A Systematic Review and Analysis of The Viability of 3d-Printed Construction

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Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

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Automation in Construction
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A systematic review and analysis of the viability of 3D-printed construction

in remote environments
Steven J. Schuldt a, *, Jeneé A. Jagoda a, Andrew J. Hoisington a, b, c, Justin D. Delorit a
Department of Systems Engineering and Management, Air Force Institute of Technology, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433, USA
Veterans Health Administration, Rocky Mountain Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC), Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Affairs Medical
Center (RMRVAMC), Aurora, CO 80045, USA
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, CO 80045, USA


Keywords: 3D-printed construction is an additive, layer-by-layer construction method with the potential to reduce material
3D-printed construction consumption, optimize design, decrease construction time, lower labor requirements, minimize logistical de­
3D printing mand, improve sustainability, and reduce costs as compared to conventional construction. This paper presents
Additive construction
the results of a systematic review of 4491 publications spanning from 1998 through 2019. The review presents
Remote environment
the viability of 3D-printed construction as a replacement for conventional construction methods, specifically in
Viability remote, isolated, or expeditionary environments, where conventional construction capability may be limited.
The paper includes an analysis and characterization of the existing body of 3D-printed construction literature
before evaluating seven viability factors of the method: materials, structural design, process efficiency, logistics,
labor, environmental impact, and cost. In addition, the paper highlights three case studies of 3D-printed con­
struction in remote, isolated, and expeditionary environments. The paper concludes by suggesting areas of future
research to ensure the viability of this technology, such as printing full-scale structures and components with
locally sourced materials in uncontrolled environments, defining standards for 3D printing, automating addi­
tional construction processes, and performing both environmental impact and cost life-cycle analyses. With
continued investment in research and development, 3D printing could become a more viable and accepted
method of construction, transforming the way the industry is managed in remote, isolated, and expeditionary

1. Introduction materials. It incorporates two trowels to shape and form the top and side
of the layers as they are extruded to create smooth, accurate surfaces
Three-dimensional (3D) printed construction is an additive, layer-by- [9–18]. Similarly, concrete printing is also a wet extrusion method, in
layer construction method that produces 3D objects from a digital file which pre-mixed concrete or cement-based mortar is deposited by a
[1,2]. It is an interdisciplinary practice that incorporates materials sci­ nozzle in layers to form a structure, without the use of formwork.
ence, architectural, structural, mechanical, and software engineering However, it differs from contour crafting in that it does not incorporate
disciplines [3]. For 3D-printed construction to be considered a viable surface finishing techniques, leaving the printed components with a
construction method in the long-term, it must be competitive with distinctive layered appearance [19–24].
conventional methods and both useful to and usable by its end users Currently, applications of 3D-printed construction are limited due to
[4,5]. the small number of teams performing full-scale infrastructure design
This review focuses on 3D printing by material extrusion – specif­ and construction [25]. Most studies only speculate on the applications of
ically, contour crafting and concrete printing – because of the method’s 3D-printed construction when it becomes a more established technol­
potential durability, reliability, and portability in remote environments ogy. Popular applications include affordable, accessible housing
[6–8]. Contour crafting uses layers of continuous ribbons of fresh con­ [26–29], emergency shelter construction [30–32], and natural disaster
crete made from commercially available, standard industry, or in situ relief [33]. Several studies suggest autonomous 3D-printed construction

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: steven.schuldt.1@us.af.mil (S.J. Schuldt).

Received 9 March 2020; Received in revised form 15 January 2021; Accepted 19 February 2021
Available online 3 March 2021
0926-5805/Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

technology could also be revolutionary in remote or hazardous loca­ breadth of the search results. The 4491 records that met all search
tions; areas with rugged terrain, unfavorable climates, or inhospitable criteria were then imported into Covidence systematic review software
environments [34–37]; and in military locations for the erection and to standardize and facilitate the duplicate removal and screening process
deployment of critical structures, forward base camps, and outposts [47].
[38–40]. However, while studies on 3D-printed construction often Before screening, Covidence was used to identify and remove 48
suggest the application of this technology in remote and underdeveloped duplicate entries. Next, the authors established pre-defined exclusion
areas, few studies analyze the feasibility of 3D printing in these criteria to implement in a three-step screening process. The exclusion
environments. criteria included: (1) all non-construction applications, including med­
This systematic review identified several review articles on the ma­ ical/dental, food, education, and micro-scale; (2) all non-concrete or
terials, methods, and applications of 3D-printed construction [41–44]. earth-based materials, including glass, metal, ceramics, textiles, and
Despite their significant contributions, none of these previous reviews polymers; (3) all non-material extrusion methods, including powder bed
focused on viability factors or applications in remote and isolated en­ infusion, binder jetting, spray-based printing, and selective laser or heat
vironments. Accordingly, this paper presents the results of a systematic sintering; and (4) records where 3D printing was not the main subject of
review of the viability of 3D-printed construction. The goal of this re­ the article. A three-step screening process was then conducted inde­
view was to determine if 3D-printed construction is now, or could be, a pendently by two authors, and any inconsistencies were adjudicated by
viable replacement for conventional construction methods, particularly a third reviewer.
in remote environments. More specifically, the analysis identifies The first screening reviewed paper titles and excluded 3501 records
whether 3D-printed construction is reliable, cost-effective, and efficient in accordance with the pre-defined exclusion criteria. The second
compared to conventional construction. In this paper, remote environ­ screening focused on record abstracts and resulted in an additional 528
ments are defined as locations characterized by geographic isolation, an excluded records. In the final step, 414 full-text articles were screened,
underdeveloped economy, or hazardous conditions. Given the existing and 117 records were removed, resulting in 297 eligible records iden­
limitations of conventional construction in remote environments, these tified for synthesis and inclusion in this systematic review. Fig. 1 depicts
locations provide greater opportunity to leverage the benefits of 3D- a flow diagram of the screening process.
printed construction than locations where conventional construction is
already an established and prevalent method. 3. Literature characterization and bibliometric analysis

