in elderly patients, 219, 222
for systolic hypertension, 243 for resistant hypertension, 501, 501t, 502, 503, 507, 509 resistant hypertension in, 498, 505, 509
isolated, 174 in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f stroke in, 397, 408
guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573, for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 Antihypertensive drug therapy
574, 575, 575f for stroke prevention, primary, 395, 397 ambulatory monitoring evaluation of, 87–90
hemodynamic effects of, 241–242, 241t for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t, 366 algorithm for, 87–88, 88f
historical studies on, 306 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573, 575f impact on treatment advances, 88–89, 89t
lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t, 421 mechanisms of action, 257–258 self-monitoring and, 88
meta-analyses of, 318, 319t, 320f–321f, 322–323, 323f meta-analysis of, 257, 259f, 264–265, 265f utility of, 89–90, 90t
metabolism of, 239 metabolism of, 256 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t–564t, 564, 565, 565f
outcome studies on, 311c outcome-based clinical trials on, 258–264 clinical trials on. See Clinical trials.
peripheral vascular resistance normalization by, 33 for cardiac disorders, 260–262 for arterial stiffness, 36–37
pharmacology of, 239–241 for cerebrovascular disorders, 263 for children, 449f, 450, 454t
application of differences in, 240–241, 254 for kidney disorders, 260 WGTF 4 guidelines on, 559t, 560–561, 560f
elimination route, 239 ongoing, 263–264 for elderly patients, 458–463
tissue binding, 239–240 overview of, 258–260, 259f clinical trials on, 159f, 458, 462t, 463t
regulatory development of, 540, 542, 543, 544, 546 peripheral vascular resistance normalization by, 33, 39 for combined systolic-diastolic, 459–460, 459t
Index 581

Antihypertensive drug therapy (Continued) Antiplatelet therapy Arterial stiffness (Continued)

for isolated systolic, 460–461, 460t for angina, unstable, 336 left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179
goals of, 461–463 for peripheral artery disease, 388 pathophysiology of, 32, 36–37, 36f
initial agent choice in, 461, 461t for stroke prevention, 399, 400t accelerated, 169
lifestyle modifications as, 458–459, 459t guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573 Arterial tree, compartments of, 181–182
pharmacologic treatment as, 159f, 459–465 Antiviral agents Arterioles, 182
for heart failure, 341–342 for HIV infection, hypertension related to, 148 peripheral resistance determined by, 33
for isolated systolic hypertension triple-drug therapy with, 148 Arteriopathy
benefits of, 173 Anxiety hypertensive
selection of, 174 perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513, 513t arterial compartments and, 182–183
target goals for, 173–174 management of, 515–151, 515f arteriosclerosis as, 182
factors for achieving, 174–175 resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 504, 506 assessment of, 182–183
for renovascular hypertension, 94, 95, 96t, 102 Aorta ankle-brachial index for, 182–183
angioplasty vs., 102–103 assessment of, 182 augmentation index for, 182
surgery vs., 102 coarctation of large arterial stiffness indicators, 182
goals for hypertension related to, 148, 446, 448 atherogenesis as, 182
defining hypertension and, 51–52 resistant hypertension related to, 500f renal, uric acid and, 35–36
for diabetic patients, 29, 54 pressure profile of, age-related, 327–328, 329f Arteriosclerosis. See also Atherosclerosis.
for select patient groups, 54–55 wave reflection related to, 172 assessment of, 182–183
historical studies on, 305–306 Aortic aneurysm, 162 definition of, 182
home monitoring evaluation of, 80–81 Aortic arch, mechanoreceptors in, 29, 30f, 31f Arteriosclerosis obliterans, peripheral artery disease
ambulatory monitoring and, 88 resetting of, 32 associated with, 385
evidence of improvement, 80 Aortic dissection Arteritis, Takayasu’s, 148
in clinical practice, 74, 78–80 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 519 renovascular hypertension with, 94
intensity of treatment guidance, 80 management of, 519 Artery(ies)
minimum number of readings, 79, 79f in untreated hypertension, 164 baroreceptors of, 29, 30f, 31f
of time course, 80 renovascular hypertension with, 94 blunting of, 32
of trough-to-peak ratio, 72, 80 Aortic impedance, characteristic, 182 resetting of, 32
optimal treatment identification, 79, 79f Aortic stenosis sensitivity factors of, 32
placebo effect immunity, 80, 80t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 243 brachial. See Brachial artery.
sample size advantage, 81 systolic blood pressure and, 234 calcification of, in elderly, 144, 171, 458
validity of, 78–79, 78f–79f Aortoiliac lesions, in peripheral arterial disease, 387, 387t carotid. See Carotid arteries.
international comparisons of, 566, 572t, 573t, 575t AP. See Angina pectoris (AP). central (large), 181, 182
for first-choice drugs, 573–574, 574f–575f AP (area postrema), sympathetic activity of, 30–31, 31f cerebral
for prehypertension, 572–573 Apnea infarction of large, 183
for specific indications, 574 sleep-related, 134–141. See also Sleep apnea. occlusion of, 392, 393f
guideline effectiveness, 566–567 sympathetic nervous system response to, 32 perfusion of, autoregulation of, 399
major agreements, 571, 572f Apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), in sleep disorders, 134, stroke pathology of. See Stroke/stroke mortality.
monotherapy vs. combination, 572t, 573t, 574, 574f 135, 136, 137f coronary
on other issues, 574–575 Apolipoprotein B, as coronary heart disease marker, 195 disease of. See Coronary heart disease (CHD).
JNC recommendations for adults, 7, 53 Apolipoprotein E, dyslipidemia and, 421 heart failure impact on, 341
medications for. See Pharmacotherapy. Apparent mineralocorticoid excess (AME), syndrome perfusion pressure for, 333–334, 333f
mortality controversies regarding, 155 of, 17t, 26f, 27t, 28f femoral, peripheral artery disease in, 385
obesity and Appropriate Blood Pressure Control in Diabetes- for blood pressure measurement, 62, 64, 66
advantages/disadvantages of selected agents, Hypertension (ABCD-HT), 271, 272t, 280, technical problems with, 144, 172
378–380, 380t 319t, 353t, 354f iliac
weight loss and, 375, 376 Aprikalim, 299 peripheral artery disease in, 385
parenteral, for emergencies, 519, 520t–521t ARBs. See Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). stenosis of, transplant hypertension and, 364
pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21, 42 Area postrema (AP), sympathetic activity of, 30–31, 31f large
practice implications of, 23, 26, 28–29 Area under the curve (AUC), of drug exposure, 538 calcium channel blockers effects on, 279–280
post-transplant, 364–366, 365t ARIC (Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities), 195–196, central, 181, 182
postoperative, for primary aldosteronism, 115 386, 387 cerebral, infarction of, 183
prospective studies of, 10 Arm circumference, measuring of muscular conduit, 181, 182
racial/ethnic perspectives of. See specific ethnicity, for blood pressure cuff size, 62, 62t peripheral. See Peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
e.g. South Asians. importance of, 144, 561 peroneal, peripheral artery disease in, 385
regulatory development of, 535–546 in children and adolescents, 441, 558 popliteal, peripheral artery disease in, 385
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in, 543 Arm monitors, for home blood pressure monitoring, radial, blood pressure measurement and, 64, 66
clinical efficacy in, 540–543, 541f 70, 71f in elderly, 144
clinical pharmacology in, 538–540 Arm position remodeling of. See also Vascular remodeling.
dose interval in, 542 for blood pressure cuff placement, 62–63, 66 for isolated systolic hypertension, 174
dose selection in, 542 for blood pressure measurement, 63, 63f, 64, 66 renal. See Renal artery.
dose titration in, 542–543 Arm selection, for blood pressure measurement, 63, 66 small, 181, 182
drug-drug interactions and, 537, 539, 545 Aromatic ring structures, of β-adrenergic blockers, 232, stenosis of, transplant hypertension and, 364
effectiveness criteria, 535, 540 235f stretch receptors in, 29, 30f, 31f
endpoints for, 535, 543, 546 Arousal, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, systemic system of, tubular models of, 36, 36f
exclusivity criteria, 546 136–137, 137f, 139 tibial, peripheral artery disease in, 385
FDA role, 535, 537–538, 543, 546 Arousal index, in sleep disorders, 134 umbilical, catheters for infants, 446
food effects and absorption in, 539 Arrhythmias, cardiac. See Dysrhythmias. ASCOT (Anglo-Scandinavian Cardiac Outcomes Trial),
for fixed-combinations, 544, 544f Arterial blood pressure, sympathetic nervous system 330, 397, 420–421, 420t
metabolism and elimination in, 539 regulation of, 286 Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration, 172
outcome labeling claims and, 543–544 Arterial compliance, 327, 329f Asian Americans. See also East Asians; South Asians.
overview of, 536–538 aging impact on, 340 low birth weight in, 472
pediatric patients and, 546 Arterial distensibility, decreased, 36–37, 36f Aspirin
pharmacodynamics in, 539–540 Arterial stiffness angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
pharmacokinetics in, 537, 538–539 aortic pressure profile resulting from, 327–328, 329f interaction with, 241
safety in, 535, 537, 545–546 as hypertension hallmark, 327, 329f for angina, unstable, 336
special populations and, 539 assessment of, 182–183 for dyslipidemia, 422, 422t, 424
study designs for, 540–542, 541f blood pressure measurement problems with, 144 for preeclampsia, 435
study populations for, 542 calcium channel blockers effect on, 279–280 for stroke prevention, 399, 400, 400t
terminology for, 535 diabetes mellitus and, 169, 408–409, 409f guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573
Web addresses for, 536, 536t etiology of, 171–172 Assessment, of hypertension. See also Diagnosis.
Antihypertensive Treatment and Lipid Profile in a in isolated diastolic hypertension, 169, 170f blood pressure in. See Blood pressure
North of Sweden Efficacy Evaluation in isolated systolic hypertension, 169, 170f measurement/monitoring.
(ALPINE), 411t, 414 antihypertensive drugs for, 174 guidelines for, international comparisons of,
Antineoplastic agents, hypertension related to, 146 kidney disease role, 351–352 571–575, 572t, 573t, 575t
582 Index

Association for the Advancement of Medical Atrial fibrillation (Continued) Benazepril, 240t, 243
Instrumentation, 61 hypertension risk for, 7 clinical trials on, 245
ambulatory monitor testing protocols of, 90–91 in older individuals, 13, 13t for children and adolescents, 450, 451t
home monitor testing protocols of, 70, 70t stroke prevention for, 399–400, 400t pharmacology of, 239
Association studies, of genetics, 17, 18–20, 19t Atrial myocyte, natriuretic peptide expression by, 42, 42f Bendrofluazide, 227, 258, 306
computational methods for, 29 Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) BENEDICT (Bergamo Nephrologic Diabetes
Astemizole, 539 baroreflex sensitivity of, 32 Complications Trial), 280–281, 355
Asthma, β-blocker cautions with, 231, 236, 506 expression of, 42, 42f Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), α1-adrenoceptor
ASTRAL trial, on renal angioplasty, 103 inhibitors of, for hypertension, 298, 299f antagonists and, 286, 288, 291
AT1AR receptors, vascular tone and, 33, 38–39 mediating role of, 41–42, 41f Benzodiazepines, 268–269, 270t
AT1R receptors obesity and, 371f, 372 Bergamo Nephrologic Diabetes Complications Trial
activation of, stimulation events following, 38–39, 38f relative deficiency of, 42 (BENEDICT), 280–281, 355
selectivity of, 38, 39f Atrioventricular (AV) node, in heart failure Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) of 2002,
AT2R receptors electrical therapy for, 344–345 546
regulation of expression of, 39 heart transplant and, 347 β-Blockers. See β-Adrenergic blockers.
vascular tone and, 38–39 Atrium(a) Betaxolol
Ataxic-hemiparesis, 183 heart transplant and, 347 elimination characteristics of, 234t
Atenolol in heart failure, 340–341 pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 89, 90 Attributable risk, of hypertension, 3 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 243 AUC (area under the curve), of drug exposure, 538 Between-observer differences, in blood pressure
breast milk concentrations of, 437 Auditory skills, for blood pressure measurement, 60, measurement, 59, 59f
diuretics vs., 219, 227 60f, 61 Bias
elimination characteristics of, 234t Augmentation index, in arterial assessment, 182 observer, in blood pressure measurement, 64–66
for chronic kidney disease, 353t Auscultation, in blood pressure measurement, 64, 441, form for evaluating, 64, 65f
for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412–413 551, 558 prevention of, in outcome studies, 310–311, 310f, 311t
for heart failure, 342 Auscultatory devices, for blood pressure measurement. Binding, in pharmacodynamics. See Tissue binding.
for hypertension See also Stethoscope. Binswanger’s disease, in untreated hypertension, 156f,
in African Americans, 475, 476 ambulatory, 90 165, 401
in children and adolescents, 450, 452t Auscultatory gap, 144 Bioavailability, of β-adrenergic blockers, 233t
in East Asian populations, 489 cuff inflation for avoiding, 63–64 dose-dependent, 233t
for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 Australian National Blood Pressure trial no. 2 (ANBP-2), Biochemical characteristics
for peripheral arterial disease, 389, 390 311, 319t of hypercortisolism, 149
for transplant hypertension, 365t Australian National Blood Pressure trial no. 1 (ANBP-1), of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 135, 136t
molecular structure of, 232, 235f 159, 159f, 164 Biopsy(ies)
outcome studies on, 272t, 309, 310 Australians endomyocardial, post-transplant, 347, 348
pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t elderly patient trials on, 459, 459t of kidney allograft, 364
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t mortality trends of, 156 Birth defects, angiotensin II receptor blockers causing,
Atherogenesis, 182 Autonomic dysreflexia, resistant hypertension related to, 264
assessment of, 182–183 500f, 504 Birth weight
calcium channel blockers protection against, Autonomic nervous system blood pressure relationship to, 440, 447
278–279, 278f, 278t diabetes-related hypertension and, 413 low, in African Americans, 472
dyslipidemia associated with, 7, 8f, 12, 29, 39, 419. obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 137, 137f, 140 Bisoprolol, 236
See also Dyslipidemia. renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system interactions ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 89
renin-angiotensin system promotion of, 419, 419f with, 29, 30f elimination characteristics of, 234t
Atheroma, carotid, stroke related to, 394 vascular smooth muscle cell regulation by, 286 for children and adolescents, 450, 452t
Atherosclerosis Autoregulation, of cerebral artery perfusion, 399 for heart failure, 344
assessment of, 182–183 AV (atrioventricular) node, in heart failure pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t
impact on blood pressure measurement, 63, 144 electrical therapy for, 344–345 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
in children and adolescents, 447 heart transplant and, 347 regulatory development of, 545
in elderly patients, 457 Azathioprine, transplant hypertension and, 362 BKCa2+ (Ca2+-activated K+ channel), vascular relaxation
in postmenopausal women, 423 and, 33, 34f
isolated systolic hypertension and, 173 Black widow spider venom, hypertension related to, 148
Multi-Ethnic Study of, 195 Blacks. See African Americans.
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f Balloon angioplasty, renal, for renovascular Bleeding, calcium channel blockers associated with, 275
prognostic consequences of, 139, 139f hypertension, 94, 101–102 Blood-brain barrier, 30, 31f
pathophysiology of, 36, 39 clinical trials on, 102–103 Blood flow
peripheral artery disease associated with, 385 resistant, 501t, 502 coronary
prevention trials on, 159f stenting plus, 102, 501t heart failure impact on, 341
renovascular hypertension with, 94 Balloon dilatation, percutaneous, for coarctation of the perfusion pressure for, 333–334, 333f
angioplasty for, 101–102 aorta, 148 placental
clinical trials on, 102–103 Bariatric surgery, blood pressure response to, 378 alterations with preeclampsia, 430f, 435
stenting plus, 102 Baroreceptors in chronic hypertension, 432
medical management of, 102 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, renal. See Renal blood flow (RBF).
resistant hypertension related to, 507 241 velocity measurements, in peripheral artery disease,
renal, 500–502, 501t arterial, 29, 30f, 31f 386
stroke related to, 392, 393f, 394 blunting of, 32 Blood glucose
treatment indications for, 423 resetting of, 32, 128 β-blocker effects on, 236, 406
vessels commonly affected by, 182–183 sensitivity factors of, 32 control of, in diabetic patients, 29, 406, 407
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC), 195–196, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 137, diuretics effect on, 226
386, 387 137f–138f postoperative monitoring of, with
Atherothrombosis, of large arteries, 183 CPAP application impact on, 140, 141f pheochromocytoma resection, 128
diagnosis of, 184 Baroreflex pathways, 29, 31f Blood pressure (BP)
ATIME (Accupril Titration Interval Management failure of, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 504, age impact on. See Age/aging.
Evaluation) trial, 475 509 arterial, sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 286
Atorvastatin Bartter’s syndrome, 17t, 27t as stroke risk, 5, 7, 8f, 394
antihypertensive drug interactions with, 420, 420t type III, 27t lowering for prevention of, 394–399
regulatory development of, 545 Basal ganglia, sympathetic activity of, 30f, 31f acute, 398–399
ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate entries. Behavioral intervention trials, on dietary changes, 202, benefits of, 394–395, 395f–396f
ATP III (Adult Treatment Panel, Third), of National 207 patient subgroup effects, 396, 396f
Cholesterol Education Program, 158, 406, 418, Behavioral modification, for weight loss, 372 primary, 394–397
419t, 423 Behavioral self-management, for dietary changes, 207 relative benefits of different regimens, 396–397,
ATPase (adenosine triphosphatase), vascular tone and, 38 Bell, of stethoscope 396f
Atrial fibrillation knowledge assessment of, 66 risk reduction related to differences in,
angiotensin II receptor blockers prevention of, 257 placement of, 61–62, 64 396f–397f, 397
blood pressure measurement and, 64 Bell-shaped curve, of normal home blood pressure, 76 secondary, 397–398, 398f
Index 583

Blood pressure (BP) (Continued) Blood pressure measurement devices BPCA (Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act) of 2002,
central nervous system control of, 29–31, 30f–32f ambulatory, 90 546
circadian variation of, 85–86, 86f validation protocol for, 90–91 BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), α1-adrenoceptor
transplant hypertension and, 362–363, 363f calibration of, 66, 558 antagonists and, 286, 288, 291
classification of, 6–7, 7t CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561 BPLTTC. See Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment
JNC 7 guidelines for adults, 555 for children and adolescents, 441 Trialists’ Collaboration (BPLTTC).
JNC system for, 6–7, 7t in home Brachial artery
paradigm shift for, 7 choice of, 70, 71f blood pressure cuff placement over, 62, 64, 66
WGTF 4 guidelines for children, 558, 559t, 560–561 recommended, 70, 70t calcified, in elderly patients, 144, 171, 458
diastolic. See Diastolic blood pressure (DBP). testing and validation of, 69–70 wave reflection related to, 172
diet and in office Brachydactyly, hypertension with, 17t
behavioral intervention trials on, 202, 207 accuracy validation for individuals, 61 Bradycardia, heart failure and, pacing indications for,
effects of multiple changes, 207 calibration of, 60–61, 60f 344–345
evidence of influence, 201, 208–209, 208t critical skills for use of, 60, 60f Bradykinin
factors that reduce, 201–205 inspection for quality assurance, 66 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, effects on,
factors with limited effects, 205–207 Web site of, 61, 70, 91 241, 246, 249
gene interactions with, 203, 207 Blood pressure measurement/monitoring obesity and, 379
in special populations, 207–208 ambulatory, 85–91. See also Ambulatory blood angiotensin receptor blockade and, 254, 264
diurnal variations in. See Nocturnal entries. pressure monitoring (ABPM). mediating role of, 26f, 42, 43
end-stage renal disease progression and, 352, 352f between-observer differences in, 59, 59f metabolism of, 37
treatment goals related to, 352–354, 353f–354f brief history of, 58 Brain
global cardiovascular risk and, 190–191 errors in, diagnosing, 66, 66t acute hemorrhage of, 183
in children “gold standard” for, 59, 60–61, 60f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
body weight correlation to, 447 guidelines for 247–248, 248f
by age, sex, and height percentiles, 440, 442t–445t CHEP 6, 561 dementia mechanisms in. See Dementia.
in hypertension definition, 3 historical perspective of, 551–552 hypertension impact on. See Cerebrovascular disease;
in newborns, 440 international comparisons of, 571–575, 572t, 573t, Stroke entries.
intra-arterial recordings of, 85 575t Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)
cuff measurements vs., 144 JNC 7, 553, 554t, 555 in heart failure diagnosis, 342
lowering of. See also Treatment. in adolescents, 441 inhibitors of, for hypertension, 298, 299f
as drug research endpoint, 535, 543, 546 in children, 441, 558 mediating role of, 41–42, 41f
measurement of. See Blood pressure at home, 76 Braking phenomenon
measurement/monitoring. technical problems of, 144 loop diuretics and, 213–214
normal limits of in chronic disease management, 532–533 pathophysiology of, 216
American Heart Association recommendations in elderly patients, 458 Breast milk, antihypertensive drugs and, 437–438
for, 54, 54t in home, 69–82. See also Home blood pressure Breathing patterns, sleep physiology and, 134
historical perspective of, 49 monitoring (HBPM). apneic, 134–141. See also Sleep apnea.
home vs. clinic, 76, 76t in hypertensive emergencies, 518, 519 restarting of, 136, 137, 137f
international recommendations for, 53, 54t in new drug development, 543 British Hypertension Society
JNC recommendations for, 53, 54, 54t in office, 58–66. See also Office measurement of diuretic recommendations, 270
overestimation of, 144 blood pressure. guidelines of, European and American guidelines vs.,
peripheral perfusion stability and, 29–30 in perioperative hypertension, 514–515, 515f 575, 575t
physiologic regulation of obesity and home monitoring device recommendations, 70, 70t
pathways for, 19, 19t problems with, 144, 370 British Regional Heart Study, 59, 59f
pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21 weight loss effect on, 372–378, 373t, 374f–376f, Bromocriptine
reflex control of, 29–30, 30f–31f 377t for hypertension, 296
severe elevation of. See Hypertensive urgency(ies). resistant hypertension and, 499 hypertension related to, 147
target organ damage with. See Hypertensive technical problems of, 144, 172 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia, in infants, 446
emergency(ies). BMI. See Body mass index (BMI). Bronchospastic disease, β-blocker cautions with, 231,
sleep apnea impact on, 136–139, 137f–138f BNP. See Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP). 236
CPAP application and, 140, 140f Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialists, 529 Buerger’s disease, 385
sleep physiology and, 134 Body builders, hypertension in, 446 Bumetanide
systolic. See Systolic blood pressure (SBP). resistant, 507, 508t adaptation to, 216
underestimation of, 144 Body fat for resistant hypertension, 504
Blood pressure cuff in obesity for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
accurate application of, 62–63, 62f assessment of, 370, 371t pharmacokinetics of, 214–215, 214t
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561 distribution of Bureau of Standards, of U.S. Department of Commerce,
for children and adolescents, 441, 558 calculation of, 370, 371t 551
for elderly patients, 458 resistant hypertension and, 509 Burns, hypertension related to, 446t
inflation range for, 63–64 insulin resistance associated with, 418–419 Buspirone, hypertension related to, 146
knowledge assessment of, 66 storage of, in diabetes mellitus, 409, 409f
sizes and arm circumference for Body height. See Height percentiles.
importance of, 144, 441, 558, 561 Body mass index (BMI)
knowledge assessment of, 66 as risk factor, 5–6, 566 C-reactive protein
recommendations, 62, 62t CHEP 7 guidelines for, 564 β-adrenergic blockers effects on, 234
steps for properly using, 64 coronary heart disease and, 194, 406 in metabolic syndrome, therapy indications based
technical problems with, 144, 172 in African Americans, 469, 470 on, 422, 422t
Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ in East Asians, 488 in peripheral artery disease, 389
Collaboration (BPLTTC), 317–323 in obesity C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP)
applications of, 217, 271, 272t, 323 calculation of, 370, 371t inhibitors of, for hypertension, 298, 299f
blood pressure risk and, 323, 323f classification based on, 370, 371t mediating role of, 41–42, 41f
comparisons of active regimens and controls, 318, surgery and, 378 Ca -activated K+ channel (BKCa2+), vascular relaxation

320f in obesity definition, 201, 418 and, 33, 34f

comparisons of different active regimens, 318, 321f, in resistant hypertension, 500f, 508–509 Cabergoline, 296
322 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 137f CAD (coronary artery disease). See Coronary heart
data collection for, 317 preeclampsia and, 435 disease (CHD).
diabetes findings of, 323 Body weight. See Weight entries. CADASIL (cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy
eligible trials for, 317 Bone marrow transplantation, hypertension related to, with subcortical infarcts and
main findings of, 318, 319t 361 leukoencephalopathy), 401
outcome specification for, 317 drug therapy associations, 146 Cadmium, hypertension related to, 147–148
prespecified methods for, 317–318 Bopindolol, 298 Caffeine
statistical analysis for, 318 Bosentan, 296 home blood pressure monitoring and, 73, 73t
subgroup comparisons in, 317–318 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors combined hypertension related to, 146
trials and participants in second-cycle overviews, 318 with, 296–297 CAH (cyclosporine-associated hypertension), 146
trials of angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f BP. See Blood pressure (BP). Calcification, of arteries, in elderly, 144, 171, 458
584 Index

Calcineurin inhibitors (CNI), transplant hypertension Calcium channel blockers (CCBs) (Continued) Captopril (Continued)
and, 361–363, 364–366 historical studies on, 306 pharmacology of, 239
Calcitonin gene–related peptide (CGRP), mediating lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t regulatory development of, 542, 545
role of, 26f, 43 mechanism of action, 268, 269f Captopril in Diabetic Nephropathy Trial, 357
Calcium meta-analyses of, 318, 319t, 320f–321f, 322, 323f Captopril Prevention Project (CAPPP), 220f–221f, 244,
excretion of, diuretic therapy impact on, 213 metabolic effects of, 275 319t
in heart failure physiology, 340–341, 413 outcome studies on, 308–309, 309f, 312 diabetic patients in, 410, 411t, 414
low serum, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, peripheral vascular resistance normalization by, 33 outcome design of, 308–309, 309f
501t, 504 pharmacogenetic studies of, 20 Captopril renogram
Calcium antagonists. See Calcium channel blockers pharmacology of, 268–269 for renovascular hypertension, 95–96, 97f
(CCBs). preoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, for resistant hypertension, 502
Calcium channel blockers (CCBs), 268–282 127–128 performance characteristics of, 97t, 98–99
adverse effects of, 273, 274t, 275, 275f special indications for, 281, 282t Carbohydrate intake, for weight loss, 372, 373t
ancillary properties of, 277–280 vasodilators vs., 270 Carbohydrate intolerance, diuretic-induced, 226
antiatherogenic action, 278–279, 278f, 278t Calcium channels, voltage-gated, 268 Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 213
cognitive effects, 280 α1-adrenoceptor activation and, 287, 287f adverse effects of, 225, 227
endothelium and, 279 α1-subunits of, 268, 269f nephron sites of action, 213, 214f
large arteries and, 279–280 L-type subunits of, 268, 269f pharmacokinetics of, 213, 214t
left ventricular hypertrophy regression, 279 Calcium intake Carcinogenesis, diuretics and, 227
renal effects, 277, 277f dietary Carcinoid syndrome, resistant hypertension related to,
bleeding associated with, 275 blood pressure response to, 6, 206 500f, 504
cancer associated with, 275 targets for, 372, 373t Carcinoma(s)
cardiovascular system physiology of, 268 supplemental, for preeclampsia, 432 calcium channel blockers associated with, 275
selectivity in, 269, 269f, 270t Calcium pump medullary thyroid, secondary hypertension related
classification of, 268–269, 270t adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent, 268, 269f to, 119, 120, 121
contraindications for, 282t receptor-operated, 268, 269f pediatric survivors of, angiotensin-converting
chronic kidney disease as, 281 Calibration, of manometers enzyme inhibitors effects on, 243
diabetes mellitus as, 280–281 ambulatory, 90–91 post-heart transplant risks of, 348
diabetic nephropathy as, 280–281 importance of, 144, 558, 561 renal cell, diuretic-associated, 227
pregnancy as, 281 in home, 70, 71f small cell lung, 148
dementia and, 184 in office, 60–61, 60f CARDIA (Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young
diabetes onset associated with, 275–276 CALM (Candesartan and Lisinopril Microalbuminuria) Adults) study, 6, 29, 470
for angina, 281 study, 258, 412 Cardiac action potential, β-adrenergic blockers effect
stable, 335 Calorie intake, for weight loss, 372, 373t, 377t on, 231, 232t
for arterial stiffness, 36–37 CAM (complementary and alternative medicine), Cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV), 348
for chronic kidney disease related hypertension, ethnic use of, 485, 489 Cardiac anomalies, congenital, hypertension related to,
357–358, 357t Cambridge rule, 506 446
for coronary artery disease, 329–330, 331t CAMELOT (Comparison of Amlodipine versus Cardiac arrest, thiazide diuretics causing, 224, 225f
for cyclosporine-associated hypertension, 146 Enalapril to Limit Occurrences of Cardiac arrhythmias. See Dysrhythmias.
for diabetes-related hypertension, 280–281, 410f, Thrombosis), 272t, 273, 279, 281 Cardiac embolic infarction, 183
411t, 412 Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention Cardiac load, in left ventricular hypertrophy, 179
type 2 diabetes pathology and, 414 and Control (CCHBPPC), 552 Cardiac output (CO)
for heart failure, 281, 341, 343 Canadian Heart Health Survey (CHHS), 566–567 acromegaly impact on, 150
for hypertension, 269–277 Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP) arterial blood pressure regulation by, 286
β-adrenergic blockers vs., 270, 271, 273f, 276–277 guideline initiative of 2005, 553, 553t blood pressure measurement and, 64
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors vs., 242, for adults, 561–565, 562t–564t, 565f diuretics effect on, 217, 217f
243, 270, 271, 273f, 276–277 history of, 552–553 heart transplant and, 347
angiotensin II receptor blockers combined with, Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS), 55, 552 in isolated systolic hypertension, 171, 173
258, 259–260, 263 Cancer. See Carcinoma. preeclampsia and, 436
blood pressure-lowering effects, 269–270 Cancer survivors, pediatric, angiotensin-converting sleep apnea impact on, 136–138, 137f–138f
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f enzyme inhibitors effects on, 243 prognostic consequences of, 139, 139f
clinical outcome studies of, 271–273 Candesartan and Lisinopril Microalbuminuria (CALM) transplant hypertension and, 361, 362
meta-analysis of, 271–273, 273f study, 258, 412 Cardiac pacing, heart failure indications for, 344–345
observational, 271 Candesartan cilexetil Cardiac Transplant Research Database, 348
randomized controlled, 271, 272t efficacy of, 257, 344 Cardiometabolic syndrome, hypertension in, 406, 407t,
combination therapy with, 276–277, 276t for acute stroke, 399 409. See also Metabolic syndrome.
diuretic therapy vs., 217, 219 for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412 Cardiomyopathy
hemodynamic effects, 269–270 for obesity-related hypertension, 379 diabetic, 413
in African Americans, 270, 468, 475, 496 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 dilated, electrical therapy for, 344–345
in children and adolescents, 450, 452t pharmacologic properties of, 255t, 256 Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee,
in East Asian populations, 489, 490 Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment of Reduction in 538, 544, 546
in elderly patients, 459, 460, 461, 461t, 463, 463t, Mortality and Morbidity (CHARM), 244, 344 Cardiovascular death
464 diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 albuminuria risk factor for, 355, 355f
in Hispanics, 484–485 outcome-based results of, 258, 259f, 261–262, 264 diuretics effect on, 218–219, 220f–221f
in obesity, 378, 379, 380t Candidate genes guidelines for, international comparisons of, 571, 572f
JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f antihypertensive drug treatment and, 20–21 in Hispanics, 483
safety of, 273, 274t, 275–276, 275f association studies of, 18–20, 19t in resistant hypertension, 498
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 560 pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 26–28 in South Asians, 493, 494t, 496
for hypertensive emergencies, 518 risk related to, 6 in untreated hypertension, 155–157
for isolated systolic hypertension, 174, 281 vascular tone experiments in, 34 meta-analyses of, 317, 319t
for peripheral arterial disease, 389–390 Cannabinoid receptor antagonists, new investigations active regimens and controls, 318, 320f
for pregnancy-related hypertension, 281, 433–434, on, 300 angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f
433t Canrenonate potassium, for hypertension, 295 blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f
for primary aldosteronism, 115 Canrenone, for hypertension, 295 different active regimens, 318, 321f
for renovascular hypertension, 102 CAPPP. See Captopril Prevention Project (CAPPP). meta-analysis of, 161–162, 162f
for resistant hypertension, 501t, 502, 503, 507–509 Captopril, 240t, 249 outcome studies on, 310–311, 310f
in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f breast milk concentrations of, 437 perioperative hypertension and, 512–513, 513t
for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 clinical trials on, 245, 246, 247, 353t sleep apnea and, 139, 139f
for stroke prevention for children and adolescents, 450, 451t stroke association with, 395, 395f
primary, 395, 396–397, 396f, 397f for diabetes-related hypertension, 410, 411t Cardiovascular disease (CVD)
secondary, 398 for East Asian populations, 489 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 289–291, 290f
for transplant hypertension, 364, 365t for perioperative hypertension, 514 β-adrenergic blockers effects on, 234, 236
for vascular dementia, 402 for peripheral arterial disease, 390 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239,
guidelines for, international comparisons of, 574, for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 240, 240t, 242, 243
575, 575f for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 end-organ effects and, 246–247
Index 585

