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If you've played any of the Virtual Villagers games before, some things
are the same and some have changed.

Ô Àearn the controls! They are basically the same as Virtual

Villagers 4 with the addition of the energy bar and the "godly"
powers icons. The most useful control to learn is the detail
"camera" located at the bottom right of the screen. You can use
this to quickly locate any individual on the island. Click on the
right arrow (when the screen is blank) and it goes to the youngest
tribe member. Continue to click the right arrow and you will
scroll through your villagers from youngest to oldest. As each one
comes up in the "camera", the game will zoom to that person.
This is especially helpful when trying to find children quickly.
Click on the left arrow (when the screen is blank) and you will go
to the oldest person in the tribe. Continue to click and you will
cycle from oldest to youngest.

Ô atch your levels closely! At the top of the screen are the totals
of your population, your food supply, your current tech points,
your faith energy, and what "godly" powers you can
access.  .

Ô lan carefully! Choose your beginning villagers wisely, the success

of your tribe depends on it. Make sure you have a balance of male
and female, and one (or preferably 2) children to collect
mushrooms and collectibles. Avoid any villager who dislikes
"work", "learning" or "running" as they will be fairly useless. Also
avoid those who dislike wood or stone (they make bad builders),
dislike plants or herbs (bad farmers and bad doctors), dislike fish
or swimming (bad farmers), dislike lifting (bad builders) or things
of that nature. Examine the likes and dislikes of your prospective
villager carefully. Also avoid villagers who like "rest" as they won't
do a lot of work.  .

Ô Your energy bar shows two things, how much energy you
and how much energy you do have. Your ability to have more
energy increases with the size of your population and the level of
spirituality tech, as well as your conversion efforts. hen you
start you will only have the capacity for about 35 energy. At the
end it will be over 800. Just because you have the capacity
doesn't mean you have the energy, using your "godly" powers uses
that energy and it takes a while for it to accumulate again. Just
having living villagers will slowly increase the energy, but you can
gain more if you convert a heathen or in collecting duplicate

Ô Àearn the double collect trick! To double collect an item with

children do as follows: once you spot a collectible or mushroom,
find the nearest child. ick the child up and pause the game
(with the space bar). Drop the child on the collectible and go find
a second child. ick up the second child and go back to the
object. Once you are hovering over the object (and the first
dropped child) hit the space bar to unpause and a 
 drop the
second child right next to the first. If done properly and the
timing is right, both children will run away with the same object.
This is invaluable in bolstering food supplies when collecting
mushrooms, and in gaining tech points or energy when collecting
other collectibles. WARNcN do not drop a child directly onto
the other, this will cause them to drop the item and go off for a
jumping contest. Make sure that the children are side-by-
side.  .

Ô Collect Ruthlessly! Mushrooms can mean the difference between

life and death to your tribe in the early stages, and the boost in
tech points from collectibles allows you to purchase necessary
second stage technology quickly. Collecting relics helps fill up
your energy bar quickly, and also helps extend it the more relics
you find.

Ô atch for sparkles! Mushrooms and collectibles produce faint

white sparkles, which enable them to be spotted more easily.

Ô Cross Train Ruthlessly! Some tasks will require villagers with more
than one skill, and it is helpful to be able to quickly shift your
workforce from one task to another if necessary.

Ô Àearn to Navigate! You can move around the area in several

different ways. (1) Àeft click on the ground and drag, this will
move the visible area around. (2) Use the number keypad: the
area is broken into roughly 9 grids, corresponding to the numbers
on the keypad of your keyboard. The bottom row of numbers (1,
2, and 3) cover the "south" area, the middle row of numbers (4,
5, and 6) cover the "middle" area, and the top row of numbers (7,
8, 9) cover the "north" area. The number keypad is an easy way to
quickly look for collectibles. (3) Use the detail "camera". Use the
right and left arrows of the camera to select a villager and the
screen will zoom to where they are. The detail "camera" will not
work if the game is paused. (4) Use the overall map. Use the map
button on the controls to get a bird's eye overall view of the area.
*rom the map click on the area you wish to go and it will zoom to
that area.

Ô Don't pick up a villager that is busy unless it is absolutely

necessary! If you pick up a villager that is in the process of a task
or is carrying something, they will drop the item and it will be
lost. They will also "forget" what it is they were doing.

Ô Children under the age of 14 will not work, except for picking up
mushrooms and collectibles! Once they reach age 14 you can put
them to work, but they won't be fully "adult" until age 18. That
means if a story time for the children is going on, the 14-17 year
olds will drop work and attend. Villagers cannot have children
until fully "adult", i.e. the age of 18.

