Psychological Competence Checklist: A. General Information

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Psychological Competence Checklist

Descriptioon: This is a proposed assessmen t questionnaire to be use in grounding the theory entitled “The Theory
of Psychological Competence”. Please assess each statement and give your honest evaluation for its various
components by checking the appropriate number which best reflect your assessment. Your answer will be used for
research purposes and will be a basis for this proposed theory. Any information you supplied in this questionnaire
will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

A. General information

Instruction: Fill the space that corresponds to your profile.

1. Name (Optional) _________________,_____________________,_____________

2. Gender: ( ) Male ( ) Female

3. Religion____________

4. Civil Status: ( ) Single ( ) Married ( ) Separated ( ) Widowed

5. Age at the Time of Survey:

( ) 20-24 ( ) 35-39 ( ) 50 & above
( ) 25-29 ( ) 40-44
( ) 30-34 ( ) 45-49
6. Parent’s educational Attainment_______________________

7. Parent’s Occupation

Mother: ______________________

Father: ______________________

8. Parent’s Estimated Income

( ) Below P59,000.00 ( ) P181,000.00 to P240,000.00

( ) P60,000.00 to P120,000.00 ( ) P241,000.00 to P300,000.00
( ) P121,000.00 to P180,000.00 ( ) P301,000.00 and above

9. Family structure: ( ) Nuclear ( ) Extended ( ) Single Parent

10. Family size (Number of persons living in one roof) ___________________

B. Factors influencing psychological competence

Instruction: Recall your experiences and rate the extent through which these factors contribute to
your psychological competence in dealing with crisis.Please check the appropriate number which best
corresponds to your perception towards each of the statements. A scale below with its rating and
description will guide you in your assessment.

Scal Description Qualitative Description

5 Highly Influential This factor always contributes to my psychological
4 Moderately Influential This factor often contributes to my psychological
3 Fairly Influential This factor sometimes contributes to my psychological
2 Poorly Influential This factor rarely contributes to my psychological
1 Not Influential This factor never contributes to my psychological

Characteristics 5 4 3 2 1 Comments
1. Maternal Competence
1.1. My mother takes care of me, when I was young.
1.2. My mother provide all my needs.
1.3. My mother appreciate what I accomplish.
1.4. My mother show empathy when Im upset.
1.5. My mother is warm and intimate when we are together.

2. Paternal competence
2.1. My father supported me financially.
2.2. My father is responsive to my feelings and needs.
2.3 My father is aware of the problems that concern me.
2.4. My father give praise when I accomplish something in
2.5. My father show love and sympathy when I’m hurt or

3. Relationship with parents

3.1. My parents imparted their religious belief to us.
3.2 My parents teach and reinforce their values to us.
3.3. They pass their traditions and beliefs to us as their
3.4. They express their concern and love for us.
3.5. We have a close relationship with my parents.

4. Relationship with siblings

4.1. We have a close bond with my siblings.
4.2. We are warm with each other.
4.3. We sometimes have conflict with my siblings but
resolved it.
4.4. We supported each other.
4.5. There is no rivalry between I and my siblings.

5. Parent’s anticipatory guidance

5.1.My parents guide me in my academic work.
5.2. My parents direct my activities and make decisions
through reasoning.
5.3. My parents consistently give direction and guidance in
a rational way.
5.4. My parents set a clear standard of behavior at home but
are willing to adjust if needed.
5.5. My parents establish a family policy and discuss the
reasons behind the policy.

6. Parent’s discipline
6.1. My parents explain the consequences of my behavior.
6.2. My parents give reasons on why rules should be
6.3. They emphasize reasons for rules.
6.4. They help me understand the impact of my behavior.
6.5 They encourage me to talk about the consequences of
my own action.