2. Methodology This section provides a characterization of the literature and bib­

liometric analysis of the 297 publications included in this systematic
Two key strengths of a systematic review are its transparency, which review. First, a time-series analysis highlights trends in publication
enables repeatability by other researchers, and its exhaustive nature, statistics. Next, a location analysis identifies the top-producing countries
which finds, assesses, and synthesizes existing research on a given topic. within the field of 3D-printed construction. A journal analysis is used to
A systematic review aims to communicate what is known about the identify the highest-cited papers and the most frequently represented
topic, what is unknown about a topic, and it provides recommendations journals and conferences. The final analysis investigates author co-
for future research [45]. occurrences to determine the frequency, relationship, and strength of
The authors conducted this systematic review by following the these interactions.
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) guidelines, [46] the database search was conducted using 3.1. Time series analysis
Scopus, Elsevier’s abstract and citation database. This section defines
the search criteria used to discover 4491 conference papers and journal Fig. 2 depicts the growth of 3D-printed construction research be­
articles and explains how pre-defined exclusion criteria were applied to tween 1998 and 2019. Research in this field grew slowly between 1998
remove duplicate entries and papers outside the scope of the review, and 2015. In fact, no more than two papers were published in any given
ultimately resulting in 297 included papers. year before 2012, which featured six publications. Research on 3D-
First, the authors conducted the database search using a pre-defined printed construction began a noticeable upward trend in 2015, with
search string that consisted of seven 3D printing terms, seven con­ the body of literature steadily growing over the following years.
struction and engineering terms, and 28 viability-related terms, as Research has expanded into printing applications, methodologies, labor
shown in Table 1. Conference papers and journal articles that matched analysis, logistics, cost, efficiency, environmental impact, structural
at least one 3D printing term, one engineering and construction term, design, and even space applications. This rapid growth of research and
and one viability term in their title, keywords, or abstract appeared in expansion of viability considerations indicates that future research in
the search results. No words were excluded to ensure the maximum the field presents many unique opportunities and challenges.

Table 1 3.2. Location analysis

Systematic review search criteria.
Figs. 3 and 4 show the countries that generate the most publications
Category Included terminology
and citations in the field, respectively. While the United States leads the
3D Printing 3DCP, 3D prin* [3-D prin*], additive construction,
world in total publications (63), it is the United Kingdom that has
additive manufacturing, automation in construction,
concrete prin*, contour crafting generated the most citations (2019). In addition to the United States,
ßEngineering & Building, cement, civil engineering, concrete, construction, nine other countries have produced at least ten papers: Singapore (44),
Construction large-scale, mortar China (37), Australia (32), Netherlands (26), Germany (19), United
Viability Building code, building standard, challenge, cost, design, Kingdom (19), France (14), Russian Federation (14), and Switzerland
economi*, efficien*, energy, environment, labor [labour],
life cycle asses*, limi*, logistic*, maintenance, manpower,
(10). In total, 41 countries are represented in the 297 papers included in
material, mobility, optimiz* [optimis*], productivity, this systematic review.
recycle*, rheolog*, security, speed, strength, structur*,
supply, time, transpor* 3.3. Publication analysis
The asterisk (*) serves as a wildcard: including “3D prin*” in the search string
enables results such as “3D print,” “3D printing,” “3D printer,” and “3D printed.” The 297 total publications consisted of 149 journal articles, 129
Items in brackets [] indicate alternate spellings. conference papers, 18 review papers, and one conference review paper.

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

Fig. 1. The PRISMA Flow Diagram for this systematic review summarizes how the search results were narrowed from 4491 to 297 over three sequential screenings.

Fig. 2. Annual scientific production.

This research spans more than 12 academic fields, including engineering respectively.
(44.9% of papers), materials science (22.6%), computer science (8.3%), The collection of papers has a combined h-index of 53, as shown in
environmental science (5%), physics (4.3%), and energy (3.7%). Fig. 5. With 439 citations, Ford and Despeisse 2016 [48] is the most
Elsevier is the leading publisher, accounting for four of the top five highly cited publication. The top 10 highest cited papers are listed in
producing journals. Construction and Building Materials was the most Table 2.
popular, totaling 30 publications, followed by Automation in Con­
struction (16), Cement and Concrete Composites (8), and Cement and
Concrete Research (7). Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute 3.4. Author analysis
(MDPI)’s Materials journal published 14 papers, the third most.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, MATEC From the 297 papers included in this systematic review, thirty-two
Web of Conferences, and E3S Web of Conferences were the three most authors were identified as having produced at least five papers each.
published conferences, accounting for thirteen, eight, and four papers, VOSviewer software was used to construct and visualize a co-authorship
analysis of these 32 authors to determine the frequency, relationship,

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

Fig. 3. Total publications by country.

Fig. 4. Top 20 most cited countries.

and strength of these co-occurrences, as shown in Fig. 6. There are six clusters, representing groups of authors that have at least
There are three important elements in the co-authorship analysis: four co-publications. It is apparent that there is strong cohesion between
circle size (frequency), colors (relationship), and lines (co-occurrences). these groups, but there is relatively little interaction between these
Each circle represents an author, and the circle size represents the clusters.
number of papers associated with the author’s name, where a larger
circle represents more papers published. The closer the distance be­ 4. Results: evaluation of viability factors
tween two authors, the greater the number of co-publications. These co-
publication relationships are also represented by the lines connecting This review defines viability as the application of 3D-printed con­
authors. The wider the line, the more co-publications between the au­ struction that could function and be sustained in remote, isolated, or
thors. Finally, colors are used to represent clusters of related authors. In expeditionary environments. This review considers seven different as­
this co-authorship analysis, cluster sizes are set equal to four papers. pects of viability: materials, structural design, process efficiency, labor,
Fig. 6 shows that Mingjen Tan, Behrokh Khoshnevis, and Biranchi logistics, environmental impact, and cost. Each aspect of viability is
Panda are the top three most productive authors in this field. Addi­ summarized in its own subsection that begins with an overview of the
tionally, Tan, Panda, and Mingyang Li have the highest link strength. benefits, challenges, and considerations of each aspect that are relevant