Cardiovascular disease (Continued) Cardiovascular risk (Continued) Catecholamines

blood pressure monitoring prediction of in older individuals, 12–13, 13t transplant hypertension and, 347, 362
ambulatory, 86, 87f in transplant recipients, 361, 367 urine vs. plasma studies of, for pheochromocytoma,
in elderly patients, 457–458 inherited factors of, 29 119, 121f, 122, 123
in home, 77 outcome studies on, 307–308, 308f, 311 postoperative follow-up, 128–129
calcium channel blockers effect on, 278–279 outcomes with, 7–8, 8f, 11, 11f, 29 Cathepsin, 37
chronotherapy for pulse pressure and, 8, 9t, 11–12 CAV (cardiac allograft vasculopathy), 348
assessing effects of, 89–90, 90t staging systems and, 6 CCBs. See Calcium channel blockers (CCBs).
delivery systems impact on, 90 systolic blood pressure importance, 8–10, 9t CCHBPPC (Canadian Coalition for High Blood
circadian patterns of, 89 untreated, 157–159, 158f–159f Pressure Prevention and Control), 552
diabetes mellitus risks for in resistant hypertension, 498 CCM (chronic care model), for disease management,
target organ damage and, 409, 413 meta-analyses of, 317, 319t 528, 531, 532f
type 1, 406, 407, 407t active regimens and controls, 318, 320f CDC (Centers for Disease Control), Pediatric Nutrition
type 2, 407, 408f angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f Surveillance System, 472
diet and, 201, 202f, 203, 208 blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f CDER (Center for Drug Evaluation and Research), 537
diuretics for different active regimens, 318, 321f Celiprolol, 298
adverse effects implications of, 223–224, 225f perioperative hypertension and elimination characteristics of, 234t
clinical trials on, 218–219, 220f–221f antihypertensive medication effects on, 513–514 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
end-stage, 213, 214t, 216 clinical predictors of, 512–513, 513t Cellular rejection, acute, in heart transplant, 347
historical studies on, 305, 306 management algorithm for, 514–515, 515f Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), 537
hypertension risk for. See Cardiovascular risk. total, international comparisons of, 573 Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), 531
hypertensive, 3, 58 treatment guidelines for, 566 Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Pediatric Nutrition
in chronic kidney disease, treatment goals for, 356–357 CHEP 6, 561, 562t–563t Surveillance System, 472
in East Asians, 487, 489, 490 international comparisons of, 571, 572, 572f, 573 Central Americans. See Hispanics.
in elderly patients JNC 7, 553, 555 Central arteries, large, 181, 182
epidemiology of, 457–458 WGTF 4, 560, 561 assessment of, 181, 182
pharmacologic treatment benefits for, 459–460, 459t vascular dementia associated with, 401 Central nervous system (CNS)
in Hispanics, 483, 485 Cardiovascular system angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
in South Asians, 493, 494t, 496 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, 241–242
in untreated hypertension, 157–159, 161–163, 164 241, 241t stroke and, 247–248, 248f
meta-analyses of, 317, 319t atrial natriuretic peptide in β-adrenergic blockers effect on, 236
active regimens and controls, 318, 320f expression of, 42, 42f preeclampsia and, 436
angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f mediating role of, 26f, 41–42, 41f sleep disturbance impact on, 135, 136t, 137,
blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f calcium channel blockers physiology in, 268 137f–138f, 139
different active regimens, 318, 321f selectivity of, 269, 269f, 270t CPAP application and, 140
mortality outcome of. See Cardiovascular death. new drug development and, 540 tumors of, resistant hypertension related to, 500f,
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f preeclampsia and, 436 504
CPAP application impact on, 140 sleep physiology and, 134, 136t Central obesity, 370
mortality associations, 139, 139f sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 29–30, 31f in African Americans, 472, 473f
peripheral artery disease associated with, 384, 385 Carmoxirole, 296 Central sleep apnea syndrome (CSAS), 134, 135t
pheochromocytoma vs., 119, 120t Carney triad/syndrome, secondary hypertension related Cerebral angiography, for stroke assessment, 184
pulse pressure as marker for to, 120, 121t, 122 Cerebral arteries
blood pressure assessment in, 171, 171f Carotid arteries large, infarction of, 183
diagnostic caveats in, 172–173 assessment of, 182 occlusion of, 392, 393f
meta-analysis of, 169–170, 170f atheroma of, stroke related to, 394 perfusion of, autoregulation of, 399
redefining hypertension for, 54, 55 revascularization of, for stroke prevention, 400–401, stroke pathology of. See Stroke/stroke mortality.
renovascular hypertension and, 94 400t Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with
subclinical, 195 stenosis of, in untreated hypertension, 156f, 165 subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy
target organ damage assessment in, 178–181, 179t Carotid endarterectomy, for stroke prevention, 400–401, (CADASIL), 401
white-coat hypertension risk for, 87 400t Cerebral function/dysfunction, pulsatile stress and,
Cardiovascular events. See Cardiovascular disease (CVD). Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, 182 170
Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) Carotid intima-media thickness Cerebral infarction, 183
African Americans in, 469 in children and adolescents, 447 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 519
of older U.S. residents, 8–9, 9t, 341 in untreated hypertension, 156f, 165 management of, 521
peripheral arterial disease in, 386 Carotid sinus, mechanoreceptors in, 29, 30f, 31f Cerebroprotective effect, of angiotensin-converting
renovascular hypertension in, 94 Carotid sinus massage, post-heart transplant, 347 enzyme inhibitors, 248, 248f
Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal Atherosclerotic Carotid tonometry, for arterial assessment, 182 Cerebrovascular disease, in hypertension, 392–402
Lesions (CORAL) study, 502 Carteolol angiotensin II receptor blockers for, 259f, 263
Cardiovascular risk elimination characteristics of, 234t assessment of, 183–184
diabetes mellitus and pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t dementia with, 184
target organ damage with, 409, 413 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t demographics of, 183
type 1, 406, 407, 407t Carvedilol, 236 diuretics for, 217
type 2, 407, 408f α1-adrenoceptor antagonist activity of, 288 clinical trials on, 218–219, 220f–221f
in hypertension elimination characteristics of, 234t encephalopathy with, 184
antihypertensive drug therapy goals and, 51–52 for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 in East Asians, 489, 490
atherothrombotic events with, 6 for heart failure, 344 in Hispanics, 483
caveats in diagnosing, 172–173 for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 pathogenesis of, 183
cross-classification of risk groups, 12, 12f molecular structure of, 232, 235f stroke as, 392–401. See also Stroke/stroke mortality.
definition approach based on, 50–51, 51f–52f pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t syndromes with, 183–184
diuretics effect on, 217, 218–219, 220f–221f pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t vascular dementia as, 401–402
epidemiology studies of, 3, 5 Case-control studies, of genetics, 17, 18–20, 19t blood pressure as risk for, 164, 401
genetics of, 26f, 27, 28 Case finding, for pheochromocytoma diagnosis, blood pressure-lowering treatment for, 401–402,
global, 190–196 122–124, 124f 402f
definition of, 423 Case management, nurse neuroimaging of, 401
dyslipidemia and, 190, 191f, 196, 418 for chronic conditions, 527–528 prevalence of, 401
therapy indications based on, 422, 422t of hypertension, 528–529 prevention of, 401–402
epidemiology of, 4–5 Catalytic actions, of angiotensin converting enzymes, term descriptions for, 401
European approach to, 193 37–38, 37f with pregnancy-related hypertension, 431, 432, 437
in African-American population, 195–196 Catecholamine crisis, hypertensive emergency with, 522 Certification programs, for blood pressure
international comparisons of, 573 Catecholamine-secreting paragangliomas, extra-adrenal, measurement
lifestyle and, 193–194 119 historical perspective of, 58
multivariate risk estimation, 192–193, 192f–193f Catecholamine-secreting tumors, 119. See also standardized monitoring of, 64–66, 65f
newer issues for, 194–195, 194f Pheochromocytoma. CGRP (calcitonin gene–related peptide), mediating role
traditional factors of, 190–192, 191f Catecholamine synthesis inhibitor, preoperative, for of, 26f, 43
historical perspective of, 58 pheochromocytoma resection, 127 Characteristic aortic impedance (Zc), 182
586 Index

CHARM. See Candesartan in Heart Failure Assessment Chlorothiazide (CTZ), 214t, 227 Chronic kidney disease (CKD) (Continued)
of Reduction in Mortality and Morbidity Chlorthalidone, 218, 219, 227 progression and staging of, 186, 186t
(CHARM). calcium channel blockers vs., 272t based on glomerular filtration rate, 351, 352t
CHD. See Coronary heart disease (CHD). clinical outcome studies on, 307, 308, 308f, 311, 312 treatment of
Chemoreceptors for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 353,
exaggerated function of, 32 for heart failure, 342, 343 353t, 354, 355–356
in kidneys, 30, 30f–32f for hypertension hypertension management and, 357–358, 357t
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136–137, doxazosin vs., 288, 290, 290f angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 356, 357–358,
137f–138f in African Americans, 475 357t
Chemoreflex pathways, 29, 31f in children and adolescents, 450, 452t blood pressure targets, 352–354, 353f–354f
Chemotherapy, combination, for metastatic in elderly patients, 459, 460 calcium channel blockers in, 281, 357–358, 357t
pheochromocytoma, 129–130 for stroke prevention, 397 cardiovascular disease targets, 356–357
CHEP. See Canadian Hypertension Education Program for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 clinical trial on, 353–354, 353t
(CHEP). historical studies on, 305, 306 diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 215, 216
Chest radiography regulatory development of, 542 for hypertension, 357–358, 357t
for children and adolescents, 448 Cholesterol intake goals for, 352–357
for heart failure assessment, 179t, 181 blood pressure response to, 206 microalbuminuria targets, 354–355, 355t, 356
aging impact on, 341 for weight loss, 372, 373t potassium intake restriction for, 204
for hypertensive emergencies, 518 Cholesterol level proteinuria targets, 355–356, 355t
Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern, 134, 135t α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 560
CHF. See Heart failure (HF). atherogenic. See Dyslipidemia. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, β-adrenergic
CHHIPS (Control of Hypertension and Hypotension coronary artery disease risk with, 327, 328t blockers use with, 236
Immediately Post-stroke), 399 diuretics effect on, 226–227 Chronic-phase response, to diuretics, 218
CHHS (Canadian Heart Health Survey), 566–567 elevated. See Hypercholesterolemia. Chronotherapeutic agents, ambulatory blood pressure
Chicago Western Electric Study, 206 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573 monitoring for
Childbirth historical studies on, 305, 306 assessing effects of, 89–90, 90t
premature lowering therapies for. See Lipid-lowering therapies. delivery systems impact on, 90
in African Americans, 472 Choroidal vascular changes, in hypertensive Chronotherapeutic oral drug absorption system
pregnancy-related hypertension and, 431 retinopathy, 184–185, 185t (CODAS) delivery system, 90
timing of, in preeclampsia, 436 Christian, Henry A., 156 Chronotropy, sympathetic nervous system activity
Children Chromosomes and, 29
as cancer survivors, angiotensin-converting enzyme linkage studies on, 18, 20, 21f CHS. See Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS).
inhibitors effects on, 243 mutations of CHS (Canadian Hypertension Society), 55, 552
blood pressure measurement in, 441, 558 implications of, 23 Chymase, 39
in home, 76 Mendelian forms of, 27t CI (confidence interval), in outcome studies, 307–308,
technical problems of, 144 Chronic care model (CCM), for disease management, 311
hypertension in, 440–454 528, 531, 532f Cigarette smoking
by age percentiles, 440, 442t, 444t Chronic heart failure as renovascular hypertension risk, 95, 96t, 102
by height percentiles, 440, 442t, 444t angiotensin II receptor blockers for, 259f, 261–262 cessation programs for, 422, 423, 532
by sex, 440, 442t, 444t congestive. See Heart failure (HF). coronary artery disease risk with, 327, 328t
defining, 49–50, 50f, 54, 440 Chronic hypertension global cardiovascular risk and, 191, 423, 566
diet and, 207–208 in children, secondary causes of, 441, 446, 446t home blood pressure monitoring and, 73, 73t
therapeutic changes in, 449–450, 449f in pregnancy, 429–435 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136, 136t
essential, 446–447 characteristics of, 429 peripheral artery disease associated with, 384, 385,
characteristic findings of, 448 differential diagnosis of, 429–431, 431f 388
evaluation of, 447–449, 449f fetal risks with, 431 resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t
diagnostic testing for, 448–449 management of, 431–435 Circadian pattern
medical history in, 447–448 nonpharmacologic, 432 in renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, 89
physical examination in, 447–448 pharmacologic, 432–435 of blood pressure, 85–86, 86f
lifestyle changes for, 449, 449f preconception, 431–432 acromegaly impact on, 150
new drug development and, 546 preeclampsia prevention, 432 transplant hypertension and, 362–363, 363f
obesity trends and, 6, 207–208, 447 maternal risks with, 431 of cardiovascular diseases, 89, 90
weight loss for, 449 pharmacologic management of, 432–435, 433t Cisapride, 539
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 139 α-adrenergic blockers in, 433 CKD. See Chronic kidney disease (CKD).
pharmacotherapy for, 449f, 450 β-adrenergic blockers in, 234, 432–433 Class effect
for emergencies and urgencies, 454t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 240–241
outpatient, 451t–453t 248–249, 431, 434–435 of diuretics, 218
WGTF 4 guidelines on, 559t, 560–561, 560f angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 431, 434 CLCNKB gene, 27t
practice standards for, 552, 553t calcium channel blockers in, 281, 433–434 Clinic monitoring of blood pressure, 58–66. See also
prevalence of, 440 central adrenergic agonists in, 432 Office measurement of blood pressure.
risk factors for, 6, 440 diuretics in, 434 Clinical drug development. See also Investigational new
secondary causes of, 441, 446 FDA classification of, 432 drugs (INDs).
acute vs. chronic, 446t initiation parameters for, 432 regulatory perspectives of, 535–546. See also
target organ damage with, 447, 448, 449f, 450 serotonin2-receptor blockers in, 434 Regulatory development.
treatment of, 449–450 vasodilators in, 434 Clinical efficacy, in new drug development, 535,
algorithm for, 449, 449f sleep apnea mechanisms of, 137, 138f 540–543, 541f
behavioral changes as, 449–450 Chronic illness(es) Clinical endpoints
pharmacotherapy as, 450, 451t–454t case management for, 527–528 composite, unbiased assessment of, 310–311, 310f
WGTF 4 clinical practice guidelines for, 558–561, concomitant. See Comorbidities. defining, 310–311
559t, 560f disease management model for, 528, 531, 532f randomized trials with. See Outcome study(ies).
prehypertension in, 440 Chronic kidney disease (CKD), 351–358 regulatory perspectives of, 537, 543, 546
Chimeric gene, in glucocorticoid-remediable angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, surrogate endpoint vs., 535
aldosteronism, 115, 116f 244–246, 245f, 246t Clinical practice
Chinese populations angiotensin receptor blockers and, 257–260, 356–359 antihypertensives in. See Antihypertensive drug
hypertension in assessment of, 186–187 therapy.
prevalence of, 487, 488t CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 564t, 565 guidelines for. See Clinical practice guidelines
treatment of diagnostic definition of, 186, 351 (CPGs).
considerations for, 488–489 hypertension treatment with, 357–358, 357t models of, traditional vs. virtual hypertension clinic,
outcome studies of, 487, 489–490 in African Americans, 469, 476–477 81–82, 81f
side effects with, 487, 490 low birth weight risk for, 472 Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs)
stroke prevention trials in, 398, 398f pressure-related mechanisms of, 472–474, 473f British, 575, 575t
stroke risk in, 394, 395f JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556t Canadian
Chloride, reabsorption of, diuretic therapy impact on, long-term outcome studies on, 353–354, 353t CHEP 6, for adults, 561, 562t–564t, 564–565, 565f
213, 214f, 215, 216 pathophysiology of, 185–186, 351–352, 352t historical perspective of, 552–553
Chloride channel, mutations in, 27t prevalence of, 185, 351, 352f, 352t discussions relating to, 566
Index 587

Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) (Continued) CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS). Compelling indications, for pharmacotherapy
effectiveness of, 566–567 CO. See Cardiac output (CO). (Continued)
European. See European Society of Hypertension. Coagulopathy WGTF 4 algorithm for, 560f
evidence-based, 551, 552 in metabolic syndrome, therapy indications based WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t, 560–561
federal sources of, 552, 552t–553t on, 422, 422t Competing exogenous substances, resistant
for children, 558, 559t, 560–561, 560f in preeclampsia, 429, 435 hypertension related to, 500f, 507–508, 508t
future directions for, 567 Coarctation of the aorta Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM),
goal of, 551, 566–567 hypertension related to, 148, 446, 448 ethnic use of, 485, 489
institutional sources of, 553, 553t resistant hypertension and, 500f Compliance
international comparisons of, 571–575, 572t, 573t, 575t Cocaine intoxication, hypertension related to, 145 by patient, to treatment. See Nonadherence.
JNC 7, 553–557, 554t, 556t, 557f CODAS (chronotherapeutic oral drug absorption of arteries, 327, 329f
practitioners adherence to, 527, 532f, 567 system) delivery system, 90 Composite endpoints, in outcome studies, 310–311,
professional sources of, 552, 552t. See also specific Codergocrine, 296 310f
association or society, e.g., American Heart COER (controlled-onset extended-release) delivery Computational methods, for gene association studies, 29
Association (AHA). system, for chronotherapy, 90 Computed tomography angiography (CTA), for
United States, 551–561. See also United States Cognition, calcium channel blockers effect on, 280 renovascular hypertension, 95–97
guidelines. Cognitive decline/impairment, 401–402 performance characteristics of, 97t, 99–100
Web-based database of, 552 blood pressure and resistant, 501t, 502
Clinical prediction rule, for renovascular hypertension as risk factor, 164, 401 Computed tomography (CT) scan
risk, 95, 96t treatment trials for lowering, 401–402, 402f for adrenal adenoma localization, 113
Clinical trials in elderly patients, 159f, 164, 184 for pheochromocytoma localization, 119, 121f, 122,
blood pressure measurement for pharmacotherapy effects on, 463–464, 463t 124f, 125
ambulatory neuroimaging of, 401 for stroke assessment, 184, 392
chronotherapeutic agents assessment, 89–90, 90t prevalence of, 401 in left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 179t, 180
chronotherapeutic agents delivery systems prevention of, 401–402 Computer databases, of genetic studies, 16, 18
and, 90 prodromal stage of, 401 Computer technology, in virtual hypertension clinic,
data analyses of, 88–89, 89t Cognitive skills 81–82, 81f
different drug class comparisons, 89 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH),
same drug class comparisons, 89 247–248, 248f 178–179, 179t, 180
in home, 80–81 for blood pressure measurement, 60, 60f Concomitant diseases. See Comorbidities.
of time course, 80 hypertension impact on, 159f, 164, 184. See also Conduit arteries
of trough-to-peak ratio, 72, 80 Cognitive decline/impairment. muscular, 181, 182
placebo effect immunity, 80, 80t Cold pressor testing, 33 stiffness and, 36. See also Arterial stiffness.
sample size advantage, 81 Collaboration models, of disease management Confidence interval (CI), in outcome studies, 307–308,
target organ damage correlation, 76–77, 80 community pharmacy/pharmacists in, 529–530 311
in office, 58, 74 integrated, 531–533, 532f Confounders, in outcome studies, 307
“J-curve” phenomenon in, 55 nurse-pharmacist, 530–531 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia, hypertension related to,
targets based on, 55 pharmacist-managed clinics and, 530 106
WHO data summary of, 52 physician-pharmacist, 530 Congenital anomalies, hypertension related to, 446, 558
cardiovascular death in, 161–162, 162f Collagen, arterial stiffness related to, 36, 340 Congestive heart failure (CHF). See Heart failure (HF)
disease management trends, 527 Collagen vascular disease, preeclampsia and, 431, 435 Connective tissue disorders, peripheral artery disease
heart failure in, 162–163 Collecting tubule, diuretics action in, 213, 214f, 214t associated with, 385
ischemic heart disease in, 157–159, 159f, 159t Combination therapy. See also specific agent or drug CONSENSUS-1 (Cooperative North Scandinavian
meta-analyses of, 316–323. See also Meta-analyses. classification. Enalapril Survival Study), 343, 343f
on renovascular hypertension management, 102–103 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t–563t, 564–565, 565f Consent
angioplasty vs. medical management, 102–103 fixed, 544, 544f for release of medical information, 529
surgery vs. angioplasty, 102 for dyslipidemia, and hypertension, 424 informed, for clinical trials, 313
surgery vs. medical management, 102 for elderly patients, 463 “Consumer Reports” analysis, of treatment, 311
other cardiovascular endpoints in, 164 international comparisons of, 573–574, 574f Continue or Stop Post-stroke Antihypertensives
phases of, 537–538 regulatory development of, 543, 544, 544f Collaborative Study (COSSACS), 399
public perception of, 313 Combination Treatment of Angiotensin II Receptor Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), nasal, for
randomized, with clinical endpoints. See Outcome Blocker and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 140, 140f, 141
study(ies). Inhibitor in Nondiabetic Renal Disease Contraceptives, oral, hypertension related to, 145, 146
registration with National Institutes of Health, 312 (COOPERATE) trial, 245, 353t, 356, 358 Control groups
regulatory perspectives of, 535–546. See also Common Technical Document (CTD), 538 for new drug development, 540–542, 541f
Regulatory development. “Community-based blood pressure monitoring,” 80 in outcome studies, 307–310, 308f
renal failure in, 163–164, 163f Community pharmacy/pharmacists, disease Control of Hypertension and Hypotension Immediately
results of. See specific agent, drug classification or trial. management role, 529–530 Post-stroke (CHHIPS), 399
stroke in, 159–161, 160f–161f Community programs, for hypertension treatment, 305 Controlled-onset extended-release (COER) delivery
Clinics Comorbidities, of hypertension system, for chronotherapy, 90
pharmacist-managed, for disease management, 530 cerebrovascular disease as, 392–402. See also Controlled Onset Verapamil Investigation of
university-based, 530 Cerebrovascular disease. Cardiovascular End Points (CONVINCE) trial,
resistant hypertension associated with, 504, 504t, CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–564t 90, 308–310, 309f, 319t
506 diabetes mellitus and, 406–415. See also Diabetes calcium channel blockers in, 272t, 275, 276t
Clonidine mellitus (DM). composite outcome assessment for, 310–311, 310f
for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 dyslipidemia as, 418–424. See also Dyslipidemia. Hispanics in, 484
for hypertension, 297, 297f, 298t heart disease as, 178, 179t. See also Cardiovascular resistant hypertension in, 498, 509
in African Americans, 475, 476 disease; Ischemic heart disease. CONVINCE. See Controlled Onset Verapamil
in children and adolescents, 450, 452t, 454t heart failure as, 340–348. See also Heart failure (HF). Investigation of Cardiovascular End Points
for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 in children, WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 560 (CONVINCE) trial.
for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 in chronic disease management, 532–533 Coope & Warrender study, 159f, 161f, 162f
naloxone reversal of, 145 kidney disease as, 351–358. See also Kidney disease. COOPERATE (Combination Treatment of Angiotensin
Clonidine suppression test, for pheochromocytoma, 123 obesity as, 370–380. See also Obesity. II Receptor Blocker and Angiotensin-
Clopidogrel organ transplant and, 361–367. See also Transplant Converting Enzyme Inhibitor in Nondiabetic
for angina, unstable, 336 hypertension. Renal Disease) trial, 245, 353t, 356, 358
for stroke prevention, 399 peripheral arterial disease as, 384–390. See also Cooperative North Scandinavian Enalapril Survival
Clothing, removal of, for blood pressure measurement, 63 Peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Study (CONSENSUS-1), 343, 343f
Clozapine, hypertension related to, 146 Comparison of Amlodipine versus Enalapril to Limit Coordination skills, for blood pressure measurement,
Clumsy hand syndrome, dysarthria and, 183 Occurrences of Thrombosis (CAMELOT), 60, 60f
CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services), 531 272t, 273, 279, 281 Coping strategies, in African Americans, 470
CNI (calcineurin inhibitors), transplant hypertension Compelling indications, for pharmacotherapy, CORAL (Cardiovascular Outcomes in Renal
and, 361–363, 364–366 562t–563t, 564–565, 565f Atherosclerotic Lesions) study, 502
CNP (C-type natriuretic peptide) CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t–563t, 564–565 Cornell voltage-duration product, 179, 179t, 180
inhibitors of, for hypertension, 298, 299f JNC 7 algorithm for, 557f as criterion for left ventricular hypertrophy, 179t,
mediating role of, 41–42, 41f JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556–557, 556t 180, 341
588 Index

Coronary angiography Corticosterone, hypertensive syndromes related to, 107, Cyclophosphamide, for metastatic pheochromocytoma,
for angina assessment, 335 107t 130
for ischemic heart disease assessment, 180 Corticotropin. See also Adrenocorticotropic hormone Cyclosporine
Coronary arteries. See Coronary blood flow. (ACTH). hypertension related to (CAH), 146
Coronary artery bypass graft hypertensive syndromes related to, 106–108 renal effects of, 277
for angina, unstable, 336 in Cushing’s syndrome, 148–149 transplant hypertension and, 361, 362, 363
for left ventricle restoration, 346 pheochromocytoma-related secretion of, 119 regimen modifications, 366–367
Coronary artery disease (CAD). See Coronary heart Corticotropin-releasing hormone test, for Cushing’s CYP2D6 (cytochrome P-450 2D6), 539
disease (CHD). syndrome, 149 inhibitors of, 539
Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Cortisol, oral, hypertension related to, 145 Cyproheptadine, for ACTH-producing tumors, 110
(CARDIA) study, 6, 29, 470 Cortisol production, hypertensive syndromes related to Cystatin C, in chronic kidney disease, 186
Coronary blood flow Cushing’s syndrome and, 109–110, 148–149 Cytochrome P-450 2D6 (CYP2D6), 539
heart failure impact on, 341 deoxycorticosterone and, 106, 107 inhibitors of, 539
perfusion pressure for, 333–334, 333f mineralocorticoid receptors and, 108–109, 109f Cytokines, vascular remodeling and, 38, 38f
A Coronary Disease Trial Investigating Outcome with Cortisol ratio, adrenal vein-to-peripheral vein, for
Nifedipine Gastrointestinal Therapeutic System adrenal adenoma localization, 113
(ACTION), 272t, 273, 281 COSSACS (Continue or Stop Post-stroke
Coronary heart disease (CHD) Antihypertensives Collaborative Study), 399 D allele, of ACE gene, 27
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 242, Cost-effectiveness Dabl Educational Web site, of blood pressure
243 of disease management programs, 532 measurement devices, 61, 70, 91
end-organ effects and, 247 of home blood pressure monitoring, 81, 81t Dacarbazine, for metastatic pheochromocytoma, 130
blood pressure lowering parameters for, 333–334 “Cotton-wool spots,” in hypertensive retinopathy, 184 Danazol, hypertension related to, 145
chronic kidney disease and, 185 Cough/coughing Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial (DAVIT), 337
diuretics effect on, 218–219, 220f–221f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced, Darusentan, 297
dyslipidemia and 249 DASH diet trial. See Dietary Approaches to Stop
as risk factor, 327, 328t, 418 angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264 Hypertension (DASH).
predictors of, 419 Cough medications, hypertension related to, 146 Data analyses
treatment indications for, 418, 419t, 420, 422, Council on Epidemiology (AHA), Pooling Project of, 155 in meta-analyses, 316–317, 318
423 Counseling of ambulatory blood pressure, in clinical trials,
Framingham Heart Study findings, 327, 328t, 330f nutrition, 375 88–89, 89t
global prediction of, 190–196 for peripheral artery disease, 388, 389 different class comparisons, 89
European approach to, 193 on future pregnancy, 437 for chronotherapeutic agent delivery, 90
in African-American population, 195–196 postpartum, on preeclampsia, 437–438, 438f for chronotherapeutic agent effects, 89–90, 90t
lifestyle and, 193–194 COX-2 (cyclooxygenase-2) inhibitors same class comparisons, 89
multivariable risk estimation, 192–193, 192f, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 241 of home blood pressure readings
194–195, 194f resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t sample size and, 81
newer factors in, 194–195, 194f CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), nasal, for standard deviation in, 72, 76
traditional risk factors in, 190–192, 191f, 419 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 140, 140f, 141 treatment efficacy and, 79, 79f
heart failure and, 341 CPGs. See Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs). Data collection, in meta-analyses, 318
historical studies on, 305–306 CPI (cross-power index), in sleep disorders, 134 Databases
hypertension risk for, 7, 8f, 327–328, 328f Creatinine Cardiac Transplant Research, 348
diagnostic caveats in, 55, 172–173 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 246 of clinical practice guidelines, 552
management of, 334–335 in end-stage renal disease, 163–164, 163f, 358 of genetic studies, 16, 18
predictive data on, 190–196 serum DAVID (Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable
primary prevention of, 328–334 as post-transplant marker, 364, 366 Defibrillator) trial, 345
untreated, 157–159, 158f–159f in chronic kidney disease, 186, 186t, 187, 351, 352, DAVIT (Danish Verapamil Infarction Trial), 337
in elderly patients, 458, 459, 459t 355t, 356, 358 Day of week, home blood pressure monitoring and, 72,
in South Asians, 493, 494t in preeclampsia, 431, 435, 436 73, 73t
inflammation and, 194 in resistant hypertension, 500, 501t, 502 Daytime blood pressure, ambulatory monitoring of,
JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556t Creatinine-to-albumin ratio, in chronic kidney disease, 85–86, 86f
kidney disease and, 195 354–355, 355t, 356 in clinical trials analysis, 88–90, 89t, 90t
lifestyle and, 193–194 Cromakalim, 299 DBP. See Diastolic blood pressure (DBP).
lifetime risk of, 194 Cross-power index (CPI), in sleep disorders, 134 DD genotype, of angiotensin-converting enzymes,
lipid biomarkers of, 7, 8f, 12, 190, 191f CS (captopril scintigraphy), for renovascular 246
newer, 195 hypertension, 95–96, 97f Death outcome. See Mortality.
meta-analyses of, 317, 319t performance characteristics of, 97t, 98–99 Debrisoquine, 539
active regimens and controls, 318, 320f CSAS (central sleep apnea syndrome), 134, 135t Decision making
angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f CT scan. See Computed tomography (CT) scan. individual, evidence-based, 551
blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f CTA. See Computed tomography angiography (CTA). patient participation in, 532
different active regimens, 318, 321f CTD (Common Technical Document), 538 Decision-support tools, for disease management
metabolic syndrome and, 195, 327 CTZ (chlorothiazide), 214t, 227 programs, 532
mortality with, 9, 9f Cubans. See Hispanics. Decongestants
in older individuals, 13, 13t Cuff bladder, blood pressure elderly patients’ use of, 458
trends with untreated hypertension, 155, 156 accurate application of, 62–63, 62f nasal, hypertension related to, 146
multivariable risk estimation for, 192–193, 192f measurements of Dementia, 401
newer issues for, 194–195, 194f arm circumference vs., 62, 62t Alzheimer’s, 164, 170, 401
outcome studies on, 307–308, 308f knowledge assessments for, 66 hypertensive, 184
perioperative hypertension related to, 512, 513t, 514 “Cuff inflation hypertension,” 144 in untreated hypertension
management of, 514–515, 515f Culture, as hypertension factor Binswanger’s, 165, 401
peripheral artery disease associated with, 384, 385 in Hispanics, 483, 485 vascular, 164, 401–402. See also Vascular dementia.
pulse pressure and in South Asians, 495–496 Demographics
blood pressure assessment in, 171, 171f, 328, 330f Cushing’s syndrome of cerebrovascular disease, 183
meta-analysis of, 169–170, 170f hypercortisolism features in, 149 of heart failure, 181
redefining hypertension for, 55 hypertension related to, 148–149 of left ventricular hypertrophy, 178
relative risk for, 9, 11, 11f ectopic ACTH excess and, 109–110 Dendroapis natriuretic peptide (DNP), mediating role
risk factors for, 327, 328t glucocorticoid resistance and, 107t, 108 of, 41f, 42
dyslipidemia as, 327, 328t, 418 pituitary-dependent, 109–110, 149 Deoxycorticosterone (DOC), excess production of,
stroke association with, 395, 395f resistant hypertension relate to, 501t, 503 hypertension related to, 106–108, 107t
subclinical, 195 Cutaneous malignancy, post-heart transplant, 348 Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
Coronary syndromes, acute, hypertension management CVD. See Cardiovascular disease (CVD). effects of
with, 336–337 Cyclic guanosine monophosphate–dependent protein latent, 22
Corticosteroids kinase, vascular tone and, 33, 34f statistical estimation of, 15–16
elderly patients use of, 458 Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors variants of expression, 25
for organ transplantation, hypertension related to, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 241 Department of Commerce, U.S., Bureau of Standards,
361, 362 resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t 551
Index 589

Department of Health and Human Services, U.S., Diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension and (Continued) Diastolic hypertension (Continued)
representation in education program, 552, type 2 (non–insulin-dependent). See Type 2 diabetes pathophysiology of, 169, 170f
552t–553t mellitus. prehypertension risk for, 166
Depression, β-adrenergic blockers and, 236 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 560 treatment guidelines for
Dermatitis, diuretic-induced, 227 Diabetes Reduction Approaches with Medication CHEP 6, 561, 562t–563t
Desflurane, hypertension related to, 145 (DREAM) study, 414 international comparisons of, 572–574, 572f, 572t,
Desmopressin, for pituitary-dependent Cushing’s Diabetic cardiomyopathy, 413 573t, 575t
syndrome, 149 Diabetic nephropathy JNC 7, 554t
DETAIL (Diabetics Exposed to Telmisartan and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239, Diazoxide, 299
Enalapril), 357 240, 240t, 244–245, 357 intravenous, for hypertensive emergencies, 519,
Detection, of hypertension. See Diagnosis. calcium channel blockers cautions with, 280–281 521–522, 521t
DEW-IT (Diet, Exercise, and Weight Loss Intervention CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t Dichloroisoproterenol, molecular structure of, 232,
Trial), 374, 377t microalbuminuria with, 409 235f
Dexamethasone prevalence of, 409 Didima study, of home blood pressure monitoring, 74
for adrenocortical enzyme deficiency, 108 Diabetic retinopathy, 407, 408f Diet, 201–209
for glucocorticoid resistance, 108 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effect on, as risk factor, 6, 50, 146, 147
for renal potassium-wasting disorders, 107t, 109 244 genetic variants of, 23, 42, 203, 207
Dexamethasone suppression test, for hypercortisolism Diabetics Exposed to Telmisartan and Enalapril in children and adolescents, 207–208
diagnosis, 109–110, 149 (DETAIL), 357 blood pressure and, 201–207
Diabetes and Hypertension Cardiovascular Events with DIABHYCAR (Diabetes and Hypertension behavioral intervention trials on, 202, 207
Ramipril (DIABHYCAR), 159f Cardiovascular Events with Ramipril), 159f beneficial effects with obesity, 372–376, 374f–376f,
Diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension and, 406–415 Diacylglycerol, in α1-adrenoceptor activation, 287, 287f 377t
arterial stiffness with, 169, 408–409, 409f Diagnosis, of hypertension effects of multiple changes, 207
as risk factor, 7, 8f–9f ambulatory blood pressure classifications in, 53–54, evidence of influence, 201, 208–209, 208t
cross-classification of groups, 12, 12f 54t. See also Ambulatory blood pressure factors that reduce, 201–205
global prediction and, 191–192, 196 monitoring (ABPM). factors with limited effects, 205–207
inherited, 29 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–563t, 565f gene interactions with, 203, 207
blood pressure goal recommendations for, 7 definitions for, 3, 49–55 in special populations, 207–208
blood pressure nondipping fluctuations in, 413 emergency management and, 518, 519f cardiovascular disease risk and, 201, 202f, 203, 208
cardiometabolic syndrome vs., 406, 407t, 409. See guidelines for. See Clinical practice guidelines coronary heart disease and, 193–194
also Metabolic syndrome. (CPGs). DASH. See Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564, 564t, 565 home monitoring for, 77–78, 78f. See also Home (DASH).
coronary artery disease risk with, 327, 328t monitoring of blood pressure (HMBP). drug absorption effects of, 539
dysautonomia in, 413 in children and adolescents, 447–449, 449f for chronic disease management, 530, 532
dyslipidemia and, 418, 419f, 423 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t, 560 for diabetes-related hypertension, 409–410
end-stage renal disease resulting from, 163–164 JNC 7 guidelines for, 553, 554t, 555 for dyslipidemia, 421, 423, 424
hypertension management with, 357–358, 357t measurement accuracy concerns, 144 for preeclampsia, 435
gestational, 236 mineralocorticoid excess and, 106–116. See also for weight loss, 372–376, 373t, 377t
global cardiovascular risk and, 191–192 Mineralocorticoid excess states. lifestyle modifications and, 205, 207, 372
in black population, 196, 474 office reading selection and, 64. See also Office of children and adolescents, 207
home blood pressure monitoring and, 77 measurement of blood pressure. therapeutic changes in, 449–450, 449f
in African Americans, 196, 474 pheochromocytoma and, 27t, 119–130. See also WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558
in chronic kidney disease trials, 353t, 354, 354f, 355 Pheochromocytoma. reduced-sodium. See Sodium restriction.
JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556t rare and unusual causes, 145–150 renal disease risk and, 201, 203, 207
mortality rates with, 406 renovascular, 95–101. See also Renovascular salt-sensitive hypertension pathology and, 31–32, 32f
new-onset, calcium channel blockers associated with, hypertension. transplant hypertension and, 364
275–276 sleep apnea and, 134–141. See also Sleep apnea. typical U.S., 372
obesity-related hypertension in. See Obesity. staff knowledge and, 64–66, 65f Diet, Exercise, and Weight Loss Intervention Trial
pathophysiology of, 408–409, 409f WHO guidelines for, 53, 71, 493, 494, 496 (DEW-IT), 374, 377t
angiotensin II receptor blockers as, 408, 409, Diarrhea, angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264 Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH), 201,
411–412 Diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 208
thiazide diuretics as, 412 age factor of, 5, 169, 170f blood pressure by week results of, 205, 205f
perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513t, 514, 515f coronary heart disease relationship to, 171, 171f, CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564
peripheral artery disease associated with, 384 328, 330f for African Americans, 474, 477
pharmacologic treatment of, 410–413 as drug research endpoint, 535, 543, 546 for Canadians, 564
α-adrenergic blockers as, 413 average reached, prior to isolated systolic for children and adolescents, 449–450, 449f, 558
β-adrenergic blockers as, 236, 406, 412–413 hypertension, 171, 171f for diabetic patients, 410
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors as, 242, body mass index impact on, 6 for elderly patients, 459, 459t
244–245, 244f, 406, 408, 409, 410–411 coronary heart disease risk and, 157, 158f for obesity, 373–374, 373t, 374f, 377t
angiotensin II receptor blockers as, 244, 245, in hypertension definition, 3 for peripheral artery disease, 389
257–258, 265 classifications of, 53–54, 53f, 54t international comparisons of, 566, 575
calcium channel blockers as, 280–281, 412 in hypertension sequelae, importance of, 8–10, 9t multiple dietary changes in, 207
clinical trial meta-analysis results, 323, 323f, 411, in perioperative hypertension, 514–515, 515f potassium intake data from, 204, 204f
411t in pulse pressure, 5, 11–12 resistant hypertension and, 500f, 504, 504t
clonidine in, 413 in staging systems, 7 sodium intake data from, 202–203, 203f
hydralazine in, 413 mean, for coronary perfusion, 333–334 transplant hypertension and, 364
type 2 diabetes associated with, 414 measurement of. See Blood pressure trial results, 201, 202–203, 203f–205f, 204, 205
preeclampsia and, 435 measurement/monitoring. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)-Low
prevalence of, 406, 407f stroke risk related to Sodium, trial results, 373–374, 374f, 377t
pulse pattern in, 413 primary, 394, 395f, 396f Digitalis
rate of concurrence between, 418, 419f secondary, 397–398, 398f for heart failure, 342, 343
redefining hypertension for, 54–55 weight loss effect on, 372–378, 373t, 374f–376f, 377t toxicity of, diuretics and, 227
resistant hypertension and, 498, 500 Diastolic function/dysfunction, in heart failure, 179t, Dihydropyridines
stroke association with, 395, 397 181 adverse effects of, 273, 274t, 275, 275f
stroke-related deaths with, 406, 407, 408, 408f aging impact on, 340–341 arterial effects of, 279–280
target organ damage with, 406, 407, 408f, 413 treatment of, 342–348 clinical outcome studies on, 271–272
transplant hypertension and, 363, 364 Diastolic hypertension, 3 combination therapy with, 276–277, 276t
treatment strategies for classifications of, 53–54, 53f, 54t contraindications for, 280–281, 282t
additional considerations with, 413 in children, 440 dementia and, 184
diet as, 409–410 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412
exercise as, 410 in elderly patients, systolic hypertension with, for East Asian populations, 489, 490
pharmacologic, 410–413 459–460, 459t for elderly patients, 460, 461, 463
weight loss as, 409–410 isolated for obesity-related hypertension, 379
type 1 (insulin-dependent). See Type 1 diabetes age factor of, 169, 170f for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506
mellitus. home monitoring and, 77 pharmacology of, 268–269, 269f, 270t
590 Index

