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25th August 2021

MSL780 Managerial Economics: Minor exam


 Minor exam is compulsory to everyone. In case of no submission, your grade of

this component will be zero.
 This exam is individual basis. Please avoid any plagiarism and provide proper
reference. You are not allowed to copy and paste your colleagues’ answers
either. Any violation will result in a significant reduction of marks.
 Please do not exceed the word limited specified in the question. If exceeded,
some points will be deducted.
 There is no limit in adding Figures/Tables. However, please avoid simply copy
and pasting without the focused explanations. Hand drawing Figure/Tables are
acceptable but make sure that is readable.
 The submission needs to be made via Moodle by 8 pm, 29th August 2021 (early
submission is possible). Any delay will incur the loss of marks if no
communication has been made in advance. No extension will be given. In case
there is a technical issue, please submit via email (cc Aveek). The received time
is used as time stamp. When you submit,
o Please name the file as “Given name_Surname_Student ID_Assignment
1” (e.g., Eri Ikeda_2020XXX1111_Minor exam.docx).
o Please remove this page and submit only the next page onwards.
o The file type should be PDF.
 No turn-it-in facility will be provided.
 Do not distribute this assignment to outside of the class.
 Read the questions carefully.
 In case you have any query regarding the questions posed, please write an
email to me and cc Aveek. I will get back to you asap.
 Good luck!

What is the pricing process and strategy of a firm/business? (500 words max)
To answer this question, the following aspects also need to be covered.
1. Provide the specific example by choosing a company/sector PLUS a
product/service. (500 words max)
2. Evaluate the theory/concept that you have learnt in the class. (500 words
Please answer in the following designated space below (if not enough space, please
expand the space). You may insert Table/Figure where applicable.

25th August 2021

MSL780 Managerial Economics: Minor exam - Answer

Student ID:
Email Address:
Word count: Q1. Words, Q2. Words, Q3. Words

1. What is the pricing process and strategy of a firm/business? (500 words max)

2. A specific example by choosing a company/sector PLUS a product/service.

(500 words max)
25th August 2021

3. Evaluate the theory/concept that you have learnt in the class. (500 words
25th August 2021

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