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

fire-resistant, and able to be formed into almost any shape [49,50]. For
these same reasons, concrete is the most common material used in 3D-
printed construction, and it is a natural choice for printing in remote
environments [51,52]. However, the material properties and re­
quirements of 3D-printable concrete differ from those of standard and
self-compacting concrete, making active, reliable rheology control crit­
ical to the success of 3D printing applications [53–57]. Consequently,
material compatibility is a significant factor determining whether or not
3D-printed construction technology will be adopted and implemented in
remote environments [58,59]. The limited range of existing available,
printable materials and the need for the development, and standardi­
zation, of new materials pose additional challenges to the adoption of
3D-printed construction, particularly in remote environments where
material control is more difficult [60,61]. One study summarizes the
material challenges well: “it seems that for each project… an individual
composition of the printing mixture should be designed” [62].
The fresh properties of concrete are an important aspect of successful
3D-printed construction because they dictate the hardened properties
[63–66]. A concern with concrete is its tendency to deform or even
collapse in its fresh state [67]. Printed materials must demonstrate
adequate fluid properties to be pumped and printed (pumpability and
Fig. 5. The included publications have an h-index of 53.
printability) while also displaying sufficient strength and solid proper­
ties to ensure they can maintain their shape without formwork (build­
Table 2 ability), withstand self-weight throughout the printing process, and
Highest cited papers included in the systematic review. achieve the desired structural performance [68,69]. Materials must be
able to exhibit all of the aforementioned properties simultaneously to be
No. Source title, year Title Document Times
type cited viable in 3D-printed construction applications [3].
High-performance concrete can be challenging to print due to its
1 Journal of Cleaner Additive manufacturing Article 439
Production, 2016 and sustainability: an
rheological and stiffening properties [70–72]. Some researchers are
exploratory study of the examining the printability of alternative cement-based materials con­
advantages and challenges taining sulfur, limestone, fly ash, coarse aggregate, copper slag, and clay
2 Automation in Automated construction by Article 398 with the goal of expanding the range of viable, printable materials
Construction, contour crafting - Related
[73–77]. In general, additives and admixtures can improve the strength
2004 robotics and information
technologies and control of rheological properties by improving either the process
3 Automation in Developments in Article 388 reactions – such as material setting and stiffening – or the material
Construction, construction-scale additive function [78–83]. However, additives and admixtures may be difficult to
2012 manufacturing processes procure in remote environments, adding to the challenge of optimizing
4 Energy Policy, A global sustainability Article 311
2014 perspective on 3D printing
material rheology and performance.
technologies Aggregate fineness, gradation, and grain size also influence material
5 Materials and Mix design and fresh Article 298 performance [84]. For example, increasing the amount of fine aggregate
Structures, 2012 properties for high- increases the yield stress, which in turn improves shape stability and
performance printing
shape retention [85].The less sand or fine aggregate material has, the
6 Virtual and Additive manufacturing of Article 290 easier it is to extrude [86]. However, increasing the particle size can
Physical concrete in construction: cause voids, weaker bonds, and lower yield stress [87]. The inability to
Prototyping, 2016 potentials and challenges of control material quality and grade in a remote environment can pose
3D concrete printing challenges to 3D printing.
7 Materials and Large-scale 3D printing of Article 268
Design, 2016 ultra-high performance
concrete - a new processing 4.2. Structural design
route for architects and
builders 3D-printed construction has the potential to transform the way ar­
8 Cement and Hardened properties of Article 250
chitects and engineers design buildings by permitting greater geometric
Concrete high-performance printing
Research, 2012 concrete complexity and freedom [88,89]. Increased structural complexity allows
9 Materials and Structural built-up of Article 246 for the construction of hollow structures, which are capable of achieving
Structures, 2016 cement-based materials the same strength as their solid counterparts at a lower mass, and of
used for 3D-printing
structures optimized to meet weight, performance, and efficiency stan­
extrusion techniques
10 Automation in A critical review of the use Review 233 dards [90,91]. Additionally, 3D-printed construction is capable of the
Construction, of 3-D printing in the same strength as cast components and improved mechanical and ther­
2016 construction industry mal properties compared to conventional construction [92]. The use of
building information modeling in conjunction with 3D-printed con­
struction enables structural optimization: components are designed and
in remote environments.
printed based on the loads they are required to support rather than
standardized for ease of design and construction, as is common in con­
4.1. Materials ventional construction [53]. While these potential benefits exist, this
section highlights several structural challenges of 3D-printed construc­
Concrete is the most commonly used building material in the world tion, including optimizing structural performance, automating rein­
because it is cheap, readily available, durable, strong in compression, forcement, and operating under a lack of codes and standards.

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

Fig. 6. Co-authorship analysis network of authors with five or more publications.