7. Parenting style
7.1. My parents are authoritative (strict and warm) in
there parenting.
7.2. My parents implement an authoritarian
(disciplinarian) parenting.
7.3. My parents implement a permissive (love and
warm) parenting.
7.4. My parents implement attachment (close bond)
7.5. My parents show uninvolvement or neglectful

8. Supportive parents
8.1. My parents assist me in my academic activities.
8.2 My parents help me with my extracurricular activities.
8.3 My parents provided my financial needs.
8.4.My parents are willing to listen if im in a difficult
8.5 My parents appreciated my efforts and achievements.

9. Supportive siblings
9.1. There is no conflict between me and my siblings.
9.2. We don’t have competition with each other.
9.3. My sibling help me in my school activities.
9.4. My sibling take care of me or vice versa.
9.5 We help each other in all ways.

10.Supportive teachers
10.1. Our teachers help us set goals for learning and keep
track of your progress.
10.2 Our teachers encourage us to do our best in academic
10.3. Our teachers appreciate our effort in accomplishing
the task.
10.4.Our teachers mentor us if we experience difficulties in
school work.
10.5 Our teachers guide us in a positive direction for your
personal growth

11. Supportive friends

11.1 My friends are available to listen to my concern or
11.2 My friends encourage me to take care of myself.
11.3 My friends understand and correct me when I make
11.4 My friends provide me with emotional support during
times of difficulties.
11.5 My friend compliments my strengths.

12. Social support

12.1 I have friends who care for me.
12.2 I have someone whom I can talk to about problems at
school, work or family.
12.3 I have someone that will help me out in a crisis
12.4 I have someone who appreciates me as a person.
12.5 I have someone whom I can get emotional help and

13. Internal locus of control

13.1 I depend mostly on my capability.
13.2 When I make a plan, I make it work.
13.3 I believe that my life is determined by my actions.
13.4 When I overcome all obstacles in the path of
academic success, I believe that it is because I work hard
13.5 I think I can determine what will happen in my life.

14. External locus of control

14.1. I think that my life is controlled by accidental
14.2 I think that what happens in my life is determined by
people around me.
14.3. I believe that I cannot protect myself from any bad
14.4 I believe that when I get things done, it is usually by
chance and luck.
14.5 I believe that in order for my plans to work, it must fit
within the desires of people who have authority.

15. Self-concept
15.1 I think I am a reliable person.
15.2 I think I am a worthy person.
15.3 I have control over my own life.
15.4 I have a positive perception of myself.
15.5 I feel valued by others and I value myself.

16. Self-Esteem
16.1. I feel that I have a number of good qualities.
16.2. I feel that I have much to be proud of.
16.3 I have a positive attitude toward myself.
16.4 I feel satisfied about myself.
16.5 I trust my own capacities.

17. Self-movation
17.1. I take ownership of my problems and do not blame
others for it.
17.2 I am willing to learn new skills that will help me in
my career.
17.3 I identify areas of improvement and I try to develop
myself in those areas.
17.4 I have a strong desire to achieve and excel.
17.5 I am open to criticism and willing to improve myself
for my betterment.

18. Independence
18.1 I exercise my rights to self-determination.
18.2 I make my own decisions based on what I think is
18.3 I have a high aspiration level for myself.
18.4 I value my own independence.
18.5 I behave in an assertive manner.

19. Emotional maturity

19.1 I am able to delay my responses.
19.2 I can handle self-pity instead of showing unrestrained
19.3 I can cultivate positive emotions.
19.4 I can stop direct expression of my negative emotions.
19.5 I can carry higher tolerance for disagreeable

20. Coping
20.1 I take direct action to solve my problem.
20.2 I take additional measures to work on my problems.
20.3 I make a plan to solve the difficulties that Im involved
20.4 I tell myself that I can cope with this hardship.
20.5 I distract myself from stress-related activities or

21. Adaptability
21.1 I am able to adjust myself to different groups of
21.2 I am able to adjust my interpersonal style to
achieve my goals.
21.3 I always remain calm when under pressure or
21.4 I react appropriately and decisively to a stressful
21.5 I am willing to adapt new language, values and

22.1 I anticipate, prepare and learn skills needed for
my future.
22.2 In a changeable situation, I am able to initiate
the required changes.
22.3 I often find a change to be a challenge.
22.4 . I find myself as someone who is able to
change his position to modify himself accordingly.
22.5 I am prepared to accept future changes.