Dihydropyridines (Continued) Diuretic therapy (Continued) Doxazosin (Continued)

renal effects of, 277, 357 for non-ST-segment myocardial infarction, 336 historical studies on, 306
special indications for, 281, 282t for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434, 436 metabolic effects of, 291
Diltiazem for primary aldosteronism, 114, 114f outcome studies on, 307
β-blocker combinations with, 236 postoperative, 115 pharmacology of, 288, 289f
clinical outcome studies on, 272t, 276, 276t for renal arteriopathy, 33 DRASTIC (Dutch Renal Artery STenosis Intervention
for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 for resistant hypertension, 500, 501t, 503, 506, 507, Cooperative), 103
for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 509 DREAM (Diabetes Reduction Approaches with
home monitoring evaluation of, 78 importance of, 504–505, 505f Medication) study, 414
Dipping/dippers for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 Dreams, β-adrenergic blockers and, 236
ambulatory blood pressure monitoring of, 85–86, for stroke prevention, primary, 395, 396, 397, 397f “Drive-by” renal angiography, for renovascular
86f, 87 for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t, 366 hypertension, 100–101
nighttime, in blood pressure, 85–86, 86f for vascular dementia, 401 Drug absorption, food impact on, 539
Direction bias, in blood pressure measurement, 64, 65f guidelines for, international comparisons of, Drug abuse, hypertension related to, in children and
Disease management services, 527–533 573–574, 575f adolescents, 446, 446t, 560
blood pressure control trends with, 527 historical studies on, 305, 306 Drug allergy(ies), to diuretics, 227
challenges of, 527–528 in resistant hypertension, 147, 498 Drug concentrations
chronic care model of, 528, 531, 532f loop. See Loop diuretics. highest achieved after dosing (Cmax), 538
integrated model of, 531–533, 532f meta-analyses of, 318, 319t, 321f, 322 median effective (EC50), 540
benchmarks of, 531 metabolic abnormalities with, 226–227 peak and trough ratio, blood pressure monitoring for
care delivery structure and process in, 531–532 neurohormonal response to, 216–217 ambulatory, 89
group vs. individual, 531 adaptive, 223, 224f in home, 72, 80
team member responsibilities, 532–533 outcome studies on, 307, 309, 310 time integration with, 538
nurse case management as, 528–529 pharmacogenetic studies of, 21, 25, 29 time of peak (Tmax), 538
pharmacists in, 529–531 pharmacokinetics of, 213, 214t trough before next dose (Cmin), 538
clinic model of, 530 resistance to, 215, 216 Drug-disease interactions, regulatory perspectives of,
community pharmacy model of, 529–530 steroid therapy indication for, 145 545
nurse collaboration model of, 530–531 thiazide. See Thiazide diuretics. Drug dosing. See Dose entries.
physician collaboration model of, 530 Diurnal variations, in blood pressure. See Nocturnal Drug-drug interactions
trends of, 529 entries. adverse
Disopyramide, post-heart transplant indications for, Dizziness with angiotensin II receptor blockers, 256
347 angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264 with diuretics, 227
Distal tubule, diuretics action in, 213, 214f, 214t with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, 292 disease management consideration of, 532
Disulfiram, hypertension related to, 147 DM. See Diabetes mellitus (DM). regulatory perspectives of, 537, 539, 545
Diuretic therapy, 213–227 DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Drug exposure, area under the curve of, 538
adaptation to, 216 DNP (Dendroapis natriuretic peptide), mediating role Drug intolerance, objective vs. subjective, 506
adverse effects of, 223–226 of, 41f, 42 Drug screens, for adolescents, 560
angiotensin II receptor blockers combined with, 256, DOC (deoxycorticosterone), excess production of, Drug therapy. See Pharmacotherapy; specific agent or
258, 259, 261 hypertension related to, 106–108, 107t drug classification.
breast milk concentrations of, 438 Doctor of Pharmacy degree, 529 Drug toxicity(ies), diuretic-induced, 227
classes of, 213–216. See also specific class. Doctors. See Physicians. Dual Chamber and VVI Implantable Defibrillator
carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, 213 Dopamine, urine vs. plasma studies of (DAVID) trial, 345
distal potassium-sparing, 215–216 for pheochromocytoma, 121f, 122, 123 Dual-chamber pacing
loop, 213–215, 215f renal failure and, 124 for heart failure, 345
nephron sites of action, 213, 214f Dopamine-1 receptor agonists VDD, for dilated cardiomyopathy, 345
specific effect on hypertension, 218 for children and adolescents, 450, 454t Dubendorf study, of home blood pressure monitoring,
thiazide, 215 new investigations on, 296 74
for angina, unstable, 336 Dopamine-2 receptor agonists, peripheral, new Dutch Renal Artery STenosis Intervention Cooperative
for chronic kidney disease, 357, 357t investigations on, 296 (DRASTIC), 103
for coronary artery disease, 329, 331t Dopamine receptors Dutch Transient Ischemic Attack trial, 159f
for diabetes-related hypertension, 408, 410f, 411t, candidate genes of, 19t Dysarthria-clumsy hand syndrome, 183
412 subtypes of, 296 Dysautonomia, diabetes-related hypertension and, 413
type 2 diabetes pathology and, 414 Dopexamine, 296 Dyslipidemia, in hypertension, 418–424
for heart failure, 342, 343 Doppler flow studies as risk factor, 7, 8f, 12, 418
for hyperparathyroidism, 150 for arterial assessment, 182 in African-American population, 196, 418
for hypertension, 217–223, 270 mitral, for heart failure assessment, 179t, 181 newer issues of, 195
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, Doppler ultrasound, for renovascular hypertension, 95, CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t
242 96 clinical trials on, 418
β-blocker combinations with, 233–234, 236 performance characteristics of, 97t, 99 coronary artery disease risk with, 327, 328t, 418
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f resistant, 501t, 502 predictors of, 419
chronic phase of, 218 Dor procedure, for heart failure, 346 treatment indications for, 418, 419t, 420, 422, 423
class effect in, 218 Dose dumping, 539 diabetes mellitus and, 408–409, 409f
clinical trials on, 218–219, 220f–221f Dose-response control group, in new drug genetics of, 418, 421
patient population responses, 219, 222, 222f, development, 540, 541, 541f global cardiovascular risk and, 190, 191f, 196, 418
224 titration designs for, 541–542 therapy indications for, 422, 422t
combination, 217, 223, 224–225 Dose-response studies metabolic syndrome and, 418–419, 419t
dose-response relationship of, 213–214, 215f, 223 on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 242 therapy for, 422, 422t
general considerations for, 217, 223 on diuretics, 213–214, 215f, 223 pathophysiology of, 39
in African Americans, 222, 475–476, 496 on new drugs, 540, 541, 541f peripheral artery disease associated with, 385, 388
in children and adolescents, 450, 452t–453t titration designs for, 541–542 rate of concurrence between, 418, 419f
in East Asian populations, 489, 490 on potassium intake, 204, 204f treatment of, 424
in elderly patients, 219, 459, 460, 461, 461t, 463, Dose selection, in new drug development, 542 adherence issues in, 423–424
463t Dose titration, in new drug development, 542–543 diet in, 421, 423, 424
in obesity, 378, 380t dose-response control group and, 541–542 lifestyle changes in, 418, 419t, 421, 423
isolated systolic, 174 Dosing interval, in new drug development, 542 metabolic syndrome and, 422, 422t
JNC 7 guidelines for, 556–557, 556t, 557f Doxazosin, 219, 243, 258 pharmacotherapy for
left ventricular hypertrophy regression with, for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 estimated need for, 418, 419t
222–223 for heart failure, 341 interactions with, 419–421, 420t
lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t, for hypertension, 288, 290, 290f specific principles for, 423
421, 424 in African Americans, 475, 476 vascular wall interactions, 419, 419f
mechanism of action, 217–218, 217f in children and adolescents, 450, 453t Dysrhythmias, cardiac
renovascular, 102 in elderly patients, 459 β-blocker cautions with, 236
responsive patient populations, 219, 222 for obesity-related hypertension, 379 blood pressure measurement and, 64
stepped-care approach to, 217, 223 for stroke prevention, 397 diuretic-induced, 224, 225, 226
for hypertensive emergencies, 518, 519 for transplant hypertension, 366 heart transplant and, 347
Index 591

Dysrhythmias, cardiac (Continued) Elderly patients (Continued) Emax (maximum ventricular elastance), 540
investigational drug-related, 539, 540, 545 cardiovascular disease risk and, 457 Embolism, artery-to-artery, stroke related to, 392, 393f,
perioperative hypertension and, 513, 513t, 514, 515f Cardiovascular Health Study of, 8–9, 9t 394
with heart failure, electrical therapy for, 344–345 clinical evaluation of, 458 ENaC. See Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC).
cognitive function and, 159f, 164, 184 Enalapril, 240t, 242
pharmacotherapy effects on, 463–464, 463t clinical trials on, 55, 245, 247, 249, 272t
defining, 49–50, 50f for hypertension
E/A wave ratio, in heart failure, 179t, 181 diet and, 208 in children and adolescents, 450, 451t
Early morning blood pressure surge, 86, 89 epidemiology of, 12–13, 13t, 457–458 intravenous, 450, 454t
East Asians, hypertension in, 487–490 hormone replacement therapy and, 458, 464–465, in East Asian populations, 489
Chinese populations, 487, 488t 465t in elderly patients, 460
detection disparities in, 484f isolated systolic for perioperative hypertension, 514
genetic studies on, 19t cardiovascular disease risk and, 457–458 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
Japanese populations, 487–488, 488t pathophysiology of, 457 historical studies on, 306
Korean populations, 488, 488t pharmacologic treatment of, 460–461, 460t home monitoring evaluation of, 79, 79f, 80
Native Hawaiians, 488, 488t goals of, 461–463, 462t omapatrilat vs., 298–299
prevalence trends of, 4, 4t, 487–488, 488t prevalence of, 457 pharmacology of, 239
sociocultural barriers and, 490 measurement problems of, 144 Enalaprilat, intravenous, for hypertensive emergencies,
stroke prevention trials, 398, 398f “mild,” 11 519, 520t, 521–522
stroke risk and, 394, 395f, 396 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136, 139 Encephalopathy
treatment of pharmacologic treatment of, 459–465 hypertensive, 184
considerations for, 488–489 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors as, hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t
efficacy of, 487 242, 245 in children, 561
outcome studies of, 489–490 β-adrenergic blockers as, 236 management of, 522
side effects with, 487, 490 clinical trials on, 159f, 458, 462t, 463t End-of-phase-2 (EOP2) meetings, 537
Eating habits/behavior, weight loss and, 372 cognitive impairment related to, 463–464, 463t End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy, 178–179, 179t diuretics as, 219, 222f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and,
ECF. See Extracellular fluid (ECF). for combined systolic-diastolic, 459–460, 459t 244–246, 245f, 246t
ECG. See Electrocardiography (ECG). for isolated systolic, 460–461, 460t angiotensin receptor blockers and, 257–260, 356–359
Echocardiography for very old patients, 464 blood pressure as predictor of, 352, 352f
for angina assessment, 335 initial agent choice in, 461, 461t calcineurin inhibitors causing, 362
for children and adolescents, 447, 448 pseudohypertension vs., 458 diabetes mellitus and, 406, 409, 410–411
for coarctation of the aorta, 148 resistant, 499t, 507, 509 hypertension management with, 357–358, 357t
for heart failure assessment, 179t, 181 risk factors for, 13 in African Americans, 469
aging impact on, 341 systolic blood pressure importance, 10 natural history of, 163–164, 163f
staging, 342 systolic-diastolic, therapy for, 459–460, 459t outcome studies on, 307–308, 308f
for left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 179t, 180 weight loss trials and, 375, 377t prevalence of, 351, 352f
stress, for ischemic heart disease assessment, 179t, 180 new drug development and, 539 progression and staging of, 186, 186t, 352t
transesophageal, for stroke assessment, 184 postural hypotension in, 458, 463 Endarterectomy, carotid, for stroke prevention,
transthoracic, for stroke assessment, 184 Electrocardiography (ECG) 400–401, 400t
Eclampsia diuretics effect on, 224, 225, 226 Endocannabinoid-1 receptor antagonists, new
hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t for angina assessment, 334–335 investigations on, 300
management of, 522 for children and adolescents, 448 Endocrine disorders
in pregnancy, 429, 436. See also Preeclampsia. for elderly patients, 458 in children and adolescents, 448
Ectopic corticotropin syndrome, 148 for hypertensive emergencies, 518 hypertension related to, 446, 446t
diagnostic tests for, 149 for ischemic heart disease assessment, 179t, 180 pheochromocytoma vs., 119, 120t
Ectopy, ventricular, diuretic-induced, 224 for left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 179–180, Endomyocardial biopsy, post-transplant, 347, 348
Edema 179t Endopeptidase inhibitors, neutral, new investigations
in preeclampsia, 435, 436 with heart failure, 341 on, 298–299, 299f
peripheral, from calcium channel blockers, 273, 274t, for perioperative hypertension evaluation, 513, 513t, Endopeptidases, vascular tone and, 38, 299f
275, 275f 515, 515f Endothelial function/dysfunction
pulmonary. See Pulmonary edema. for stroke assessment, 184 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291
EDHF (endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor), in new drug development, 539, 540, 545 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
substance P and, 43 Electrolytes. See also specific electrolyte or imbalance, e.g. 242
Education Hyperkalemia. arterial stiffness related to, 36, 36f
patient angiotensin II receptor blockers impact on, 264 calcineurin inhibitors impact on, 362
for disease management, 530, 532 dietary, weight loss targets for, 372, 373t calcium channel blockers effects on, 279
international comparisons of, 572t, 573t, 574–575 diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 214f, 217 developmental models of, 40
public. See also National High Blood Pressure adaptive, 216, 224f heart failure impact on, 341
Education Program (NHBPEP). adverse effects, 223–226 in African Americans, 472, 474
for Hispanics, 485 Electronic blood pressure devices in chronic kidney disease, 351–352
Effectiveness criteria, in new drug development, 535, calibration of, 60, 60f, 61 in diabetes mellitus, 408, 409f, 413
540–543, 541f in virtual hypertension clinic, 81, 81f in dyslipidemia and hypertension, 419, 419f, 423
Effects of Amlodipine and Lisinopril on Left Ventricular teletransmission of readings, 82 in preeclampsia, 430f, 435, 436
Mass and Diastolic Function (ELVERA) study, individual patient accuracy of, 61, 64 left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179
279 inspection for quality assurance obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f, 140
Efferent output, of sympathetic nervous system, 29, 31f ambulatory monitoring and, 90–91 Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), reduction of, 36
Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke (ENOS), 399 in office, 66 Endothelin (ET-1)
eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate), in chronic Electronic monitoring, of pharmacotherapy adherence, in African Americans, 469t, 471
kidney disease, 186, 186t 507 mediating role of, 41
Ejection fraction, in heart failure, 181, 341 Electronic stethoscope, 61 Endothelin receptor antagonists
transplant indications based on, 346 Elimination, physiologic new investigations on, 296–297
treatment effects on, 344, 345, 346 new drug development and, 539 subtypes of, 296
Ejection rate, of left ventricle, in isolated systolic of β-adrenergic blockers, 234t toxicity cautions with, 41
hypertension, 171, 173 of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 239 Endothelium, in arterial assessment, 182
Elasticity, arterial, reduction of, 36–37, 166. See also of angiotensin II receptor blockers, 256 Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF),
Arterial stiffness. ELITE (Evaluation of Losartan in the Elderly), 258, substance P and, 43
Elastin, arterial stiffness related to, 36 259f, 261 Endurance-based exercise, for peripheral artery disease,
Elderly patients ELITE-2 (Evaluation of Losartan in the Elderly-2), 258, 388–389
hypertension in, 457–465 259f, 261 ENOS (Efficacy of Nitric Oxide in Stroke), 399
antihypertensive therapy for, 458–463 ELSA (European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis), eNOS (endothelial nitric oxide synthase), reduction of, 36
goals of, 461–463 272t, 275, 276t, 278, 278t, 279, 319t Enrasentan, 297
lifestyle modifications as, 458–459, 459t ELVERA (Effects of Amlodipine and Lisinopril on Left Enrollment, in clinical trials, 313
pharmacologic treatment as, 159f, 459–465 Ventricular Mass and Diastolic Function) Enteric nervous system, vascular smooth muscle cell
blood pressure control rates with, 457 study, 279 regulation by, 286
592 Index

Environment Ethacrynic acid, diuretics interaction with, 227 Factorial study, of new drugs, 541, 541f
as hypertension risk Ethics, in clinical trials, 312–313 fixed-combinations in, 544, 544f
in African Americans, 469t, 470–472 Ethnicity. See Race/ethnicity. Familial paraganglioma, secondary hypertension related
in India population, 493–495, 494t, 495t EUCLID (EURODIAB Controlled Trial of Lisinopril in to, 120, 121t, 122, 129
mercury sphygmomanometer concerns for, 58–59 Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus) study, Family Blood Pressure Program (FBPP), 18, 20
Enzymes, oxidizing, in liver, 539 243 Family history of hypertension, in children and
EOP2 (end-of-phase-2) meetings, 537 EURODIAB Controlled Trial of Lisinopril in Insulin- adolescents, 446, 448
Ephedra, resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (EUCLID) study, Family members, home blood pressure monitoring by, 71
Ephedrine, 146, 236, 458, 514 243 Family studies, of genetics, 17, 18
EPHESUS (Eplerenone Post-Myocardial Infarction EUROPA (European Trial on Reduction of Cardiac twins in, 15, 25
Heart Failure Efficacy and Survival Study), 344 Events with Perindopril), 159f, 162, 162f, 243 Fasting glucose
Epidemiological Follow-up Study, of NHANES I, 469 European Lacidipine Study on Atherosclerosis (ELSA), in diabetes mellitus, 406
Epidemiology, of hypertension, 3–5 272t, 275, 276t, 278, 278t, 279, 319t in metabolic syndrome, 406
definition approach based on, 50–51, 51f–52f European Multicenter Orlistat Group, 376 Fasudil, clinical trials on, 33
genetics in, 15–23. See also Genetics. European Society of Cardiology, 53, 55 Fat burden, in obesity, 370, 371t
global burden and, 4–5 on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 141 Fat distribution, in obesity
global cardiovascular risk in, 190–196 European Society of Hypertension calculation of, 370, 371t
in older individuals, 12–13, 13t ambulatory monitoring device protocols, 91 resistant hypertension and, 509
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 134–135, 136t definition recommendations, 53, 55 Fat intake, dietary
pathophysiology in, 25–43. See also Pathophysiology. guidelines of blood pressure response to, 6, 206
prevalence trends American guidelines vs., 571–575 for weight loss, 372, 373t, 377t
by race/ethnicity, 4, 4t differences, 572–575, 573t Fat tissue. See Adipose tissue; Adiposity.
by sex, 4, 4t major agreements, 571, 572f, 572t Fatty acids
in U.S., 3–4, 4f, 4t on first-choice drugs, 573–574, 574f–575f dietary, for weight loss, 372, 373t
risk factor association criteria, 3 on prehypertension, 572 free, obesity and, 371f, 372
secular trends, 3–4, 4f, 4t on total cardiovascular risk, 573 FBPP (Family Blood Pressure Program), 18, 20
term definitions for, 3 on treatment indications, 574 FDA. See Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S..
Epinephrine/adrenaline other issues in, 574–575 FDA Modernization Act (FDAMA) of 1997, 538, 540,
β-blocker combinations with, 236 British guidelines vs., 575, 575t 546
pathophysiologic role of, 30, 30f home monitoring recommendations, 69 FD&C (Food, Drug and Cosmetic) Act of 1962, 536,
urine vs. plasma studies of on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 141 540
for pheochromocytoma, 121f, 122, 123 European Trial on Reduction of Cardiac Events with FDG (fluoride-18-fluorodeoxyglucose) scintigraphy, for
renal failure and, 124 Perindopril (EUROPA), 159f, 162, 162f, 243 pheochromocytoma localization, 126, 126f
Episodic hypertension, pheochromocytoma and, 123 European Working Party on Hypertension in the Federal agencies, of U.S., representation in education
Epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) Elderly (EWPHE), 159, 159f, 161f, 162f, 459t program, 552, 552t–553t
aldosterone role in, 39–40 Evaluation, of hypertension Federal Wide Assurances, for clinical trials, 312
candidate genes of, 19, 19t blood pressure for. See Blood pressure Felodipine
pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 25–26, 27t, 28f measurement/monitoring. clinical outcome studies on, 272t, 276t
Eplerenone guidelines for, international comparisons of, combination formulations of, 233–234
adverse effects of, 225, 227 571–575, 572t, 573t, 575t for children and adolescents, 450, 452t
for hypertension, 295–296 Evaluation of Losartan in the Elderly (ELITE), 258, for East Asian populations, 489
for primary aldosteronism, 115 259f, 261 renal effects of, 277, 277f
mechanism of action, 40 Evaluation of Losartan in the Elderly-2 (ELITE-2), 258, Femoral arteries, peripheral artery disease in, 385
pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 215–216 259f, 261 Femoropopliteal lesions, in peripheral arterial disease,
Eplerenone Post-Myocardial Infarction Heart Failure Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, 551, 552 387, 387t
Efficacy and Survival Study (EPHESUS), 344 Evidence-based health policies and procedures, 551 Fenoldopam mesylate, 296
Eprosartan Evidence-based individual decision making, 551 intravenous
for stroke prevention, 258, 259f, 263, 398 Evidence-based medicine for children and adolescents, 450, 454t
pharmacologic properties of, 255t, 256 for angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 240–241 for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 520t, 521–522
Equivalence trials, superiority vs. noninferiority, for antihypertensive drugs, home monitoring and, 80 Fetus
307–310 for diet, 201, 208–209, 208t drugs harmful to. See Teratogens.
Erectile function in disease management programs, 528, 532, 551 pregnancy-related hypertension risks for, 431
α1-adrenoceptor antagonists for, 291–292 Evidence-Based Recommendations Task Force, CHEP timing of delivery and, 436
diuretics effect on, 227 2005, 561 FF (filtration fraction), in chronic kidney disease, 186
drug therapy for, hypertension related to, 145 EWPHE (European Working Party on Hypertension in FFA (free fatty acids), obesity and, 371f, 372
Erythropoietin the Elderly), 159, 159f, 161f, 162f, 459t FHS. See Framingham Heart Study (FHS).
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effect on, Exclusivity criteria, for new drug study, 546 Fiber intake, blood pressure response to, 205–206
249–250 Exercise/exercise programs Fibrates, for dyslipidemia, 422, 422t
angiotensin receptor blockers effect on, 264 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564, 565f Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD)
hypertension related to, 149 coronary heart disease and, 193 pathologic types of, 93
injections, for transplant hypertension, 366 for African Americans, 477 renovascular hypertension with, 93–94
Esmolol for children and adolescents, 558, 559t treatment of, 94, 101
elimination characteristics of, 234t for diabetes-related hypertension, 410 Fifth Report, of Joint National Committee, 169
intravenous for peripheral artery disease, 388–389 Filtration fraction (FF), in chronic kidney disease, 186
for children and adolescents, 450, 454t for transplant hypertension, 364 Financial resources, for Hispanics, 485
for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 520t, 521–522 for weight loss, blood pressure response to, 374, 376, Finger monitors
molecular structure of, 232, 235f 377t for home blood pressure monitoring, 70
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t home blood pressure monitoring and, 73t, 74 indications for, 144
ESRD. See End-stage renal disease (ESRD). pregnancy-related hypertension and, 432 FIPTs (focal intraretinal periarteriolar transudates), 185,
Essential hypertension Exercise testing, for angina assessment, 335 185t
developmental phases of, 34 Exogenous substances, interfering/competing, resistant First-choice drugs, international comparisons of,
in children and adolescents, 446–447 hypertension related to, 500f, 507–508, 508t 573–574, 574f, 575t
characteristic findings of, 448 EXP-3174, 256 First-dose phenomenon, with α1-adrenoceptor
renal microvascular disease and, 34–35, 35f Extra-adrenal pheochromocytomas, 119, 129 antagonists, 292
Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), in chronic Extracellular fluid (ECF) Fish oil supplementation, 205, 206
kidney disease, 186, 186t reduction with diuretics, 216, 217, 218 Fixed-dose, dose-response study, placebo-controlled,
Estrogen replacement therapy, hypertension related to, 145 adaptive changes to, 223, 224f, 225, 226 540–541, 541f, 544
Estrogens sympathetic activity stimulation by, 30 Fixed-effects model, for meta-analyses, 316
adrenocortical enzyme deficiency impact on, Extrauterine life, intrauterine life transition to, 440 “Flash pulmonary edema,” 181
106–108, 108f Flow velocity measurements, in peripheral artery
oral, hypertension related to, 145 disease, 386
synthesis pathway of, 108f Fludrocortisone, postoperative, for primary
ET-1 (endothelin) FACET (Fosinopril Amlodipine Cardiac Events Trial), aldosteronism, 115
in African Americans, 469t, 471 271, 272t, 280 Fluoride-18-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) scintigraphy, for
mediating role of, 41 Factitious pheochromocytoma, 124 pheochromocytoma localization, 126, 126f
Index 593

FMD. See Fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD). Gender (Continued) Global risk, of cardiovascular disease (Continued)
fms-like tyrosine kinase 1, in preeclampsia, 430t, 435 of children, blood pressure levels based on, 440, European approach to, 193
FOAM (Fosinopril or Amlodipine Multicenter) study, 442t–445t Framingham Heart Study on, 190, 191f, 196, 423
279 prevalence trends based on, 4, 4t in African-American population, 195–196
Focal intraretinal periarteriolar transudates (FIPTs), Gene-diet interactions, blood pressure response to, 23, international comparisons of, 566, 573
185, 185t 42, 203, 207 lifestyle and, 193–194
Folic acid, for dyslipidemia, 424 Gene-environment interactions, 22–23, 22f lipid-lowering therapies, “global risk” estimates for,
Follow-up care Gene mapping, 29 418, 423
in disease management programs for admixture populations, 17, 20, 21f, 482 multivariate risk estimation, 192–193, 192f–193f
integrated team approach to, 531–533, 532f Mendelian genes identified by, 17–18, 17t newer issues for, 194–195, 194f
practitioner-specific roles, 528–531 of haplotypes, 18, 20 prediction of, 190, 191f, 196
JNC 7 guidelines for, 557f Genetic research, on hypertension traditional factors of, 190–192, 191f
Food. See Diet. context of, 15, 23, 29 Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act of 1962, 536, 540 study designs for, 16–17 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. twins in, 15, 25 241t, 243, 245
angiotensin II receptor blocker approval, 254, 255t Genetic syndromes calcineurin inhibitors effects on, 361
antihypertensive drug development role, 307, 535, as risk factor, 6, 15, 234, 446 calcium channel blockers effects on, 277
537–538, 543, 546 glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism as, 115, 116f diabetes mellitus impact on, 409
Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory in children and adolescents, 448 diuretics effect on, 224f, 225
Committee of, 538, 544, 546 hypertension related to, 446, 446t, 447 in African Americans
Office of Drug Safety, 538–539 Mendelian forms of, 17–18, 17t renal injury mechanisms affecting, 472–474, 473f
pregnancy drug classification, 432, 433t pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 25–29, 26f, 27t with prematurity, 472
ventricular assist device approval, 346 metabolic syndrome as, 418–419 in chronic kidney disease, 185, 357
Fosinopril of pheochromocytoma, 119–122, 121t blood pressure goals related to, 352, 352f
clinical trials on, 246, 272t, 279, 355 Genetic testing, for pheochromocytoma, 119–120, 129 estimated, 186, 186t
for children and adolescents, 450, 451t Genetics staging based on, 351, 352t
for hypertension, 240t of dyslipidemia, 418, 421 in resistant hypertension, 502, 504, 509
pharmacology of, 239 of hypertension, 15–23 uric acid correlation with, 35
Fosinopril Amlodipine Cardiac Events Trial (FACET), admixture populations and, 17, 20, 21f, 482 Glomeruli
271, 272t, 280 ancestral populations and, 17 dyslipidemia impact on, 419
Fosinopril or Amlodipine Multicenter (FOAM) study, association studies on, 17, 18–20, 19t in African Americans
279 atrial natriuretic peptide and, 42 pressure-related injury to, 472–474, 473f
Framingham Heart Study (FHS) case-control studies on, 17, 18–20, 19t with prematurity, 472
isolated systolic hypertension in, 169–171, 170f, 174 database resources for, 16, 18 Glomerulonephritis, chronic, in adolescents, 446
resistant, 507 during pregnancy, 17t, 27t, 28f Glomerulosclerosis
obesity in, 370 family studies on, 17, 18 focal segmental, in adolescents, 446
on cardiovascular disease of twins, 15, 25 in chronic kidney disease, 186
blood pressure measurement and, 58 gene-environment interactions, 22–23, 22f Glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism (GRA)
European approach vs., 193 geographic population effects, 18, 20, 21–22 hypertension secondary to, 115–116, 116f
global risk prediction and, 190, 191f, 196 heritability and, 15–16 pathophysiology of, 17t, 26f, 27t, 28f
multivariable risk estimation, 192–193, 192f molecular terminology overview, 16 Glucocorticoids
outcomes, 7–8, 8f, 11 monogenic forms, 17–18, 17t adrenalectomy indications for, 115, 128, 129
risk factors, 5–6, 8, 8f, 406 pathophysiologic mechanisms, 25–29, 26f excess of. See Cushing’s syndrome.
clustering of, 12, 12f candidate genes in, 26–28 for glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism, 116
systolic blood pressure importance, 10, 10t Mendelian forms of, 25–26, 27t, 28f hypertension related to
untreated hypertension and, 157, 158, 158f, 162, 165 pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21, 25 exogenous, 145, 148
on coronary artery disease, 327, 328t, 330f practice implications of, 23, 28–29 in Cushing’s syndrome, 148–149, 503
on prehypertension, 166, 572 racial population effects, 16, 17, 18, 19t, 20, 21–22 resistance pathology, 106, 108, 501t, 503
peripheral arterial disease in, 387, 388f risk related to, 6, 15, 234, 446 in aldosterone biology, 26f, 40, 40f
renal failure data from, 164 statistical estimation of effects, 15–16 synthesis pathway of, 108f
South Asians in, 494, 496 study designs for, 16–17 transplant hypertension and, 362
stroke risk data from, 160 study findings on, 17–23 Glucose intolerance
Framingham Offspring Study, 163, 166 of left ventricular hypertrophy, 179 diuretic-induced, 226
peripheral arterial disease in, 384, 386 of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 135, 136t in children and adolescents, 447, 448
Free fatty acids (FFA), obesity and, 371f, 372 Genome search meta-analysis (GSMA), 18 in diabetes mellitus, 406. See also Diabetes mellitus
Fruits, for weight loss, 372, 373t, 377t Genome-wide linkage analysis, 17 (DM).
Functional limitations, with peripheral artery disease, Genotype, of angiotensin-converting enzymes, 246 in metabolic syndrome, therapy indications based
384 Geographic populations on, 422, 422t
Furosemide admixture mapping of, 20, 21f, 482 NAVIGATOR study on, 414
adaptation to, 216 gene-environment interactions in, 22–23 Glucose metabolism
for African Americans, hypertensive, 476 genetic studies on, 18, 21–22 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291
for children and adolescents, 450, 453t Geriatric patients. See Elderly patients. β-blocker promotion of, 236, 406
for hyperparathyroidism, 150 Gestational age postoperative, with pheochromocytoma resection, 128
for hypertension, 216, 218, 227 blood pressure relationship to, 440 Goal orientation, for disease management programs,
for primary aldosteronism, postoperative, 115 preeclampsia management based on, 436 531–532, 533
for resistant hypertension, 504 Gestational diabetes, 236 Goldblatt model, of renovascular hypertension, 94–95
for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 Gestational hypertension, 429, 431 Gordon’s syndrome, 17t, 27t
outcome studies on, 310 GFR. See Glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Gout, diuretic-induced, 224f, 226
pharmacokinetics of, 214–215, 214t GH (growth hormone), chronic hypersecretion of, 150 GRA (glucocorticoid-remediable aldosteronism)
Ginseng, resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t hypertension secondary to, 115–116, 116f
Gitelman’s syndrome, 17t, 25, 27t, 28f pathophysiology of, 17t, 26f, 27t, 28f
Glitazones, for metabolic syndrome, 422, 422t Grade 1 hypertension
G-6A polymorphism, 19 Global Burden of Disease Study, 493, 494t CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t, 565f
G-protein signaling pathway, candidate genes of, 19, Global epidemiology evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t
19t, 21 in admixture mapping, 20, 21f, 482 sequelae importance of, 10–11, 11f
Gaussian curve, of normal home blood pressure, 76 of hypertension, 4–5 Grade 2 hypertension
Gemopatrilat, 298 cardiovascular risk prediction in, 190–196, 573 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 563t, 565f
Gender dyslipidemia and, 418, 422, 422t evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t
blood pressure staging and, 7 South Asian populations and, 493, 494t Grade 3 hypertension
cardiovascular disease risk based on, 8, 8f–9f of stroke, 392–394, 393f CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 563t, 565f
global prediction of, 190, 192, 193f Global risk, of cardiovascular disease, 190–196 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t
home blood pressure monitoring and, 72 definition of, 423 Grafts, organ. See Transplant hypertension.
hypertension definition based on, 6, 49–50, 50f dyslipidemia and, 190, 191f, 196, 418 Great Britain
new drug development and, 539 therapy indications based on, 422, 422t clinical practice guidelines of, 575, 575t
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136t, 137f epidemiology of, 4–5 South Asian populations in, 495–496
594 Index

