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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 19 (2016) 10–15

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Paediatric Respiratory Reviews

Mini-symposium: Oesophageal Atresia and Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula

Surgical management of oesophageal atresia

Warwick J. Teague 1,2,3, Jonathan Karpelowsky 4,5,*
Academic Paediatric Surgeon, Department of Paediatric Surgery, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Paediatrics, The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Honorary Fellow, Surgical Research Group, Murdoch Children’s, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Paediatric Surgeon, Department of Paediatric Surgery, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead 2145, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Senior Lecturer, Discipline of Paediatrics & Child Health, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia


The reader will come to appreciate how:

1. To understand the rationale for preoperative work up in oesophageal atresia

2. To describe the surgical correction of oesophageal atresia
3. To review the role of thoracoscopic surgery in oesophageal atresia
4. To describe surgical options to correct long-gap oesophageal atresia
5. To review early post-operative complications.


Keywords: There have been major advances in the surgery for oesophageal atresia (OA) and tracheo-oesophageal
Oesophageal atresia
fistula(TOF) with survival now exceeding 90%. The standard open approach to OA and distal TOF has been
Long Gap oesophageal atresia
well described and essentially unchanged for the last 60 years. Improved survival in recent decades is
Tracheo-oesophageal fistula
most attributable to advances in neonatal anaesthesia and perioperative care. Recent surgical advances
include the use of thoracoscopic surgery for the repair of OA/TOF and in some centres isolated OA,
thereby minimising the long term musculo-skeletal morbidity associated with open surgery. The
introduction of growth induction by external traction (Foker procedure) for the treatment of long-gap OA
has provided an important tool enabling increased preservation of the native oesophagus. Despite this,
long-gap OA still poses a number of challenges, and oesophageal replacement still may be required in
some cases.
ß 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION presents unique surgical challenges, many of which are discussed

here. This review focuses on the surgical management of OA and
The first successful repair of oesophageal atresia (OA) and any associated TOF, highlighting the preoperative investigations,
tracheo-oesophageal fistula (TOF) was performed in 1941: timing of surgery, surgical approaches, surgical complications and
Cameron Haight ligated the TOF prior to an end-to-end oesopha- challenges of ‘long-gap’ OA.
geal anastomosis through a left extrapleural approach [1]. In the
subsequent 75 years the overall survival has improved to exceed PREOPERATIVE ASSESSMENT
90%, with mortality now usually associated with prematurity and/
or cardiac comorbidity [2,3]. Despite improved survival, OA still The two primary goals of preoperative assessment in the
patient with a clinical diagnosis of OA are:
* Corresponding author. Department of Paediatric Surgery, The Children’s
Hospital at Westmead, University of Sydney, Locked Bag 4001, Westmead 2145,
1. Confirmation of the diagnosis;
Sydney, NSW, Australia. Tel.: +61 2 9845 3341; fax: +61 2 9845 3180. 2. Identification of associated anomalies with immediate manage-
E-mail address: (J. Karpelowsky). ment implications for the planned oesophageal atresia surgery.
1526-0542/ß 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
W.J. Teague, J. Karpelowsky / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 19 (2016) 10–15 11

Table 1
Frequency of associated anomalies in OA (Data extracted from Burge et al. 2013 [4])

Associated Anomaly All OA OA with distal TOF Other OA subtypes

Any 52% 54% 44%

Vertebral 7% 6% 16%
Anorectal 11% 6% 40%
Cardiac 34% 36% 28%
Renal 9% 8% 16%
Limb 11% 14% 3%
VACTERL 13% 12% 24%
Chromosomal 3% - -