23 Problem solving
23.1 I am able to solve ill-defined and complex problems.
23.2 When encountering difficulties in achieving a goal, I
try different solutions.
23.3 When facing a problem, I analyze all facts and put
them in systematic order.
23.4 When finding solutions, I am objective and logical.
23.5 When looking for potential solutions, I focus more on
the solutions and not the problem.
24 Critical thinking
24.1 I have critical and reflective thinking.
24.2 I engage myself in analyzing complex issues.
24.3 I develop a more open-minded approach in
interpreting, analyzing and judging alternative points of
24.4 I develop a more focused and systematic way of
24.5 I express myself in a more reasonable, objective and
evaluative way.

24 Decision making
25.1 I appraise personal risk involved in the decision.
25.2 I evaluate the available time in which to make my
25.3 I gather much information as possible about the
25.4 I foresee the consequences of my decision.
25.5 I choose the appropriate actions for my decision.

25 Resilience
26.1 During difficulties, I manage to keep things in
26.2.I look for solutions to my problems.
26.3 I am able to manage my stress levels well.
26.4 I feel that I can get through difficult times because I
experienced difficulty before.
26.5 I feel that my beliefs in myself get me through hard

26 Self-control
27.1 I refuse things that are bad for me, even if they are
27.2 I am able to resist temptation.
27.3 I have hard times breaking difficult habits.
27.4 I do things that feel good in a moment but regret later.
27.5 I feel that I can stop myself from doing something
when I know it is wrong.

27 Empathy
28.1 I feel upset when I see someone being treated
28.2 I have concerned feelings for people who are less
fortunate than me.
28.3 I have a strong urge to help when I see someone who
is upset.
28.4 When I see someone being taken advantage of, I feel
kind of protective towards that person.
28.5 I have compassion and acceptance for others.

29.1 I feel that I can accomplish things in life.
29.2 I am determined to work on my goals.
29.3 I am able to motivate myself to surmount day to day
difficulties for my long-term goals.
29.4 I continue a difficult task even when others have
already given up.
29.5 I keep track of the things or goals that I promised
myself to acquire at some point.

30. Commitment
30.1. I am willing to put all my efforts to meet my personal
30.2. I am willing to work hard to achieve my
institution/organizational goals.
30.3. I purposefully pursue the fulfillment of the work I
believe in.
30.4 I invest my time and effort in ideas that require work
and patience.
30.5 I remain motivated to work on, even in projects that
take several months.

31.1 I have insights into yourself.
31.2 I am aware of my abilities and limitations.
31.3 I focus on ways of amending my behavior that would
be useful.
31.4 I am reflective and I understand myself well.
31.5 I am realistic about myself.

32.1 I can communicate effectively with others.
32.2 I interact well with my colleagues or peers.
32.3 I express my thoughts and opinions clearly.
32. 4 I observe taking turns talking.
32.5 I believe that the words I choose in communication
with another person convey most of my message

33.1 I am able to depend on myself more than anyone else.
33.2 I can “take a step back” from every situation to
understand people better.
33.3 I can work effectively even under pressure or stress.
33. 4 I take a calculated risks.
33.5 I accept a more challenging or complex work.

21.1.I always think that everything will turn out all right.
21.2.In uncertain times, I expect things to work out for the
34.3 I am optimistic about my future.
34.4 I expect more good things to happen in my life than
34.5 I count on the good things happening to me.

35.1I start my task right away.
35.2I carry out my plan.
35.3I have difficulties finishing a task.
35.4 When I do a job, I do it well.
35.5 I get my work done right away.

36.1 I resolve my difficulties to avoid such stressful
situations in the future.
36. 2 I am determined to stick to my goal,despite
challenging situations.
36.3 I am able to overcome setbacks to conquer an
important challenge.
36.4 I am not easily discourage with setbacks.
36.5 I am able to achieve a goal that took years of work.