Ô Aased on their parentage, some children will be born with a little

bit of skill in some areas. Children can also be "trained" somewhat
by using the nursery school.

Ô Nursing mothers will not work until the baby is 2 years old! So be
careful about getting the women pregnant. ith no one farming a
tribe can easily starve.

Ô Don't forget to take off the parenting preference if you are going
to leave the game! If you forget and leave a male villager on
parenting, you may wake up to a tribe that has doubled or more
in size, or one that has starved from too many people and not
enough food.

Ô The game continues even when it is turned off! Virtual Villagers 5

plays in "real time", which means things will still happen even
when the game is closed. Remember this if you're going to be
away for a while. Move your game to the "slow" or "pause" option
depending on how long you will be away.

Ô Choose your time settings wisely! laying in "fast" mode live is

fun, but if you're going to be gone for a while consider switching
to "Normal", "Slow", or even "ause". If something goes wrong, you
can come back to a dead village and have to start over again.

Ô -  

Not only can this mess up other things on your computer, it
can create havoc within the game. Trying this can result in a
dead tribe, or problems with regenerating crops.

Ô The weather is your friend! Yes, rain and fog are annoying and
tend to hide things, but they are extremely useful. hen it rains,
mushrooms pop out at a much faster rate, allowing more food
collection. The heathens in the run-down village don't like rain,
and will flee to the forest which can be helpful or hurtful, as they
often take a route that crosses the path of your farmers or
builders, causing work to stop as they chase your villagers. You
can create rain, lightning, sunshine, and fog from your "godly"
powers. The *og of Doom is especially helpful as the heathens
cannot see through it and your villagers can.

Ô *ire is your friend! A fire not only keeps your villagers warm and
cuts down on illness, it boosts your ability to gain tech points.
You will need both wood and dry grass to start a fire, and usually
only adults can start a fire. However, you can light the fire using
your lightning power.
Ô Don't forget to set work preferences for your villagers! *or
instance, if you want someone farming, make sure to check the
farming preference. Villagers without preferences set will often
wander around and do their own thing.  .

Ô You can choose the hut locations! hen the foundation for a hut
shows up, you can pick it up and move it to a place of your
choosing (within reason). Àook closely at the outline of the
foundation, green means an area that the hut can be built in, red
means you can't build there. Choose locations wisely: try not to
impede frequently used paths, and especially watch out for areas
that the orange guards like to walk through.

Ô Use children as temporary healers! If a villager becomes sick

before you have access to the hospital to train doctors, find the
nearest child, set their preference to healing, and drop them on
the ill individual. Keep doing this until they heal the villager.

Ô Keep an eye on the blue-mask heathens! Drop a villager on them

to talk to them and a light will appear above their head. This
means that they are thinking about what you've said. Make sure
all of the blue-mask heathens have lights. hen the lights go out,
drop a villager on them again to talk. Eventually they will convert
to your tribe. ARNING: Don't try to talk to the ones with a light,
they are already thinking about it and don't want to talk right
now. They will run away from your villager if you
try.  .

Ô Avoid the orange-mask heathens! They will chase your villagers

and make them drop whatever they are carrying, especially
disrupting food gathering and building tasks. If you are dropping
children onto collectibles first check to make sure no orange-
mask heathen is in the area.

Ô Use distractions! Orange mask heathens can be drawn away from

an area with an adult or child. They will give chase, leaving the
area temporarily clear. They will come back quickly, so use a
child or children to keep them away until you've done what you
need to do. Red mask heathens will not give chase, and will scare
your people away, so you will need to use your "godly" powers to
move them from an area. Aees or lightning will cause them to run
away for a short while.

Ô All the heathens can be converted, but each has a different

method. See the technical section (section 3) for details on each
and how to convert them.

Ô atch where people go! Children (and adults) will often wander
off to look at "interesting" areas of the island. These areas are
usually important.

Ô *ly around the island! ick up a child and hover him/her over
various interesting areas and watch the text that shows up in the
control screen. Do this with adults as well, to identify certain
items and hotspots that are important to the game.






Ô You will pick the five members of your new village from a large
pool of hopefuls.

Ô A good basic strategy is to pick a balance of men and women,

with at least one child.

Ô If you are going to be playing with the tutorial on, it's better to
not choose a nursing mother, as the tutorial has you produce a
baby. Nursing mothers do not work, so be careful about breeding
early on. However, each new person in your village increases your
ability for "godly" powers.
Ô Try for a mix of talents. It's good to have one person with building
skills, one with farming skills, and one with research skills.