Growth factor-β, transforming, in African Americans, Heart failure (HF) (Continued) Hemodynamics (Continued)
469t, 471 historical perspective of, 58 post-myocardial infarction, 239, 240, 240t, 242,
Growth factors, vascular remodeling and, 38, 38f in older individuals, 13, 13t, 340–341 243, 247
Growth hormone (GH), chronic hypersecretion of, 150 hypertension treatment with, 342–348 β-adrenergic blockers effects on, 234
Growth hormone-releasing hormone, CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t calcium channel blockers effects on, 269–270
pheochromocytoma-related secretion of, 119 JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556t diuretics effect on, 217–218, 217f
GSMA (genome search meta-analysis), 18 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558 heart transplant and, 347
Guanabenz, for hypertension, 297f, 298t hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t in African Americans, 469–470, 469t
Guanfacine, for hypertension, 297f, 298t management of, 519 obesity and, 371f, 372
Gynecomastia, diuretic-induced, 227 in African Americans, 469 of isolated systolic hypertension, 169, 170f, 171
in elderly patients, 457, 459, 459t preeclampsia and, 436
in untreated hypertension, 162–163 r-HuEPO impact on, 147
left- vs. right-sided, 340–341 sleep apnea impact on, 136–138, 137f–138f
Habitual snoring, 134, 135, 135t, 136, 139 meta-analyses of, 317, 319t prognostic consequences of, 139, 139f
in pregnant women, 136 active regimens and controls, 318, 320f sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 31, 31f
Hallucinations, β-adrenergic blockers and, 236 angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f transplant hypertension and, 361, 362
Haplotypes, association studies of, 18–20 blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f Hemolytic anemia, 518
HapMap, 18, 20 different active regimens, 318, 321f Hemorrhage
Hazard ratios mortality with, 13, 13t, 340, 341 intracerebral
for cardiovascular disease, 8, 9f outcome studies on, 307 acute, 183
in outcome studies, 307, 308, 308f, 309, 311 pathogenesis of, 181 fetal, with pregnancy-related hypertension, 431
nonadherence impact on, 312, 312t pathophysiology of, 340–341 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 521
HBPM. See Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM). perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513t stroke related to, 392, 393, 393f, 399
HCTZ. See Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ). management of, 514–515, 515f intraretinal, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184, 185t
HDFP. See Hypertension Detection and Follow-up peripartum, preeclampsia and, 436 subarachnoid, 392, 393–394, 393f
Program (HDFP). prevention of, 341–342 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 521
HDL-C. See High-density lipoprotein cholesterol sodium intake and, 203 Hemorrhagic stroke, 160, 392–394, 393f, 398, 399, 400
(HDL-C). surgical treatments for, 345–348 hypertensive emergencies with, 517, 518, 518t
Headaches heart transplantation as, 346–348, 347t management of, 521
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced, mitral valve procedures, 345–346 Hepatic 3-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase
249 ventricular assist devices, 346 inhibitors, for stroke prevention, 400, 400t
angiotensin II receptor blockers and, 257 systolic dysfunction with, 181 antihypertensive drug interactions with, 420–421,
Health and Welfare Canada, 552 aging impact on, 340–341 420t
Health care providers/professionals treatment of, 342–348 Herbal therapy(ies)
as dietary/lifestyle modification advocates, 208 treatment of, 342–348 for East Asian populations, 489
blood pressure measurement training for, 59–60, 59f blood pressure targets for, 342 resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t
for disease management, 527–533. See also Disease electrical therapy for, 344–345 Heritability, of hypertension, 6, 19, 22. See also Genetics.
management services. for stage A, 342 “narrow sense,” 15–16
practice guidelines for. See Clinical practice for stage B, 342 secondary, 119–122, 121t
guidelines (CPGs). for stage C, 342 HERS (Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement
Health Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS), for stage D, 342 Study), 464, 465
527, 531, 566 goals for, 342 HF. See Heart failure (HF).
Health insurance, for Hispanics, 485 specific drugs for, 343–344, 343f–344f HHS. See U.S. Department of Health and Human
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act surgical procedures for, 345–348 Services.
(HIPAA), 529 ventricular failure in, 181 High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C)
Health policies and procedures, evidence-based, 552 “Heart level,” for blood pressure cuff placement, 62 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291
Health Professional Follow-up Study, 206 Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation trial (HOPE), β-adrenergic blockers effect on, 236, 421
Healthy People 2000, 527 159, 159f, 162, 319t as risk factor, 7, 8f, 12, 418–419
Healthy People 2010, 527 diabetic patients in, 408, 409, 410, 411t, 414 treatment principles for, 423
Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study on angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 239, global cardiovascular risk and, 190, 191f–192f, 196
(HERS), 464, 465 243, 244, 248, 389 historical studies on, 305
Heart Attack Primary Prevention in Hypertension secondary stroke prevention in, 398, 398f metabolic syndrome therapy and, 422
Research Group, 219 Heart Protection Study (HPS), 421 vascular wall impact of, 419
Heart block, β-blocker cautions with, 236 Heart rate (HR) Hip fracture, related to α1-adrenoceptor antagonists,
Heart disease/disorders. See also Cardiovascular disease age influence on, 72 292
(CVD). circadian variations of, 89, 90 HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and
coronary. See Coronary heart disease (CHD). heart transplant and, 347 Accountability Act), 529
ischemic. See Ischemic heart disease (IHD). in perioperative hypertension, control of, 514, 515f “Hispanic hypertension paradox,” 483
spectrum of, 178, 179t. See also specific disorder. new drug development and, 540 Hispanics
Heart failure (HF), 340–348 sleep apnea impact on, 136, 137f hypertension in, 482–485
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239, CPAP application and, 140, 141f acculturation role, 483
240, 240t, 241, 242 sleep physiology and, 134 definition of, 482
end-organ effects and, 246–247 sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 31f detection disparities in, 468, 483–484, 483t, 484f
angiotensin II receptor blockers for, 259f, 261–262 Heart transplantation, hypertension related to, 361 disease management models for, 529, 530
assessment of, 179t, 181 Heavy metals, hypertension related to, 147–148 heterogeneity of populations and, 483, 485
β-adrenergic blocker cautions with, 236 HEDIS (Health Employer Data and Information Set), mortality trends of, 161
calcium channel blockers and, 271, 281 527, 531, 566 prevalence trends, 4, 4t, 6, 482–483
characteristics of, 340 Height percentiles, for children, blood pressure levels sociodemographic factors of, 483, 484, 495
classification and staging of, 342, 342f for, 440, 442t–445t treatment of
treatment based on, 343 HELLP syndrome, in preeclampsia, 429, 435, 436, 437 disparities in, 483–484, 483t, 484f
coronary artery disease and, 341 Hematocrit, r-HuEPO impact on, 147 evidence for optimal regimens, 484–485
demographics of, 181 Hematology system, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome sociocultural issues in, 485
diabetes mellitus and, 407, 408f findings in, 135, 136t under treatment of, 483–484, 483t, 484f
diastolic dysfunction with, 179t, 181 Hemiparesis low birth weight in, 472
aging impact on, 340–341 ataxic, 183 Historical control group, in new drug development,
diuretics for, 213, 214t, 216, 225 pure motor, 183 540–542, 541f
clinical trials on, 218–219, 220f–221f Hemodialysis patients. See also End-stage renal disease History taking
epidemiology of, 340 (ESRD). for blood pressure measurement, 63
heart transplantation for, 346–348 r-HuEPO risks for, 147 for heart failure assessment, 181
candidates for, 346 Hemodynamic monitoring, intraoperative, for for hypertension diagnosis, 145
complications of, 347–348 pheochromocytoma resection, 128 for hypertensive emergencies, 518
exclusion criteria for, 346–347, 347t Hemodynamics for mineralocorticoid excess states, 106, 116
physiology of, 347 acromegaly impact on, 150 HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection
survival with, 347, 348 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, antiviral agents for, hypertension related to, 148
hypertension risk for, 7, 8f 241–242, 241t, 243 composite outcome trials on, 310
Index 595

HMG Co-A (hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A) HOT. See Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) trial. Hypergonadism, with adrenocortical enzyme deficiency,
reductase inhibitors, 539, 545 HPS (Heart Protection Study), 421 107
Home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM), 69–82 HR. See Heart rate (HR). Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism, with adrenocortical
acceptability to patients, 71 HRT (hormone replacement therapy), in elderly enzyme deficiency, 107–108
advantages of, 69, 70t patients, 458, 464–465, 465t Hyperinsulinemia
age influence on, 72 HSCSG (Hypertension-Stroke Cooperative Study acromegaly associated with, 150
alcohol influence on, 73, 73t Group), 161, 161f dyslipidemia and, 418–419, 419t
blood pressure classifications and, 53–54 Human genome in diabetes mellitus, 408, 409f
by elderly patients, 458 hypertension research related to. See Genetics. obesity and, 371, 371f
by family members, 71 structural property of, 16, 18 Hyperkalemia
caffeine influence on, 73, 73t variations in, 16 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 246, 249
cardiovascular event prediction and, 77 Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264
clinic pressures vs., 74–76 antiviral agents for, hypertension related to, 148 diuretic-induced, 223–225, 224f
comparisons of, 74–75, 74f composite outcome trials on, 310 transplant hypertension and, 365
correlations between, 76, 76t Humoral rejection, in heart transplant, 347–348 Hyperlipidemia, diuretic-induced, 226–227
in clinical trials, 80–81, 80t Hydralazine hydrochloride Hyperparathyroidism
white-coat effect and, 75, 77–78 for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 hypertension related to, 150
cost-effectiveness of, 81, 81t for hypertension resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 501t, 504
day of week influence on, 72, 73, 73t in African Americans, 475, 476 Hyperplasia
demographic factors of, 72 in children and adolescents, 450, 453t adrenal. See Adrenal hyperplasia.
environmental factors of, 72–74, 73t, 77 for preeclampsia, 436, 437t aldosterone-producing adenoma vs., 112–113, 148, 149
equipment choice for, 70, 71f for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 benign prostatic, α1-adrenoceptor antagonists and,
equipment testing for, 69–70, 70t for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 286, 288, 291
exercise influence on, 73t, 74 historical studies on, 305 of pituitary gland, secondary, 150
for antihypertensive treatment evaluation intravenous Hypertension. See also specific type, e.g. White-coat
ambulatory monitoring and, 88 for children and adolescents, 450, 454t hypertension.
evidence of improvement, 80 for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 521–522, 521t accelerated, 165. See also Malignant hypertension.
in clinical practice, 78–80 Hydration therapy, for preeclampsia, 436 chronic. See Chronic hypertension.
in clinical trials, 80–81, 80t Hydrochlorothiazide (HCTZ) coarctation of the aorta and, 148
intensity of treatment guidance, 80 adverse effects of, 224, 227 definition of, 49–55
minimum number of readings, 79, 79f ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 90 age as consideration in, 49–50, 50f
of time course, 80 angiotensin II receptor blockers combined with, 256, antihypertensive drug therapy goals and, 51–52
of trough-to-peak ratio, 72, 80 258, 259, 261 cardiovascular disease risk and, 50–51, 51f–52f
optimal treatment identification, 79, 79f calcium channel blockers vs., 272t clinical approach to, 51–52
placebo effect immunity, 80, 80t for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412 epidemiologic approach to, 50–51
sample size advantage, 81 for heart failure, 343 evolving classifications in, 52–54, 53f, 54t
target organ damage correlation, 76–77, 80 for hypertension, 29, 218, 222, 223 for select patient groups, 54–55
validity of, 78–79, 78f–79f in African Americans, 476 historical perspective of, 49, 58
for hypertension diagnosis, 77–78, 78f in children and adolescents, 450, 452t overview of, 3, 49
for transplant hypertension, 363 in East Asian populations, 489 target recommendation perspectives, 55
frequency recommendations for, 72, 532 in elderly patients, 462t diagnosis of. See Diagnosis.
future trends of, 81–82, 81f in Hispanics, 484–485 diet and, 201–209. See also Diet.
gender influence on, 72 for obesity-related hypertension, 378, 379 disease management of, 527–533. See also Disease
guidelines for for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 management services.
CHEP 6, 561 for primary aldosteronism, 114, 114f epidemiology of, 3–5, 217. See also Epidemiology.
international comparisons of, 571, 572t for renal arteriopathy, 33 essential
JNC 7, 555 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 developmental phases of, 34
in children, 76 historical studies on, 305 in children and adolescents, 446–447
in normotensive subjects, 74 outcome studies on, 307, 309, 310 characteristic findings of, 448
limitations of, 69, 70t, 77 pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 215 renal microvascular disease and, 34–35, 35f
meals influence on, 73, 73t regulatory development of, 542, 545 genetics of, 15–23. See also Genetics.
normal limits of, population studies of, 74, 76, 76t Hydrogen, diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 214f, 224f global cardiovascular risk and, 190–191, 191f, 196
overview of, 69, 82 18-Hydroxycorticosterone, in primary aldosterone, hormonal disturbances causing, 148–150
practical issues of, 71–72 112–113, 114f iatrogenic causes of, 145–148
reporting accuracy in, 71 18-Hydroxycortisol, in glucocorticoid-remediable in adolescents, 49–50, 50f, 54. See also Adolescents.
reproducibility of, 71–72 aldosteronism, 115–116, 116f in children, 49–50, 50f, 54, 440. See also Children.
seasonal influence on, 73, 73t 11β-Hydroxylase, in glucocorticoid-remediable acute, 446, 446t
smoking influence on, 73, 73t aldosteronism, 115–116, 116f in older individuals, 12–13, 13t. See also Elderly
stress influence on, 73–74, 73t, 77 11β-Hydroxylase deficiency, hypertension related to, 6, patients.
sustained hypertension diagnosis with, 77–78, 78f 107 in perioperative period, 512–515. See also
talking influence on, 73, 73t 17α-Hydroxylase deficiency, hypertension related to, 6, Perioperative hypertension.
target organ damage and, 76–77, 80 107–108 in pregnancy, 429–438. See also Pregnancy.
technical problems of, 144 Hydroxymethylglutaryl–coenzyme A (HMG Co-A) incidence of, 3
time of day influence on, 72, 73, 73t, 77 reductase inhibitors, 539, 545 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome association with,
24-hour ambulatory monitoring vs., 69, 77 11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, 108–109, 135–136, 136t. See also Obstructive sleep
correlations between, 75–76 109f apnea syndrome.
white-coat effect and 5-Hydroxytryptamine-1A agonists, new investigations pathophysiology of, 25–43. See also Pathophysiology.
clinic monitoring vs., 75, 75f on, 298 post-transplant, 361–367. See also Transplant
elimination of, 69, 70t, 77 Hypercalcemia, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, hypertension.
white-coat hypertension diagnosis with, 75, 77–78 501t, 504 prevalence of, 3–5, 217
HOMOG study, 221f Hypercapnia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, rare and unusual causes of, 145–150
Honolulu Heart Study, 488 136, 137 refractory, 498–509. See also Resistant hypertension.
HOPE. See Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation trial Hypercholesterolemia. See also Dyslipidemia. risk factors for, 5–6. See also Risk factors.
(HOPE). as risk factor, 7, 8f, 12 risk stratification for, 153, 155–196. See also Risk
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) inherited, 29 stratification.
hypertension related to, 145 familial, peripheral artery disease associated with, secondary. See also Secondary hypertension.
in elderly patients, 458, 464–465, 465t 384 in African Americans, 469
Hormones Hypercoagulability, in metabolic syndrome, therapy in pregnancy, 430, 437, 438f
disturbances of indications based on, 422, 422t mineralocorticoid excess and, 106–116. See also
hypertension related to, 148–150 Hypercortisolism, in Cushing’s syndrome, 109–110, Mineralocorticoid excess states.
obesity and, 371–372, 371f 148–149 pheochromocytoma in, 119–130. See also
sex screening for, 149 Pheochromocytoma.
adrenocortical enzyme deficiency impact on, Hyperglycemia renovascular, 93–103. See also Renovascular
106–108, 108f diuretic-induced, 226 hypertension.
hypertension related to, 145 in diabetes mellitus, 406 sleep apnea and, 134–141. See also Sleep apnea.
596 Index

Hypertension (Continued) Hypertensive retinopathy ICD (International Classification of Disease), for meta-
sequelae and outcomes with, 7–12. See also Sequelae. assessment of, 184–185, 185t analyses outcomes, 317
staging of Keith-Wagener-Barker classification of, 157 ICH (International Conference of Harmonization), 538,
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–563t, 565f natural history of, 156f, 157, 165 541, 542, 545
definition of, 6–7, 7t Hypertensive urgency(ies), 517 ID genotype, of angiotensin-converting enzymes, 246
evolution of, 53–54, 54t emergencies vs., 517–518 IDH. See Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH).
in children, 440 management of, 522 IDNT. See Irbesartan Diabetes Nephropathy Trial
in elderly patients, 457, 463 in children and adolescents, 450, 454t (IDNT).
JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555, 566 Hyperthyroidism IGF-I (insulin growth factor-I), in acromegaly, 150
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t, 560f, 561 hypertension related to, 149 IHD. See Ischemic heart disease (IHD).
WHO endorsements for, 53, 171, 496, 561, 566 resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 503 II genotype, of angiotensin-converting enzymes, 246
undertreatment of, 517 Hyperuricemia IL-6 (interleukin 6), candidate genes of, 19t
untreated. See also Untreated hypertension. as risk factor, 35–36 Iliac arteries
adverse events with, 157–164, 517 diuretic-induced, 224f, 226 peripheral artery disease in, 385
emergencies related to, 517–523. See also essential hypertension role of, 34, 35f stenosis of, transplant hypertension and, 364
Hypertensive emergency(ies). transplant hypertension and, 365 Illicit drugs
natural history of, 155–157, 156f, 166 Hyperventilation, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome adolescents use of, 446, 446t
subclinical target organ damage with, 164–165 and, 137, 137f resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 507, 508t
urgencies related to, 517–518 Hypocaloric diet, for weight loss, 372, 373t, 377t Imaging studies
management of, 522 Hypoglycemia for adrenal adenoma localization, 113, 149
Hypertension Control Program, obesity and, 375 β-blocker promotion of, 236, 406 for arterial assessment, 182
Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program postoperative, with pheochromocytoma resection, for chronic kidney disease, 186
(HDFP), 51–52 128 for coarctation of the aorta, 148
elderly patients in, 459t Hypogonadism, hypergonadotropic, with for ischemic heart disease assessment, 180
lessons learned from, 305 adrenocortical enzyme deficiency, 107–108 for pheochromocytoma localization, 119, 121f, 122,
on diuretics, 222, 226, 227 Hypokalemia 124f–127f, 125
on heart disease, 159, 159f, 162f aldosterone role in, 40, 108 postoperative follow-up, 129
on renal disease, 164 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564, 565 for stroke assessment, 183–184
on stroke, 161f diuretic-induced, 223–225, 224f in left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 179t, 180
Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial (HYVET), 459t, in primary aldosteronism, 110, 111f–112f, 112t, 113t Imidazoline agonists, central
464 diagnostic applications of, 113, 114f new investigations on, 297–298
pilot study of, 464 therapeutic considerations, 114–115, 115f properties of, 298t
Hypertension Optimal Treatment (HOT) trial, 52, 55, with mineralocorticoid excess states, 106, 107f, 107t, side effects of, 297
273, 276t, 319t, 334 108 targets of, 297f
chronic kidney disease in, 352–353, 354f Hypokalemic alkalosis, in ectopic ACTH syndrome, Imidazoline-I receptors, 297, 297f
diabetic patients in, 407, 408f 109–110 Immune system, candidate genes of, 19, 19t
elderly patients in, 462 Hypomagnesium, diuretic-induced, 213, 225–226 Immunosuppressive agents
home vs. clinic blood pressure monitoring in, Hyponatremia, diuretic-induced, 223, 224f for organ transplantation, 361
74–75 Hypotension corticosteroid effects, 362
resistant hypertension in, 498, 505 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-induced, malignancy risk with, 348
Hypertension-Stroke Cooperative Study Group 249 regimen modifications of, 366–367
(HSCSG), 161, 161f in perioperative hypertension, 514 hypertension related to, 146
Hypertension Study Group, screening criteria nocturnal Impotence
recommendations, 53 acromegaly impact on, 150 α1-adrenoceptor antagonists for, 291–292
Hypertensive crises attenuated, in African Americans, 478–479 diuretic-induced, 227
acute Binswanger’s lesions from, 165 drug therapy for, hypertension related to, 145
with malignant pheochromocytoma, 129 in elderly patients, 462–463 IMT (intima-media thickness), calcium channel
with pheochromocytoma resection, 128 orthostatic blockers effect on, 278–279
prevention of, 126–128 diabetes-related hypertension and, 413 Incidence, of hypertension, 3
adrenergic blockers for, 236 with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, 292 Incontinence, α1-adrenoceptor antagonists causing, 292
r-HuEPO risks for, 147 postoperative, with pheochromocytoma resection, 128 Indapamide, 226, 247
triple-drug antiviral therapy causing, 148 postural for East Asian populations, 490
Hypertensive emergency(ies), 517–523 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, for stroke prevention, secondary, 398
acute coronary syndromes and, 517, 518, 518t 242 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
management of, 519 in elderly patients, 458, 463 for vascular dementia, 402
aortic dissection and, 517, 518, 518t, 519 Hypothalamus, sympathetic activity modulation by, Indian Consensus Groups, 494
management of, 519 31–32, 32f Indians, American. See Native Americans.
catecholamine crisis in, 522 Hypothesis testing, in outcome studies, 311, 311f Indians, Asian, hypertension in
clinical situations presenting as, 517, 518t Hypothyroidism prevalence studies of, 493–494, 494t
definition of, 517 hypertension related to, 149 recent, 494–495, 495t
eclampsia and, 517, 518, 518t resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 503 urban vs. rural, 495, 495t, 496
management of, 522 Hypovolemia, transplant hypertension and, 364 risk factors for, 495
encephalopathy and, 517, 518, 518t Hypoxemia, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136, staging of, 496
in children, 561 137 treatment considerations for, 496
management of, 522 Hypoxia Indomethacin, diuretics interaction with, 227
evaluation of, 518 endothelial dysfunction induced by, 138 INDs. See Investigational new drugs (INDs).
heart failure and, 517, 518, 518t sympathetic nervous system response to, 32 Industry sponsors, representation in education
management of, 519 HYVET (Hypertension in the Very Elderly Trial), 459t, program, 553t
hemorrhagic stroke and, 517, 518, 518t 464 Infants, hypertension in, 440, 446
management of, 521 pilot study of, 464 Infarction
ischemic stroke and, 517, 518, 518t, 519 cardiac embolic, 183
management of, 521 cerebral, 183
management of, 518–522 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 519
diagnostic verification for, 518, 519f I-MIBG (iodine-123-meta-iodobenzylguanidine) management of, 521
for special situations, 519, 521–522 scintigraphy, for pheochromocytoma lacunar, 183, 184
in children and adolescents, 450, 454t localization, 124f, 125–126, 126f myocardial. See Myocardial infarction (MI).
parenteral drugs for, 517, 519, 520t–521t malignant, 129 Infection, heart transplant and, 347
primary goal for, 519 I-MIBG (iodine-131-meta-iodobenzylguanidine) Inferior petrosal sinus procedure, for ACTH
miscellaneous situations causing, 522 therapy, for malignant pheochromocytoma, concentration, 110
perioperative, 522 129 Inflammation
pulmonary edema and, 517, 518, 518t I-PRESERVE (Irbesartan in Heart Failure with candidate genes of, 19t
management of, 519, 521 Preserved Systolic Function), 263 coronary heart disease and, 194
risk factors for, 517 Iatrogenic causes, of hypertension, 145–148 essential hypertension related to, 34, 35f
triage of, 518, 519f Ibopamine, 296 in diabetes mellitus, 408–409, 409f
urgencies vs., 517–518 IC. See Intermittent claudication (IC). markers of, 138
Index 597

Inflammation (Continued) Intestines, angioedema of, angiotensin-converting IRMA-2 (Irbesartan Microalbuminuria for Type 2
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f enzyme inhibitor-induced, 249, 250f Diabetes Mellitus in Hypertensive Patients)
vascular remodeling and, 38, 38f Intima-media thickness (IMT), calcium channel trial, 257–258, 354–355, 412
with dyslipidemia, and hypertension, 419, 422, 422t blockers effect on, 278–279 Irradiation. See Radiation therapy.
Informed consent, for clinical trials, 313 Intra-arterial blood pressure, recordings of, 85 Ischemia
Innominate arteries, assessment of, 182 cuff measurements vs., 144, 172 chronotherapy for
Inotropy, sympathetic nervous system activity and, 29 Intra-aortic renal angiography, for renovascular assessing effects of, 89–90, 90t
INSIGHT (International Nifedipine GITS Study), 221f, hypertension, 100 delivery systems impact on, 90
272t, 273, 274t, 275, 276t, 277–280, 278t, 319t Intracerebral aneurysm, 160 essential hypertension role of, 34, 35f
elderly patients in, 459 Intracerebral arteries, occlusion of, stroke related to, perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513, 513t
Insomnia, β-adrenergic blockers and, 236 392, 393, 393f management of, 514–515, 515f
Institute of Medicine Intracerebral hemorrhage Ischemic heart disease (IHD), 327–337
potassium intake guidelines of, 204 acute, 183 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 243
sodium intake guidelines of, 203 fetal, with pregnancy-related hypertension, 431 assessment of, 179t, 180
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t β-blocker cautions with, 236
for clinical trials, 312, 313 management of, 521 blood pressure lowering parameters for, 333–334
new drug development role, 536–537 stroke related to, 392, 393, 393f, 399 hypertension relationship with, 327–328, 328f
Institutions, representation in education program, 552, Intrauterine growth restriction, pregnancy-related defining, 51, 51f
553, 553t hypertension and, 431 management of, 334–335
Insulin, diuretics effect on, 226 Intrauterine life, transition to extrauterine life, 440 primary prevention of, 328–334
Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. See Type 1 diabetes Intravascular volume. See also Plasma volume (PV). with acute coronary syndromes, 336–337
mellitus. in African Americans, 469t, 470 in untreated hypertension, 156, 157–159, 158f–159f
Insulin growth factor-I (IGF-I), in acromegaly, 150 therapeutic limitation of, 478, 478f risk factors for, 327, 328t
Insulin resistance Intravenous digital subtraction renal angiography, for Ischemic nephropathy, renovascular hypertension with,
as risk factor, 12 renovascular hypertension, 100 94
inherited, 29 Intravenous (IV) drugs, for hypertensive emergencies, Ischemic spots, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184, 185
mechanisms of, 406, 407t 519, 520t–521t Ischemic stroke, 160, 392, 394, 399, 400, 401
coronary heart disease and, 195, 327 in children and adolescents, 450, 454t hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 519
dyslipidemia and, 418, 419t Intravenous (IV) fluids, for preeclampsia, 436 management of, 517, 518, 518t, 519
microalbuminuria associated with, 419 Intravenous pyelogram, rapid-sequence, for ISH. See International Society of Hypertension (ISH);
therapy indications based on, 422, 422t renovascular hypertension, 98 Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH).
in diabetes-related hypertension, 406, 408–409, 409f, Intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, β-adrenergic Isolated diastolic hypertension (IDH)
414 blockers effect on, 231, 232t, 236 age factor of, 169, 170f
in East Asians, 488 INVEST. See International Verapamil-Trandolapril home monitoring and, 77
obesity and, 371, 371f, 378 (INVEST) study. in Native Hawaiians, 488
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138 Investigational new drugs (INDs), 295–300 pathophysiology of, 169, 170f
Insulin sensitivity, antihypertension agents effect on, aldosterone antagonists as, 295–296 prehypertension risk for, 166
244, 256, 414 application for, 535, 536 Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH), 169–175
Insurance coverage, for Hispanics, 485 dopamine-1 receptor agonists as, 296 antihypertensive drug selection for, 174
INTACT (International Nifedipine Trial on dopamine-2 receptor agonists as, peripheral, 296 antihypertensive drug therapy for
Antiatherosclerotic Therapy), 279 endocannabinoid-1 receptor antagonists as, 300 benefits of, 173
Intensive medical therapy (MED), for left ventricle endopeptidase inhibitors as, neutral, 298–299, selection of, 174
restoration, 346 299f target goals for, 173–175
Interdosing interval, 542 endothelin antagonists as, 296–297 arterial stiffness etiology in, 171–172
Interfering exogenous substances, resistant 5-hydroxytryptamine-1A agonists as, 298 average diastolic blood pressure reached prior to,
hypertension related to, 500f, 507–508, 508t imidazoline agonists, central, 297–298, 297f, 298t 171, 171f
Interindividual variability, in blood pressure overview of, 295, 300 calcium channel blockers for, 281
measurement, 59, 59f potassium channel openers as, 299 cardiovascular risk with, 169–170, 170f
Interleukin 6 (IL-6), candidate genes of, 19t regulatory perspectives of, 535–546. See also diagnostic caveats in, 172–173
Intermittent claudication (IC), 384. See also Peripheral Regulatory development. co-morbidities of, 169
arterial disease (PAD). renin inhibitors as, 299–300, 300f coronary heart disease risk and, 171, 171f
hypertension contributing to, 385 review period for, 537–538 definition of, 169
International Classification of Disease (ICD), for meta- serotonin agonists as, 298 epidemiology of, 169
analyses outcomes, 317 Iodine-121 hippurate scan, for renovascular hemodynamics of, 169, 170f, 171
International Clinical Epidemiology Network Study, hypertension, 98 in elderly patients
495 Iodine-123-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (123I-MIBG) cardiovascular disease risk and, 457–458
International Conference of Harmonization (ICH), 538, scintigraphy, for pheochromocytoma pathophysiology of, 457
541, 542, 545 localization, 124f, 125–126, 126f pharmacologic treatment of, 460–461, 460t
International Nifedipine GITS Study (INSIGHT), 221f, malignant, 129 goals of, 461–463, 462t
272t, 273, 274t, 275, 276t, 277–280, 278t, 319t Iodine-131-meta-iodobenzylguanidine (131I-MIBG) prevalence of, 457
elderly patients in, 459 therapy, for malignant pheochromocytoma, in Native Hawaiians, 488
International Nifedipine Trial on Antiatherosclerotic 129 pathophysiology of, 173, 328
Therapy (INTACT), 279 Ion channels, epithelial prehypertension risk for, 166
International Prospective Primary Prevention Study in candidate genes of, 19, 19t pulse pressure and, 169–170, 170f
Hypertension, 219 pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21 resistant, in elderly, 499t, 507, 509
International Protocol, for ambulatory monitoring Irbesartan therapeutic benefits for, 173
devices, 91 clinical outcome studies on, 272t therapeutic target goals for, 173–174
International Society of Hypertension (ISH) for children and adolescents, 450, 451t factors of achieving, 174–175
classification endorsements of, 53, 55, 171, 561 for diabetes-related hypertension, 412 treatment guidelines for
guidelines of, European and American guidelines vs., for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 CHEP 6, 561, 565
571–574 pharmacologic properties of, 255t, 256 international comparisons of, 572–574, 572f, 572t,
on observational studies, 271 Irbesartan Diabetes Nephropathy Trial (IDNT), 159f, 573t, 575t
International Stroke Trial, 399 162, 162f, 319t, 322 underestimation of, 172
International Study on Macronutrients, 206 chronic kidney disease in, 353t, 354, 354f, 356, wave reflection and, 172
International trends. See also Global epidemiology. 357 Isoproterenol, molecular structure of, 232, 235f
in hypertension, 4–5 outcome-based results of, 258, 259f, 260, 272t, Isosorbide dinitrate
International Verapamil-Trandolapril (INVEST) study, 412 for peripheral arterial disease, 389
271, 272t, 273, 274t, 275, 276t, 280, 281 Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved Systolic for pregnancy-related hypertension, 434
chronic kidney disease in, 354t Function (I-PRESERVE), 263 Isradipine
diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 Irbesartan Microalbuminuria for Type 2 Diabetes clinical outcome studies on, 272t, 276t
resistant hypertension in, 498 Mellitus in Hypertensive Patients (IRMA-2) for children and adolescents, 450, 452t
stroke in, 396 trial, 257–258, 354–355, 412 intravenous, 450, 454t
INTERSALT study, 202f, 222 IRBs (Institutional Review Boards) for East Asian populations, 489
Intervention as a Goal in Hypertension Treatment, for clinical trials, 312, 313 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
221f new drug development role, 536–537 IV. See Intravenous entries.
598 Index