The structural performance of 3D-printed construction is related to and flexural strength by allowing layers to intermix, whereas increasing
both printing parameters and overall print quality. Consequently, strict the time between layers allows for improved shape stability and reduced
process control is required to ensure predictable, repeatable results [93]. deformation [109–112]. Additionally, more time between layers causes
Reliability and repeatability are particularly important in remote envi­ increased void formation and porosity at the interface, two additional
ronments, when material, labor, and time constraints require guaran­ factors that adversely affect interlayer bonding [113,114]. Several
teed success on the first printing attempt. Parameters such as material additional factors impact interlayer bond strength, including the layer
properties, layer thickness, layer time, print path, print speed, pump thickness, nozzle standoff distance, surface contact area, and surface
speed, nozzle size, nozzle shape, and nozzle standoff distance all relate moisture content [115,116]. Each of these factors must be carefully
to print resolution, bond strength, and the ability of the printed structure monitored and controlled in remote environments to ensure adequate
to resist deformation [94–96]. As a result of this, several studies aim to bonding and desired structural performance for a given application.
optimize structural and material performance by creating models to Another consideration of 3D-printed construction is the anisotropic
control parameters such as material properties, print speed, structure and orthotropic behavior of printed components, in which each layer
geometry, and predicted strength and stiffness and relate them to the consists of bonded strips with little to no aggregate interlock [117,118].
performance of the completed structure [97–99]. These optimization The process results in laminated structures with weak joints, poor
models consider the parameters collectively rather than designing for bonding between adjacent layers and filaments due to minimal surface
individual parameters. contact area, and reduced flexural strength [109,119]. Consequently,
The need for the automated placement of steel reinforcement to the print direction has a noticeable impact on the load-bearing capacity
counteract concrete’s weak tensile strength and improve its load- of the structure – several studies found compressive strength and elastic
bearing capacity poses another challenge to structural performance modulus are both highest in the direction of the print path and are
[100–102]. While 3D-printed construction can be used in conjunction weaker in the other two directions [57,111,115], while other studies
with conventional reinforcement methods, these methods can limit also noted that the loading resistance and mechanical properties varied
design freedom and restrict the benefits (namely labor and cost) auto­ depending on the loading direction [95,117,119].
mation brings to the construction industry [103]. Consequently, some Some studies question the reliability and safety of 3D-printed con­
current research has focused on alternative reinforcement options and struction due to the difficulty of controlling and predicting printing
multi-material printing technology such as post-tensioning reinforce­ parameters, mechanical properties, and structural performance [3,94].
ment, fiber reinforcement, cable reinforcement, and steel extrusion This mentality is exacerbated by the lack of codes and standards regu­
reinforcement [5,104]. Furthermore, some studies have examined the lating the 3D-printed construction industry [41,94,120]. Furthermore,
possibility of automating rebar installation through the use of robotics tests that apply to conventional construction may or may not apply to
[105]. 3D-printed construction [53]. The lack of codes and standards may not
The more fluid a mix is, the slower the set time, resulting in addi­ be an issue in some remote environments, where 3D-printed structures
tional time between layers, longer total print time, and a reduction in are more reliable and sounder than existing makeshift structures.
interlayer bonding and structural strength [4]. Interlayer bonding en­ However, in other remote environments, such as military bases, adher­
sures a printed component behaves as a homogeneous, monolithic ence to codes and standards may be required. Using a hybrid 3D print/
structure free of flaws that can lead to stress concentrations [106–108]. conventional concrete approach to print permanent formwork out of
Reducing the amount of time between layers helps to improve bonding concrete or polyurethane foam and fill it with conventional concrete has