As more than half of OA patients have an associated anomaly

(Table 1), [4] additional systems screening for anomalies is
ordinarily deferred until after primary OA surgery. Exceptions to
this are outlined briefly below.
The clinical diagnosis of OA is made when a 10 French (Fr)
tube arrests in the upper oesophagus approximately 10-12 cm
from the lips. Tubes of narrower calibre may give the false
impression of tube passage by coiling in the dilated upper
oesophageal pouch, or rarely traversing the trachea and TOF to
enter the stomach [5,6]. A diagnosis of OA is then confirmed with
a plain chest x-ray to show the arrested 10 Fr tube within the Figure 1. Bronchoscopy of a distal tracheo-oesophageal fistula.
relative lucency of the dilated upper oesophageal pouch. An
accompanying distal TOF is indicated by the presence of
gastrointestinal gas.
Particular attention is paid to marked stomach dilatation, ‘near-missed’ proximal TOF, [18] but is highly dependent on local
which may reflect preferential ventilation of the stomach via the radiology expertise. Preoperative endoscopic intubation of the TOF
TOF, or concomitant duodenal atresia with a ‘double bubble’. In with the aim facilitating surgical repair, Fogarty balloon TOF
either setting, emergency distal TOF ligation is indicated to occlusion to aid ventilation and selective trans-tracheal gastric
prevent the rare but morbid complication of gastric perforation drainage have been described [11,15,16,19].
[7]. Conversely, a ‘gasless abdomen’ on preoperative x-ray raises Routine screening investigations for other associated anoma-
the possibility of either pure OA or OA with a proximal TOF, lies would include renal ultrasound, spinal ultrasound and sacral
and should prompt further investigation as detailed below. The x-ray. These are ordinarily not performed preoperatively, except a
chest x-ray should also be assessed for evidence of early renal ultrasound in the newborn who has not voided (OA is
complications (e.g. pulmonary aspiration, intubation) or associ- uncommonly associated with renal agenesis), [6] or urgent
ated anomalies (e.g. abnormalities of the cardiac silhouette, genetic testing where an undiagnosed lethal syndrome is
vertebrae and ribs). suspected, e.g. Trisomy 13 (Patau) or 18 (Edwards).
A preoperative echocardiogram is undertaken to define any
associated major congenital heart disease (CHD), particularly duct- OPEN SURGERY
dependent lesions which may necessitate particular anaesthetic
management or prior cardiac surgery. In addition, an echocardio- With rare exceptions, OA surgery is not an emergency and can
gram may demonstrate vascular anomalies relevant to operative be deferred whilst preoperative investigations are obtained and an
decision-making, most notably a right-sided aortic arch (RAA) appropriately skilled anaesthetic and surgical team assembled.
which is present in approximately 4% of OA cases [8]. The Indications for emergency OA surgery are limited to a markedly
importance of routine preoperative echocardiography is highlight- dilated stomach at risk of perforation, or the premature infant with
ed by expert commentators, [5,6] whilst others present data to evolving Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) in whom preferen-
moderate this stance, [9,10] showing preoperative echocardiogra- tial TOF ventilation is a significant contributor to a deteriorating
phy findings of CHD and/or RAA seldom alter the operative plan, ventilatory status. Two recent studies report increased complica-
including the choice of right vs left thoracotomy in cases with a tions in OA patients undergoing surgery within 24 hours of birth or
known RAA [8,10]. after-hours [20,21]. Selection biases aside, these studies highlight
The role of routine preoperative laryngotracheobronchoscopy the benefits of in-hours OA surgery, which may be safely deferred
(LTB) in OA patients remains a matter of debate, [11] with only beyond 24 hours of life.
43-60% of contemporary paediatric surgeons routinely using The goals and key steps of the open approach have remained
preoperative LTB in this setting [12,13]. Advocates cite preopera- largely unchanged over decades, and are summarised below.
tive LTB findings which may impact management in 21-45% of OA Specific goals and operative strategies for other OA variants, e.g.
patients, most notably unusual fistula position (Figure 1) and long-gap OA, are described elsewhere in this review.
tracheobronchial tree anomalies, and less commonly laryngeal
clefts or subglottic stenosis [14–16]. The presence of significant Key operative goals
tracheomalacia may alert clinicians to the need for non-invasive
support following extubation. The benefit of preoperative LTB is 1. TOF ligation to prevent further soiling of the tracheobronchial
maximal in newborns with suspected pure OA due to a ‘gasless tree with stomach contents and restore the ventilation
abdomen’ on x-ray. In this OA subgroup, LTB reveals a proximal dynamics of the intact trachea.
TOF in 20-33% with resultant change in management [14–17]. 2. Restoration of oesophageal continuity, which can be deferred
An upper pouch oesophagogram may augment LTB to identify a if the child’s status is poor at completion of TOF ligation.
12 W.J. Teague, J. Karpelowsky / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 19 (2016) 10–15

Key operative steps

1. Right posterolateral thoracotomy, with attention to a muscle-

sparing technique to reduce the musculoskeletal sequelae of
thoracotomy in infancy [22].
2. Extrapleural approach to the posteromedial mediastinum, to
expose the azygos vein (typically, but not universally, ligated
and divided in continuity) and the TOF. TOF dissection (Figure 2)
is minimised with an aim of preserving its neurovascular supply,
and proceeds to expose the junction with the trachea in
readiness for TOF ligation.
3. TOF ligation is undertaken, with either an absorbable or non-
absorbable suture. Prior to division of the ‘fistula’, it is important
ensure neither a major bronchus nor aorta have been mistakenly
dissected as iatrogenic injuries to each have occurred. Some
advocate peroperative tracheoscopy to optimise TOF dissection and
ligation, [19] but this technique is not yet been widely adopted.
4. Upper oesophageal pouch dissection (Figure 3) optimally
commences prior to TOF ligation. Downward pressure by the Figure 4. Completed thoracoscopic anastomosis.