Ô This strategy guide is based on three adults (one a nursing

mother) and two children.

Ô Don't pick all of one gender. ith no way to produce children,

your village will die of old age.

Ô Experienced players might like to go with something more

challenging, like all children.

Ô Younger is better. Until you can afford third level medicine, your
villagers will start becoming elderly in their 50's or early 60's and
die earlier.

Ô  .





Ô Your villagers will appear inside a flimsy bamboo enclosure. Set

your adults to building and drop them on the bamboo and they
will start tearing it down to build a food bin. hile they are doing
that, scan around with your kids and collect mushrooms and relics
if they appear. Don't forget to avoid the orange mask
heathens.  .
Ô hile the food bin is being built, grab one adult and start
dropping them on blue mask villagers to talk to them. Ae
persistent, eventually you will see a yellow light appear above
their (the blue mask) head showing that they are thinking about
it. Don't bother with the heathen "mommy" blue mask, she will
not talk to your villager.

Ô Once the food bin is finished concentrate on finding mushrooms

with the children. You will need the food.



Ô To the left of the enclosure, across the stream, is the science

lab. Just below the lab (south) is the hospital, guarded by the
pain totem.

Ô In the hospital are some blue mask heathens, and a purple mask
heathen who is sick.

Ô Set one of your children (or adults) to healing, then drop them on
the purple mask heathen until he/she is healed.  .

Ô Once the purple mask heathen is healed he/she will convert and
join your village. You now have an extra adult to work, and one
who is also an experienced doctor.

Ô hen the heathen converts, they will drop a small article on the
ground. Have a child pick it up and they will run it over to the
stone statue just north of the enclosure. This is the first part of
the necklace. Each purple mask heathen has a part.  .
Ô If at this point the food bin isn't finished, set two adults to finish
it and continue talking to the blues with the third.



Ô At this point you need to make a decision, food or tech points. If

you go for food it will be more difficult to open the lab. This
walkthrough presumes that food is more important.

Ô Above and to the right of the enclosure is a noni bush. There is a

Hungry Totem in front of it.  .

Ô In order to get food from the bush, you need to get the guards
away and tear down the totem.

Ô Use the bee power on the bush. This will do two things: (1)
Increase the number of noni berries, and (2) temporarily drive
away the red mask heathen.

Ô Once the heathens near the bush run away use a child to distract
any orange masks in the area, then drop your adults on the totem
to tear it down.

Ô Keep the orange guards away and keep your adults on it until the
totem collapses. This will happen fairly quickly.

Ô Once the totem is gone the red mask and the orange mask will go
elsewhere. There will still be two orange masks nearby, guarding
the wood pile.
* * 


Ô Once the Hungry Totem is down you can start to harvest noni
berries. Set your adults to farming and drop them on the bush.
Keep dropping them until they start harvesting. Keep them at it,
then go searching for mushrooms and relics with the kids. If you
happen to spot a blue mask that doesn't have a light, grab one of
the adults and drop them on the blue mask to talk.

Ô Another food source will appear when your energy reaches 150,
the instant bloom godly power. Activate it, and mushrooms will
spring from the ground, including red ones. If you have the kids
standing by, you can top up your food reserves with this.

Ô If the bush runs out of fruit before you get the farm fixed, you
can use the bees on the bush to create a few more berries.

Ô Eventually, when you get over 300 food, the adults will stop
worrying. Now it's time to start a fire. Aut the wood pile is being
guarded still.

Ô Above (north) of your enclosure is a large stone statue, at least a

rough one. Once you have enough food, grab two of your adults,
set them to building, and drop them on the statue. They will
carve a crude hand.  .

Ô Once the hand is carved, the guards will flee away from the wood
pile. Your maximum energy will also go up.
Ô hen the guards have left, have one adult get wood from the
pile. Drop another adult on the dry grass, which is to the left,
across the stream.  .

Ô hen both the wood and dry grass are in the fire pit, drop an
adult on it to light the fire. You can also light the fire with the
lightning power if you have that.



Ô Once the statue is done, find the foundations for your honeymoon
hut and first hut, they will be below your enclosure.  .

Ô These foundations are movable. ick them up and move them

around. As long as their outline is green you can build there.

Ô Move your honeymoon hut to where you want it, then set one
villager to building and drop them on to start the project.

Ô Keep the other villagers on the noni bush and stockpile food.

Ô hen the honeymoon hut is done you can get a female pregnant,
if you came with a nursing mother this is not a good idea to have
two women out of the workforce at the same time.