37. Hope and faith

37.1 I have faith that helps me cope with stress.
37.2 My hope and strength help me thrive through difficult
37.3 My faith in God is my sources of comfort and peace
in times of hardship.
37.4 I am holding on to my faith during difficult times.
37.5 My hope and faith affect my ability to handle stress.

38. Moral Beliefs

38.1 I pursue higher values such as truth and justice.
38.2 I believe that all moral rules must be in accordance
with the teachings of the bible.
38.3 I think that people ought to do what best serves their
38.4 I tend to sacrifice my needs for others.
38.5 I believe that it is important to obey the law, even
though we may disagree with it.
39.Purpose in life
39.1 I think that my life has meaning.
39.2 I have a clear sense of purpose.
39.3 I am able to achieve many well-defined goals and
39.4 I think that the life I lived is very valuable.
39.5 I always find reasons to live.

40. Strong religious belief

40.1 My personal spiritual beliefs sustain me.
40.2 My personal spiritual practices is helpful to me
40.3 My strong religious belief keep me going despite the
40.4 My personal spiritual beliefs have a big influence in
all areas of my life.
40.5 My religious beliefs affect the way I perceive about
my problem.

C. Crisis Outcome
Instruction: Please rate the extent by which this outcome was the result on how an individual
handles a crisis. A scale below with its rating and description will guide you in your assessment.

Scale Description Qualitative Description

5 Very High Extent Positive outcomes which are always acquired/learned through
4 High Extent Positive outcomes which are often acquired/learned through
3 Moderate Extent Positive outcomes which are sometimes acquired/learned
through crisis.
2 Fair Extent Positive outcomes which are rarely acquired/learned through
1 Low Extent Positive outcomes which are never acquired/learned through

Characteristics 5 4 3 2 1 Comment
1.Positive maternal nurturing
1.1Appreciates what her child accomplished.
1.2 Shows empathy when child was upset.
1.3 Warm and intimate when together with her children.
1.4 Supportive to her children’s activities.
1.5 Provides the needs of her children.

2.Positive paternal nurturing

2.1 Sensitive to his child in need.
2.2 Supports his child financially.
2.2. Responsive to the feelings and needs of his children.
2.3 Give praise when his child accomplished something.
2.5 Shows love and sympathy when his child is hurt or

3. Secure attachment with parents

3.1 Talks to parents about personal matter.
3.2 Expresses feelings to them.
3.3 Plans a goal with parent’s support.
3.4 Warm and affectionate to one’s parents.
3.5 Convey one’s opinions freely.

4. Secure attachment with siblings

4.1 Have a good relationship with sibling.
4.2 Have good companionship with each other.
4.3 Shows affection with sibling by extending help.
4.4 Have similarities in terms of likes and dislikes.
4.5 Have closeness or bond between each other.

5. Positive well-being
5.1 Have the ability to manage a range of positive and
negative emotions.
5.2 Have the ability to express how one feels.
5.3 Have the ability to form and maintain good
relationships with others.
5.4 Have the ability to cope with uncertainties.
5.5 Have the ability to manage difficulties.

6. Positive behavior
6.1 Have confidence in oneself.
6.2 Can overcome all life’s difficulties.
6.3 Expresses appreciation and positivity.
6.4Have positive perceptions in every circumstances.
6.5 Nurtures one’s individual strength.

7. Positive emotional experiences

7.1 Have contentment despite hardships.
7.2 Able to sustained positive emotions.
7.3 Resurfaces positivity in difficult situations.
7.4 Able to overcome negative emotions with positive
7.5 Takes pride in every problem that one overcome.

8. Secured Family Relationship

8.1 Spends quality time together.
8.2 Communicates with each other.
8.3 Resolves family conflicts or problems immediately.
8.4 Respects each others differences such as talents,
abilities and strengths.
8.5 Observes family rules.