J-curve hypothesis, in antihypertensive drug trials, Kidney disease, 351–358 Laboratory studies (Continued)
55, 334 angiotensin II receptor blockers for, 259f, 260 for elderly patients, 458
elderly patients and, 462 calcium channel blockers cautions with, 281 for hypertensive emergencies, 518
Janeway, Theodore Caldwell, 156 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 564, 564t, 565 for mineralocorticoid excess states, 106, 107f
Japan Multicenter Investigation for Cardiovascular chronic. See Chronic kidney disease (CKD). for pheochromocytoma, 119, 121f, 122, 123, 124f
Disease-B (JMIC-B), 272t, 319t coronary heart disease and, 195 for preeclampsia, 429, 430, 431, 431f, 435
Japanese populations, hypertension in diet and, 201, 203, 207 for primary aldosteronism, 110, 111f–112f, 113t
prevalence of, 487–488, 488t end-stage. See End-stage renal disease (ESRD). Lacidipine, 272t, 276t
stroke risk with, 394, 395f genetic mechanisms of, 25, 26f, 27, 28, 28f Lactation, antihypertensive drugs and, 437–438
treatment of home blood pressure monitoring and, 77 Lacunar infarction, 183, 184
considerations for, 488–489 hypertension risk for, 3, 7, 12 Lacunar stroke, 392, 393f
outcome studies of, 487, 489–490 in children and adolescents, 446, 446t, 448 Language, as health care barrier, 485
side effects with, 487, 490 hypertension treatment with, 357–358, 357t Laparoscopic adrenalectomy, for pheochromocytoma,
JMIC-B (Japan Multicenter Investigation for goals for, 352–357 128
Cardiovascular Disease-B), 272t, 319t in resistant hypertension, 498 Large arteries
Joint National Committee (JNC), 552 microvascular, 34–35, 35f calcium channel blockers effects on, 279–280
Seventh Report of (JNC 7) new drug development and, 539 central, 181, 182
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor pathophysiology of, 351–352, 352t assessment of, 182
recommendations, 244 preeclampsia and, 431, 435, 436 cerebral, infarction of, 183
β-adrenergic blocker recommendations, 231 prevalence of, 351, 352f LBW (low birth weight), in African Americans, 472
blood pressure goal recommendations, 7, 53, renovascular hypertension related to, 93–94 LD (linkage disequilibrium), 16, 18, 20
173–174 sympathetic nerve stimulation and, 32–33 LDL-C. See Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
for chronic kidney disease, 352–353, 354 uric acid stimulation of, 35–36 (LDL-C).
target organ damage and, 178 Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) Left ventricle, cardiac
blood pressure measurement recommendations Working Group, of National Kidney ejection fraction of, in isolated systolic hypertension,
for home monitoring, 69, 76 Foundation (NFK), 352, 354, 355, 357 171, 173
in office, 59 Kidney function. See Renal function/dysfunction. mass of
blood pressure staging system of, 6–7, 7t, 566 Kidney transplantation, hypertension related to, 361, β-adrenergic blockers effects on, 234
clinical practice guidelines in 363, 366 increased. See Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).
British guidelines vs., 575, 575t Kinases sleep apnea impact on, 139
European guidelines vs., 571–575 protein Left ventricular assist device (LVAD), for heart failure,
differences, 572–575, 573t cyclic guanosine monophosphate–dependent, 33, 34f 346
major agreements, 571, 572f, 572t mitogen-activated, in angiotensin II–converting Left ventricular function/dysfunction
on first-choice drugs, 573–574, 574f–575f enzyme mediation, 38–39, 38f aging impact on, 340–341
on prehypertension, 572 protein C, in α1-adrenoceptor activation, 287, 287f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239,
on total cardiovascular risk, 573 Rho/Rho, vascular tone and, 33, 34, 34f 240, 240t, 243
on treatment indications, 574 tyrosine assessment of, 179t, 181
other issues in, 574–575 fms-like, in preeclampsia, 430t, 435 coronary artery disease and, 341
for adults, 553–557, 554t, 556t, 557f in angiotensin II–converting enzyme mediation, diabetes mellitus impact on, 413
WGTF 4 guidelines vs., 558–561, 559t, 560f 38, 38f hypertension impact on, 340–341
Fifth Report of vs., 169 vascular remodeling and, 38, 38f in heart failure, 340
history of, 552 Kininases, 42 pacing indications for, 345
hypertension definition guidelines of, 52–53, 53f Kinins, mediating role of, 42–43 surgical treatments for, 346
ethnic applications of, 488 Korean populations, hypertension in in untreated hypertension, 162–163
evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t, 55 prevalence of, 488, 488t sleep apnea impact on, 139
on diuretic therapy, 213, 217 treatment of with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction,
on exercise for weight loss, 376 considerations for, 488–489 336–337
on hypertensive urgencies, 517 outcome studies of, 487, 489–490 Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH)
on lifestyle modifications, 409 side effects with, 487, 490 angiotensin II receptor blockers effect on, 257,
for elderly patients, 459, 459t Korotkoff, Nicolai S., 551 260–261, 265
on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 141 Korotkoff sounds assessment of, 179–180, 179t
on peripheral artery disease, 389 in blood pressure measurement, 60, 61, 144 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 87,
Sixth Report of vs., 572 ambulatory, 90 180
clinical guidelines for, 441, 554t, 558, 561 echocardiography for, 180
history of, 551 electrocardiography for, 179–180
in children and adolescents, 441 other imaging techniques for, 180
K/DOQI (Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) knowledge assessment of, 66 overview of, 180
Working Group, of NFK (National Kidney listening to, 64 β-adrenergic blockers effects on, 234
Foundation), 352, 354, 355, 357 making louder, 64 calcium channel blockers effects on, 279
Kaiser Permanente of Colorado, 531, 532 temporary disappearance of, 63–64 cardiac load and, 179
Kaliuresis, in mineralocorticoid excess states, 111f–112f, in manometer calibration technique, 61 central systolic blood pressure and, 179
108, 110, 113 KR-30450, for hypertension, 299 chronic sympathetic stimulation and, 32
Kallidin, metabolism of, 37 concentric, 178–179, 179t, 180
Kallikrein-kinin system coronary artery disease risk with, 327, 328t
in African Americans, 469t, 470, 471 coronary artery perfusion and, 333–334, 333f
mediating role of, 42–43 Labeling claims, outcome, for new drugs, 543–544 demographic associations of, 178
Keith-Wagener-Barker classification, of retinopathy, Labetalol, 236 diuretics for
157, 165 α1-adrenoceptor antagonist activity of, 288 adverse effects of, 224
Ketamine hydrochloride, hypertension related to, breast milk concentrations of, 437 regression with, 222–223
145 elimination characteristics of, 234t eccentric, 178–179, 179t
Ketanserin, 387, 434 for children and adolescents, 450, 451t endothelial dysfunction and, 179
Ketoconazole for peripheral arterial disease, 390 genetics of, 179
for ACTH-producing tumors, 110 for preeclampsia, 436, 437t geometry of, 178–179
hypertension related to, 145 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 global cardiovascular risk and, 191f, 196
Keys score, cholesterol intake and, 206 for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 home blood pressure monitoring and, 76–77, 80
Kidney(s). See also Renal entries. intravenous hypertension risk for, 7, 9f
chemoreceptors in, 30, 30f–32f for children and adolescents, 450, 454t aging and, 340–341, 461
developmental defects of, angiotensin II receptor for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 520t, 521–522 in African Americans, 469, 476
blockers causing, 264 molecular structure of, 232, 235f in children and adolescents, 447, 448, 558
diuretics action in, 213, 214f pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t systolic blood pressure importance, 10
adaptation to, 216, 223, 224f pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t in isolated systolic hypertension, 173, 174
injury to, in African Americans preoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, 127 in untreated hypertension, 157, 162–163, 164–165
pressure-related mechanisms of, 173f, 472–474 Laboratory studies myocardial blood flow and, 179
with prematurity, 472 for angina assessment, 334 obesity and, 372, 378
movement of, renovascular hypertension with, 94 for children and adolescents, 560 pathogenesis of, 178–179
Index 599

Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) (Continued) Lipoprotein (a) Lund-Johansen studies, 270
treatment of as predictor for coronary artery disease, 195 Lung(s). See also Pulmonary entries.
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t atherogenic. See Dyslipidemia. carcinoma of, small cell, 148
international comparisons of, 573, 574 Lisinopril, 240t, 250f LUTS (lower urinary tract symptoms), α1-adrenoceptor
white-coat hypertension risk for, 87 clinical trials on, 219, 222, 244, 246, 247, 353t antagonists and, 286, 288, 291
Left ventricular mass index, elevated. See Left outcome-based, 272t, 279, 307, 308, 308f, 311, 312 LVAD (left ventricular assist device), for heart failure,
ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412 346
Leg. See Lower extremity. for hypertension LVH. See Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).
Lemakalim, 299 in African Americans, 475 LVV-hemorphin 7, 254
Leptin in children and adolescents, 450, 451t Lymphoma, post-heart transplant, 348
obesity and, 371, 371f in East Asian populations, 489
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138 in elderly patients, 459, 460
Libido, diuretics effect on, 227 for obesity-related hypertension, 378
Liddle’s syndrome, 17t for stroke prevention, 397 M-mode cube formula, for left ventricular hypertrophy,
hypokalemia with, 106 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 179t
pathophysiology of, 25–26, 26f, 27t, 28f historical studies on, 306 M235T polymorphism, 19, 26–27
LIFE. See Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction pharmacology of, 239 Macroproteinuria, angiotensin-converting enzyme
in Hypertension (LIFE). renal effects of, 245, 245f inhibitors and, 244, 245, 245f
Life expectancy, in U.S., 173 Liver Macula densa, diuretics effect on, 217
Life insurance industry, 155 oxidizing enzymes in, 539 Macular edema, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184, 185t
Life insurance policies, 155 pheochromocytoma metastasis to, 128–129 Magnesium, excretion of, diuretic therapy impact on,
Lifestyle Liver function tests 213, 225–226
as hypertension risk, in India population, 493–495, impaired, new drug development and, 539 Magnesium carbonate, 226
494t, 495t in preeclampsia, 429, 430, 431, 435 Magnesium gluconate, 226
children’s, assessment of, 560 Liver transplantation, hypertension related to, 361 Magnesium intake, dietary
coronary heart disease and, 193–194 Locus-specific admixture mapping, 20 blood pressure response to, 6, 206
Lifestyle modifications, 50, 53, 328 Loop diuretics, 213–215 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564
DASH diet plus, 474, 477 adverse drug interactions with, 227 weight loss targets for, 372, 373t
dietary, 204–205, 207. See also Diet. for children and adolescents, 450, 453t Magnesium loading test, 225
for weight loss, 372, 375, 376 for heart failure, 343 Magnesium oxide, 226
PREMIER trial on, 374–375, 377t, 474 for resistant hypertension, 500, 504, 505, 505f Magnesium sulfate (MgSO4)
for African Americans, 469, 474, 477 for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t, 366 for preeclampsia, 436
for children and adolescents, 449, 449f nephron sites of action, 213, 214f parenteral, indications for, 225, 226
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 560–561, 560f neurohormonal response to, 217, 224f Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
for chronic disease management, 530, 532 pharmacodynamics of, 213–214, 215f for dementia differentiation, 401
for diabetes-related hypertension, 409–410 pharmacokinetics of, 213, 214t, 215f for heart failure staging, 342
for dyslipidemia Loop of Henle, diuretics action in, 213, 214f, 214t for ischemic heart disease assessment, 180
and hypertension, 421, 423 Losartan Intervention for Endpoint Reduction in for renovascular hypertension, 95–97
estimated need for, 418, 419t Hypertension (LIFE), 35, 165, 174, 244, 319t, performance characteristics of, 97t, 99
for elderly patients, 458–459, 459t 322, 476, 542 resistant, 501t, 502
for heart failure, 341, 343 African Americans in, 476 for stroke assessment, 183–184
for peripheral artery disease, 388 chronic kidney failure in, 355, 356 Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
for resistant hypertension, 504, 504t diabetic patients in, 411t, 412, 414 for pheochromocytoma localization, 122, 124f, 125,
for South Asians, 496 elderly patients in, 460–461 125f
for transplant hypertension, 364 heart failure in, 342 iodine-123 and, 124f, 125–126, 126f
guidelines for, 566 outcome-based results of, 256, 257, 258, 259f, 261, for stroke assessment, 184, 392
CHEP 6, 564, 565, 565f 264, 310 in left ventricular hypertrophy assessment, 179t, 180
for children and adolescents, 558, 560–561, 560f resistant hypertension in, 498 Malignancy(ies), post-heart transplant, 348
international comparisons of, 571, 572, 572t, 573, stroke in, 397 Malignant hypertension
573t, 575 Losartan potassium in untreated hypertension, 165
JNC 7, 409, 555–557, 557f clinical trials on, 35, 159f, 165, 244, 245 renal failure and, 164
health care providers role in, 208 efficacy of, 257 retinopathy resulting from, 165, 185
nondietary, 205 for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t, 412 Malignant pheochromocytoma, hypertension related to,
Lifetime risk for hypertension 129–130
for hypertension, 5, 23 in children and adolescents, 450, 451t metastatic lesions, 128–129
of coronary heart disease, 194 in East Asian populations, 489 Malnutrition, bariatric surgery and, 378
Limbourg study, of home blood pressure monitoring, 74 in elderly patients, 460–461 Managed care organizations (MCOs), 527, 528, 531
Linkage analysis for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 Management of Atherothrombosis with Clopidogrel in
association studies vs., 18 for renal arteriopathy, 33 High-Risk Patients (MATCH) study, 399
genome-wide, 17 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 Manometers. See Sphygmomanometer(s).
Linkage disequilibrium (LD), 16, 18, 20 home monitoring evaluation of, 70f, 78–79, 80 Manual of Policies and Procedures (MaPP), 538
Lipid-lowering therapies pharmacologic properties of, 234, 255t MAP. See Mean arterial pressure (MAP).
adherence issues with, 423–424 regulatory development of, 542, 544 MAP (mitogen-activated protein) kinases, in
antihypertensive drug interactions with, 419–421, Low birth weight (LBW), in African Americans, 472 angiotensin II–converting enzyme mediation,
420t Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) 38–39, 38f
diet as, 421, 423, 424 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291 MaPP (Manual of Policies and Procedures), 538
“global risk” estimates for, 418, 423 as risk factor, 7, 8f, 12, 327 Marijuana, research on, 300
historical studies on, 305, 306 treatment principles for, 423 MARVAL (Microalbuminuria Reduction with
international comparisons of, 573, 574 global cardiovascular risk and, 190, 195 Valsartan) trial, 258
metabolic syndrome and, 422, 422t historical studies on, 305 Masked hypertension, 77, 87
regulatory development of, 539, 545 metabolic syndrome therapy and, 422 MATCH (Management of Atherothrombosis with
specific principles for, 423 oxidative stress and, 39 Clopidogrel in High-Risk Patients) study, 399
trends in, 190 statins impact on, 420, 420t, 421 Maternal syndrome, in preeclampsia, 435–436
Lipid solubility. See Lipophilicity. vascular wall impact of, 419 Maximal oxygen consumption, myocardial, heart
Lipids Low-frequency head, of stethoscope, placement of, transplant indications based on, 346
α-adrenergic blockers effect on, 291 61–62 Maximum inflation level (MIL), of blood pressure cuff,
β-adrenergic blockers effect on, 236 Lower extremity 63–64
atherogenic. See Dyslipidemia. amputations of, 387 Maximum ventricular elastance (Emax), 540
diuretics effect on, 226–227 pain in, ambulatory, 384, 385, 386 MCOs (managed care organizations), 527, 528, 531
Lipophilicity systolic blood pressure ratios of, in peripheral arterial MCP-1 (monocyte chemoattractant protein-1),
of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, disease, 386, 386t oxidative stress and, 39
240–241, 244 Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), α1- MDL 100 240, for hypertension, 298
of antihypertensive drugs, obesity and, 378 adrenoceptor antagonists and, 286, 288, 291 MDPIT (Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial), 337
of β-adrenergic blockers, 233t, 236 LUK BRIGHT (United Kingdom’s BRItish Genetics of MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease), 186,
of calcium channel blockers, 269, 270t, 273, 275 HyperTension) study, 18 353t, 354, 354f
600 Index

Meals, home blood pressure monitoring and, 73, 73t Meta-analyses (Continued) Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, 551
Mean arterial pressure (MAP) description of, 316 Mexican Americans. See Hispanics.
age factor of, 169, 170f in genetic research Mg2+ loading test, 225
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effect on, association studies, 18–19, 19t MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate)
245, 245f family studies, 18 for preeclampsia, 436
as cardiovascular event predictor, 170, 172 method models for, 316 parenteral, indications for, 225, 226
hemodynamics of, 171 need for, 317 MI. See Myocardial infarction (MI).
in chronic kidney disease, treatment goals for, of alcohol intake reduction, 204 Mibefradil, 539
353f–354f, 354 of angiotensin II receptor blockers, 257, 259f, MICRO-HOPE (Microalbuminuria, Cardiovascular,
left ventricular hypertrophy and, 178 264–265, 265f and Renal Outcomes in the Heart Outcomes
Measurement, of blood pressure. See Blood pressure of calcium channel blockers, 271–273, 273f Prevention Evaluation), 408, 409, 410
measurement/monitoring. of cardiovascular death, 161–162, 162f Microalbuminuria, 355t
Mechanoreceptors, sympathetic activity related to, 29, of genome search, 18 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 244,
30f, 31f of heart failure, 162–163 245
MED (intensive medical therapy), for left ventricle of ischemic heart disease, 157–159, 158f–159f angiotensin II receptor blockers reduction of,
restoration, 346 of potassium intake increase, 203–204 257–258
Medicaid, benchmarking by, 531, 567 of pulse pressure, in cardiovascular disease, 169–170, coronary heart disease risk and, 195, 419
Medical history 170f dyslipidemia impact on, 419
for blood pressure measurement, 63 of renal failure, 163–164, 163f in children and adolescents, 448
for heart failure assessment, 181 of renovascular hypertension therapies, 102–103 in chronic kidney disease, 185–186, 186t, 351
for mineralocorticoid excess states, 106, 116 of sodium intake reduction, 202–203, 203f hypertension management and, 357–358
importance of accurate, 145 of stroke mortality, 159–161, 160f–161f, 395, 395f treatment goals for, 354–355
in disease management programs, 531, 532 of stroke prevention trials in diabetic nephropathy, 409
of children and adolescents, 447, 448, 560 blood pressure lowering, 394–399 in untreated hypertension, 156f, 165
Medical illness(es) other interventions, 399–401 Microalbuminuria, Cardiovascular, and Renal
chronic primary, 395, 396, 396f, 397f Outcomes in the Heart Outcomes Prevention
case management for, 527–528 secondary, 398, 398f Evaluation (MICRO-HOPE), 408, 409, 410
disease management model for, 528, 531, 532f of vascular dementia trials, 402, 402f Microalbuminuria Reduction with Valsartan
concomitant. See Comorbidities. prospective projects for, 317 (MARVAL) trial, 258
Medical information, consent for release of, 529 trends of, 316 Microaneurysms, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184, 185t
Medical records unbiased strategies for, 316–317 β2-Microglobulin, in chronic kidney disease, 186
for community pharmacies, 529–530 Metabolic acidosis, transplant hypertension and, 365 Microinjection studies, of atrial natriuretic peptide, 32
for disease management team, 532, 533 Metabolic disorders/disturbances Micronutrients, dietary
Medical Research Council (MRC) Trials, 159, 159f, 161, acromegaly associated with, 150 bariatric surgery and, 378
161f, 164 preeclampsia and, 435–436 weight loss targets for, 372, 373t
elderly patients in, 459t, 463, 463t Metabolic syndrome, 12, 29, 327 Microphone, for ambulatory blood pressure
lessons learned from, 305–306 α-adrenergic blockers and, 291 monitoring, 90
on diuretics, 218–219, 220f–221f coronary heart disease and, 195 Microsatellites
adverse event data, 224, 226, 227 diabetes mellitus vs., 406, 407t, 409 admixture mapping with, 20, 21f
in elderly patients, 219 dyslipidemia and, 418, 419t composition of, 16
on vascular dementia, 401 therapy for, 422, 422t repeats of, in human genome variations, 16
Medical reviewer, new drug development role, 536–537 genetics of, 418–419 Microvascular disease
Medicare hypertension in, 406, 407t diabetes mellitus and, 407, 408f
benchmarking by, 531, 567 in children and adolescents, 447 renal, 34–35, 35f
prescription drug benefit of, 529 in East Asians, 488 Microvascular endpoints, in redefining hypertension,
Medulla oblongata, sympathetic activity of obesity and, 371, 371f 54, 55
nucleus tractus solitarius role, 29, 30, 31f, 32 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 138, 140 MIDAS (Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis
rostral ventrolateral nucleus role, 29, 30–31, 31f resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 508–509 Study), 272t, 276t, 278, 278t
Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), secondary Metabolism Migraines, angiotensin II receptor blockers and, 257
hypertension related to, 119, 120, 121 α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291 MIL (maximum inflation level), of blood pressure cuff,
Membrane action potential, β-adrenergic blockers effect calcium channel blockers effects on, 275 63–64
on, 231, 232t of drugs. See also Pharmacokinetics (PK); specific Mild hypertension
Membrane stabilizing activity, of β-adrenergic blockers, agent or drug classification. CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t, 565f
231, 232t new drug development and, 539 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t
Memory recall, for blood pressure measurement, 60, 60f Metanephrines, urine vs. plasma studies of sequelae importance of, 10–11, 11f
MEN 2A (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A), for pheochromocytoma, 121f, 122, 123 Mineralocorticoid-dependent renal potassium-wasting
secondary hypertension related to, 119, postoperative follow-up, 128–129 disorders, with hypertension, 106, 107f, 107t
120–121, 121t renal failure and, 124 Mineralocorticoid excess states
MEN 2B (multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B), Metastatic lesions, of pheochromocytoma, 128–129, 130 hypertensive syndromes resulting from, 106–116
secondary hypertension related to, 119, Metformin, for metabolic syndrome, 422, 422t aldosterone excess syndromes, 110–116
120–121, 121t Methyldopa clinical presentation of, 106
Mendelian forms, of hypertension, 17–18, 17t breast milk concentrations of, 437 conditions associated with, 106, 107t, 148–149
pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 25–26, 27t, 28f for peripheral arterial disease, 390 deoxycorticosterone excess syndromes, 106–108,
Mental stress, increased sympathetic response to, 33 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 108f
Tc-Mercaptopacetyltriglycine, for renovascular 3-Methylglutaryl–coenzyme A reductase inhibitors, 11β-hydroxylase deficiency, 107
hypertension, 98 hepatic, for stroke prevention, 400, 400t 17α-hydroxylase deficiency, 107–108
Mercury sphygmomanometer α-Methylparatyrosine (metyrosine), preoperative, for adrenocortical enzyme deficiencies, 106–108,
ambulatory blood pressure monitors vs., 90 pheochromocytoma resection, 127 108f
as “gold standard,” 59, 60–61, 60f Metolazone glucocorticoid resistance, 108
calibration of, 60–61, 60f for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 initial evaluation of, 106, 107f
environmental concerns about, 58–59 pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 215 mineralocorticoid receptor activation syndromes,
home blood pressure monitors vs., 71, 71f Metoprolol, 236 108–110
inspection for quality assurance, 66 breast milk concentrations of, 437 pathophysiologic mechanism of, 17t, 26f, 27t, 28f
replacement options for, 59 combination formulations of, 233–234 Mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs)
MESA. See Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA). elimination characteristics of, 234t cortisol activation of, hypertension related to,
Messenger-responsive receptors, in calcium pump, 268, for chronic kidney disease, 356 108–110
269f for hypertension in 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency,
Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), angiotensin II in African Americans, 476 108–109, 109f
and, 39 in children and adolescents, 450, 452t in aldosterone biology, 39–40, 40f
Meta-analyses, 316–323 for peripheral arterial disease, 390 in Cushing’s syndrome, 109–110
Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ for transplant hypertension, 365t mutations of, 27t, 28f
Collaboration as, 317–323. See also Blood molecular structure of, 232, 235f Mineralocorticoids
Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists’ outcome studies on, 272t, 310 excessive production of. See Mineralocorticoid excess
Collaboration (BPLTTC). pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t states.
criteria for, 316 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t hypertension related to
Index 601

Mineralocorticoids (Continued) Mortality (Continued) Myocardium

exogenous, 145 natural history of, 155–157, 156f, 166 aldosterone effects on, 295
in Cushing’s syndrome, 148–149 renal failure and, 163–164, 163f blood flow in
in aldosterone biology, 40, 40f stroke and, 159–161, 160f–161f left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179, 333
postoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, 129 MOSES (Morbidity and Mortality after Stroke- perfusion pressures for, 333–334, 333f
synthesis pathway of, 108f Eprosartan vs. Nitrendipine for Secondary hypertension and aging impact on, 340–341
transplant hypertension and, 362 Prevention) trial, 258, 259f, 263, 398 oxygen consumption of
Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE), 248f, 463 MOST (Mode Selection Trial), 345 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors’ effects
Minoxidil, 299 Moxonidine, 297–298, 297f, 298t on, 243
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 243 MRA. See Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). demand factors, 328
for African Americans, 476 MRC. See Medical Research Council (MRC) Trials. maximal, heart transplant indications based on,
for children and adolescents, 450, 453t, 454t MRFIT. See Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial 346
for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 (MRFIT). Myocytes, ST-segment elevation infarction and, 341
MIRACLE trial, 345 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Myofibrils, cardiac, in left ventricular hypertrophy,
Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases, in angiotensin mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid), angiotensin II 178–179
II–converting enzyme mediation, 38–39, 38f and, 39 Myosin, calcium channel blockers’ effects on, 268, 269f
Mitotane, for ACTH-producing tumors, 110 MRs. See Mineralocorticoid receptors (MRs). Myosin light chain (MLC), vascular tone regulation role
Mitral flow studies, Doppler, for heart failure MTC (medullary thyroid carcinoma), secondary of, 33, 34f
assessment, 179t, 181 hypertension related to, 119, 120, 121
Mitral insufficiency, surgical treatment of, 345–346 Mucosal neuromas, secondary hypertension related to,
Mitral regurgitation, in heart failure, 341 120–121
treatment of, 345–346 Müller’s maneuver, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome “N-of-1” trials, home monitoring evaluation of, 79
Mitral valve reconstruction, for heart failure, 345–346 and, 136–137, 137f Na+/chloride (Cl-) cotransporter gene, 25, 27t
Mixed sleep apnea, 134, 135t Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), 195 NAD(P)H (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
MLC (myosin light chain), vascular tone regulation role East Asians in, 487 phosphate) oxidase, angiotensin II and,
of, 33, 34f Hispanics in, 483–484, 484f 38f, 39
MMSE (Mini-Mental Status Examination), 248f, 463 Multicenter Diltiazem Postinfarction Trial (MDPIT), 337 Nadolol
Mode Selection Trial (MOST), 345 Multicenter Isradipine Diuretic Atherosclerosis Study molecular structure of, 232, 235f
Moderate hypertension (MIDAS), 272t, 276t, 278, 278t pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 563t, 565f Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A (MEN 2A), pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t secondary hypertension related to, 119, Naloxone, use with anesthetics, hypertension related to,
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), 186, 120–121, 121t 145
353t, 354, 354f Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B (MEN 2B), Narcotics, hypertension related to, 145
Moexipril, 240t secondary hypertension related to, 119, “Narrow sense” heritability, of hypertension, 15–16
Molecular genetics 120–121, 121t Nateglinide and Valsartan in Impaired Glucose
research trends of, 15 Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT) Tolerance Outcomes Research (NAVIGATOR)
terminology overview for, 16 cardiovascular disease findings, 50, 158, 161 study, 414
Molecular structure, of β-adrenergic blockers, 232, 235f cardiovascular risk among incident diabetics in, 275 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, 484
Molokai Heart Study, 488 cholesterol intake data from, 206 National Cholesterol Education Program, Third Adult
Monitoring diabetic patients in, 407 Treatment Panel of, 158, 406, 418, 419t, 423
of blood pressure. See Blood pressure diuretics in, 222, 224 National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA),
measurement/monitoring. elderly patients in, 458 blood pressure control criteria of, 527, 566
of clinical trials, 312–313 lessons learned from, 305 National Guideline Clearing House, 552
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, hypertension related to, mild hypertension importance, 10–11, 11f National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys
146 renal failure findings, 164, 352 (NHANES)
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), stroke findings, 160, 162f African Americans in, 468, 469, 477
oxidative stress and, 39 systolic blood pressure findings, 9, 9f blood pressure measurement for, 58
Monogenic forms, of hypertension, 17–18, 17t Multiplicative effect, of gene-environment interactions, blood pressure upstaging in, 7, 566
pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 25–26, 27t, 28f 22–23 children and adolescents in, 447
Monotherapy. See also specific drug classification or agent. Multisite Stimulation in Cardiomyopathy (MUSTIC) chronic kidney disease in, 352, 354
international comparisons of, 573–574, 574f Study, 345 elderly patients in, 457
Monounsaturated fat intake, blood pressure response Multivariable risk estimation, for coronary heart Epidemiological Follow-up Study, 469
to, 206 disease, 192–193, 192f Hispanics in, 482–483, 483t, 484
Morbidity newer issues for, 194–195, 194f hypertension definition in, 49–50, 50f
cardiovascular, perioperative hypertension and, Muscular conduit arteries, 181, 182 ischemic heart disease in, 157
512–513, 513t MUSTIC (Multisite Stimulation in Cardiomyopathy) obesity trends in, 207–208, 370
concomitant. See Comorbidities. Study, 345 peripheral arterial disease in, 384, 386
obesity associated with, 370 Mutations, gene. See Genetics. prevalence trends based on, 3–4, 4f, 4t
target organ damage and, 178 Mycophenolate mofetil, transplant hypertension and, 362 in older individuals, 12–13, 13t, 169, 174
Morbidity and Mortality after Stroke-Eprosartan vs. Myocardial infarction (MI) resistant hypertension in, 507, 508, 509
Nitrendipine for Secondary Prevention angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239, systolic blood pressure findings of, 10, 10t
(MOSES) trial, 258, 259f, 263, 398 240, 240t, 242, 243 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI),
Mortality end-organ effects and, 246–247 419, 552
diabetes mellitus associated with, 406, 407, 408, 408f assessment of, 179t, 180 National High Blood Pressure Education Program
in African Americans, 58, 156, 469 β-adrenergic blockers’ effects on, 234, 236 (NHBPEP)
in Hispanics, 483 calcium channel blockers’ effect on, 278 Advisory Panel of, blood pressure staging
in South Asians, 493, 494t, 496 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t recommendations, 7
obesity associated with, 370 diabetes mellitus and, 407, 408f Coordinating Committee of 2005, 552, 552t
perinatal, in pregnancy-related hypertension, 431 hypertension management with definition recommendations by, 54
population studies on, 58, 155. See also specific non-ST-segment, 336 history of, 552
disease, e.g. Ischemic heart disease. ST-segment elevation, 336–337 Joint National Committee of. See Joint National
target organ damage and, 178 hypertension risk for, 7, 8, 8f–9f Committee (JNC).
with cardiovascular disease cholesterol levels and, 190, 191f–192f, 418, 420 mortality trends resulting from, 155
in older individuals, 13, 13t death trends with, 161–162 pregnancy work group, 432, 434, 435
obstructive sleep apnea associations, 139, 139f diuretic therapy impact on, 29, 219, 222 working group of
pulse pressure and, 170, 170f in older individuals, 13, 13t for children and adolescents, 552, 553t
trends of, 9, 9f, 340, 341 inherited, 29 practice guidelines of, 558–561, 559t, 560f
with heart failure, 340, 341, 347, 348 renin levels and, 37 for elderly patients, 461, 462
with prehypertension, 166 hypertensive emergency with, 519 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey,
with stroke. See Stroke/stroke mortality. in East Asians, 490 484
with untreated hypertension in untreated hypertension, 156f, 157–158 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 552
cardiovascular death and, 161–162, 162f outcome studies on, 310–311 clinical trial monitoring, 312, 313
causes of, 155–157, 156f perioperative hypertension and, 512–513, 513t, 515 on obesity surgery, 378
heart failure and, 162–163 management of, 514–515, 515f population-based study sponsored by. See Multi-
ischemic heart disease and, 157–159, 158f–159f peripheral artery disease and, 385 Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA).
602 Index

National Intervention Cooperative Study in Elderly Neuromas, mucosal, secondary hypertension related to, Nitric oxide (Continued)
Hypertension (NICS-EH), 221f, 272t, 319t, 487, 120–121 pathophysiologic role of, 26f, 39, 40
490 Neuronal groups, sympathetic, in blood pressure substance P and, 43
National Kidney Foundation (NFK)-Kidney Disease control, 30–31, 36 with dyslipidemia, and hypertension, 419
Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) Neurons, vasomotor, 286 Nitric oxide synthase (NOS)
Working Group, 352, 354, 355, 357 Neuropathy, autonomic, diabetes-related hypertension as pathophysiologic factor, 36
National Survey on Cardiovascular Diseases, 487 and, 413 candidate genes of, 19t
National Transplantation Study, 348 New Drug Application (NDA), 535 endothelial, reduction of, 36
Native Americans New molecular entity (NME), of antihypertensive Nitroglycerin, intravenous, for hypertensive
hypertension in drugs, 535 emergencies, 519, 520t, 521–522
genetic studies on, 482 developmental overview of, 536–538. See also Nitroprusside. See Sodium nitroprusside.
mortality trends of, 161 Regulatory development. NKCC2 gene, 27t
low birth weight in, 472 New York Heart Association, heart function grades of, NME (new molecular entity), of antihypertensive
Native Hawaiians 181, 236 drugs, 535
hypertension in in heart failure, 342f, 343f, 344, 345 developmental overview of, 536–538. See also
detection importance for, 490 Newborns, hypertension in, 440, 446, 558 Regulatory development.
prevalence of, 488, 488t NF1 (neurofibromatosis type 1), secondary NO. See Nitric oxide (NO).
treatment of hypertension related to, 119, 121t, 122 No-observed-adverse-effect level (NOAEL), 537
considerations for, 488–489 NF1 tumor suppressor gene, 27t No treatment control group, in new drug development,
outcome studies of, 487, 489–490 secondary hypertension related to, 122 540–542, 541f
side effects with, 487, 490 NFK (National Kidney Foundation)-K/DOQI (Kidney NOAEL (no-observed-adverse-effect level), 537
low birth weight in, 472 Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative) Working Nocturnal hypertension, 85
Natriuresis, 41 Group, 352, 354, 355, 357 acromegaly impact on, 150
acromegaly and, 150 NHANES. See National Health and Nutrition diabetes-related hypertension and, 413
impaired, 28, 28f Examination Surveys (NHANES). “dipping” vs. maintaining, 85–86, 86f. See also
in chronic phase of diuretic response, 218 NHBPEP. See National High Blood Pressure Education Nondipping/nondippers.
in mineralocorticoid excess states, 111f–112f, 108, 110 Program (NHBPEP). in African Americans, 469t, 470
Natriuretic peptide receptors (NPRs), 42 NHLBI (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute), obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136, 137,
Natriuretic peptides 419, 552 138f, 141
in African Americans, 469t, 471 Niacin, for dyslipidemia, 422, 422t organ transplants and, 362–363, 363f
inhibition of, 298–299, 299f Nicardipine Nocturnal hypotension
mediating role of, 26f, 41–42, 41f clinical outcome studies on, 272t acromegaly impact on, 150
obesity and, 371f, 372 for peripheral arterial disease, 390 attenuated, in African Americans, 478–479
NAVIGATOR (Nateglinide and Valsartan in Impaired for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 Binswanger’s lesions from, 165
Glucose Tolerance Outcomes Research) study, intravenous in elderly patients, 462–463
414 for children and adolescents, 450, 454t Non-ST-segment myocardial infarction, hypertension
NCCT gene, 25, 27t for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 521–522, 521t management with, 336
NCQA (National Committee for Quality Assurance), NICOLE study, 319t Nonadherence, patient
blood pressure control criteria of, 527, 566 Nicorandil, 299 as blood pressure control factor, 527
NDA (New Drug Application), 535 Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate assessment of, 565, 567
Nebivolol, 298 (NAD(P)H) oxidase, angiotensin II and, 38f, 39 improvement strategies for, 500f, 507, 509
elimination characteristics of, 234t Nicotine. See Cigarette smoking. in dyslipidemia treatment regimens, 423–424
nitric oxide potentiating activity of, 232 NICS-EH (National Intervention Cooperative Study in in outcome studies, 312, 312t
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t Elderly Hypertension), 221f, 272t, 319t, 487, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 506–507
Negative inotropic activity, of β-adrenergic blockers, 490 Nondipping/nondippers
231, 236 Nifedipine acromegaly and, 150
Nelson’s syndrome, 110 breast milk concentrations of, 437 African Americans as, 470
Neonates, hypertension in, 440, 446, 558 clinical trials on, 161f, 221f ambulatory blood pressure monitoring of, 85, 87
NEP inhibitors, for hypertension, 298, 299f outcome-based, 272t, 279 diabetes-related hypertension and, 413
Nephrectomy, native, for transplant hypertension, 367 extended-release, for children and adolescents, 450, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136, 137,
Nephron, diuretics action in, 213, 214f 452t 138f, 141
adaptation to, 216 for East Asian populations, 489 Nonfederal organizations, representation in education
Nephropathy. See also Kidney disease. for elderly patients, 459 program, 552, 552t–553t
diabetic for hypertension, 269, 270t Nonhypertensive individuals. See Normotension.
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, for peripheral arterial disease, 390 Noninferiority trials, superiority vs. equivalence, 307–310
239, 240, 240t, 244–245, 357 for preeclampsia, 436, 437t Non–insuliin-dependent diabetes mellitus. See Type 2
angiotensin receptor blockers and, 257–260, 356–359 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 433t, 434 diabetes mellitus.
calcium channel blockers cautions with, 280–281 for primary aldosteronism, 115 Noninvasive testing, for perioperative hypertension,
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 514, 515, 515f
microalbuminuria with, 409 Nighttime blood pressure. See also Nocturnal entries. Nonrenin enzymes, 37, 37f
prevalence of, 409 ambulatory monitoring of, 85–86, 86f Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
ischemic, renovascular hypertension with, 94 in clinical trials analysis, 88–90, 89t, 90t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 241
resistant hypertension related to, 509 NIH. See National Institutes of Health (NIH). diuretics effects and, 213, 214, 225, 227
Nephrotic syndrome, loop diuretics and, 214 Nipradilol, nitric oxide potentiating activity of, 232 elderly patients use of, 458
Nephrotoxicity Nisoldipine, 272t hypertension related to, 146, 147
aminoglycoside, diuretics and, 227 Nitrates mechanism of action, 147
of calcineurin inhibitors, 362 α-adrenergic blockers vs., 291 resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t
Nerve(s), in smooth muscle, 286–287, 287f for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 Nordic Diltiazem (NORDIL) study, 221f, 272t, 273,
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), secondary Nitrendipine, 276t 274t, 275, 276t, 319t
hypertension related to, 119, 121t, 122 for diabetes-related hypertension, 412 Norepinephrine/noradrenaline
Neurohormonal mechanism for hypertension dopamine-2 receptor agonists effects on, 296
diuretic therapy and, 216–217, 223 in East Asian populations, 489 in salt-sensitive hypertension, 31–32
adaptive, 223, 224f in elderly patients, 460, 462t nocturnal, acromegaly impact on, 150
of atrial natriuretic peptide expression, 42, 42f for stroke prevention, 258, 259f, 263, 398 obesity and, 371, 377
of heart failure, 181, 340–341 Nitric oxide (NO) pathophysiologic role of, 29–30, 30f, 32
of hypertension, in African Americans, 469t, 470, aldosterone and, 39, 40f urine vs. plasma studies of
471–472 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, for pheochromocytoma, 121f, 122, 123
of vascular smooth muscle cell regulation, 286 241 renal failure and, 124
Neuroimaging β-adrenergic blockers potentiating activity for, 231 vascular tone and, 33
for dementia differentiation, 401 diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 214f Normotension
for stroke assessment, 184, 392 endothelial, hypertension related to, 148, 341 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t
Neurologic disorders heart failure impact on, 341 diet and
hypertension related to, in children and adolescents, in African Americans, 469t, 471, 472, 477 factors that maintain, 201–205
446, 446t obesity and, 371, 379 factors with limited effects, 205–207
pheochromocytoma vs., 119, 120t oxidative stress impact on, 39 home monitoring of, 74
Index 603