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

the potential to mitigate the limitations of both automated reinforce­ The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries
ment and a lack of codes and standards governing 3D printing. This due to its high rates of fatality, injury, and illness [132]. The potential
hybrid method enables formwork to be printed around conventional hazards on the job site include slips, trips, and falls; eye, skin, and res­
reinforcement framework and facilitates design to existing conventional piratory tract irritation; silicosis; chemical burns; and overexertion [49].
codes [121–123]. This method also enables the use of fill materials that Less dependence on labor reduces the risk of injuries and increases site
would otherwise not be compatible with 3D-printing [122]. safety by eliminating human exposure to potential hazards [7,129].
Because remote environments can be inherently dangerous, the oppor­
4.3. Process efficiency tunity to limit the number of laborers exposed to hazardous conditions is
The time constraints of a construction project often influence or even Automating the construction industry through 3D printing can also
control decisions regarding scope, labor, and cost [4]. For this reason, help mitigate labor shortages due to a lack of available skilled labor at
one potential benefit of 3D-printed construction is the ability to remote locations [5,7]. Human errors account for more than 80% of
construct higher-quality buildings in less time [124–127]. Unlike total defects in housing construction and can be mitigated by an auto­
manual construction, automated construction is capable of printing mated process, reducing the time and cost required for rework [133].
continuously without requiring time off for the concrete to cure or the While one approach to 3D-printed construction is to create a fully
laborers to rest, which eliminates inactive time [128]. One study found automated or even autonomous process, the industry is still many years
that 3D-printed construction was nearly three times faster than building away from achieving this ideal. In the meantime, humans will need to
a 200 m2 house using traditional methods [105]. This shortened dura­ work in tandem with 3D printers to complete select conventional con­
tion was primarily realized by eliminating formwork (estimate: 3 days to struction tasks such as site supervision; material mixing and prepara­
construct and remove) and reducing curing time (estimate: 4 or 5 days) tion; installation of windows, doors, and roofs; and pre- and post-
[105]. 3D printing can also reduce design time by up to 60% and processing [128,134]. Ultimately, the benefits of construction automa­
leverage Lean construction principles, including standardization of tasks tion will need to be weighed against the costs of eliminating construc­
and continuous process improvement, to refine the construction process tion jobs, particularly in areas dependent on the conventional
and eliminate inefficiencies [105,129]. This rapid construction capa­ construction industry to ensure socio-economic stability [134].
bility can be vital in remote environments where quickly meeting a
housing need, responding to a natural disaster, or establishing a military 4.5. Logistics
base is required.
Optimizing print speed is a delicate balance: printing too quickly 3D-printed construction affords the opportunity to simplify con­
prohibits the development of early strength needed for a structure to struction logistics and management [135]. 3D-printed construction can
support its self-weight, while printing too slowly can lead to reduced shorten the supply chain by reducing lead times for materials and
bonding or even cold joints between layers [53]. Factors affecting print equipment and decreasing production times for the resultant compo­
speed include the filament size, print precision, layer thickness [1], print nents and structures [135]. This section highlights the opportunities 3D
path (including the use of angles versus curves) [105], material consis­ printing provides to minimize transportation logistics and special con­
tency [1], and rate of material deposit [92]. Given the many factors siderations for printing on-site versus off-site. Minimizing transportation
contributing to print speed, it is often not the best measure or compar­ logistics and supply chain delays is helpful in remote locations that may
ison of process efficiency. For this reason, many studies prefer to provide be difficult to reach, such as remote mountain villages, or dangerous to
data on print time. However, print time can be misleading because it reach, such as frontline military bases.
only considers the time the printer is operating and actively extruding Like conventional construction, 3D-printed construction aims to use
material [4]. Measures of elapsed time (total time worked on a print, locally sourced or in situ materials when available and accessible. Using
including set-up, material preparation, print pauses, and clean-up) or local materials reduces or even eliminates material transportation lo­
construction time (total time from the start to the end of the print, to gistics to remote, hard-to-reach locations and reduces the need to store
include time used by manual labor to place reinforcement, install doors and maintain extensive material inventories [48]. 3D-printed con­
and windows, and construct roofs) often provide a more accurate picture struction also reduces the number of laborers required to complete a job,
of the actual efficiency of 3D-printed construction technology [4]. which translates to simplified transportation logistics because fewer
One downside to the efficiency of 3D-printed construction may be people must travel to the remote location and commute to and from the
the lack of redundancy in the process and hardware: if the printer ex­ job site each day [105]. Similarly, because 3D printers eliminate the
periences any problems, construction must halt or switch to manual need for most conventional heavy equipment (unless printed compo­
methods while troubleshooting occurs unless additional printers are nents must be lifted and transported into place), less equipment needs to
available on-site [105]. In remote areas where spare parts or skilled be scheduled and transported to and from the job site [105,134]. Many
maintainers are limited, this lack of redundancy could potentially delay construction-scale 3D printers are designed to be lightweight, portable,
the construction timeline. Additionally, because the amount of time and easy to assemble, such as a version of a contour crafting machine
concrete can remain in the pump and hose before solidifying is limited, that can break down into three main pieces to fit on a small flat-bed
print pauses and delays must be closely monitored [105]. truck and a gantry-based printer system that can be deployed on a
small cargo aircraft, enabling their use in remote environments [6–8].
4.4. Labor Similar to conventional construction methods, structures can be
printed as modular components and assembled in place or printed in
One of the most apparent benefits of 3D-printed construction is place as a complete entity using a mobile printer [136,137]. If structures
increased process automation, which results in a reduction of con­ are printed as modular components and subsequently moved into place,
struction labor requirements and the potential for greater quality control components will need to be designed to tolerate the stresses induced
[43,130,131]. Process automation has several positive and negative during lifting, transportation, and installation and avoid chips, cracks,
consequences, including decreased risk on the job site, mitigated labor or other damage in transit [135]. However, the advantages of this off-
shortages, reduced human errors, and increased interdependency be­ site approach include improved quality, production speed, and site
tween humans and machines. Process automation can be helpful in safety [21]. On the other hand, printing components or structures on-
dangerous remote environments, such as active war zones or locations site minimizes preparation tasks, transportation requirements, and
with nuclear fallout, but harmful in remote environments where the installation steps [101,135]. It also eliminates the need to resolve
local economy is dependent on conventional construction jobs. damages on-site upon arrival and installation since everything is printed