9.Positive way of handling stress

9.1 Practices relaxation techniques when under stress.
9.2 Seeks emotional support from each others.
9.3 Finds information to understand the situation.
9.4 Develops strategies to get back on one’s track.
9.5 Keep the situation in perspective.

10.Positive school climate

10.1 Have a good student-teacher relationship.
10.2 Have a good learning environment.
10.3 Have academic support.
10.4 Social-emotional skills of the students are being
10.5 Sense of learning engagement and sense of belonging
are being developed in the school.

11.Sense of belongingness
11.1 Feel included when with people.
11.2 Have a close relationship with family and friends.
11.3. Feels accepted by others.
11.4 Feels connected with others
11.5 Feel a sense of belonging.

12.Positive social relationship

12.1 Have a positive social connection with peers.
12.2 Supports each other.
12.3 Have a trustful and warm relationships with each
12.4 Have a good and healthy interactions with each other.
12.5 Helps each other in reaching their goal.

13.Greater confidence
13.1 Displays composure in times of difficulties.
13.2 Not easily offended with criticism.
13.3 Speaks with authority.
13.4 Focuses on strengths.
13.5 Takes initiatives.

14.Good team player

14.1 Embraces collaboration with colleagues.
14.2 Holds oneself accountable.
14.3 Fexible with colleagues.
14.4 Accepts defeat.
14.5 Understand his role and the role of colleagues.

15.Positives thoughts
15.1 Chooses to focus on the good.
15.2 Lifts oneself up and don’t let mistakes stand on the
15.3 Engages in positive activities.
15.4 Counters negative thoughts and refocus oneself.
15.5 Focuses on one’s energy and time on a positive

16.Positive self-concept
16.1 Able to cope with problem.
16.2 Have self-understanding of the ability to deal with
16.3 Accept criticism from others.
16.4 Have the ability to carry out the process of self-
16.5 Have good interaction with the social environment.

17.Wider vision
17.1 Fuels one’s growth.
17.2 Accepts that failure is part of growth.
17.3 Focuses more on making progress instead of judging
and blaming others for what happens .
17.4 Looks at different angles to find creative solutions to
the problem.
17.5 Accepts others' opinions and point of view.

18. Acquirement
18.1 Feel satisfied when completing a task.
18.2 Feel a sense of achievement when goal is reach.
18.3 Feels pride in overcoming an obstacle.
18.4 Feels pride in having determination to endure
18.5 Feel a sense of accomplishment when one overcome
personal fear that involves effort and great courage.

19.Manage positive emotions

19.1 Able to acknowledge one’s mistake instead of getting
19.2 Aware of one’s innate biases and prejudices.
19.3 Creates a space between feeling a particular emotion
and reacting to it.
19.4 Feels concern for others and find ways to help them.
19.5 Acts on, instead of complaining about circumstances.

20.Positive effects on well-being

20.1 Have the ability to deal with stress and bounce back
from adversity.
20.2 Adapts to change.
20.3 Flexible in learning new skills.
20.4 Have greater confidence in oneself.
20.5 Have a brighter outlook in life.

21.Life satisfaction
21.1 Live a life with integrity.
21.2 Expresses gratitude.
21.3 Have satisfaction with one’s work.
21.4 Enjoys harmonious relationships.
21.5 Enjoys simple things.

22.Responsive to Change
22.1Adapts to unexpected demands.
22.2Simply adjust to changes.
22.3Understands and manage situations from a different
22.4In the midst of a crisis, can stay calm.
22.5 Open to all ideas.

23.1Takes control of the things in life.
23.2Makes one’s own decisions.
23.3Have confidence.
23.4Have positive self-expression.
23.5 Have the initiative to explore all the possibilities to
solve the problem.

24.Logical Thinking
24.1Weighs all available options in solving the problem.
24.2Is rational.
24.3Make sure that one’s ideas are clear and relevant.
24.4Based one’s decision on facts.
24.5 Justifies one’s strategies and actions.
25.Increase productivity
25.1Prioritize the most important tasks.
25.2 Cultivate work.
25.3Stay focused on one’s task.
25.4 Eliminates inefficient communications.
25.5Learn from successes as well as mistakes.