Normotension (Continued) Observer positioning, for blood pressure measurement, Ongoing Telmisartan Alone and in Combination with
JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555 63, 63f Ramipril Global Endpoint Trial (ONTARGET),
measurement accuracy concerns, 144 critical skills related to, 60, 60f 263, 414
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), 134–141 Optic fundus, in hypertensive retinopathy, 184–185,
white-coat, clinical significance of, 87 central nervous system consequences of, 139, 140 185f
Norris, George W., 551 clinical features of, 134, 135t Optic nerve, in hypertensive retinopathy, 185, 185t
Northern Manhattan Stroke Study, 483 clinical implications of, 32, 140–141 Optimal Trial in Myocardial Infarction with the
NOS. See Nitric oxide synthase (NOS). continuous positive airway pressure for, 140, 140f Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan
NPRs (natriuretic peptide receptors), 42 epidemiology of, 134–135, 136t (OPTIMAAL), 258, 259f, 262, 308
NSAIDs. See Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs hypertension related to, 135–141 Oral appliances, for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome,
(NSAIDs). as public health issue, 141 140
NTS (nucleus tractus solitarius) clinical evidence of, 135–136, 136t, 137f Oral contraceptives, hypertension related to, 145, 146
imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f clinical importance of, 139, 139f Organ rejection
sympathetic activity of, 29, 30, 31f, 32 management of, 140, 140f–141f in heart transplant, 347–348
Nucleus ceruleus, imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 136–139, in transplant hypertension, 363–364
Nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) 137f–138f Organ transplant(s), hypertension related to. See
imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f risk factors for, 136, 363 Transplant hypertension; specific organ, e.g.,
sympathetic activity of, 29, 30, 31f, 32 in African Americans, 469 Bone marrow transplantation.
Nurse case management, of hypertension, 528–529 metabolic consequences of, 138 Orlistat, blood pressure response to, 376–377
Nurse clinicians pathophysiology of, 136–139 Orthostatic hypotension
in disease state management, integrated team role, baroreflex changes, 137, 137f–138f diabetes-related hypertension and, 413
532–533, 532f chemoreflex changes, 136–137, 137f–138f with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, 292
pharmacist collaboration with, 530–531 endothelial function and, 138, 138f OSAS. See Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS).
Nurses’ Health Study, 206 hemodynamic patterns of, 136–137, 137f–138f Oscillometric devices, for blood pressure measurement,
obesity in, 370 inflammation and, 138, 138f 59
Nutrients, dietary. See also Diet; specific nutrient, sympathetic activity and, 135, 136t, 137, 137f ambulatory, 90
e.g., Fatty acids. systemic humoral changes, 138, 138f in home, 70, 71
weight loss targets for, 372–373, 373t resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 503 indications for, 144
Nutrition counseling, 375 Occupational Health and Safety Administration, use in children, 558
for peripheral artery disease, 388, 389 U.S., 58 Osler, William, 49, 156
OCTAVE (Omapatrilat Cardiovascular Treatment Osler maneuver, 499
versus Enalapril) Study, 298–299 for blood pressure measurement, 144
Octreotide (SMS 201-995), for ACTH-producing Osmotic demyelinating syndrome, 223
Obesity, 370–380 tumors, 110 Outcome labeling claims, for new drugs, 543–544
abdominal, 370 ODI (oxygen desaturation index), in sleep disorders, Outcome study(ies), 305–313
insulin resistance associated with, 418–419 134, 139 design issues of, 307–313
resistant hypertension and, 509 Office measurement of blood pressure, 58–66 control group choice, 307–310, 308f
antihypertensive treatment in, 378–379, 380t ambulatory monitoring vs., 86, 87f endpoint definition, 310–311
as risk factor, 5–6 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561 randomization, 307
diet and, 201–202, 202f environmental concerns about, 58–59 sample size and power, 311–312, 312t
in African-American population, 196 equipment inspection recommendations, 66 superiority vs. equivalence vs. noninferiority,
inherited, 29 errors in diagnosing, 66, 66t 307–310, 308f
rising epidemic of, 12 for children and adolescents, 441 history of, 305–306
blood pressure and for transplant hypertension, 363 implementation issues with, 307–313
measurement problems with, 144, 370 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 571, simplicity, 312–313
obesity surgery effect on, 378 572t, 573t, 575t unbiased assessment, 310–311, 310f, 311t
weight loss effect on, 372–378, 373t, 374f–376f, 377t historical perspective of, 58 in East Asians, 489–490
body mass index and home monitoring vs., 74–76 lessons learned from, 305–306
calculation of, 370, 371t comparisons of, 74–75, 74f meta-analyses and, 316–323. See also Meta-analyses.
classification based on, 370, 371t correlations between, 76, 76t on angiotensin II receptor blockers, 258–264, 259f
central, 370 in clinical trials, 80–81, 80t on cardiovascular risk, 7–8, 8f, 11, 11f, 29
in African Americans, 472, 473f white-coat effect and, 75, 77–78 on chronic kidney disease, long-term, 353–354, 353t
coronary heart disease and, 193, 194, 196, 406 improvement strategies for, 59–60, 59f Outcomes, with hypertension. See Sequelae; specific
essential hypertension role, 34, 35f mercury in, 58–59 outcome.
fat burden assessment in, 370, 371t positioning for, patient and observer, 63, 63f Outpatient management, of hypertension, in children
hypertension mechanisms of, 370–372, 371f proper technique for and adolescents, 450, 451t–453t
cardiac, 372 critical skills for, 60, 60f Over-the-counter drugs, hypertension related to, 146
free fatty acids, 372 cuff application accuracy, 62–63, 62f, 62t Overweight
hormonal, 371–372 manometer calibration in, 60–61, 60f diabetes mellitus associated with, 409–410
natriuretic peptides, 372 measuring technique in, 63–64 in children and adolescents, 446, 448
renal, 370 reading accuracy, 63, 63f in East Asians, 488
sleep apnea syndrome, 372 stethoscope use and, 61–62 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136t
sympathetic nervous system, 370–371 reading selection for recording, 64 Oxidant superoxide anion, angiotensin II and, 39
in African Americans staff knowledge assessment for, 66 Oxidative stress. See also Reactive oxygen species.
central, 472, 473f standardized evaluation of observer, 64–66 angiotensin II and, 39
weight loss for, 477 form for testing, 64, 65f calcium channel blockers and, 279
in children and adolescents, 6, 207–208, 447 steps for taking, 64 in diabetes mellitus, 408–409, 409f
weight loss for, 449–450, 449f technical problems of, 144, 172 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 560 Office resistant hypertension, 499, 500f. See also White- pathophysiologic role of, 39, 40
incidence of, 370 coat hypertension. with dyslipidemia, and hypertension, 419, 419f
morbidity associations, 370, 378 Office versus Ambulatory Blood Pressure Study, 86, 87f Oxidizing enzymes, in liver, 539
mortality with, 370 Office visits, as blood pressure control factor, 527, 532 Oxprenolol
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136t, 138f Ohasama study, of home blood pressure monitoring, elimination characteristics of, 234t
preeclampsia and, 435 72, 74, 75, 77 molecular structure of, 232, 235f
resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 508–509 Older individuals. See Elderly. pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
transplant hypertension and, 364 Oliguria, in preeclampsia, 436 18-Oxycortisol, in glucocorticoid-remediable
visceral, 370 Olmesartan medoxomil, 255t, 256 aldosteronism, 115–116, 116f
Obesity surgery, blood pressure response to, 378 Omapatrilat, 298 Oxygen consumption, myocardial
Objective medication intolerance, 506 Omapatrilat Cardiovascular Treatment versus Enalapril angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors’ effects on,
Observational studies, 307 (OCTAVE) Study, 298–299 243
of calcium channel blockers, 271 Omnivorous diet, risk related to, 6 demand factors, 328
of stroke prevention, 397–399 Omron IC home blood pressure monitor, 71, 71f maximal, heart transplant indications based on,
on sodium intake reduction, 203 teletransmission of readings, 82 346
Observer bias, in blood pressure measurement, 64–66 Once-daily dosing, ambulatory blood pressure Oxygen desaturation index (ODI), in sleep disorders,
form for evaluating, 64, 65f monitoring for, 88 134, 139
604 Index

p22phox, angiotensin II and, 39 PEPI (Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Peripheral perfusion, mechanisms of, 29–30
Pacemaker, heart failure indications for, 344–345 Intervention) trial, 465 Peripheral vascular disease
Pacific Islanders. See Native Hawaiians. Peptides hypertension risk for, 7, 8f
PACK (Prevention of Atherosclerotic Complications as vasoconstrictors, 296 in untreated hypertension, 164
with Ketanserin) study, 387 antagonists for, new investigations on, 296–297 Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR). See also Systemic
Paclitaxel, hypertension related to, 146 natriuretic vascular resistance (SVR).
PAD. See Peripheral arterial disease (PAD). in African Americans, 469t, 471 arterial blood pressure regulation by, 286
Pain inhibition of, 298–299, 299f in African Americans, 469t, 472
leg, ambulatory, 384, 385, 386 mediating role of, 26f, 41–42, 41f in isolated diastolic hypertension, 169, 170f
perioperative hypertension and, 512, 513, 513t obesity and, 371f, 372 in isolated systolic hypertension, 171, 174
PAMELA study, of home blood pressure monitoring, 74 vasoactive preeclampsia and, 436
Paragangliomas, extra-adrenal catecholamine-secreting, angiotensin receptor blockade and, 254, 264 Peroneal artery, peripheral artery disease in, 385
119. See also Pheochromocytoma. intestinal Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ),
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) pheochromocytoma-related secretion of, 119 mutations in, 17t
obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 137, secondary hypertension and, 119 Peroxynitrite, oxidant, angiotensin II and, 39
137f–138f, 140 mediating role of, 41, 42–43 PET (positron emission tomography) scan, for
vascular smooth muscle cell regulation by, 286 Percutaneous balloon dilatation, for coarctation of the pheochromocytoma localization, 126, 126f
Parathyroid hormone-related peptide, aorta, 148 PHA1 (pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1), dominant vs.
pheochromocytoma-related secretion of, 119 Percutaneous coronary interventions, for angina, recessive, 17t, 27t, 28f
Parenchymal disease, renal unstable, 336 Pharmaceutical companies, representation in education
in children, 446, 446t, 448 Perfusion pressure, for coronary blood flow, 333–334, program, 552t–553t, 553
resistant hypertension related to, 499, 500, 500f, 501t 333f Pharmacist-managed clinics, for disease management,
Parenteral drugs, for hypertensive emergencies, 517, Perindopril, 240t, 243 530
519, 520t–521t clinical trials on, 161, 164, 247 Pharmacists, in disease state management, 529–531
in children and adolescents, 450, 454t Perindopril Protection against Recurrent Stroke Study clinic model of, 530
PART2 (Prevention of Atherosclerosis with Ramipril (PROGRESS), 159f, 161, 161f, 162f, 164, 247, community pharmacy model of, 529–530
Trial no. 2), 159f, 319t 280, 319t integrated team role, 532–533, 532f
Partial agonist activity, of β-adrenergic blockers, 231 East Asians in, 398, 490 nurse collaboration model of, 530–531
Pathophysiology, of hypertension, 25–43 elderly patients in, 463, 463t physician collaboration model of, 530
adrenomedullin role in, 43 secondary prevention results, 398, 398f trends of, 529
aldosterone role in, 39–40, 40f vascular dementia in, 402, 402f Pharmacodynamics (PD)
angiotensin II role in, 39 Perioperative hypertension, 512–515 in new drug development, 539–540
arterial stiffness as, 32, 36–37, 36f antihypertensive medication effects on, 513–514 of α-adrenergic blockers, 287–288, 289f
calcitonin gene–related peptide and, 43 cardiovascular morbidity associated with, clinical of β-adrenergic blockers, 231–232, 232t
cardiovascular risk factors, inherited, 29 predictors of, 512–513, 513t of angiotensin II receptor blockers, 254–257, 255t
contributing factors, 25, 43. See also Risk factors. hypertensive emergency with, 522 of loop diuretics, 213–214, 215f
endothelial dysfunction and, 40 management of Pharmacogenetic studies, of hypertension, 20–21
endothelin role in, 41 β-adrenergic blockers in, 513–514, 515 adrenergic antagonists, 20, 32, 33
genetic contributions, 25–29. See also Genetics. algorithm for, 514–515, 515f pathophysiology mechanisms and, 25, 26, 28–29
in older individuals, 12–13, 13t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, 514, Pharmacokinetics (PK)
kallikrein-kinin system and, 42–43 515 in new drug development, 537, 538–539
natriuretic peptides role in, 41–42, 41f–42f angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 514, 515 of β-adrenergic blockers, 232–233, 233t, 234t, 235f
oxidative stress and, 39, 40 noninvasive testing for, 514, 515, 515f of angiotensin II receptor blockers, 254–257, 255t
renal microvascular disease in, 34, 35f Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation (POISE) trial, 514 of calcium channel blockers, 269, 270t
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and, 19t, Peripartum heart failure, preeclampsia and, 436 of diuretics, 213–215, 214t
37–39, 37f–39f Peripheral arterial disease (PAD), 384–390 Pharmacologic disorders, pheochromocytoma vs., 119,
secular trends, 3–4, 4f, 4t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 243 120t
substance P role in, 43 ankle-brachial index of, 182–183, 384 Pharmacology, in new drug development, 538–540
sympathetic nervous system activity, 26f, 29–33, causes of, 385 Pharmacotherapy
30f–32f clinical diagnosis of, 384 adherence to. See also Nonadherence.
uric acid role in, 35–36 comorbidities of, 384, 385 factors for, 527
vascular remodeling and, 33–33, 34f diabetes mellitus and, 407, 408f improvement strategies for, 500f, 507, 509
vascular tone and, 33 epidemiology of, 384–385 α-adrenergic blockers, 286–292. See also α-
vasodilator mediation of, 41–43 hypertension contributing to, 384, 385–388 Adrenergic blockers.
Patient education angiography prevalence of, 387 β-adrenergic blockers, 231–236. See also β-
for disease management, 530, 532 ankle-brachial index prevalence with, 386, 387 Adrenergic blockers.
international comparisons of, 572t, 573t, 574–575 critique of studies of, 388 angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors,
Patient noncompliance. See Nonadherence. incidence studies of, 387, 388f 239–250. See also Angiotensin-converting
Patient positioning, for blood pressure measurement intermittent claudication prevalence with, 385, enzyme inhibitors.
arm position, 62–63 388f angiotensin receptor blockers, 254–265. See also
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561 noninvasive tests prevalence of, 386–387 Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs).
in children and adolescents, 441 outcome studies of, 387 antagonizing, resistant hypertension related to,
knowledge assessment of, 66 progression of, 387 507–508, 508t
seated vs. supine, 63, 63f randomized controlled trials, 387 calcium channel blockers, 268–282. See also Calcium
Patient rights, in clinical trials, 312–313 hypertension treatment in, 388–390 channel blockers (CCBs).
PATS (Post-Stroke Antihypertensive Treatment Study), β-adrenergic blockers, 389 CHEP 6 guidelines for
159f, 161f, 162f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 389 algorithm for, 564t, 565f
East Asians in, 398, 398f, 490 calcium channel blockers, 389–390 compelling indications, 562t–563t, 564–565
PD. See Pharmacodynamics (PD). CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t clinical perspectives of. See Antihypertensive drug
PDUFA (Prescription Drug User Fee Act) of 1992, 538 conclusive recommendations on, 390 therapy.
PEACE (Prevention of Events with Angiotensin- multiple class comparisons, 390 diuretics, 213–227. See also Diuretic therapy.
Converting Enzyme Inhibition), 159f, 162, 243, nonpharmacologic, 388–389 for African Americans, 477–479, 478f
244, 411t, 414 pharmacologic, 389–390 α-adrenergic blockers in, 470
Peak and trough ratio, blood pressure monitoring for principles of, 388 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, 242,
ambulatory, 89 prevalence of, 384, 385f 247, 475, 496
in home, 72, 80 risk factors for, 384 quinapril response distributions, 468, 469f, 475
Pediatric Nutrition Surveillance System, of CDC, 472 subclinical detection of, 384, 385 angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 468
Pediatric patients. See Adolescents; Children. systolic blood pressure in, 386–387 attenuated nocturnal BP decline and, 478–479
Pediatric Research Equity Act of 2003, 546 age- and sex-adjusted percentages by disease β-adrenergic blockers in, 236, 468, 470, 496
Pelvic relaxation syndrome, α1-adrenoceptor status, 386, 386t calcium channel blockers in, 270, 468, 475, 496
antagonists and, 292 age-adjusted mean levels by disease status, 386, diuretics in, 222, 475–476, 496
Penbutolol 386t goals of, 478
elimination characteristics of, 234t odds ratios of isolated lesions, 387, 387t intravascular volume limitation, 478, 478f
pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t Peripheral edema, from calcium channel blockers, 273, monotherapies, 468, 469f, 475, 477–478
pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t 274t, 275, 275f racial differences in, 478
Index 605

Pharmacotherapy (Continued) Phenylpropanolamine Placebo effect (Continued)

for children and adolescents, 449f, 450, 560f β-blocker combinations with, 236 isolated systolic hypertension and, 173
for emergencies and urgencies, 454t hypertension related to, 146, 148 strokes and, 161
outpatient, 451t–453t Pheochromocytoma Placenta
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 559t, 560–561, 560f hypertension related to, 27t, 119–130 blood flow in, with chronic hypertension, 432
for chronic kidney disease related hypertension, adrenal glands localization of, 119, 121f perfusion alterations of, in preeclampsia, 430f, 435
357–358, 357t clinical presentation of, 119 Placental growth factor (PlGF), in preeclampsia, 430f, 435
for dyslipidemia conditions that mimic, 119, 120t Plasma renin activity (PRA)
adherence issues with, 423–424 diagnostic investigation of, 122–126 acromegaly and, 150
combination, 424 algorithm for, 124f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
estimated need for, 418, 419t case finding for, 122–123 242
specific principles of, 423 clonidine suppression test, 123 diuretics effect on, 217, 217f
for elderly patients factitious, 124 in African Americans, 469t, 470, 471
clinical trials on, 159f, 458, 462t, 463t localization studies, 121f, 124–126, 124f–127f in hypertensive emergencies, 518
cognitive impairment related to, 463–464, 463t medications influencing, 123, 123t in primary aldosteronism, 110, 112f, 113t, 114f
diuretics as, 219, 222f renal failure and, 124 in resistant hypertension, 501t, 502, 503
efficacy of, 236, 242, 245 differential diagnosis of, 119, 120t obesity and, 371–372, 371f, 379
for combined systolic-diastolic, 459–460, 459t episodic, 123 renovascular hypertension and, 94, 98
for isolated systolic, 460–461, 460t extra-adrenal, 119 sodium intake influence on, 203
for very old patients, 464 genetic testing for, 119–120, 129 Plasma volume (PV)
for pregnancy-related hypertension genetics of, 119–122, 121t diuretics effect on, 217f, 218
chronic, 432–435, 433t in pregnancy, 130, 430 in African Americans, 469t, 470
preeclampsia, 432, 436, 437t malignant, 129–130 in preeclampsia, 436
for transplant hypertension, 364–366, 365t metastatic lesions, 128–129 in resistant hypertension, 504–505
for vascular dementia, 401–402, 402f syndromic, 119–122, 121t transplant hypertension and, 364
for weight loss, blood pressure response to, 376–378 treatment of Platelet count, in preeclampsia, 429, 430, 431, 435
genetic research applications for, 20, 21, 23 algorithm for, 124f PlGF (placental growth factor), in preeclampsia, 430f,
hypertension related to, 145–146, 147 surgical resection as, 126–129 435
international comparisons of, 572t, 573t, 575t acute hypertensive crises with, 128 PNS (parasympathetic nervous system)
for first-choice drugs, 573–574, 574f–575f anesthesia for, 128 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 137,
for prehypertension, 572–573 long-term postoperative follow-up for, 137f–138f, 140
for specific indications, 574 128–129 vascular smooth muscle cell regulation by, 286
major agreements, 571, 572f preoperative management of, 126–128 POISE (Perioperative Ischemic Evaluation) trial, 514
monotherapy vs. combination, 572t, 573t, 574, hypertensive emergency with, 522 Polycystic kidney disease, 27t
574f resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 503 Polymorphisms
on other issues, 574–575 Phlebotomy, for refractory hypertension, 147 association studies of, 18–20, 19t
JNC 7 guidelines for adults, 554t Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors, 291 in gene-diet interactions, 207
algorithm of, 557f Phosphodiesterases, atrial natriuretic peptide and, 42 of β-adrenergic receptors, 234
compelling indications, 555, 556–557, 556t Phospholipase C, in α1-adrenoceptor activation, 287, pathophysiologic mechanisms of, 26–28
lipid-lowering. See Lipid-lowering therapies. 287f risk related to, 6, 42
new drugs for, 295–300. See also Investigational new Phosphorylation, in α1-adrenoceptor activation, 287, 287f single nucleotide, in human genome variations, 16
drugs (INDs). Photosensitivity dermatitis, diuretic-induced, 227 Polypharmacy
parenteral, for hypertensive emergencies, 519, Physical activity. See Exercise/exercise programs. antihypertensive, prospective studies of, 10
520t–521t Physical examination pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21
in children and adolescents, 450, 454t for chronic disease management, 532 Polysomnography, 134, 560
pharmacist practice settings for, 529–531 for hypertensive emergencies, 518 ω-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids
clinic model of, 530 of children and adolescents, 447, 448, 560 blood pressure response to, 206
community pharmacy model of, 529–530 Physician-patient partnership, for weight loss, 372 supplementation with, 205
nurse collaboration model of, 530–531 Physicians Pooling Project, 155
physician collaboration model of, 530 adherence to clinical guidelines, 527, 532f, 567 Popliteal artery, peripheral artery disease in, 385
trends of, 529 integrated team role, 532–533, 532f Population attributable risk percent, 3
pheochromocytoma diagnosis and, 123, 123t, 124f pharmacist collaboration with, 530 of cardiovascular disease, 7, 9f, 10
potassium excretion impaired by, 204 practice guidelines for. See Clinical practice Population studies
racial/ethnic perspectives of. See specific ethnicity, guidelines (CPGs). ethnic subgroups in. See Race/ethnicity; specific
e.g. South Asians. visits to, as blood pressure control factor, 527, 532 ethnicity, e.g., African Americans.
resistance to, 504–506. See also Resistant Physiologic regulation, of blood pressure for new drug development, 539
hypertension; specific drug, e.g. Insulin in African Americans, hypertensive, 469–470, 469t selection of, 542
resistance. pathways for, 19, 19t of home blood pressure monitoring, 72
dietary approaches to, 504, 504t pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21 normal limits in, 74, 76, 76t
diuretic treatment importance in, 504–505 Pinacidil, 299 sample size for, 81
lifestyle approaches to, 504, 504t Pindolol, 272t of potassium intake increase, 203–204, 204f
physician inertia and, 506, 509 elimination characteristics of, 234t on coronary heart disease risk, 195–196
rational multidrug program for, 505–506, 505f for peripheral arterial disease, 390 on diuretics, 219, 222, 222f
reasons for, 504, 504t molecular structure of, 232, 235f on genetics
WGTF 4 guidelines for children pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t admixture, 17, 20, 21f, 482
algorithm of, 560f pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t geographical, 21–22
compelling indications, 558, 559t, 560–561 Pituitary gland racial, 16, 17, 18, 21–22
Pharmacotherapy Specialists, Board Certified, 529 hyperplasia of, secondary, 150 stratification influence, 17
Pharmacy/pharmacists, community, disease in Cushing’s syndrome pathophysiology, 109–110 on mortality, 58, 155. See also specific disease,
management role, 529–530 diagnosis of, 149 e.g. Ischemic heart disease.
Phenotype ectopic ACTH excess vs., 110 on obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 135–136
as risk factor, 6 surgical resection of, 110, 149 on sodium intake reduction, 202–203, 203f
association studies of, 18–20 PK. See Pharmacokinetics (PK). Porphyria, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 504
mutation effects on, 16, 23 PKD genes, 27t Positron emission tomography (PET) scan, for
statistical estimation of, 15–16 Placebo control group, in new drug development, pheochromocytoma localization, 126, 126f
Phenoxybenzamine 540–541, 541f, 544 Post-myocardial infarction status, angiotensin-
pharmacology of, 287–288, 289f Placebo effect converting enzyme inhibitors for, 239, 240,
preoperative, for pheochromocytoma resection, 127 cardiovascular death and, 162 240t, 242, 243
Phentolamine cardiovascular endpoints and, 164 end-organ effects and, 247
intravenous, for hypertensive emergencies, 519, heart failure and, 163 Post-Stroke Antihypertensive Treatment Study (PATS),
521–522, 521t home blood pressure monitoring and, 80 159f, 161f, 162f
pharmacology of, 287–288, 289f hypertension progression and, 165 East Asians in, 398, 398f, 490
Phenylalkylamines, pharmacology of, 268–269, 269f, in calcium channel blocker trials, 271, 272t, 273 Post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease, 348
270t in outcome studies, 309 Postmenopausal Estrogen/Progestin Intervention
Phenylephrine, hypertension related to, 145 ischemic heart disease and, 158–159 (PEPI) trial, 465
606 Index

Postmenopausal patients, dyslipidemia treatment for, 423 Preeclampsia (Continued) Prevention of Atherosclerotic Complications with
Postoperative hypertension, 512–515. See also risk factors for, 429, 430t, 435 Ketanserin (PACK) study, 387
Perioperative hypertension. superimposed on chronic hypertension, 429 Prevention of Events with Angiotensin-Converting
Postoperative hypotension, with pheochromocytoma Pregnancy Enzyme Inhibition (PEACE), 159f, 162, 243,
resection, 128 blood pressure lability during, 435, 437 244, 411t, 414
Postpartum counseling, on preeclampsia, 437–438, 438f chronic hypertension during, 429–435 Prevention of Renal and Vascular Endstage Disease
Postural hypotension characteristics of, 429 Intervention Trial (PREVEND IT), 355
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 242 differential diagnosis of, 429–431, 430f Preventive measures. See specific disease, e.g.,
in elderly patients, 458, 463 fetal risks with, 431 Prehypertension.
Potassium, reabsorption of, diuretic therapy impact on, management of, 431–435 Preventive Services Task Force, U.S. (USPSTF), 552
213, 214f nonpharmacologic, 432 Primary aldosteronism
adaptive changes to, 223–225, 224f pharmacologic, 432–435 adenoma vs. hyperplasia differentiation, 112–113,
Potassium balance/imbalance preconception, 431–432 148, 149
aldosterone role in, 39–40 preeclampsia prevention, 432 clinical recognition of, 110
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 246, maternal risks with, 430–431 diagnosis of, 110, 112f, 112t, 113t
249 pharmacologic management of, 432–435, 433t simplified approach to, 113, 114f
angiotensin II receptor blockers causing, 264 α-adrenergic blockers, 433 hypertension related to, 107t, 110–115
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564, 565 β-adrenergic blockers, 234, 432–433 in African Americans, 469, 469t, 470
common drugs influencing, 204 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, in resistant hypertension, 500f, 501t, 502–503
in ectopic ACTH syndrome, 109–110 248–249, 431, 434–435 localizing procedures for, 113, 114f
in primary aldosteronism, 110, 111f–112f, 112t, 113t angiotensin II receptor blockers, 431, 434 screening tests for, 110, 111f–112f, 113t, 502
diagnostic applications of, 113, 114f calcium channel blockers, 281, 433–434 therapeutic choices for, 113–115, 114f–115f
therapeutic considerations, 114–115, 115f central adrenergic agonists, 432 Primary stroke, 394
in resistant hypertension, 501t, 502 diuretics, 434 prevention by blood pressure lowering, 394–397
transplant hypertension and, 364, 365 FDA classification of, 432 Procedures, for clinical trials, 312–313
with mineralocorticoid excess states, 106, 107f, 107t, initiation parameters for, 432 Professional organizations/societies, representation in
108 serotonin2-receptor blockers, 434 education program, 552, 552t–553t
Potassium channel openers, new investigations on, 299 vasodilators, 434 Progestin, oral, hypertension related to, 145
Potassium channels, adenosine triphosphate (ATP)- preeclampsia superimposed on, 429 Prognostic value
sensitive, activation of, 299 drugs harmful to fetus during. See Teratogens. of blood pressure monitoring
Potassium intake, dietary future, counseling for, 437 ambulatory, 86, 87f
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564 gestational hypertension in, 429, 431 in home, 77
for children and adolescents, 449–450, 449f habitual snoring during, 136 of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, 139
in African Americans, 470, 477 hypertensive disorders in, 429–438 PROGRESS. See Perindopril Protection against
increased, blood pressure response to, 203–204, 204f chronic, 429–435 Recurrent Stroke Study (PROGRESS).
risk related to, 6 classification of, 429–438 Propranolol
weight loss targets for, 372, 373t complications of, 429, 438 elimination characteristics of, 234t
Potassium-sparing diuretics, distal, 215–216 consultations for, 429 for children and adolescents, 450, 452t
combination therapy with, 224–225 diagnostic algorithm for, 430f for peripheral arterial disease, 389
nephron sites of action, 213, 214f exacerbated, 17t, 27t, 28f historical studies on, 306
pharmacokinetics of, 213, 214t gestational, 429 molecular structure of, 232, 235f
Potassium supplementation incidence of, 429 pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t
diuretic therapy indications for, 224, 225 lactation and, 438 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
postoperative, for primary aldosteronism, 115 postpartum follow-up on, 431f, 438 Prorenin, description of, 37, 37f
Potassium-wasting preeclampsia-eclampsia, 429, 435–438 Prospective Randomized Evaluation of the Vascular
diuretic-induced, transplant hypertension and, 364, preeclampsia superimposed on chronic, 429 Effects of Norvasc Trial (PREVENT), 278–279,
365 secondary, 430, 437, 431f 278t, 319t
in renal disorders, mineralocorticoid-dependent, white-coat hypertension vs., 430 Prospective Studies Collaboration, 12
106, 107f, 107t new drug development and, 537 cardiovascular disease findings, 51f–52f, 161, 172
PP. See Pulse pressure (PP). pheochromocytoma in, 130, 430 mortality data of, 155–156
PPARγ (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ), preeclampsia in, 435–438. See also Preeclampsia. prehypertension findings, 166
mutations in, 17t Prehypertension stroke findings, 160, 160f
PRA. See Plasma renin activity (PRA). definition of, 6–7, 7t, 166 Prostacyclin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors
Pravastatin, 355 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t effects on, 241
drug interactions with, 420, 420t in children, 440 Prostaglandins
Prazosin, 288 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
for children and adolescents, 450, 453t international guidelines for, 566 241
for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 comparisons of, 572–573 mediating role of, 26f
pharmacology of, 288, 289f JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555 renal synthesis of, diuretic therapy impact on, 213,
Precapillary vessels, peripheral resistance determined natural history of, 155, 156f, 165–166 217
by, 33 prevalence of, 217 Prostaglandin E2, diuretic therapy impact on, 213
Precocious puberty, with adrenocortical enzyme preventive measures for, 166 Prostatic hyperplasia, benign, α1-adrenoceptor
deficiency, 107, 108 Preload, cardiac, obesity and, 372 antagonists and, 286, 288, 291
Preeclampsia, 435–438 Premature delivery Protein(s)
blood pressure changes with, 435 in African Americans, 472 angiogenic, in preeclampsia, 430f, 435
cardiac function and, 436 pregnancy-related hypertension and, 431 binding of β-adrenergic blockers, 233t
central nervous system and, 436 PREMIER trial, on weight loss, 374–375, 377t Protein intake, dietary
clinical features of, 429, 435 African Americans in, 474 blood pressure response to, 206–207
diagnosis of, 435 Prescription drug(s) for weight loss, 372, 373t
eclampsia in, 429, 436 Medicare benefit for, 529 restriction of, angiotensin-converting enzyme
fms-like tyrosine kinase role, 430t, 435 therapeutic use of. See Pharmacotherapy. inhibitors and, 246
HELLP syndrome variant of, 429, 435, 436, 437 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) of 1992, 538 Protein kinase
hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 522 Pressure waveform, reflection of, in isolated systolic cyclic guanosine monophosphate–dependent,
management of, 437–438 hypertension, 36, 172 vascular tone and, 33, 34f
nonpharmacologic, 432 Prevalence, of hypertension, 3, 217 mitogen-activated, in angiotensin II–converting
pharmacologic, 436, 437t by race/ethnicity, 4, 4t enzyme mediation, 38–39, 38f
timing of fetal delivery, 436 by sex, 4, 4t Protein kinase C, in α1-adrenoceptor activation, 287,
maternal syndrome with, 435–436 in U.S., 3–4, 4f, 4t 287f
metabolic disturbances with, 435–436 PREVEND IT (Prevention of Renal and Vascular Proteinuria
outcome risks with, 431, 436 Endstage Disease Intervention Trial), 355 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 244,
pathophysiology of, 435–436 PREVENT (Prospective Randomized Evaluation of the 245, 245f
placental perfusion alterations with, 430f, 435 Vascular Effects of Norvasc Trial), 278–279, angiotensin II receptor blockers reduction of,
postpartum counseling on, 437–438, 438f 278t, 319t 257–258
prevention of, 432, 435 Prevention of Atherosclerosis with Ramipril Trial no. 2 coronary heart disease risk and, 195
renal changes with, 436 (PART2), 159f, 319t diabetes mellitus and, 409
Index 607