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

in place and can help with issues such as scalability, as printed com­ is relatively quiet compared to conventional construction, reducing
ponents are constrained by the volume of the printer [138,139]. How­ noise pollution [8].
ever, on-site 3D printing, like conventional construction, is weather-
dependent [21]. Weather-related challenges may be exacerbated in 4.7. Cost
remote environments prone to dust storms and extreme weather
phenomena. Construction is a $3 trillion per year industry [31]. Consequently,
one appeal of 3D-printed construction is its potential ability to cut total
4.6. Environmental impact costs and increase the cost-effectiveness of several different aspects of
construction [28]. For example, one study compared different methods
The construction industry accounts for 40% of the world’s material of constructing a structural wall and found 3D-printed construction was
resource consumption, 40% of its energy consumption, 38% of its 10–25% cheaper than the cost of building with concrete masonry units
greenhouse gas emissions, and 40% of its solid waste generation and 25–37% cheaper than the cost of cast-in-place construction [5].
[53,140]. In particular, concrete is responsible for 8% of the world’s These cost savings are essential in low-income, underdeveloped, or post-
carbon dioxide emissions due to the energy-intensive process required to disaster remote environments where economical methods of construc­
manufacture cement [94,141]. Consequently, the creation of affordable, tion could transform communities. However, cost savings should be
sustainable, recyclable construction components is becoming an weighed against the benefits of job creation, especially given that in the
increasingly prevalent research focus [142]. 3D-printed construction aftermath of disasters, there is no shortage of labor supply. This section
has the potential to lower material consumption, energy use, emissions, focuses on the financial impact of 3D-printed construction on four main
and waste over the life cycle of the structure. Researchers estimate that components of the printing process: planning and design, materials,
3D-printed construction could reduce the environmental impact by up to labor, and machinery [53].
50% as compared to conventional construction [53,134]. This section One cost-benefit of 3D-printed construction is the elimination of the
addresses the ways 3D-printed construction can help mitigate each of need for formwork [152]. Given that scaffolding, concrete molds, and
these environmental challenges and minimize its footprint in remote their associated labor typically account for 35–60% of total construction
locations. cost, 3D-printed construction can generate substantial monetary savings
The environmental impact of the printing process itself is negligible [49,53]. Eliminating the need for formwork also reduces both materials
in comparison with the environmental impact of the materials and labor and cuts out a time-consuming step in the construction process
manufacturing process [120,143]. The use of building information [54]. Material costs can also be reduced by optimizing the design to
modeling enables material optimization by avoiding over-design and avoid over-engineering and reduce material waste; leveraging the use of
ensuring only the required concrete and reinforcement are utilized, locally sourced, in situ, or recycled resources; and minimizing the need
while the application of 3D-printed construction makes these individual, for material transportation and storage [153]. However, material costs
optimized designs a reality [144]. Additionally, because 3D-printed can escalate if admixtures are necessary to control the rheology and
construction is an additive process, utilizing only the amount of mate­ improve printability [53,74,154].
rial required, it helps to reduce and eliminate overproduction and ma­ Labor can also be costly, comprising as much as 50% of a project’s
terial waste from both the component and its formwork [48,143]. total cost [4,8]. While the labor costs of conventional construction are
However, the downsides of eliminating formwork – sacrificed strength, often higher than the material costs, in the case of 3D-printed con­
convenience, accuracy, and surface quality – must be weighed against struction, these proportions are reversed, so labor costs end up being less
the environmental benefits [145]. One study indicates that 3D-printed than half of the material costs [5]. Other cost benefits of labor include
construction could reduce material consumption by as much as 40%, the reduction of overhead costs, as less supervision is required for 3D-
[143] while another predicts it could reduce waste by up to 30% [7]. printed construction than conventional construction, improvement in
Another method to mitigate the environmental impact of construc­ productivity, and reduction in the number of errors [105,155].
tion materials is to transition from using highly industrialized materials The costs of construction planning and design are expected to
known to have detrimental environmental impacts, and toward renew­ decrease due to advancements in 3D modeling, building information
able materials, such as peat, geopolymers, and soil [140,146,147]. Earth modeling, and other technologies [53]. These benefits will increase in
construction is an alternative that utilizes a mix of locally sourced cases of large-scale implementation such as mass-produced housing or
subsoil, water, and available fibers, such as straw [148,149]. While military barracks, in which the reusability of digital data could ulti­
earth construction does not achieve the strength and durability of con­ mately make planning costs negligible in comparison with conventional
ventional, concrete-based construction, 3D-printed earth construction construction [53].
does have comparable structural and thermal properties to conventional One cost unknown is that of the printer and supporting machinery,
earth construction and may be an appropriate solution in some remote which varies based on the printing technique, material delivery system,
areas where material quality and structural performance requirements and process precision [53,105]. Because large-scale printers are rela­
are not as stringent go [148,149]. However, extrusion speed, consis­ tively new and scarce within the construction industry, they tend to have
tency, and continuity all pose challenges to the widespread application expensive up-front costs and unknown, ongoing maintenance costs. As
of 3D-printed earth construction [148]. Finally, recycled construction 3D printing technology matures, costs are expected to fall as a result of
waste products [89], glass [85,150], mining tailings [65,151], organic industrial competition [54]. One study assumes the operating and
materials [140], and other resources can also be used in concrete mixes maintenance costs of a concrete printer equate to about $75 per hour
to improve sustainability. [5]. However, the cost of using the technology is generally not
The printing process itself can lower localized environmental impact accounted for in the calculation of total print costs, resulting in an un­
because printers are capable of being completely electric [12]. They can derestimation of the cost of a printed structure or component [28].
connect to the local power grid or run off generator power in remote
locations. One study found the electricity demand during printer oper­ 5. Applications: completed and planned 3D-printed
ations accounted for only 2% of the overall life cycle emissions and construction in remote locations
environmental impact of a 3D-printed wall [53]. 3D-printed construc­
tion also decreases the transportation impact, fuel consumption, and Research, categorized and analyzed above by the seven viability
associated emissions of construction by reducing or potentially elimi­ criteria, illuminates the need for analysis of tradeoffs when considering
nating the need for diesel-powered heavy construction equipment and the application of 3D-printed construction as an alternative to conven­
commuting laborers on a job site [7,8]. Finally, 3D-printed construction tional methods. Yet, there are examples of planned extraterrestrial and

