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Dear Compre takers;

Here’s your on line review for Research, please be guided of the following.
(as if you have the study already) the topic is about Resiliency, Challenges and
Diversities faced by Graduate Students. Suggest a title, work on the content and
rationale, indicating the reason why the study can be conducted timely

Abstract – (summary of the study)

Research Paradigm
Scope and limitation – Who are involved? Why? When?
Significance of the study - Why is the study significant among school administrators?
faculty members? action research students? parents, other research?
Research Questions – Develop 5-6 questions the first 3 questions should focus on the
title, fourth and fifth questions, challenges difficulties and proposed activities with
regards to challenges and diversities faced by graduate students.
Research Design – What method of research will you use? Why? How will you do it?
Who supported your statements? (indicate the name and year)
Subjects of the study – Who are involved in your study? How many? School year?
Data Gathering Instrument – What instrument will you use? Why? How will you do it?
(Apply CVARS process)
Data Gathering Procedure – Before this study, what steps were undertaken to come
up with this study? (Explain each)
Data analysis plan – How will you analyze your date to come up with a comprehensive
result? Why?
Analysis and Interpretation of data
Conclusions – Based it for the research questions
Recommendations – Have a 3-5 recommendation based on the given conclusion
Appendices – Include list of references

Good luck and God bless us all!

Dr. Lusanta

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