26.Built-in Strength
26.1 Have the ability to take things in stride and complete
the task even in the face of difficult circumstances.
26.2 Maintains a calm demeanor in the middle of hardship.
26.3Gets help, if needed.
26.4Enables thoughts to remain positive and focused.
26.5 Carry on with my responsibilities even under pressure.

27.Greater capacity of self-regulation

27.1 Avoid taking risky behaviors.
27.2 Can override immediate impulses.
27.3 Able to resist temptation.
27.4 Able to regulate one’s thoughts and emotions.
27.5 Able to regulate one’s behaviors in the face of

28 Prosocial behaviors
28.1 Have concern for the welfare of others.
28.2 I Help a friend in need.
28.3 Cooperates with others to achieve common goals.
28.4 Share personal resources with others.
28.5 Comfort others who are in difficult situations.

29 Self-improvement
29.1 Have fewer negatives in life.
29.2 Can get through all challenges in life.
29.3 Embraces oneself for doing better.
29.4 Takes pride in one’s productivity.
29.5 Have significance to others.

30 Establishing priorities
30.1 Focuses on things that give meaning to one’s life.
30.2 Creates an action plan.
30.3 Designates specific time slots for each task.
30.4 Considers how to live a life.
30.5 Takes time to reflect.
31 Stronger personal relationship
31.1 Shows empathic responses to the plight of others.
31.2 Have connections with others.
31.3 Have open communication with each other.
31.4 Respects boundaries.
31.5 Responds positively to each other’s good news.

32 Maturity in handling stress

32.1 Manages stress no matter what circumstances are in.
32.2 Responds calmly to a stressful situation.
32.3 Shows calmness when facing tough situations.
32.4 Balances emotional reaction to a stressful stimulus.
32.5 Handles life in all of its difficulties.

33 Sense of accomplishment
33.1 Pursues dreams even with difficulties.
33.2 Seize opportunities.
33.3 Confront fears and other threats.
33.4 Is emotionally resilient.
33.5 Manages to step forward and take action despite

34 Positive Thinking
34.1 Looks at failure as a new start.
34.2 Sees problems as a challenge.
34.3 Opens mind to welcome ideas and suggestions.
34.4 Counts blessings
34.5 Acts straight away instead of making excuses.

35 Strong character
35.1 Put up with excuses.
35.2 Is thoughtful and well-informed
35.3 Uses knowledge to influence people.
35.4 Never let fears dictate the way one live.
35.5 Takes insecurity as an opportunity to improve oneself.

36 Higher perspective
36.1 Keep pushing towards the goal in the face of
36.2 Looks beyond an obstacle and treat it as an opportunity
to make oneself better.
36.3 Determines to keep dreams alive even if one
experience a crisis.
36.4 Have the willingness to persist for desired outcomes.
36.5 Have the confidence and determination to look for a
way to solve one’s problem.
37 Personal relationship with God
37.1 Prays often and seek God’s guidance.
37.2 Thank God for all the circumstances (good or bad) that
happens in life.
37.3 Seek God when going through a bad time.
37.4 Reflects on God’s word.
37.5 Think more on spiritual things.

38 Value Formation
38.1 Can distinguish between right and wrong.
38.2 Returns favor.
38.3 Believes everyone deserves equal rights and be treated
with respect.
38.4 Possesses moral virtues such as integrity, courage and
38.5 Conveys truth.

39 Positive meaning in life

39.1 Believes in God’ significance.
39.2 Views life with purpose.
39.3 Have a sense of meaning.
39.4 Have higher life satisfaction.
39.5 Feels in control of one’s life.

40 Positive Spiritual Dimensions

40.1 Finds that faith and spiritual values play a role in one’s
40.2 Believes that faith influences one way of thriving to
40.3 Views God positively.
40.4 Pursues spiritual growth.
40.5 Invests time and energy in the spiritual dimensions of
one’s life.

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