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

successfully completed terrestrial construction using 3D-printed Several studies point to contour crafting as a possible solution for in-
methods that could provide researchers and practitioners evidence of space 3D-printed construction needs [35,157,162,163,165]. Another
instances where benefits outweighed costs. The remainder of this section study proposed the All-Terrain Hex-Limbed Extra-Terrestrial Explorer
is devoted to the exposition of three planned and completed projects, robotic system, a large-scale, solar-powered printer capable of
with extensive referencing that illustrates the complete analysis of the traversing irregular lunar or planetary surfaces and using a variety of
processes required to select 3D-printed construction as a build-method print heads to stabilize surfaces and to produce walls, vaults, domes,
and complete and commission facilities in remote locations. shelters, hangars, berms, tunnels, paving, trench walls, landing and
launch pads, modular panels, beams, and other components using in situ
5.1. Isolated environment case study: space settlements materials [35,165,166]. Additional approaches to in-space 3D-printed
construction include the Archinaut, a platform created by a partner­
Space is a prime example of an isolated environment: it is ship between NASA and Made In Space, Inc., which combines both 3D
geographically remote with no access to labor, equipment, and mate­ printing and precision robotic assembly; and a method of extruding
rials; it lacks an established construction industry or process; and it molten basaltic material into triangular panels, which can subsequently
experiences harsh conditions, including extreme temperatures, high be used to construct domes for living, research, storage, communica­
radiation, dust storms, and moonquakes. However, the successful tions, and other required functions [161]. Several simulations and
development of a 3D printing method for space could facilitate 3D proofs-of-concept are underway on Earth to develop and prepare 3D
printing on Earth – particularly the sustainable construction of housing printing technology for use in the remote and isolated environments
[34,156,157]. Some materials proposed for use in space construction, found in space, as shown in Fig. 7 [30,31,61].
such as basalt, sulfur, and recycled plastics and metals, are also available
on Earth and may be more environmentally friendly than some existing 5.2. Remote environment case study: low-income housing
construction materials [156,158]. Additionally, methods developed to
extract and process materials in space may be harnessed on Earth to ICON, an Austin-based construction technologies company, devel­
make greater use of in situ resources and mitigate existing issues with soil oped a portable, gantry-style printer that uses a proprietary concrete mix
handling equipment, which have some of the highest maintenance costs to print its homes and structures [168]. ICON’s first project was a 32.5
and failure rates per operating hour among any industrial equipment m2 (350 ft2) proof-of-concept home printed on-site in Austin, Texas, in
[158,159]. March 2018 [168]. The home was permitted, built to International
The European Space Agency proposed establishing a lunar village as Building Code standards, and completed in approximately 47 h of total
the next step in human space exploration, and human colonization of printing time at a cost of $10,000 [168]. This proof-of-concept estab­
space is the goal by the end of the century as a way to mitigate Earth’s lished a foundation for greater technology and process development and
diminishing resource supplies and increasingly frequent natural di­ formed a partnership with a non-profit housing organization to build
sasters [157,160]. 3D-printed construction can be used in space to create homes for the economically disadvantaged in Tabasco, Mexico, one of
shelter and living quarters on the moon and Mars prior to human arrival the most impoverished areas in the country. The goal of the partnership
to minimize human support requirements such as air, water, food, and is to build a community of 50 single-family homes designed to withstand
transportation; improve the safety of astronauts; reduce time to com­ seismic activity by the end of 2020.
mission; and mitigate lunar dust interference [35,161–163]. Once the In late 2019, after 18 months of planning and refining its technolo­
settlement is established in space, 3D printing may also be useful for gies, ICON completed the construction of its first two printed homes, one
maintaining the structures and facilitating structural repairs [163]. of which is shown in Fig. 8. Despite challenges with unpredictable
The use of 3D-printed construction in space offers several potential power, heavy rainfall, and localized flooding, each 46.5 m2, two-
logistical advantages, such as eliminating the need to design constructed bedroom home was completed in a 24-h print time spread across mul­
components to withstand launch forces and space travel and minimizing tiple days and finished by a local Mexican non-profit [169]. The 50
mass and volume on space launches [1,164]. Reducing the mass of families selected to receive housing have a median monthly family in­
materials, supplies, and equipment shipped from Earth by sourcing come of $76.50 and were previously living in unsafe, makeshift shelters
materials locally can save money on launch costs – one study estimates it [169]. This application demonstrates the viability of 3D printing in the
could cost as much as $1 million per kilogram to transport material and areas of structural design, process efficiency, labor, environmental
supplies to Mars [157,165]. Several studies propose leveraging the impact, and cost. The greatest challenge to the viability of 3D-printed
abundant in situ material resources found on the moon and Mars, namely construction in this application is the use – and associated transport –
regolith, the crushed rock and dust produced on the moon’s surface after of a proprietary material that must be shipped to the printing location.
centuries of micrometeorite strikes; basalt, an igneous rock formed
during lava flow; and sulfur, a material particularly common in Mars 5.3. Expeditionary environment case study: military construction
that can be used as a fundamental ingredient or alternative binder in
concrete [36,158,160,161]. The United States Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and
3D-printed construction in space poses unique challenges, such as Development Center Construction Engineering Research Laboratory
developing a printer that operates in microgravity and a vacuum-like (ERDC-CERL) established the Automated Construction of Expeditionary
environment with limited traction and producing pressurized struc­ Structures (ACES) program in 2015 to develop reliable, user-friendly 3D
tures that can provide substantial protection from radiation microme­ printing technology capable of generating custom-designed military
teorite impacts, giving astronauts a space to live and work without being expeditionary structures on-demand, in the field, using locally available
dependent on pressure suits [163,165]. However, some challenges materials [170]. The goals of the ACES program include decreasing
encountered in space parallel challenges encountered when applying material usage; building stronger, more durable structures; minimizing
3D-printed construction on Earth, such as developing a printer with labor requirements; and reducing the logistical and supply demands of
built-in redundancy, the capability to perform in extreme temperatures construction. Currently, the program’s focus is on the use of 3D-printed
and dust storms, resistance to seismic loads, and the ability to operate construction in expeditionary environments. The program utilizes a
and communicate autonomously over long distances without delays prototype gantry-style 3D printing system called ACES Lite that was
[34,159]. One unique benefit of in-space construction is that structural designed and built under a cooperative research and development
loads on the moon are only one-sixth of those on Earth, enabling the agreement between Caterpillar and ERDC-CERL. The printer was
construction of slimmer structures requiring less time, materials, and designed to be highly transportable, easy to assemble, and operable by
energy [159]. minimum personnel.

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

Fig. 7. Rendering of potential uses for 3D-printed construction in space [167].

Fig. 8. One of ICON’s initial two homes 3D-printed in Tabasco, Mexico [168].

Fig. 9. (a) Barracks Hut 1, a 48 m2 building printed in stages over the span of several weeks. (b) Barracks Hut 2, a 48 m2 chevron-style building, printed in 14 h over
the span of 5 days.