anaesthetist on the 10Fr oesophageal tube indicates the

approximate position of the upper pouch, allowing unexpected
positions to be taken into account at TOF ligation. Following TOF
ligation, upper pouch dissection proceeds until adequate length
is obtained or the pouch is maximally dissected. Sharp and
careful dissection of the plane between the trachea and pouch is
the key to avoiding tracheal injury during this step. Finally, the
upper pouch is incised in readiness for anastomosis.
5. Oesophageal anastomosis (Figure 4) with fine interrupted
sutures begins with the back wall, following which a trans-
anastomotic nasogastric tube is passed prior to completion of
the anastomosis of the front wall.


The benefits of minimally invasive surgery over thoracotomy

for reducing pain, scars and long term musculoskeletal deformities
including scoliosis have been well documented [23–25]. The first
thoracoscopic repair of an isolated OA was undertaken in 1999,
[26] and OA with distal TOF in 2000 [27]. Since then, a number of
Figure 2. Dissection of trachea-oesophageal fistula. larger multi-institutional series have validated the thoracoscopic
technique to be equivalent to open surgery [28–30].
The patient is positioned semi prone with the right side
elevated by 30 degrees. Standard endotracheal intubation is used
with no need for endobronchial isolation. Three 3 mm ports are
used, although some surgeons use a 5 mm port to facilitate use
of an endoclip. A pneumothorax of 3-5 mmHg facilitates lung
collapse and visualisation, and a fourth port may be used should
lung retraction become necessary. Port placement is crucial due to
the limited working space afforded by the neonatal thorax.
As in open surgery, the first step is to use the azygos vein and
vagus nerve to identify the TOF. The azygos vein is often divided
(energy device, clips or ties), but may be preserved. The TOF is
dissected cranially to its junction with the membranous trachea,
prior to being ligated flush with the trachea using either a suture or
endoclip. Attention is then turned to the upper pouch, which is
identified and dissected with the aid of gentle pressure on the 10 Fr
tube in the upper pouch. The anastomosis is technically challeng-
ing, and performed using interrupted sutures secured by
intracorporeal ties. Once complete, a chest tube may be left
through one of the port site incisions.
Technical benefits of the thoracoscopic approach include
improved visualisation of the entire hemithorax and excellent
Figure 3. Dissection of Upper blind ending pouch in oesophageal atresia. magnification [31]. Approaching the fistula perpendicularly allows
W.J. Teague, J. Karpelowsky / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 19 (2016) 10–15 13

dissection in situ with localisation of the point of entry into the When oesophageal preservation is not possible, several
membranous part of the trachea. Dissection of the upper pouch is replacement methods are available [36]. Gastric ‘pull up’ involves
also improved, with straightforward ability to extend high up into mobilising the entire stomach on the right gastric and right gastro-
the neck if required. epiploic arteries into the posterior mediastinum and suturing the
Despite the stated benefits and comparability to the open fundus to the proximal oesophagus [49]. Conversely, a gastric
approach, the highly skilled nature of thoracoscopic OA surgery has ‘tube’ involves tubularisation of the greater curve of the stomach
limited its wider adoption [24]. A recent survey of paediatric leaving a smaller but functional stomach. The gastric tube is then
surgeons noted open thoracotomy was the preferred approach by translocated into the thorax on the right gastro-epiploic vessels
94% of surgeons, [12] albeit this number is reduced to only 50% [41]. Finally, colonic [50] and jejunal [51] interposition involve
when surveying a cohort of surgeons with an interest in minimally isolating a segment of intestine with its mesenteric pedicle, and
invasive surgery [13]. ‘interposing’ this conduit between the proximal oesophagus and
Concerns have been raised regarding the physiological stomach. Despite each of these replacement options providing a
stresses experienced by the neonate during thoracoscopic repair, reliable conduit, the surgery is associated with a high incidence of
especially hypercapnoea resulting in acidosis and cerebral complications (10-45%) including mortality in 4-5% [41,52]. No one
hypoperfusion [32]. Recent infrared spectroscopy data however, conduit has proven to be superior, rather familiarity with the
goes some way to addressing these concerns by showing techniques and local expertise determine success.
hypercapnoea during thoracoscopic OA surgery is not associated