Proteinuria (Continued) QUIET (Quinapril Ischemic Events Trial), 159f, 319t Receptor-operated channels, of calcium pump, 268, 269f
in chronic kidney disease, 186, 353–354, 353f Quinapril Recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO),
hypertension management and, 357–358 chronotherapeutic treatment of, 89–90, 90t hypertension related to, 146–147
treatment goals for, 355–356 clinical trials on, 246 Reconstructive Endoventricular Surgery Returning
in end-stage renal disease, 163–164, 163f for hypertension, 240t Torsion Original Radius Elliptical Shape to the
in preeclampsia, 430, 431, 435, 436 in African Americans, 468, 469f, 475 Left Ventricle (RESTORE), 346
in untreated hypertension, 156f, 165 in children and adolescents, 450, 451t Reconstructive surgery
loop diuretics and, 214 Quinapril Ischemic Events Trial (QUIET), 159f, 319t for coarctation of the aorta, 148
transplant hypertension and, 366 Quinidine, post-heart transplant indications for, 347 on mitral valve, for heart failure, 345–346
Proximal tubule, diuretics action in, 213, 214f, 214t Quintirole, 296 Recurrent stroke, 394
Pseudoephedrine prevention by blood pressure lowering, 397–398,
β-blocker combinations with, 236 398f
hypertension related to, 146 Reduction of Endpoints in Non–Insulin Dependent
Pseudohypertension, 144 r-HuEPO (recombinant human erythropoietin), Diabetes Mellitus with the Angiotensin II
in elderly patients, 458 hypertension related to, 146–147 Antagonist Losartan trial (RENAAL), 159f, 258,
resistant hypertension vs., 499 R-hypertensives, 518 259f, 260, 319t, 322
Pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 (PHA1), dominant vs. RAAS. See Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system chronic kidney disease in, 353t, 354f, 356, 357
recessive, 17t, 27t, 28f (RAAS). in meta-analysis, 411t, 412
Psychological disorders Race/ethnicity. See also specific ethnicity, e.g. Hispanics. Reflex control, inhibitory vs. stimulatory, of blood
pheochromocytoma vs., 119, 120t as risk factor, 6, 58 pressure, 29–30, 30f, 31f
resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 504 cardiovascular death trends based on, 161, 162f Refractory hypertension, 498–509. See also Resistant
Psychosocial factors, in African Americans, 470 genetic studies on, 16, 17, 19t, 21–22 hypertension.
Psychotropic drugs, resistant hypertension related to, admixture mapping, 17, 20, 21f, 482 fluid removal for, 147
508, 508t global cardiovascular risk and, 192 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135
Public education. See also National High Blood Pressure home blood pressure monitoring and, 80 phlebotomy for, 147
Education Program (NHBPEP). hypertension definition based on, 49–50, 50f Registration, of clinical trials, 312–313
for Hispanics, 485 increased sympathetic response related to, 33 Regulatory authorities, environmental concerns about
Public health low birth weight related to, 472 mercury in workplace, 58–59
in Hispanic communities, 485 mortality data and, 156, 161 Regulatory development, of antihypertensive drugs,
obstructive sleep apnea and, 141 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 136t 535–546
Public Health Service Cooperative Study, U.S., on peripheral artery disease prevalence based on, 384 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in, 543
adverse clinical events, 159, 164 prevalence trends based on, 4, 4t clinical efficacy in, 540–543, 541f
Public perception, of clinical trials, 313 stroke risk related to, 394, 395f, 396 clinical pharmacology in, 538–540
PubMed, genetic data in, 18 transplant hypertension and, 363–364 dose interval in, 542
Puerto Ricans. See Hispanics. Radial artery, blood pressure measurement and, 64, 66 dose selection in, 542
Pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, preeclampsia and, in elderly, 144 dose titration in, 542–543
436 Radiation therapy drug-drug interactions and, 537, 539, 545
Pulmonary edema for ACTH-producing tumors, 110 effectiveness criteria, 535, 540
“flash,” 181 for pituitary tumors, 149 endpoints for, 535, 543, 546
hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t Radiofrequency ablation, for metastatic exclusivity criteria, 546
management of, 519, 521 pheochromocytoma, 129 FDA role, 535, 537–538, 543, 546
in preeclampsia, 436 Radiography, chest food effects and absorption in, 539
renovascular hypertension and, 95 for children and adolescents, 448 for fixed-combinations, 544, 544f
Pulmonary hypertension, as heart transplant for heart failure assessment, 179t, 181 metabolism and elimination in, 539
contraindication, 347, 347t aging impact on, 341 outcome labeling claims and, 543–544
Pulsatile stress, cerebral function and, 170 for hypertensive emergencies, 518 overview of, 536–538
Pulse deficits, in hypertensive emergencies, 518 Radioimmunoassay, for hypercortisolism diagnosis, pediatric patients and, 546
Pulse pressure (PP) 109–110 pharmacodynamics in, 539–540
age factor of, 5, 169, 170f, 328, 330f RALES (Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study), 344 pharmacokinetics in, 537, 538–539
arterial stiffness impact on, 36 Ramipril, 240t safety in, 535, 537, 545–546
assessment of, 182 clinical trials on, 159f, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248 special populations and, 539
cardiovascular disease risk and, 11–12, 50, 51, 328 for African Americans, 476 study designs for, 540–542, 541f
blood pressure assessment in, 171, 171f for chronic kidney disease, 353t, 356 study populations for, 542
diagnostic caveats for, 172–173 for diabetes-related hypertension, 410, 411t, 414 terminology for, 535
meta-analysis of, 169–170, 170f for peripheral arterial disease, 389 Web addresses for, 536, 536t
systolic blood pressure importance, 8–9, 9t for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 REIN (Ramipril Efficacy in Nephropathy) study, 245,
definition of, 5, 11, 169 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 353t, 356, 357
in elderly patients, 457–458 pharmacology of, 239 Rejection. See Organ rejection.
in peripheral artery disease, 387 Ramipril Efficacy in Nephropathy (REIN) study, 245, Relapse prevention model, for dietary changes, 207
left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179, 334 353t, 356, 357 Relative risk
Pulse wave velocity (PWV) Random-effects model, for meta-analyses, 316 of cardiovascular disease, 7, 8f, 11f
arterial stiffness impact on, 36, 172 Randomization, in outcome studies, 307 of hypertension, 3
assessment of, 182, 327, 329f Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study (RALES), 344 Relaxation strategies, for blood pressure measurement,
left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179 Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical Assistance for 63
PURAS study, of home blood pressure monitoring, 74 the Treatment of Congestive Heart Failure Reliability, of blood pressure measurement, 64–66
Pure motor hemiparesis, 183 (REMATCH), 346 standardized monitoring of, 64, 65f
PV. See Plasma volume (PV). Randomized Evaluation of Strategies for Left REMATCH (Randomized Evaluation of Mechanical
PVR. See Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR). Ventricular Dysfunction (RESOLVD), 258, Assistance for the Treatment of Congestive
PWV. See Pulse wave velocity (PWV). 259f, 261 Heart Failure), 346
Pyelonephritis, in adolescents, 446 Randomized trials RENAAL. See Reduction of Endpoints in Non–Insulin
on antihypertensive drugs. See specific agent or trial. Dependent Diabetes Mellitus with the
with clinical endpoints. See Outcome study(ies). Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan trial
Randomized withdrawal study, of new drugs, 541f, 542 (RENAAL).
Quality assurance/improvement RAS. See Renin-angiotensin system (RAS). Renal angiography
for blood pressure measurement Raynaud’s phenomenon, α1-adrenoceptor antagonists “drive-by,” 100–101
critical skills for, 60, 60f for, 288, 292 for renovascular hypertension, 95, 95f, 96–97
cuff application accuracy, 62–63, 62f, 62t RBF. See Renal blood flow (RBF). performance characteristics of, 97, 100–101
equipment inspection guidelines, 66 RDI (respiratory disturbance index), in sleep disorders, resistant, 501t, 502
historical perspective of, 58 134 intra-aortic, 100
manometer calibration in, 60–61, 60f Reactive airway disease, β-adrenergic blockers use with, intravenous digital subtraction, 100
measuring technique in, 63–64 236 Renal angioplasty, for renovascular hypertension, 94,
proper technique for, 60–64 Reactive oxygen species 101–102
reading accuracy, 63, 63f angiotensin II and, 39 clinical trials on, 102–103
stethoscope use and, 61–62 essential hypertension role of, 34, 35f resistant, 501t, 502
for clinical trials, 312–313 vascular remodeling and, 38f, 39, 39f stenting plus, 102
608 Index

Renal arteriopathy Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) Resistant hypertension (Continued)

in African Americans (Continued) differential diagnosis of, 499–509, 500f
pressure-related mechanisms of, 173f, 472–474 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 138, 138f, 140 future directions for, 509
with prematurity, 472 schematic representation of, 37, 37f in children and adolescents, 558
in resistant hypertension, 509 sodium intake influence on, 203, 207 inappropriate/inadequate medical treatment in, 499t,
atherosclerotic, 500–502, 501t heart failure and, 340, 341 504–506
uric acid and, 35–36 in kidney disease, 351–352, 356, 357 dietary approaches to, 504, 504t
Renal artery inhibition of, for hypertension, 299 diuretic treatment importance in, 504–505
aneurysms of, renovascular hypertension with, 94 obesity and, 371–372, 371f, 378, 379 lifestyle approaches to, 504, 504t
in pheochromocytoma resection, 128 vascular smooth muscle cell regulation by, 286 physician inertia and, 506, 509
stenosis of Renin-angiotensin system (RAS) rational multidrug program for, 505–506, 505f
Goldblatt model of, 94–95 atherogenesis promotion by, 419, 419f reasons for, 504, 504t
in African Americans, 469 blockade of interfering exogenous substances in, 499t, 507–508
in infants and children, 446 for African Americans, 476–477, 479 metabolic syndrome in, 499t, 508–509
in resistant hypertension, 502 in resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 obesity and, 499t, 508–509
renovascular hypertension vs., 93 gene association studies on, 18, 19, 19t obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135
screening tests for, 96–97 in African Americans, 469t, 470–471 office, 499, 500f
transplant hypertension and, 364 obesity and, 477 patient nonadherence to treatment, 499t, 506–507, 509
thrombosis of, in infants, 446 renal injury mechanisms and, 473–474, 473f prevalence of, 498–499
Renal blood flow (RBF) therapeutic intervention for, 476–477, 479 prognosis with, 509
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, in perioperative hypertension, 514 pseudohypertension vs., 499
248–249, 249f pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21 secondary, 499–504, 500f, 501t
calcineurin inhibitors impact on, 361 Renin-angiotensin system antagonists specific identifiable disorders in, 499–504, 500f
chronic kidney disease and, 186 for African Americans, hypertensive, 476–477 Cushing’s syndrome, 503
diuretics effect on, 224f optimal use of, 479 pheochromocytoma, 503
transplant hypertension and, 361, 366 for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 primary aldosteronism, 502–503
Renal cell carcinoma, diuretic-induced, 227 Renin inhibitors, new investigations on, 299–300, 300f rare, 500f, 504
Renal disease. See Kidney disease. Renogram, captopril, for resistant hypertension, 502 renal parenchymal disease, 499, 500
Renal failure Renovascular hypertension, 93–103 renovascular disease, 499, 500–502
diabetes mellitus and, 406, 407, 408f absolute risk of sleep disorders, 503
diuretics and, 213, 214t, 217, 227 clinical prediction rule for, 95, 96t thyroid disorders, 503
hypertension risk for, 7 estimation for, 95, 95f vascular disorders, 504
in elderly patients, 457 clinical trials on therapies, 102–103 systolic, 498, 499
in untreated hypertension, 163–164, 163f angioplasty vs. medical management, 102–103 isolated, in elderly, 499t, 507, 509
pathophysiology of, 32–33 surgery vs. angioplasty, 102 treatment of
pheochromocytoma and, 124 surgery vs. medical management, 102 α-adrenergic blockers in, 506
Renal function/dysfunction diagnostic evaluation of, 95–101 β-adrenergic blockers in, 502, 506
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, algorithms for, 95, 95f algorithm for, 499, 500f
241t, 243 risk estimations, 95, 95f, 96t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in, 500,
calcium channel blockers effects on, 277, 277f screening tests, 95–98 501t, 502, 503, 508, 509
obesity and, 370, 371f, 378 older, 97–98 in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f
organ transplantation impact on, 361–362 sensitive, 95–97 angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 501, 501t, 502,
creatinine marker of, 364 Goldblatt model of, 94–95 503, 507, 509
primary mediators of, 363–364 initial risk estimation for, 95, 95f in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f
potassium excretion factors, 204 pathophysiology of, 94–95 blood pressure goals for, 498
preeclampsia management based on, 436 prevalence of, 93 calcium channel blockers in, 501t, 502, 503,
sodium excretion factors, 203 estimates of, 94 507–509
Renal insufficiency primary hypertension vs., 95, 96t in multidrug program, 505–506, 505f
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, renal artery stenosis vs., 93, 94 DASH diet for, 500f, 504, 504t
248–249, 249f resistant, 499, 500–502, 500f, 501t diuretics in, 500, 501t, 503, 506, 507, 509
in untreated hypertension, 164 risk factors of, 94 importance of, 504–505, 505f
Renal parenchymal disease subtypes of, 93–94 lifestyle modifications for, 504, 504t
in children, 446, 446t, 448 atherosclerotic disease, 94 renin-angiotensin system antagonists in, 505f, 506
resistant hypertension related to, 499, 500, 500f, 501t fibromuscular dysplasia, 93–94 vasodilators in, 505f, 506
Renal potassium-wasting disorders, mineralocorticoid- other less common, 94 volume regulation for, 500
dependent, 106, 107f, 107t therapy for, 101–102 white-coat hypertension vs., 499
Renal scintigraphy, for renovascular hypertension, 98 angioplasty, 101–102 RESOLVD (Randomized Evaluation of Strategies for
captopril contrast, 95–96, 97f clinical trials on, 102–103 Left Ventricular Dysfunction), 258, 259f, 261
performance characteristics of, 97t, 98–99 stenting plus, 102 Respiration(s), sleep physiology and, 134
Renin medical management, 102 apnea, 134–141, 136t. See also Sleep apnea.
description of, 37, 37f clinical trials on, 102–103 restarting of, 136, 137, 137f
plasma. See Plasma renin activity (PRA). resistance to, 94 Respiratory distress syndrome, in infants, 446
secretion of meta-analyses of, 102–103 Respiratory disturbance index (RDI), in sleep disorders,
as pathophysiologic factor, 36, 37 surgical revascularization, 101, 101t 134
sympathetic nervous system modulation by, 30, 30f clinical trials on, 102 RESTORE (Reconstructive Endoventricular Surgery
Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) Reproducibility, of blood pressure measurement Returning Torsion Original Radius Elliptical
acromegaly and, 150 ambulatory, 85, 86f, 89 Shape to the Left Ventricle), 346
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, in home, 71–72 Resynchronization therapy, for heart failure, 344–345
242, 243 in office, 64–66 RET proto-oncogene, 27t
diabetes and, 244, 244f standardized form for, 64, 65f secondary hypertension related to, 120–121, 121t
renal mechanisms of, 246, 246t Research Retesting programs, for blood pressure measurement,
angiotensin II role in, 37–39, 37f–39f funding sources for, 60 59–60, 59f
angiotensin I vs., 37–38 genetic Retinal vascular changes, in hypertensive retinopathy,
as pathophysiologic factor, 37–39, 37f context of, 15, 23 184–185, 185t
autonomic nervous system interactions with, 29, 30f study designs for, 16–17 Retinopathy
diabetes mellitus and, 408, 409, 409f outcome-based. See Outcome study(ies). diabetic, 407, 408f
treatment considerations of, 410, 411, 414 trial-based. See Clinical trials. angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effect
diagram of, 299, 300f Resection. See Surgical resection. on, 244
diuretics effect on, 216, 217, 222, 223, 226 Reserpine, 305, 475 hypertensive
braking phenomenon and, 216 Resistant hypertension, 498–509 assessment of, 184–185, 185t
candidate genes of, 19t, 26–28 blood pressure measurement in, 499 Keith-Wagener-Barker classification of, 157
circadian influences on, 89 classification of, 499, 499t natural history of, 156f, 157, 165
essential hypertension role of, 34, 35, 35f common reasons for, 527 Retraining programs, for blood pressure measurement,
kallikrein-kinin system relationship to, 42–43 Cushing’s syndrome and, 106, 107t, 108 59–60, 59f
natriuretic peptides modulation of, 41, 41f–42f definition of, 498 Revascularization. See Surgical revascularization.
Index 609

Rho/Rho kinase, vascular tone and, 33, 34, 34f SAVE (Survival and Ventricular Enlargement) trial, 336, Self-monitoring of blood pressure. See Home blood
Ribonucleic acid (RNA), messenger, angiotensin II and, 343 pressure monitoring (HBPM).
39 SBP. See Systolic blood pressure (SBP). Sensory skills
Right ventricle, cardiac, in heart failure, 341 SCAT (Simvastatin/Enalapril Coronary Atherosclerosis for blood pressure measurement, 60, 60f
Rilmenidine, 297f, 298, 298t Trial), 319t loss of, in stroke syndromes, 183
Rimonabant, 299 Schoenfeld approach, to outcome studies, 311 Sequelae, with hypertension, 7–12. See also specific disease.
Risk factors, for hypertension, 5–6. See also specific risk. Scintigraphy cardiovascular disease as, 7–8, 8f
age as, 5, 5f, 190, 192, 193f captopril, for renovascular hypertension, 95–96, 97f pulse pressure and, 8–9, 9t, 11–12
blood pressure as, 190–191 performance characteristics of, 97t, 98–99 death as. See Mortality.
spectrum of, 10–11, 11f fluoride-18-fluorodeoxyglucose, for “mild” range importance, 10–11, 11f
clustering of, 12, 12f pheochromocytoma localization, 126, 126f renal disease as, 3, 7, 12
diabetes mellitus as, 7, 8f–9f, 191–192 for renovascular hypertension, 98 untreated, 155–166. See also Untreated hypertension.
gender as, 8, 8f–9f, 190, 192, 193f iodine-123-meta-iodobenzylguanidine, for Serotonin receptor agonists
global cardiovascular risk and, 190–196 pheochromocytoma localization, 124f, hypertension related to, 146
in older individuals, 13 125–126, 126f new investigations on, 298
lipids as, 190 malignant, 129 Serotonin reuptake inhibitors, blood pressure response
smoking as, 191 SCNN1A gene, 19, 19t, 27t to, 377–378
weight as, 5–6 SCNN1B gene, 19, 19t Serotonin2-receptor blockers, for pregnancy-related
Risk reduction, case management for, 527–528 SCNN1G gene, 19, 19t, 27t hypertension, 433t, 434
Risk stratification SCOPE. See Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Seven Countries Study, 496
for isolated systolic hypertension, 166, 169–175. See Elderly (SCOPE). Seventh Report. See Joint National Committee (JNC),
also Isolated systolic hypertension (ISH). SCORE Project, 193 Seventh Report of (JNC 7).
for renovascular hypertension, 95, 95f Scorpion venom, hypertension related to, 148 Severe hypertension
for untreated hypertension, 155–166. See also Screening tests CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 563t, 565f
Untreated hypertension. for adolescent drug use, 560 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t
genetic research and, 23 for Cushing’s syndrome, 109, 149 Sevoflurane, hypertension related to, 145
in cardiovascular risk for dyslipidemia, 424 Sex. See Gender.
global prediction and, 190–196. See also Global for hypercortisolism, 109–110, 149 Sex hormones
epidemiology. for hypertension adrenocortical enzyme deficiency impact on,
total, international comparisons of, 573 criteria for, 53 106–108, 108f
target organ damage assessment for, 178–187. See in clinical trials, 313 hypertension related to, 145
also Target organ damage (TOD). in Hispanic communities, 485 Sexual dysfunction, diuretic-induced, 227
RNA (ribonucleic acid), messenger, angiotensin II and, for obstructive sleep apnea, 135 Shanghai Trial of Nifedipine in the Elderly (STONE),
39 for primary aldosteronism, 110, 111f–112f, 113t, 502 161f, 272t
ROMK gene, 27t SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) syndromes, 134, 135t SHARE (Study of Health Assessment and Risk in Ethnic
Ropinirole, 296 epidemiology of, 134–135, 136t Groups), 496
Rostral ventrolateral nucleus of the medulla oblongata SDD. See Standard deviation of the difference (SDD). SHELL study, 272t, 319t
(RVLM) SDH gene, secondary hypertension related to, 122, 129 SHEP. See Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program
imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f SDHB gene, 27t (SHEP) trial.
sympathetic activity of, 29, 30–31, 31f SDHD gene, 27t SHR (spontaneously hypertensive rat), sympathetic
“Rule of 10,” for pheochromocytoma characteristics, Season of year, home blood pressure monitoring and, nervous system of, 31, 32
119 73, 73t Sibutramine
RVLM (rostral ventrolateral nucleus of the medulla Seated position, for blood pressure measurement, 63, blood pressure response to, 377–378
oblongata) 63f hypertension related to, 145–146
imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f Secondary hypertension Sibutramine Trial on Obesity Reduction and
sympathetic activity of, 29, 30–31, 31f guidelines for, international comparisons of, 571 Maintenance (STORM), 378
in African Americans, 469 Sick sinus syndrome
in children, 560 β-blocker cautions with, 236
acute vs. chronic, 446t pacemaker indications for, 345
Safety causes of, 441, 446 Signal transduction pathway, of G-protein, candidate
hyperparathyroidism considerations for, 150 in elderly patients, 458 genes of, 19, 19t, 21
in new drug development, 535, 537, 545–546 in pregnancy, 430, 437, 438f Signaling pathway, for natriuretic peptides, therapeutic
of calcium channel blockers, 273, 274t, 275, 275f mineralocorticoid excess and, 106–116. See also exploitation of, 42
Salivary glands, imidazoline agonists effects on, 297f Mineralocorticoid excess states. Sildenafil, 42
Salt appetite, aldosterone role in, 39–40 pheochromocytoma in, 119–130. See also “Silent killer,” 485
Salt-ingestion suppression testing, for primary Pheochromocytoma. Simvastatin/Enalapril Coronary Atherosclerosis Trial
aldosteronism, 502 renovascular, 93–103. See also Renovascular (SCAT), 319t
Salt intake. See Sodium intake. hypertension. Single-chamber pacing, for heart failure, 345
Salt loading resistant, 499–504, 500f, 501t Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
effect on serum potassium, 110, 111f Cushing’s syndrome in, 503 association studies of, 18–20
for aldosteronism diagnosis, 113, 114f pheochromocytoma in, 503 distribution patterns of, 16
Salt-loading test, outpatient oral, protocol for, 110, 112t, primary aldosteronism in, 502–503 in human genome variations, 16
113 rare causes of, 500f, 504 pharmacogenetic studies of, 20–21
Salt restriction. See Sodium restriction. renal parenchymal disease in, 499, 500 Sinus node, heart transplant and, 347
Salt retention. See Sodium retention. renovascular disease in, 499, 500–502 Sirolimus, transplant hypertension and, 362
Salt-sensitive hypertension sleep disorders in, 503 Sixth Report of Joint National Committee, 572
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, thyroid disorders in, 503 Skeletal muscle, chemoreceptors in, 30, 30f–32f
241 vascular disorders in, 504 SKP-450, for hypertension, 299
anterior hypothalamic area in, 31–32, 32f sleep apnea and, 134–141. See also Sleep apnea. Sleep, physiologic mechanisms of, 134
Salt-sensitivity Secondary sex characteristics, with mineralocorticoid Sleep apnea, 134–141
definition of, 204, 204f excess states, 106, 107–108 acromegaly and, 150
in African Americans, 469t, 471–472 Secondary stroke, 394 central, 134, 135t
therapeutic considerations for, 477 prevention by blood pressure lowering, 397–398, definitions for, 134, 135t
Sampatrilat, 298 398f diagnosis of, 134
SAMPLE (Study on Ambulatory Monitoring of Blood Secular trends, of hypertension mixed, 134, 135t
Pressure and Lisinopril Evaluation), 80 by race/ethnicity, 4, 4t obstructive, 134–141. See also Obstructive sleep
Sample power, in outcome studies, 311–312, 312t by sex, 4, 4t apnea syndrome (OSAS).
Sample size in U.S., 3–4, 4f, 4t Sleep apnea syndromes (SASs), 134–141, 135t
home blood pressure monitoring and, 81 Segregation analysis, 16 heart failure associated with, 181
in outcome studies, 311–312, 312t Seizures obesity and, 371f, 372
San Luis Valley Diabetes Study, 387 in children, 561 Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) syndromes, 134, 135t
Sartan drugs. See also Named drug, e.g., Telmisartan. pregnancy-related, 429, 436 epidemiology of, 134–135, 136t
pharmacologic properties of, 254–257, 255t β1-Selective adrenergic blocking agents, 231, 232t Sleep history, 135, 141
SASs. See Sleep apnea syndromes (SASs). Self-applied behavior modification, for dietary changes, Sleep hypoventilation syndrome, 134, 135t
Saturated fat intake, blood pressure response to, 206 207 Sleep study, 135, 560
610 Index

Small arteries, 181, 182 Sotalol Staging, of hypertension (Continued)

Small cell lung carcinoma, 148 molecular structure of, 232, 235f WGTF 4 guidelines for, 558, 559t, 560f, 561
Small vessel disease, stroke related to, 392, 393f, 400 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t WHO endorsements for, 53, 171, 496, 561, 566
Smoking. See Cigarette smoking. South Americans. See Hispanics. Standard deviation of the difference (SDD), in home
Smooth muscle South Asians, hypertension in, 493–496 blood pressure readings, 72, 76
innervation of, 286–287, 287f epidemiologic studies of, 496 sample size and, 81
vascular. See Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs). in India, 493–495, 494t treatment efficacy and, 79, 79f
SMS 201-995 (octreotide), for ACTH-producing in other populations, 495–496 Standard of care (SOC), in outcome studies, 309–310,
tumors, 110 treatment implications of, 496 309f
SNPs. See Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). genetic studies in, 19t STAR (STents in Atherosclerotic Renovascular disease),
SNS. See Sympathetic nervous system (SNS). global burden of, 493, 494t 103
SOC (standard of care), in outcome studies, 309–310, Indian population Statins
309f prevalence studies of, 493–495, 494t, 495t antihypertensive drug interactions with, 420–421,
Social cognitive theory, for dietary changes, 207 risk factors for, 495 420t, 539
Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada, mortality rates by region, 493, 494t for dyslipidemia, 423
552–553 prevalence trends of, 4, 4t, 468, 493 for metabolic syndrome, 422, 422t
Sociocultural issues stroke risk and, 394, 395f, 396 for stroke prevention, 400, 400t
in Hispanics, 483, 485 Soy protein, blood pressure response to, 206–207 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 573
in South Asians, 495–496 Special populations, hypertension in Statistical analyses
of patient adherence, 527 adolescents as, 440–454. See also Adolescents. in meta-analyses, 318
Sociodemographics children as, 440–454. See also Children. of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, 88–89, 89t
of Hispanics, 483, 484 older patients as, 457–465. See also Elderly patients. regulatory perspectives of, 537
of South Asians, 495 pregnant women as, 429–438. See also Pregnancy. Statistical estimation, of genetic effects, 15–16
Sodium, reabsorption of racial and ethnic perspectives. See Race/ethnicity; Steno Diabetes Center, in Copenhagen, 422
diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 214f, 215, 216 specific ethnicity, e.g. African Americans. Stenosis
adaptive changes to, 223, 224f Special situations, hypertension in of carotid arteries, in untreated hypertension, 156f,
obesity and, 370, 371f, 378 crises as. See Hypertensive crises. 165
Sodium balance/imbalance emergencies as, 517–523. See also Hypertensive of renal artery. See Renal artery, stenosis of.
acromegaly and, 150 emergency(ies); Hypertensive urgency(ies). transplant hypertension and, 364
aldosterone role in, 39–40 perioperative period as, 512–515. See also Stents and stenting, renal angioplasty plus, for
diuretics and, 223, 224f Perioperative hypertension. renovascular hypertension, 102, 501t
genetic mechanisms of, 25–26, 26f, 28f resistance to treatment, 498–509. See also Resistant clinical trials on, 102–103
renovascular hypertension and, 94 hypertension. STents in Atherosclerotic Renovascular disease (STAR),
sympathetic nervous system activity impact on, Sphygmomanometer(s). See also specific type, e.g. 103
29–30, 30f, 32 Mercury sphygmomanometer. Step-down pharmacotherapy, for children, 560–561, 560f
Sodium channel. See Epithelial sodium channel aneroid, 59 Stepped care program
(ENaC). calibration of, 60–61, 60f for diuretic therapy, 217, 223
Sodium chloride (NaCl), for acid-base changes, with CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561 for hypertension treatment, 305, 544
diuretics, 225 environmental concerns about, 58–59 in children, 560–561
Sodium intake, dietary historical perspective of, 49, 58 Steroids
aldosterone excretion rate and, 110, 112f inspection for quality assurance, 66 anabolic, resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 507,
as risk factor, 6, 50 oscillometric devices vs., 59 508t
genetic variants of, 23, 42 technical problems with, 144, 172 for infants, sodium retention with, 446
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564 Spironolactone hypertension related to, 145
effect on serum potassium, 110, 111f adverse effects of, 225, 227 immunosuppressive. See Corticosteroids.
elderly patients and, 375, 377t for aldosteronism, glucocorticoid-remediable, 116 sex
for children and adolescents, 449–450, 449f for children and adolescents, 450, 453t adrenocortical enzyme deficiency impact on,
in African Americans, 469t, 470–471 for heart failure, 343 106–108, 108f
attenuated blood pressure lowering with, 478, for hypertension, 295 hypertension related to, 145
478f for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 withdrawal from, transplant hypertension and, 362
sensitivity to, 471–472 for primary aldosteronism, 114, 114f Stethoscope
therapeutic modification of, 477 for renal potassium-wasting disorders, 106, 107f, critical skills for use of, 60, 60f
in DASH diet, 373–374, 374f, 377t, 474 107t, 109 inspection for quality assurance, 66
reduced. See Sodium restriction. for resistant hypertension, 503, 505f, 506 proper technique for using, 61–62
resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t mechanism of action, 40 STICH (Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure)
salt-sensitive hypertension pathology and, 31–32, 32f pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 215 study, 346
transplant hypertension and, 364 Sponsor organizations, representation in education Stiffness, of arteries. See Arterial stiffness.
weight loss and, 372, 373t, 376 program, 551, 552, 553, 553t STONE (Shanghai Trial of Nifedipine in the Elderly),
Sodium nitroprusside Spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), sympathetic 161f, 272t
for children and adolescents, 450, 454t nervous system of, 31, 32 STOP-1 (Swedish Trial in Old Patients with
for hypertensive emergencies, 519, 520t, 521–522 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction Hypertension no. 1), 159f, 161, 161f, 162f, 163
for preeclampsia, 436, 437t hypertension management with, 336–337 STOP-2. See Swedish Trial in Old Patients with
for pregnancy-related hypertension, 434 myocyte death with, 341 Hypertension no. 2 (STOP-2).
Sodium restriction Stage 1 hypertension STORM (Sibutramine Trial on Obesity Reduction and
blood pressure response to, 202–203, 203f definition of, 6–7, 7t Maintenance), 378
for children and adolescents, 558 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t Stress
for elderly patients, 459, 459t in children, 440 eating behavior related to, 372
for hypertension, 217 in elderly patients, 457 home blood pressure monitoring and, 73–74, 73t, 77
for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555, 556, 557 in African Americans, 470
for preeclampsia, 432, 435 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 559t, 560f, 561 mental, increased sympathetic response to, 33
in DASH diet, 373–374, 374f, 377t Stage 2 hypertension oxidative. See Oxidative stress; Reactive oxygen
Sodium retention definition of, 6–7, 7t species.
aldosterone role in, 39–40 evolving classifications for, 53–54, 54t sleep disturbance as, 139
diuretics effect on, 213, 214f, 215, 216 in children, 440 Stress echocardiography, for ischemic heart disease
adaptive changes to, 223, 224f in elderly patients, 457, 463 assessment, 179t, 180
genetic mechanisms of, 25–26, 26f, 28f JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555, 557 Stress management, 564, 566
in infants, 446 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 559t, 560f, 561 Stress testing, for perioperative hypertension, 514, 515,
in kidney disease, 351, 357 Stages-of-change model, for dietary changes, 207 515f
transplant hypertension and, 361, 364 Staging, of hypertension Stretch receptors, arterial, 29, 30f, 31f
Sokolow-Lyon criteria, for left ventricular hypertrophy, CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–563t, 565f Stroke/stroke mortality, 392
179t, 341 definition of, 6–7, 7t acute, prevention by blood pressure lowering,
SOLVD (Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction), 336, evolution of, 53–54, 54t 398–399
343, 343f in children, 440 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for,
diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 in elderly patients, 457, 463 247–248, 248f
SOS (Swedish Obese Subjects) study, 378 JNC 7 guidelines for, 554t, 555, 566 angiotensin II receptor blockers for, 259f, 263
Index 611