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

Since May 2016, the ACES team has completed several prints, may vary based on the specific chemical composition of a material
including a 3 m2 military entry control point, two 48 m2 concrete bar­ mixture [174].
racks huts (B-huts), a 10 m 3D-printed concrete bridge, and a 7 m2 2. Structural Integrity: Further structural testing and definition of codes
military defensive fighting position. B-Hut 1 (Fig. 9) was the first full- and standards are needed to ensure the structural integrity of 3D-
scale, 3D-printed concrete building in the United States, while the printed components, particularly in areas prone to extreme
bridge was the first of its kind to be printed in a field setting in the weather, seismic activity, natural disasters, or military attack.
Americas [171,172]. The focus during the printing of the second bar­ 3. Process Scalability: Many studies are conducted using laboratory-
racks hut was efficiency: B-Hut 2 was completed in 14 h of print time scale printers in controlled conditions rather than with
(31.2 h of elapsed time) spanning 5 days [4,173]. Each of these projects construction-scale printers in realistic environmental conditions.
emphasized the printers’ ability to employ locally sourced materials and Scalability is a challenge because there are both physical and mate­
operate in uncontrolled environmental conditions and have brought the rial constraints at larger scales [8]. Research must continue to move
U.S. military one step closer to having robust, deployable construction toward large-scale experimentation and building construction to
technologies. ascertain the true capability of this technology and ensure its
application to industry [175].
6. Discussion 4. Suitability to Adverse Environments: Experimental conditions are
highly simplified and may not reflect the performance of 3D printing
Remote locations are classified as such because they generally are in an actual construction site environment, which is exposed to
difficult to access and are likely accompanied by harsh environmental inconsistent environmental factors such as precipitation, tempera­
conditions that push the costs of sustaining human occupation near or ture or humidity, dust and debris, and variable lighting conditions
higher than the returns. As illustrated by the classification of literature [176]. 3D-printed construction must be tested and demonstrated in
by the seven viability criteria and contextualization provided by the case uncontrolled environments to ensure the widespread effectiveness of
studies, it is clear that 3D-printed construction is a viable option under this technology.
certain conditions and may even be competitive with conventional 5. Complete Automation: Until methods are developed to automate the
construction in specific cases. placement of reinforcement, utilities, windows, doors, roofs, and
It may be that 3D-printed construction is most valued when the other building elements, labor demand can only be reduced – not
remoteness and value of the location are high, and the need to establish eliminated. Research should continue to develop each of these
or reestablish operating capability is urgent. For example, in the wake of methods to enable a fully autonomous process and ensure human
natural disasters in remote locations, the need for housing and facilities safety in dangerous construction environments. However, an anal­
for basic social services to prevent long-term suffering could drive ysis of the tradeoffs between complete automation and human
response agencies to consider 3D-printed construction in their planning employment should also be conducted to fully understand and
process. Considering 3D-printed construction to provide permanent or address the impacts of 3D printing on the construction industry.
even temporary facilities that could withstand additional destructive 6. Unknown Environmental Impacts: While many studies tout the po­
forces, when conventional methods may have been rendered inoperable, tential environmental benefits of 3D-printed construction, others
may be the only alternative available. Alternatively, as discussed in the question whether or not these benefits are sufficient to justify its use.
expeditionary military case study, perhaps the strategic value of a Because 3D-printed construction is a new, niche technology, expe­
location as a hub for logistics is high, and conventional methods are riencing its full advantage takes time: one study estimates that at
made infeasible given intergovernmental relations. In this case, the best, only 5% of energy and emissions produced by overall industrial
military necessity of the location may outweigh the cost of using 3D- manufacturing and construction will be reduced by 2025 [134]. A
printed construction. formal life cycle analysis examining the sustainability impacts of the
However, the seven viability criteria and case studies also highlight design, material preparation, construction, use, and eventual de­
the reality that while 3D-printed construction may be technologically molition of a structure is necessary to fully understand the environ­
feasible in remote locations, equipment complexity and fragility, input mental impacts of 3D-printed construction [48,143].
sensitivity, and logistical constraints likely make it less robust to the 7. Uncertain Costs: Because 3D-printed construction is still such a new
challenges presented by remote environments than conventional technology, little is known about its up-front, maintenance, and life
methods. For example, 3D-printed construction has been shown to cycle costs. Furthermore, different countries may experience
shorten the supply chain and be more efficient than conventional con­ different cost-benefits since the costs of planning and design, mate­
struction in controlled settings. Given that remote environments are rials, labor, and machinery vary from country to country [105]. A
challenging to control, and logistics are challenging for even simple formal cost-benefit analysis should be conducted for different cases
acquisitions like food and water, it is unlikely the benefits 3D-printed (e.g., location, printing method, printing technology, and desired
construction provides in these viability areas will be realized in prac­ output) to gain a complete understanding of how the cost of 3D-
tice without significant maturation of 3D-printed technology. printed construction compares to that of conventional construction
One of the highlights of this review of relevant literature is that the [129].
viability criteria are used to categorize the limitations of 3D-printed
construction. The following discussion is intended to act as a techno­ 7. Conclusion
logical “to-do” list that should be completed to further balance the scale
between 3D-printed construction and conventional methods if it is to Although 3D-printed construction is still in its infancy, there is po­
become the preferred option for remote applications. Suggested areas of tential for the future, as evidenced by the numerous applications, proofs-
future research are as follows: of-concept, and research advancements in the last decade. To determine
whether or not 3D printing – or any other method of construction – is
1. Material Rheology: Strong, reliable, printer-compatible materials are viable and preferred in remote environments, tradeoffs between several
critical to the successful implementation of 3D-printed construction factors must be considered, including materials, structural design, pro­
technology [58,59]. Researchers should experiment with locally cess efficiency, logistics, labor, environmental impact, and cost. The
available or in situ materials found in expeditionary environments to factors are all interrelated, and rarely does a single construction method
ensure compatibility and effectiveness for printing. Additionally, optimize all seven viability areas.
caution should be taken before generalizing study results, as they The novel contributions of this effort are mainly tied to the evalua­
tion of the vast array of technical literature focused on 3D-printed

S.J. Schuldt et al. Automation in Construction 125 (2021) 103642

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