Ô Move the builder over to the hut and start him/her on that


Ô Once you've got some decent food reserves and the honeymoon
hut, it's time to take down the Knowing Totem that is blocking
the science lab.

Ô The totem is guarded by this time by one or two orange masks

and a red mask. The red masks will not chase your villagers, so
you need something that will distract both types of guards.

Ô The easiest for doing this is the lightning power, which is 100
energy. If you have this ability by this time, then use it.

Ô If you don't, then you can use the bees.

Ô Hit the totem with lightning and the guards will run off. As soon
as they are far enough away drop every adult you have on the
totem to dismantle it.

Ô Orange guards may come back early or come out of the lab. If
they do, distract them with children while your adults are tearing
down the totem.

Ô If the red guard comes back before you finish, just move your
adults back to farming/building and let your energy build up
again. You can accelerate this process by double collecting relics.

Ô Hit the totem with lightning again if necessary, then finish pulling
down the totem.

Ô Once the totem is gone the guards will leave and you can access
the lab. 


Ô Now that the lab is clear, move most of your adults over to
research in their preferences then drop them on the lab table.

Ô Ignore the purple mask heathen, he/she won't bother you.

Ô You need to get second level construction to get the farm, but
you won't be able to fix it unless you have both a master scientist
and a master builder.

Ô Keep one person on building the hut until they hit master, put
everyone else on research.

Ô Once you open the lab science collectibles will start showing up,
collect them with your children.

Ô hen you get 3000 tech points use them to buy 2nd level food
production, which will increase your yield from the noni bush and

Ô Then keep researching until you have the 5,000 points needed for
second level construction.

Ô Continue to collect mushrooms and collectibles with your


o    A '



Ô To get the farm you need 2nd level construction, as well as a

master scientist and a master builder. If you don't have a master
builder, start on the second hut with one builder until they
become a master.

Ô Once you have all of those, turn your attention to the farm and
the broken aqueduct above (north) of the lab.  .

Ô Drop your master scientist on the aqueduct and they will start to
supervise the work.

Ô Drop a master builder to start construction, then any other

builders you have as well.

Ô Once the aqueduct is repaired the farm will be ready to go.

Ô At this point the purple masked farmer will convert to your tribe
and drop a piece of the necklace. Have a child pick up the piece.

Ô It will take 2 hours (in fast speed) for food to grow, but you can
make it bloom instantly if you have the instant bloom "godly"


Ô After you've secured the second food source you can grow your
tribe. The food is a finite resource, but using the instant bloom
power you can make it grow instantly rather than wait. ith this
ability, you can grow your village slowly but surely.

Ô Don't keep too many women nursing at once or you risk the labor
supply. You still need to earn tech points for the rest of the level
2 technologies, and you need farmers to bring in the crops.

Ô Have your builders finish the second hut as soon as possible, then
switch them to farming or research.

Ô After food mastery and construction, buy the level 2 technologies

in this order: science, learning, medicine, spirituality.

Ô Once you have level 2 science, the clothing hut foundations will
appear. Go ahead and build this when you want to train some
builders. You will need the clothing hut for a later puzzle.

Ô hen you have level 2 construction and spirituality, drop builders

on the statue and they will refine it again, boosting your
maximum energy bar.

0 !""




Ô This requires that you have lightning power and a few builders.
Ô The pain totem has no guards, but it gives off electricity so no
one can touch it.  .

Ô Hit the pain totem with the lightning power, then drop your
builders on it to take it apart.

Ô If its power comes back, hit it with lightning again and finish
demolishing it.



Ô This requires lightning power (or the bees) and at least two
(preferably more) master builders.

Ô uzzle 7 is to take down the blocking totem, which guards the

entrance to the mausoleum.  .

Ô Drop a master builder (or several) on the totem to start taking it


Ô Once you start to work on this totem, the guards and others from
the mausoleum will come and try to rebuild it.

Ô Your builders will run away, make sure they don't go far.

Ô Once the totem is surrounded by the guards, hit it with lightning.

Ô hen they run away, drop your builders back on to tear it down.
Ô If any orange guards come back early, you need to keep them
distracted with a child.

Ô hen the red and blue masks come back and start repairing the
totem, hit them with lightning again.

Ô hen they leave bring back your builders and keep tearing down.

Ô Repeat as necessary until the totem is gone.



Ô Requires destruction of the Alocking Totem.

Ô Once the Alocking Totem (puzzle 7) is gone, wait and the

heathens will drift away to other places.  .

Ô You can then drop builders on the mausoleum to clear the


Ô Towards the end, the purple mask heathen who sits by the
mausoleum may try to put the blockage back. Don't worry about
it, just make sure that there are three or more builders clearing
the rubble.