Stroke/stroke mortality (Continued) Stroke volume (SV), cardiac (Continued) Sympathetic agents, centrally acting, for transplant
blood pressure lowering for, 394–399 sleep apnea impact on, 136–138, 137f–138f hypertension, 365t, 366
acute stroke, 398–399 prognostic consequences of, 139, 139f Sympathetic nervous system (SNS)
benefits of, 394–395, 395f–396f sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 31f α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 286, 290, 470
for primary prevention, 394–397 Studies of Left Ventricular Dysfunction (SOLVD), 336, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on,
for secondary prevention, 397–398, 398f 343, 343f 241–242, 241t
other interventions vs., 399–401, 400t diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 blood pressure regulation role, 286
patient subgroup effects, 396, 396f Study designs candidate genes of, 19t
relative benefits of different regimens, 396–397, 396f for genetic research, 16–17 diuretics effect on, 217, 226
risk reduction related to differences in, 396f–397f, for new drug development, 540–542, 541f drugs affecting, hypertension related to, 145–146
397 outcome, issues of, 307–313. See also Outcome efferent output of, 29, 31f
blood pressure risks for, 394, 398–397 study(ies). essential hypertension role of, 34, 35f
calcium channel blockers and, 271–272, 278 Study of Health Assessment and Risk in Ethnic Groups imidazoline agonists effects on, 297–298, 297f
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t (SHARE), 496 in perioperative hypertension, 512, 513, 513t
data on, 156, 160 Study on Ambulatory Monitoring of Blood Pressure and kidney disease role, 351–352
age-adjusted, 155 Lisinopril Evaluation (SAMPLE), 80 natriuretic peptides modulation of, 41, 41f–42f
defining hypertension and, 50, 51, 52f Study on Cognition and Prognosis in the Elderly (SCOPE), obesity and, 370–371, 371f, 378
diabetes mellitus and, 406, 407, 408, 408f 159f, 162f, 164, 244, 276, 280, 319t, 463, 463t obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136t,
diuretics effect on, 218–219, 220f–221f angiotensin II receptor blockers in, 258, 259, 259f, 137, 137f, 140
global epidemiology of, 392–394, 393f 322, 322f pathophysiologic role of, 29–33
hemorrhagic, 392, 394, 398, 399, 400 diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 exaggerated response triggers, 32
hypertension risk for, 5, 7, 8f, 394, 398 vascular dementia in, 401, 402f in African Americans, 469t, 470, 471, 472, 473f
antihypertensive drug therapy goals and, 51–52 Subacute-phase response, to diuretics, 218 increased activity mechanisms in, 29, 30f–31f, 32
diuretic therapy impact on, 29 Subadditivity, in multiple dietary changes, 207 neuronal groups in, 31–32, 32f
in older individuals, 13, 13t Subarachnoid hemorrhage, 160 reflex controls in, 29–30, 30f, 31f
treatment trials for lowering, 394–399 hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t renal stimulation and, 32–33
in African Americans, 469 management of, 521 renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system interactions
in East Asians, 489, 490 stroke related to, 392, 393–394, 393f with, 29, 30
in elderly patients, 457, 459, 459t Subclinical cardiovascular disease, 195 transplant hypertension and, 362
in South Asians, 493, 494t Subjective medication intolerance, 506 vascular smooth muscle cell regulation by, 286
in untreated hypertension, 159–161, 160f–161f Substance P Sympatholytic agents, centrally acting, 33
incidence of, 392–393 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, for obesity-related hypertension, 379, 380t
age-adjusted, 393, 393f 248, 249 Sympathomimetic activity
U.S. decline in, 393, 394f angiotensin receptor blockade and, 254, 264 in resistant hypertension, 509
worldwide, 393–394, 393f mediating role of, 26f, 43 intrinsic, β-adrenergic blockers effect on, 231, 232t,
ischemic, 160, 392, 394, 399, 400, 401 Substance use, illicit 236
hypertensive emergency with, 517, 518, 518t, 519 in adolescents, 446, 446t, 560 Sympathomimetic agents
management of, 517, 518, 518t, 519 resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 507, 508t hypertension related to, 145–146
isolated systolic hypertension and, 170, 174 Succinate dehydrogenase, germline mutations of, antidepressant agents and, 146
JNC 7 guidelines on, 555, 556t secondary hypertension related to, 122 resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 508, 508t
lacunar, 392, 393f Sudden cardiac death, 161–162 Syncope, with α1-adrenoceptor antagonists, 292
meta-analyses of, 317, 319t Sulfonamides, diuretics interaction with, 227 Syst-China. See Systolic Hypertension in China trial
active regimens and controls, 318, 320f Superiority trials, equivalence vs. noninferiority, (Syst-China).
angiotensin receptor blockers, 322, 322f 307–310, 308f Syst-Eur. See Systolic Hypertension in Europe trial
blood pressure and risk, 323, 323f Superoxide anion, oxidant, angiotensin II and, 39 (Syst-Eur).
different active regimens, 318, 321f Supine position, for blood pressure measurement, 63 Systemic arterial hypertension. See Hypertension.
neuroimaging of, 184, 392 Surgery, hypertension related to, 512–515. See also Systemic arterial system
outcome studies on, 310, 311 Perioperative hypertension. in isolated systolic hypertension, 173
pathologic categories of, 392, 393f in children and adolescents, 446, 446t tubular models of, 36, 36f
peripheral artery disease associated with, 385, 387 Surgical repair/reconstruction Systemic vascular resistance (SVR). See also Peripheral
predictors of, 394, 394t of coarctation of the aorta, 148 vascular resistance.
preeclampsia and, 431, 432, 437 of mitral valve, 345–346 calcineurin inhibitors impact on, 361, 362
prevention of Surgical resection elevated
anticoagulant therapy for, 399–400, 400t of ACTH-producing tumors, 110 pathophysiology of, 33, 34f
antiplatelet therapy for, 399, 400t of adrenal glands. See Adrenalectomy. reversal of, 33
blood pressure lowering for, 394–399 of pheochromocytoma, 126–129 sympathetic nervous system regulation of, 31f
carotid revascularization for, 400–401, 400t acute hypertensive crises with, 128 Systolic blood pressure (SBP)
hepatic 3-hydroxy-methylglutaryl–coenzyme A anesthesia for, 128 age factor of, 5, 169, 170f
reductase inhibitors for, 400, 400t long-term postoperative follow-up for, 128–129 coronary heart disease relationship to, 171, 171f,
antihypertensive drug interactions with, preoperative management of, 126–128 328, 330f
420–421, 420t of pituitary gland, indications for, 110, 149 heart failure and, 340–341
in postmenopausal women, 423 Surgical revascularization aortic stenosis and, 234
statins for, 400, 400t, 423 carotid, for stroke prevention, 400–401, 400t as drug research endpoint, 535, 543, 546
primary, 394 coronary, assessment of, 179t, 180 as primary staging target, 6–7, 7t
prevention by blood pressure lowering, 394–397 renal, for renovascular hypertension, 95, 101 body mass index impact on, 6
recurrent, 394 clinical trials on, 102 central, in left ventricular hypertrophy, 179
prevention by blood pressure lowering, 397–398, patient selection factors, 101, 101t CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–563t
398f Surgical Treatment for Ischemic Heart Failure (STICH) diet and
risk factors for, 394, 394t study, 346 factors that reduce, 201–205, 202f–205f
secondary, 394 Surgical ventricular restoration (SVR), for heart failure, factors with limited effects, 205–207
prevention by blood pressure lowering, 397–398, 346 importance to hypertension sequelae, 8–10, 9f, 9t,
398f Surrogate endpoint, 535 10t
transient ischemic attack vs. Survival and Ventricular Enlargement (SAVE) trial, 336, in chronic kidney disease, treatment goals for,
cumulative risk, 392, 393f 343 352–354, 353f–354f
symptom duration, 392, 393f SV. See Stroke volume (SV). in hypertension definition, 3
white-coat hypertension risk for, 87 SVR. See Systemic vascular resistance (SVR). classifications of, 53–54, 53f, 54t
Stroke syndromes, hypertensive SVR (surgical ventricular restoration), for heart failure, in perioperative hypertension, 514–515, 515f
assessment of, 183–184 346 in peripheral artery disease, 386–387
demographics of, 183 Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study, 378 age- and sex-adjusted percentages by disease
pathogenesis of, 183 Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension no. 1 status, 386, 386t
Stroke volume (SV), cardiac (STOP-1), 159f, 161, 161f, 162f, 163 age-adjusted mean levels by disease status, 386,
acromegaly impact on, 150 Swedish Trial in Old Patients with Hypertension no. 2 386t
heart transplant and, 347 (STOP-2), 219, 220f–221f, 224, 319t odds ratios of isolated lesions, 387, 387t
in isolated systolic hypertension, 171 calcium channel blockers in, 272t, 273, 274t, 276t, 280 in pulse pressure, 5, 11–12
left ventricular hypertrophy and, 179 combined systolic-diastolic hypertension, 459, 459t mean levels of, global trends of, 5
612 Index

Systolic blood pressure (SBP) (Continued) Target organ damage (TOD) (Continued) Thiazide diuretics (Continued)
measurement of. See Blood pressure degree factors, 178 hyperparathyroidism cautions with, 150
measurement/monitoring. diabetes mellitus and, 406, 407, 408f, 413 lipid-lowering drug interactions with, 420, 420t, 421,
stroke risk related to disease management follow-up on, 532 424
primary, 394, 394f, 396, 396f, 397f genetics of, 27 nephron sites of action, 213, 214f
secondary, 397–398, 398f home blood pressure and, 76–77, 80 pharmacogenetic studies of, 21, 25
weight loss effect on, 372–378, 373t, 374f–376f, 377t in African Americans, 468, 469, 474 pharmacokinetics of, 213, 214t
Systolic function/dysfunction, in heart failure, 179t, 181 in children and adolescents, 447, 448, 449f, 450 regulatory development of, 542, 545
aging impact on, 340–341 in elderly patients, 458 Third Adult Treatment Panel of the National
treatment of, 342–348 in pregnancy-related hypertension, 431, 432 Cholesterol Education Program, 158
Systolic hypertension, 3 in redefining hypertension, 54, 55 Thrombocytopenia, in preeclampsia, 429, 435
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for, 243 in resistant hypertension, 498, 509 Thrombosis
classifications of, 53–54, 53f, 54t JNC 7 guidelines for, 555 of large arteries, 183, 184
in children, 440 natural history of, 155, 156f, 157 of renal artery, in infants, 446
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 554t, 558, 559t progressive, in hypertensive emergencies, 517, 518 Thyroid disorders
in elderly patients management of, 519–522 hypertension related to, 149–150
diastolic hypertension with, 459–460, 459t risk groups for, cross-classification of, 12, 12f resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 503
resistant, 499t, 507 subclinical, in untreated hypertension, 164–165 Thyroid replacement therapy, 149
isolated, 169–175. See also Isolated systolic sympathetic nervous system activity and, 30–31 TIA. See Transient ischemic attack (TIA).
hypertension (ISH). treatment implications of, 178 TIBET (Total Ischaemic Burden European Trial), 335
resistant, 498 international comparisons of, 573, 574 Tibial artery, peripheral artery disease in, 385
in older patients, 499t, 507 vascular tone and, 33 Tibioperoneal lesions, in peripheral arterial disease, 387,
measurement issues, 499 WGTF 4 guidelines for, 560 387t
treatment guidelines for white-coat hypertension and, 53 Time course of treatment, home blood pressure
for children, 554t, 558, 559t Task Force on Blood Pressure Control in Children, 552, monitoring for, 80
international comparisons of, 572–574, 572f, 572t, 560f Time of day
573t, 575t Technetium-99 diethylenetriamine penta-acetic acid blood pressure monitoring and
JNC 7, 554t scan, for renovascular hypertension, 98–99 ambulatory, 85–86, 86f
Systolic Hypertension in China trial (Syst-China), 173, Tecumseh study, of home blood pressure monitoring, in home, 72, 73, 73t, 77
272t, 276t 74, 77 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and, 135, 136, 137,
isolated systolic hypertension results of, 460, 460t, Telephone care, in disease management programs, 528, 138f
461–462 532 Timolol
treatment considerations based on, 489, 490 Telmisartan elimination characteristics of, 234t
untreated hypertension and, 159f, 161f, 162f, 163 ambulatory blood pressure monitoring for, 89 molecular structure of, 232, 235f
Systolic Hypertension in Europe trial (Syst-Eur), 173, for diabetes-related hypertension, 414 pharmacodynamic properties of, 231–232, 232t
272t, 276t, 277, 280, 319t, 489 for Hispanic populations, 485 pharmacokinetic properties of, 232–233, 233t
diabetic patients in, 407, 408 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 Tissue binding
isolated systolic hypertension results of, 460, 460t, pharmacologic properties of, 255t, 256 by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, 240–241
461–462, 462t, 463, 463t Telmisartan Randomized Assessment Study in ACE by angiotensin II receptor blockers, 256
untreated hypertension and, 159f, 161f, 162f, 163, Intolerant Subjects with Cardiovascular Disease competitive, 256
164 (TRANSCEND), 263–264, 414 surmountable, 256
vascular dementia in, 402, 402f Tenormin after Stroke and TIA (TEST), 159, 159f, 162f TOD. See Target organ damage (TOD).
Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program (SHEP) Teratogens, 432, 433t TOHP (Trials of Hypertension Prevention), 202f
trial, 35, 159f, 173, 280, 341 β-adrenergic blockers as, 432–433 obesity in, 375–376, 377t
cognitive impairment assessment, 463, 463t angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors as, TOMHS. See Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study
East Asians in, 489 248–249, 431, 433t, 434–435 (TOMHS).
isolated systolic hypertension results of, 460, 460t, angiotensin II receptor blockers as, 431 TONE (Trial of Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the
461–462, 462t calcium channel blockers as, 281 Elderly), 375, 377t, 459
on diuretics, 219, 222f, 223, 224 spironolactone as, 434 Torsemide
resistant hypertension in, 499 vasodilators as, 434 for resistant hypertension, 504
untreated hypertension and, 161f, 162f, 163 Terazosin, 288 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366
vascular dementia in, 401, 402f for children and adolescents, 450, 453t pharmacokinetics of, 214–215, 214t
for diabetes-related hypertension, 413 Total Ischaemic Burden European Trial (TIBET), 335
for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 Total peripheral resistance (TPR), diuretics effect on,
pharmacology of, 288, 289f 217f, 218
T-tube, for ambulatory monitoring device calibration, 90 Terfenadine, 539 Toxic substances, environmental concerns about, 58–59
Tachycardia Terminal digit bias, in blood pressure measurement, Toxicity(ies), drug, diuretic-induced, 227
exercise-induced, 540 64, 65f Toxicology studies, regulatory perspectives of, 537
heart transplant and, 347 Tertatolol, 298 TPR (total peripheral resistance), diuretics effect on,
ventricular, diuretic-induced, 224 TEST (Tenormin after Stroke and TIA), 159, 159f, 162f 217f, 218
Tacrolimus Tetany, diuretic-induced, 225 TRACE (Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation) study, 336,
hypertension related to, 146 Tezosentan, 297 343
transplant hypertension and, 361 TGFB1 (transforming growth factor-β1), candidate Training programs, for blood pressure measurement
regimen modifications, 366–367 genes of, 19t historical perspective of, 58
Tactile skills, for blood pressure measurement, 60, 60f, 62 Th/R (ventricular wall thickness to chamber radius), knowledge assessment in, 66
Tadalafil, 292 179, 179t, 180 recommendations for, 59–60, 59f
TAIM (Trial of Antihypertensive Interventions and Thiazide diuretics, 215 standardized monitoring of, 64–66, 65f
Management), 375 acid-base changes associated with, 225 Trandolapril, 240t, 243
Takayasu’s arteritis, 148 adverse effects of, 223, 224, 224f, 226, 227 clinical trials on, 244, 245, 246, 247
renovascular hypertension with, 94 cardiac arrest associated with, 224, 225f for chronic kidney disease, 356
Talking, home blood pressure monitoring and, 73, 73t for children and adolescents, 450, 452t–453t for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t
Tamsulosin, 288, 289f for diabetes-related hypertension, 410f, 411t, 412 for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337
Target goals for heart failure, 343 home monitoring evaluation of, 78
for blood pressure, 7, 53, 173–174 for hypertension pharmacology of, 239
for isolated systolic hypertension, 174–175 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 242 Trandolapril Cardiac Evaluation (TRACE) study, 336, 343
Target organ damage (TOD) class effect of, 218 TRANSCEND (Telmisartan Randomized Assessment
assessment of, 178–187 in elderly patients, 219, 459, 460, 461, 461t, 464 Study in ACE Intolerant Subjects with
for arteriopathy, 181–183 response phases to, 217–218, 223 Cardiovascular Disease), 263–264, 414
for cerebrovascular disease, 183–184 for resistant hypertension, 498, 504, 505, 505f Transcendental meditation, as treatment, 489
for chronic kidney disease, 185–187, 186t for ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction, 337 Transesophageal echocardiography, for stroke
for heart disease, 178–181, 179t for transplant hypertension, 365, 365t, 366 assessment, 184
for retinopathy, 184–185, 185t guidelines for Transforming growth factor-β, in African Americans,
general approach to, 178 CHEP 6, 562t, 564t, 565, 565f 469t, 471
importance of, 178 international comparisons of, 573–574 Transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFB1), candidate
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 561, 562t–564t JNC 7, 557, 557f genes of, 19t
Index 613

Transient ischemic attack (TIA), 392 TROPHY (Trial of Preventing Hypertension), 264 United States guidelines, 551–561
CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564t Trough ratio, peak and, blood pressure monitoring for Canadian guidelines vs., 553, 553t
hypertension risk for, 7 ambulatory, 89 for adults, 561–565, 562t–564t, 565f
secondary prevention trials on, 398, 398f in home, 72, 80 European guidelines vs., 571–575
stroke vs. Trp460 allele, 27–28 differences, 572–575, 573t
cumulative risk, 392, 393f Tubuloglomerular feedback, 473 major agreements, 571, 572f, 572t
symptom duration, 392, 393f Tumor(s) on first-choice drugs, 573–574, 574f–575f
Transplant hypertension, 361–367. See also specific ACTH producing, 109–110 on prehypertension, 572
organ, e.g., Bone marrow transplantation. aldosterone-producing, 110 on total cardiovascular risk, 573
calcineurin inhibitors and, 361–363, 364–366 hyperplasia vs., 112–113, 148, 149 on treatment indications, 574
causes of, 363, 363t hypertension related to. See Primary other issues in, 574–575
circadian BP rhythm with, 362–363, 363f aldosteronism. for children and adolescents, 558–561, 559t, 560f
clinical features of, 362–363, 363f malignant transformation of, 115 historical perspective of, 551–552
clinical implications of, 361, 367 catecholamine-secreting, 119. See also of Joint National Committee
complications of, 361–362 Pheochromocytoma. British guidelines vs., 575, 575t
corticosteroids and, 362 deoxycorticosterone producing, 106 for adults, 553–557, 554t, 556t, 557f
evaluation of, 363–364 malignant, post-heart transplant, 348 University(ies), representation in education program,
graft survival and, 361 of central nervous system, resistant hypertension 552, 553t
heart transplant and, 346–348, 347t related to, 500f, 504 University-based clinics
in children and adolescents, 558 pituitary, surgical resection of, 110, 149 pharmacist use in, 530
incidence of, 361 Turner’s syndrome, hypertension related to, 446t, 448 resistant hypertension associated with, 504, 504t,
outcome-related, 361 24-Hour urine studies 506
allograft rejection and, 363–364 for pheochromocytoma, 119, 121f, 122, 123, 124f UNOS (United Network of Organ Sharing), 346–347
pathogenesis of, 361–362 episodic, 123 Untreated hypertension, 155–166
population mediators of, 363–364 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 430 adverse events with, 157–164, 517
stenosis risk factors with, 364 for primary aldosteronism, 110, 113 aortic dissection as, 164
treatment of, 364–367 for renal potassium-wasting disorders, 106, 107f, 109 cardiovascular death as, 161–162, 162f
immunosuppressive regimen modifications, for renovascular hypertension, 98 heart failure and, 162–163
366–367 24-Hour blood pressure monitoring, 85–91. See also ischemic heart disease and, 157–159, 158f–159f
native nephrectomy, 367 Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring peripheral vascular disease and, 164
nonpharmacologic therapies, 364 (ABPM). renal failure and, 163–164, 163f
pharmacologic therapies, 364–366, 365t Twins, genetic studies on, 15, 25 stroke and, 159–161, 160f–161f
Transsphenoidal microsurgery, for pituitary tumors, 149 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, hypertension in vascular dementia and, 164
Transtheoretical model, for dietary changes, 207 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effect on, elastic arterial stiffness with, 36–37, 166
Transthoracic echocardiography, for stroke assessment, 244–245 emergencies related to, 517–523. See also
184 β-blocker cautions with, 236 Hypertensive emergency(ies).
Tranylcypromine, hypertension related to, 146 nephropathy with, 409 incidence of, 517
Treatment, of hypertension prevalence of, 406 natural history of, 155–157, 166
“Consumer Reports” analysis of, 311 Type 1 error, in outcome studies, 311, 311f schematic model of, 155, 156f
decisions about, patient participation in, 532 Type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension in prehypertension and, 156f, 165–166
diet as, 201–209. See also Diet. angiotensin II receptor blockers effect on, 257–258, 406 subclinical target organ damage with, 164–165
disease management practitioners role, 527–533. See angiotensin receptor blockers and, 257–260, 356–359 urgencies related to, 517–518
also Disease management services. antihypertensive agents impact on, 414 management of, 522
future perspectives of, 527–548 β-blocker cautions with, 236, 406 Upper extremity. See Arm entries.
antihypertensive drug regulations, 535–546 cardiovascular disease and, 407, 408f Urapidil, 298
hypertension disease management services, 527–533 in children and adolescents, 447, 450 Urbanization, in India, impact on population, 493–495,
guidelines for. See Clinical practice guidelines nephropathy with, 409 494t, 495t
(CPGs). Type 2 error, in outcome studies, 311 Uric acid
lifestyle changes as. See Lifestyle modifications. Tyramine, foods containing, hypertension related to, angiotensin II receptor blockers effect on, 256
medications as. See Pharmacotherapy. 146 as pathophysiologic factor, 35–36
stepped care program for, 305, 544 Tyrosine kinases in essential hypertension, 34, 35f
diuretics and, 217, 223 fms-like, in preeclampsia, 430t, 435 diuretics effect on, 224f, 226
in children, 560–561 in angiotensin II–converting enzyme mediation, 38, in preeclampsia, 431, 436
Treatment in Obese Patients with Hypertension Study, 38f transplant hypertension and, 365
378, 379 Urinalysis, for chronic kidney disease assessment, 186
Treatment of Mild Hypertension Study (TOMHS), 227, Urinary tract, lower, α1-adrenoceptor antagonists and,
269 286, 288, 291
α-adrenergic blockers in, 290, 291 UK 69 578, for hypertension, 298 Urine studies
African Americans in, 477 UKPDS. See United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes for hypercortisolism, 149
lessons learned from, 306 Study (UKPDS). 24-hour
obesity in, 375 Ultrasound, Doppler, for renovascular hypertension, for pheochromocytoma, 119, 121f, 122, 124f
South Asians in, 496 95, 96 episodic, 123
Triage, for hypertensive emergencies, 518, 519f performance characteristics of, 97t, 99 for pregnancy-related hypertension, 430
Trial of Antihypertensive Interventions and resistant, 501t, 502 for primary aldosteronism, 110, 113
Management (TAIM), 375 Undertreatment. See Untreated hypertension. for renal potassium-wasting disorders, 106, 107f,
Trial of Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the Elderly United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS), 109
(TONE), 375, 377t, 459 54, 55, 319t for renovascular hypertension, 98
Trial of Preventing Hypertension (TROPHY), 264 cardiovascular disease in, 407, 408f Urodilatin, mediating role of, 41f, 42
Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP), 202f chronic kidney disease in, 353, 354f, 358 Uroselective α1-adrenoceptors, 286, 288, 291, 292
obesity in, 375–376, 377t diabetic patients in, 412–413 U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Standards,
Triamterene on diuretics, 220f–221 551
adverse effects of, 225, 227 strokes and stroke mortality in, 408 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, federal
for children and adolescents, 450, 453t United Kingdom’s BRItish Genetics of HyperTension agencies of, representation in education
pharmacokinetics of, 214t, 216 (UK BRIGHT) study, 18 program, 552, 552t–553t
Trichlormethiazide, 272t United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS), 346–347 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), 552
Tricyclic antidepressants, hypertension related to, 146 United States Uvulopalatoplasty, for obstructive sleep apnea
Triglycerides, elevated plasma Cardiovascular Health Study of, 8–9, 9t syndrome, 140
α-adrenergic blockers effects on, 291 clinical practice guidelines of. See United States
β-adrenergic blockers effect on, 236, 421 guidelines.
historical studies on, 306, 327 life expectancy in, 173
metabolic syndrome therapy and, 422 mortality trends in, 156–157, 160 V-hypertensives, 518
treatment principles for, 422 occupational health regulations in, 58 VA-HIT (Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein
vascular wall impact of, 419 prevalence trends in, 3–4, 4f, 4t Cholesterol Intervention Trial), 423
Triple-drug therapy, antiviral, hypertension related to, in older individuals, 12–13, 13t VA trials. See Veterans Affairs (VA) trials.
148 renal failure trends in, 163–164 VAD (ventricular assist device), for heart failure, 346
614 Index

Vagal input/tone Vasoactive peptides Veterans Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs)

heart transplant and, 347 angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors effects on, major overhaul of, 527
sympathetic nervous system activity impact on, 29, 30f 241, 249 use of pharmacists in, 529, 530
Val-HeFT (Valsartan Heart Failure Trial), 258, 259f, intestinal Veterans Affairs Monotherapy Study, 269–270
261–262, 344 pheochromocytoma-related secretion of, 119 Veterans Affairs (VA) trials
VALIANT (Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction), secondary hypertension and, 119 calcium channel blocker results, 269–270
258, 259f, 262 mediating role of, 41, 42–43 lessons learned from, 305
Validation criteria, for blood pressure devices Vasoconstriction (VC) on cardiovascular death, 161–162
ambulatory, 90–91 essential hypertension related to, 34, 35f on heart disease, 158–159
electronic, 61 imidazoline agonists effects on, 297–298, 297f on heart failure, 163, 343
Validity, of home monitoring, for antihypertensive in chronic kidney disease, 351–352, 357 on renal failure, 164
treatment, 78–79, 78f–79f obesity and, 371, 371f on stroke, 160–161
Valsartan pathophysiologic role of, 29–30, 30f physician inertia in, 506, 509
for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t renal, calcineurin inhibitors causing, 361 VHAS (Verapamil in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis
pharmacologic properties of, 255t, 256 stress-induced, 33 Study), 221f, 272t, 273, 274t, 276t, 278, 278t,
Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-Term Use Evaluation Vasoconstrictors 319t
(VALUE), 244, 258, 259–260, 259f β-blocker combinations with, 236 VHD (valvular heart disease), hypertension risk for, 9f
calcium channel blockers and, 271, 272t, 273, 274t, use with anesthetics, hypertension related to, 145 VHL (von Hippel-Lindau disease), secondary
276t, 277, 281 Vasodepressor response, to angiotensin-converting hypertension related to, 119, 121–122, 121t
diabetic patients in, 411t, 414 enzyme inhibitors, 241, 242 VHL tumor suppressor gene, 27t
stroke in, 397 Vasodilators, 41–43 secondary hypertension related to, 121–122, 121t
Valsartan Heart Failure Trial (Val-HeFT), 258, 259f, α-adrenergic blockers vs., 291 Video testing, of blood pressure observer, 64–66
261–262, 344 adrenomedullin as, 43 standardized monitoring of, 64, 65f
Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction (VALIANT), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, 243 Video-tutored program, for blood pressure
258, 259f, 262 calcitonin gene–related peptide as, 43 measurement training, 58, 60
VALUE. See Valsartan Antihypertensive Long-Term Use calcium channel blockers vs., 270 Vincristine, for metastatic pheochromocytoma, 130
Evaluation (VALUE). for arterial stiffness, 36–37 Virilization, with adrenocortical enzyme deficiency, 107,
Valvular heart disease (VHD), hypertension risk for, 9f for heart failure, 343 108
VAMCs (Veterans Affairs Medical Centers) for hypertension Virtual hypertension clinic, 81, 81f
major overhaul of, 527 in children and adolescents, 450, 453t teletransmission of readings, 82
use of pharmacists in, 529, 530 isolated systolic, 174 Visceral obesity, 370
Vardenafil, 292 pregnancy-related, 433t, 434 Visual skills
Variability for primary aldosteronism, 114, 115 for blood pressure measurement, 60, 60f
in home blood pressure monitoring for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 loss of
demographic influences on, 72 for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 in stroke syndromes, 183
environmental influences on, 72–73, 73t intravenous, for hypertensive emergencies, 519, with hypertensive retinopathy, 184–185
standard limits of, 76, 76t 520t–521t Vitamin C, dietary, blood pressure response to, 207
interindividual, in blood pressure measurement, 59, kallikrein-kinin system as, 42–43 Voltage-gated calcium channel, 268
59f natriuretic peptides as, 41–42, 41f–42f α1-adrenoceptor activation and, 287, 287f
Vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1), oxidative substance P as, 43 α1-subunits of, 268, 269f
stress and, 39 Vasomotor control center, sympathetic activity of, 29, L-type subunits of, 268, 269f
Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), 184 30–31, 31f Volume depletion
Vascular dementia, 401–402 Vasopeptidase inhibitors, for hypertension, 298, 299f diuretics and
blood pressure and VC. See Vasoconstriction (VC). adaptive response, 216
as risk factor, 164, 401 VCAM-1 (vascular cell adhesion molecule-1), oxidative loop, 213–214
treatment trials for lowering, 401–402, 402f stress and, 39 neurohormonal response, 217, 223, 224f
in elderly patients, 463 VCI (vascular cognitive impairment), 184 for primary aldosteronism, 114, 114f
neuroimaging of, 401 VDD (ventricular/dual/dual) dual-chamber pacing, for in hypertensive emergencies, 518, 519
prevalence of, 401 dilated cardiomyopathy, 345 Volume overload
prevention of, 401–402 Vegetables, for weight loss, 372, 373t, 377t in heart failure, 181
Vascular Dementia Project, 463–464 Vegetarian diet, blood pressure response to, 6, 204–205 in resistant hypertension, 504
Vascular disorders. See Vasculopathy. VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), in thiazide diuretics and, 215
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), in preeclampsia, 430f, 435 transplant hypertension and, 361, 364
preeclampsia, 430f, 435 Venlafaxine, hypertension related to, 146 Volume regulation, for resistant hypertension, 500
Vascular remodeling Venoms, scorpion and spider, hypertension related to, von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL), secondary
angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and, 242 148 hypertension related to, 119, 121–122, 121t
arterial, for isolated systolic hypertension, 174 Venous sampling, bilateral, for adrenal adenoma VSMCs. See Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs).
chronic sympathetic stimulation and, 29, 32 localization, 113, 114f
left ventricular hypertrophy and, 180 Ventricle(s), cardiac. See Left ventricle; Right ventricle.
pathophysiology of, 33–34, 34f, 38f Ventricular assist device (VAD), for heart failure, 346
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system and, 38–39, 38f Ventricular ectopy, diuretic-induced, 224 Waist circumference
Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) Ventricular tachycardia, diuretic-induced, 224 CHEP 6 guidelines for, 564
contractile abnormalities of, 33, 34f, 39 Ventricular wall thickness to chamber radius (Th/R), in central obesity, 370
endothelial dysfunction and, 40 179, 179t, 180 in Korean populations, 488
endothelin impact on, 41 Verapamil in metabolic syndrome, therapy indications based
in arterial assessment, 182 α-blocker combinations with, 292 on, 422, 422t
in diabetes mellitus, proliferation of, 408–409, 409f angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors with, Waist-to-hip ratio, in central obesity, 370
neurohormonal regulation of, 286 243 Warfarin, for stroke prevention, 400, 400t
sympathetic nervous system activity impact on, 29, β-blocker combinations with, 236 Water balance/imbalance
30f, 286, 287f clinical outcome studies on, 272t, 276t, 309, 309f, acromegaly and, 150
vasodilators impact on, 41–43 310, 353t aldosterone role in, 39–40, 114
Vascular tone delivery systems for, 90 diuretic therapy impact on, 213, 214f
calcineurin inhibitors impact on, 361, 362 for diabetes-related hypertension, 411t extracellular, reduction with diuretics, 216, 217,
in African Americans, 469t, 472 for hypertension, 268, 269, 270t 218
regulation of, 33–34, 34f for resistant hypertension, 505f, 506 adaptive changes to, 223, 224f
Vasculoocclusive disease, peripheral artery disease for transplant hypertension, 365t, 366 genetic mechanisms of, 25, 28f
associated with, 385 Verapamil in Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Study sympathetic nervous system activity impact on,
Vasculopathy (VHAS), 221f, 272t, 273, 274t, 276t, 278, 278t, 29–30, 30f, 32
cardiac allograft, 348 319t Water retention
diabetes mellitus and, 408–409, 409f, 413 Veterans’ Administration Cooperative Study on in kidney disease, 351, 357
in African Americans, 469t, 472 Antihypertensive Agents, 51, 222, 517 obesity and, 370, 371f
in children and adolescents, 446, 446t α-adrenergic blockers in, 291 Wave reflection
resistant hypertension related to, 501t, 504, 509 stroke in, 394–395 in arterial assessment, 182
retinal vs. choroidal, in hypertensive retinopathy, Veterans Affairs High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in isolated systolic hypertension, 36, 172, 173, 174
184–185, 185t Intervention Trial (VA-HIT), 423 WCE. See White-coat effect (WCE).
Index 615

Web sites Western Electric Study, 206 Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), hypertension results
for antihypertensive drug regulations, 536, 536t WGTF. See Working Group on High Blood Pressure in of, 464–465, 465t
for clinical practice guidelines, 552 Children and Adolescents (WGTF). Work hours, pregnancy-related hypertension and, 432
of blood pressure measurement devices, 61, 70, 91 WHI (Women’s Health Initiative), hypertension results Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Children
Weight of, 464–465, 465t and Adolescents (WGTF), 552, 553t
as risk factor, 5–6 White Americans, of European descent clinical practice guidelines of, 558–561, 559t, 560f
at birth genetic studies on, 19t, 21, 21f, 22, 482 JNC 7 guidelines vs., 553–557, 554t, 556t, 557f
blood pressure relationship to, 440, 447 hypertension definition for, 49–50, 50f Workplace, mercury in, environmental concerns about,
low, in African Americans, 472 hypertension detection disparities in, 468, 483–484, 58–59
in children and adolescents, blood pressure 483t World Health Organization (WHO)
correlation to, 447 prevalence trends of, 4, 4t, 482 blood pressure goal recommendations, 173–174
Weight gain White-coat effect (WCE) classification endorsements of, 53, 171, 496, 561, 566
adult, prevention of, 421, 424 age influence on, 72 clinical trials data summary of, 52
as risk factor, 6, 49 diagnostic impact on, 172 diagnostic guidelines of, 493, 494, 495
Weight loss home blood pressure monitoring and guidelines of, European and American guidelines vs.,
as risk factor, 6 clinic monitoring vs., 75, 75f 571–574
behavioral interventions for, 202, 207 elimination of, 69, 70t, 77, 80 mortality projections of, 155
blood pressure response to, 201–202, 372–378 new drug development and, 543 obesity definition of, 194
antihypertensive medications’ effects, 375, 376, nurse reduction of, 531 on observational studies, 271
380t White-coat hypertension, 53 stroke definition of, 392
diet effects, 372–376, 374f–376f, 377t algorithm for evaluation of, 78, 78f Wrist monitors, for home blood pressure monitoring,
exercise effects, 374, 376, 377t blood pressure monitoring and 70
obesity surgery effects, 378 ambulatory, 86–87
overview of, 372, 373t, 377t in home, 69, 70t, 75, 75f, 77, 80
weight loss medications effects, 376–378 cardiovascular event risks with, 87, 172
excessive, pregnancy-related hypertension and, 432 definition of, 75, 87 Y-tube, for manometer calibration
for African Americans, 477 guidelines for, international comparisons of, 571 in home, 70, 71
for children and adolescents, 449–450, 449f in children, 76, 560 in office, 60f, 61, 66
WGTF 4 guidelines for, 458, 559t, 561 in perioperative period, 515 Yohimbine hydrochloride
for chronic disease management, 530, 532 pregnancy and, 430 hypertension related to, 145
for diabetes-related hypertension, 409–410 resistant hypertension vs., 499 resistant hypertension related to, 508, 508t
for elderly patients, 459, 459t White-coat normotension, clinical significance of, 87
for peripheral artery disease, 388 WHO. See World Health Organization (WHO).
for transplant hypertension, 364 William’s syndrome, hypertension related to, 446t, 448
resistant hypertension related to, 500f, 507, 508t Windkessel model, of arterial system, 182 Z 13752A, for hypertension, 298
target setting for, 372 Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study, 136 Z syndrome, 138
Weight loss diet, for weight loss, 372, 373t Withdrawal study, randomized, of new drugs, 541f, 542 Zc (characteristic aortic impedance), 182
Weight loss medications, blood pressure response to,

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