LONG-GAP OESOPHAGEAL ATRESIA The three early postoperative complications of OA surgery with
greatest relevance to the patient’s medium and long-term outcome
The surgical management of long-gap OA still remains a are: anastomotic leak (3-20%), anastomotic stricture (39-57%) and
significant challenge [34–36]. Currently, there is no consensus on recurrent TOF (3-7%); cited incidences coming from recent British
the definition of long-gap OA. Many discussions have focussed only and German multicentre prospective cohort studies [53,54].
on pure OA, [37] although a recent meta-analysis confirms many
long-gap OA occur together with a distal TOF [38]. Greater Anastomotic Leak
consensus exists to support prioritising the retention of the native
oesophagus, rather than proceeding primarily with oesophageal Anastomotic leaks occur in 3–20% of OA patients [53–56].
replacement. Replacement is however, an important option for a Reported incidences may reflect local utilisation of ‘routine’
select cohort of OA patients, in whom ongoing attempts to retain contrast studies to scrutinise the anastomosis, e.g. on the 5th
the native oesophagus are deemed futile and likely detrimental to postoperative day, rather than technical skill. The key risk factor for
the child’s wellbeing [39,40]. leakage is anastomotic tension [57]. Major leaks occur in 3-5% and
Various methods have been developed to overcome the manifest early (<48 hours) with acute deterioration, including
technical difficulties of long-gap OA. Methods to preserve the tension pneumothorax and sepsis. Emergency chest tube decom-
oesophagus include delayed primary anastomosis and lengthening pression is effective to control the associated pleural soiling, and in
procedures such as circular myotomy, oesophageal flap, Foker many cases no other operative intervention is required. Re-do
procedure (traction suture oesophageal lengthening) and Kimura thoracotomy, with or without oesophagostomy, is an uncommon
technique (multistage extra-thoracic oesophageal elongation). event, reserved for complete anastomotic disruption, persistent
Alternatively, oesophageal replacement may be performed with soiling or inability to control pneumothoraces [5,55,56].
conduits, including gastric tube, gastric transposition, small bowel Minor leaks are more common, contained and typically noted
or colonic interposition [41]. on ‘routine’ contrast studies in otherwise asymptomatic children.
Delayed primary anastomosis involves creating a gastrostomy Minor leaks seldom require specific management, and can be
to facilitate feeding at or soon after birth. At this time, a ‘gap study’ expected to close spontaneously following a brief deferral of oral
may be performed to assess the length of the gap, e.g. dilator is feeds [55]. The use of glycopyrolate, which reduces saliva
passed via the stomach into the distal oesophageal pouch and with production, has been suggested as an adjunct to encourage closure
a large firm tube in the proximal oesophagus a gap is measured [58]. The key long-term sequelae of anastomotic leakage include
using fluoroscopy. The gap length is typically expressed as ‘number an increased risk of troublesome stricture formation or recurrent
of vertebral bodies’. Many surgeons consider a gap exceeding two TOF [55,56].
vertebral bodies to be difficult to anastomose primarily, i.e. ‘long-
gap OA’. In this instance, the child is fed via gastrostomy and the Anastomotic Stricture
upper pouch managed by continuous aspiration of saliva. When
performed, the anastomosis can be achieved by open or thoraco- Anastomotic stricture is common, occurring in approximately
scopic approach, with or without adjuncts to maximise length, e.g. one third of OA patients. The key risk factors for stricture formation
upper pouch flaps or myotomies [31,42]. are anastomotic tension, gastro-oesophageal reflux and previous
Since first described in in 1997, [43] the Foker and other anastomotic leak [55,57,59–61]. Serial dilatation is a safe and
traction-based procedures have gained popularity [44–48]. This effective treatment, be that using balloon or bougie techniques
staged procedure involves primary mobilization of the oesopha- [57,60–62]. Both approaches are associated with a low risk of
geal ends prior to placement of and externalisation of traction perforation (<2% per dilatation episode), albeit that the vast
sutures. Tension on the externalised sutures is then gradually majority of perforations are managed non-operatively [59,60,62].
increased over days to encourage elongation of the upper and
lower pouches to narrow the ‘gap’. Whether traction induces true Recurrent TOF
growth in the oesophageal ends, or only stretch, remains
controversial [23]. Once sufficient length has been achieved a Recurrent fistula formation is an uncommon but morbid
primary oesophageal anastomosis is undertaken. The placement of complication, which may present with recurrent chest infections
traction sutures and subsequent anastomosis can be undertaken and acute life-threatening events and prove difficult to diagnose
by an open or thoracoscopic approach [46]. [63]. Treatment may be by an open or endoscopic approach, the
14 W.J. Teague, J. Karpelowsky / Paediatric Respiratory Reviews 19 (2016) 10–15

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