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GRANT ASSISTANCE FOR GRASS-ROOTS HUMAN SECURITY PROJECTS (GGHSP) JFY 2016 JAPAN Official Development Assistance EMBASSY OF JAPAN IN THE UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA _--_—-_——O" 2015 1, INTRODUCTION The Japanese Government offers a financial assistance scheme for development projects designed to meet the diverse needs of developing countries. Known as Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP), this scheme supports community-participatory projects proposed by such bodies as nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), local government authorities and etc., in a manner that the ownership and reliable planning of applicants are highly respected for implementation of Projects. The GGHSP has acquired an excellent reputation for providing flexible and timely support to development projects at the grass-roots’ level. This pamphlet outlines the objectives, procedures, and other requirements for accessing assistance under the GGHSP, 2. ELIGIBLE APPLICANT Applications can only be received from non-profit organisations, which include, but may not be limited to; *Local Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Community Based Organisations (CBOs) *Local government authorities (District, City, Municipal, etc.) * Community and Government Schools Hospitals It is strongly recommended that an application identifies which person will be responsible for the administration, implementation and monitoring of the project. Eligible applicants are also required to have the financial capacity to afford to pay for Such items that the GGHSP will not cover, which are referred to administrative or running costs for the sustainability of the proposed project. NOTE: ~ Applications from Private organisations, automatically disqualified. 3. PREFERABLE PROJECTS. * Physical structures (e.g. Construction, Rehabilitation, Expansion| ) Projects of any sector are possible, if they benefit in ‘assroots lev to reanaty Paltical/religious/proft-m cing/health-harmful action “ee ‘Case Sy igh repent Such as capacity building tobeneticianes is possible to be included if it is Individuals and Central Government will be agriculture etc, he Projects are to be approved on humanitarian grounds and emergency measures. 4. FUND . CEILING maximum, available grant for Project. (1JY=0,008-0.017 isa Financial year 2015/16 will be JPY¥10,000,000 per Embassy of Japan in Tanzania ee * Please design the budget based on the essentials of the ‘industrial materials. Do describe applicant's financialin-kind Innate Ce 5. PROJECTS/COMPONENTS NOT CONSIDERED FoR GGHSP FUNDING * Projects that have no financial/in-kind inp The Government of Japan only provide i mputers photoc machines, fax machines, stationery, etc.) = “Small equipment such as medical, agricultural, and educational equipment may not be acceptable since it is difficult to monitor them after being funded. * Vehicles for general use Purchasing land/building ** Holding fees for seminar/workshop ** Projects for institutions of higher education + Retroactive costs Rent and maintenance fees for building (repair, upkeep, % Running costs (telephone/electricity/water costs) Projects requesting military equipment and facilities, or those promoting violence; Political and religious activities; individual income generating or leisure activities, ** Private/individual/commercial based projects. fees, licenses, etc.) 1 EMBASSVOF JAPAN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CLAIM REFUND OF THE GRANT “ IF IT IS USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE EXECUTION OF THE INTENDED PROJECT. 6. HOW TO APPLY 1, Have you fully understood the rei ‘gulations and requirements set under the GGHSP scheme? 2. Write a detailed project proposal. Descri will be used and for what kind of item: needs of your community are, the needs. ~ An official application form which will be provided by the Embassy of Japan shall be accompanied by the following documents. (tick the boxes before submission to ‘make sure all documents are enclosed) be a cost breakdown to show how the fund s. It is important to identify carefully what the and to develop the concept for the project according to Project Proposal written up by the organisation Architectural Drawings for the project 1 Project Site Maps (within the site & the location in ward/district) Q Photos of the project site (small size is preferable). 7 Detailed Cost Breakdown (Embassy, applicant and community) es Ot, Separated incidental cost (e.g. Transportation of materials, Unskilled/skilled labour, technical supervision etc} 1 Hydrogeology survey report (ifthe project involves drilling of a borehole) ee Embassy of Japan in Tanzania And if applicant is NGO, CBO etc., OO Copy of Registration certificate of the organisation 1 Agreement to the project from the local authorities (district, ward, village) An official application form is available at the reception of the Embassy or upon request by emailing to or by posting to; GGHSP officer Embassy of Japan in Tanzania P.0.BOX 2577 Dar es Salaam NOTE: + An application will be accepted only when all the above documents are attached with the application form. + Application documents will not be able to be returned to applicants even if proposals are rejected. CONTACTS FOR FURTHER INQUIRIES POINTS TO BE ASSESSED EMBASSY OF JAPAN in TANZANIA 1) CREDIBILITY Economic Cooperation Section of the applicant organisation P.0.BOX 2577, Dar es Salaam Tel : 022-2115827/29 2) ACCOUNTABILITY. Fax: 022-2115830 of the applicant organisation E-mail: embassyofjapan_TZ@dr.mofa.go. jp Feib 3) PROJECT MANAGEMENT SKILLS by the applicant organisation Grass-roots Projects Officers Mr, Takashi HIGUCHI (Second Secretary) 4) COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION Ms, Natsuki WADA (Programme Officer) Mr. Christopher NTYANGIRI (Programme Officer) Mr, Shunsuke MATSUKUMA (Programme Officer) 5) SUSTAINABILITY of the project by the community Embassy of Japan in Tanzania FLOW CHART OF GGHSP PROCESS ‘Submission of aj lication form Screening of application form ‘meeting with applicant Screening comes 8-10 Evaluation of project site months Ey ‘Second Screening Freee Screening in Headquater, Tokyo © APPROVAL © Implementation of Phaset Reports, Auditing site Visit (Evaluation) by our programme officers implementation of Phase2 Reports, Auditing site Visit (Evaluation) by our programme officers Xf Due toa large number of applications submitted and limit of funds available, only a small number of projects can be approved for funding. Notification of acceptance ‘oF rejection of projects onthe first screening vill be sent to the applicants). reject reject reject Hf Bilt of uanties need by thes of Proforma invoices issued by more than Suppliers wil Be requred. Be evled that thre suppliers need aati the Uist of materials made By Ae applicant of the fund according to the drawings oF tectrical specification. reject reject {Ee Grant contract contain objectives of he troject, the rits and obligations of each Paey, the maximum amount that wil BE parged for the execution ofthe POC Prpmtson date of inerin/ final reports the seorited completion date ofthe project and ete. The fund wil be csbused after & recipient signs contracts with a supplier contractor. 4. The Grant shouldbe used propery and trelusvely forthe purchase of the products Sndvor services specified in the application form of the approved project. Once the vant funds have been disbursed, plementation of the project is expected to ‘eed ina timely manner and if conormity with the agreed-upon timetable {in principle, within 1year?. ee lnterim eport during implementation and final eeport upon the completion of the project are required together with an External auditing report, bank statements Say receipts (In certain cases, a recipient Aas be asked to submit adaitiona reports.)

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