Mrs Masri Test Revision Part 2

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Getting to know your neighbors comes with a wide range of benefits, including
(enhance) enhancing safety and community events. Whether you need to borrow
an egg or need a shoulder to cry on, a good neighbor is always there to help. In both
challenging and joyous times, these relationships remind you that you (surround)
are surrounded by friendship and support.

Here are some of the most important reasons to get to know your neighbors:

Keeping an Eye on Your Home and Family

Perhaps one of the most important benefits of (get)getting to know your neighbors
is the extra home protection. Because your neighbors know your regular comings
and goings, they are more (like)likely to notice someone lurking around. Many
neighbors have thwarted thieves because they (keep)kept an eye on their friend’s
property. Other cases include (watch)watching over your house while you’re on
vacation and calling the police if something is amiss. Through neighborhood watch,
you get an extra set of eyes on your home.

Enriching Your Social Life

A friendly, social neighborhood is more likely to have social events like block
parties, potlucks, pool parties, game nights, and more. Close relationships with
your neighbors enhance your family’s social life and create (meaning)meaningful
connections. A friendly neighborhood dynamic encourages you and your family to
get out of the house, have some fun, and meet new people.

Lending a Helping Hand

Creating and maintaining a friendly demeanor with your neighbors can come in
handy. (Whether/ Although/ However) you need to borrow an ingredient for a
recipe you’re trying out, or you’ve just run out of dishwashing detergent, your
neighbors can save you an impromptu trip (for/at/to) the store. And what comes
around, goes around! As a friendly neighbor, you’re happy to return the favor when
the family next door needs something, as well. Show your appreciation for their
giving spirit by (drifting /gifting/shifting) a plate of food from the recipe they
helped you complete or slipping a thank you card in their mailbox.

Sharing Mutual Chores and Responsibilities

It’s especially beneficial to know your neighbors when you both share similar
lifestyles, such as in military housing. For example, if you both wake up at 7:30 am
to take your kids to school, you may carpool and (switch/soar=increase
rapidly/plummet=decrease sharply and rapidly) off every other day. If you
water your lawn weekly, you (can/ could/would) alternate weeks and water each
other’s lawns. If you’re hiring a babysitter on a Friday night, have their kids join
and split the cost of the sitter. Sharing these types of responsibilities can make both
of your lives more comfortable.

Making Lifelong Friends

If you have children, look for families in your neighborhood with children around
the same age. Neighborhood kids can quickly become best friends, as play dates are
always accessible with a simple knock at the door. Organize a neighborhood event
so all the kids can meet each other and watch the friendships grow from there. This
can give your kids something to do after school, on weekends, and school breaks.
Instead of sitting at home and spending all their time indoors, neighborhood
friendships can encourage your kids to get outside and stay active.

Providing Emotional Support

Building relationships with fellow neighbors allows you to share your mutual
challenges, (refurbishment/accomplishments/settlement), and everything in
between. When you need support, you know you have a shoulder (leaning /to
lean /leant) on right next door. And vice versa - if your neighbor is struggling, they
know they can turn to you.

Neighborhood social events and family-friendly amenities set the stage for
meeting new people and (failing /strengthening/honing=brushing up)
friendships. Whether you need a hand with chores or want to plan a backyard
barbeque, know your neighbors for a memorable and beneficial set of relationships!

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