Ô Requires six children.

Ô This is the Hollow Totem that sits beside the dry
lake.  .

Ô Your builders can't take this one down, you need to stuff it with

Ô Notice the holes, there are five of them.

Ô *ive children can fit comfortably in the totem. A sixth will cause
it to collapse.

Ô Drop children on the totem and wait until they go in. hen the
holes are filled with eyes, drop the sixth and the totem will



Ô Requires the clothing hut be built, several builders, two random


Ô This is the Rainbow Totem that guards the hot springs

pools.  .

Ô After the clothing hut is complete, three dye pots will appear at
the top of the screen, to the right of the pool and above the
farm.  .

Ô You can use these to drive all of the heathens out of the pool
long enough to take down the totem.
Ô You need two adults to take dye to the pool. Drop the first adult
on the yellow pot and wait until he/she picks it up and starts
towards the pool.

Ô Then drop the second adult on the red pot. Do not wait for the
first one to reach the pool, if you do the yellow dye will wash
away before the red can get there.

Ô atch as the adults drop first the yellow, then the red dye into
the pool. The water will turn a nasty orange color and the
heathens will leap out.

Ô hen they do, drop your builders on the totem to take it down.
Repeat with the dyes if the heathens come back before you can
get the totem down.

Ô This will clear the heathens out of the pool. At this point, the
only place they can go is the broken down village in the south
east corner of the map.



Ô Requires 2nd level science, at least one master scientist.

Ô After you purchase 2nd level science, the lab cleans up a bit and
there is a large "blackboard" on the back wall made of animal

Ô Drop a master scientist on this board and they will proceed to

write out a mathematical proof.  .
Ô If they are correct, the purple masked master scientist will
celebrate, then walk over to the mat and sit down, thinking.

Ô You can tell they are thinking due to the light over their head.
ait for the light to go out (an hour or two depending on what
speed you are playing the game at).

Ô hen they are no longer thinking repeat the process with a

master scientist. ait again and repeat a third time. After the
third time the heathen will convert.

Ô The heathen will drop a piece of the necklace, have a child pick
it up.



Ô Requires that the mausoleum be cleared, a fire in the fire pit.

Ô hen you have finished clearing the mausoleum, a shallow pan

will appear on the steps. Drop an adult to pick it up.  .

Ô The adult will take the pan up the stream and drop it near the
mysterious pot, halfway between the food bin and the science
lab.  .

Ô Drop an adult on the shallow pan and they will start to pan for
gold. If they are successful, they will fill the pot 1/3 full of gold.

Ô Keep dropping adults on the pan and panning until the pot is full.
Ô hen the pot is full drop an adult on it and they will take it to
the fire.  .

Ô ait a bit, and the gold will turn into a large orb. hen it does,
drop an adult on it and they will take it to the Alind Totem at the
edge of the forest.  .

Ô hen they put the eye in the totem, the hidden section of the
forest will clear and you will see the chief.  .

!""$) ,- !""


Ô This puzzle is only in games sold in the first few weeks through
Àast Day of ork.

Ô Requires 3 nursing mothers, some children for distraction.

Ô You may have noticed the heathen "mommy" sitting in the ruined
village in the southeast corner of the map.

Ô Mommy is almost never alone, the guards are always there except
when they are drawn away, or when it rains.

Ô Distract the guards away and drop a nursing mother onto

"Mommy" to talk to her.

Ô ait until the "Mommy" is listening, then drop another nursing

mother to talk.

Ô Again wait, then drop a third nursing mother.

Ô Aasically you want all three mommies to be talking to the
heathen "mommy" at the same time. At this point she will


 .  *  




Ô As long as you have the blooming godly power and enough energy
to use it, that farm can support a village of 50 without much
strain, so getting the final source of food is not the major
necessity it was in earlier games.

Ô So now you need to come up with a strategy of which

technologies to push for while growing your village.

Ô You're going to need a lot of scientists, so put at least three

women at parenting and let them go.

Ô Also, continue to try and convert the blue masked heathens, they
will add to your workforce.

Ô To get the final food source, you need the Revive godly power,
which is 600 energy. This means you need to either have a large
village or have completed the statue in the center of the village.
Ô Completing the statue requires both 3rd level construction and

Ô You need 3rd level construction to get the third hut, and you
need the third hut to grow your village past 35 people.

Ô 3rd level science will enable you to rack up tech points more

Ô 3rd level medicine will keep your villagers healthy longer.

Ô 3rd level food mastery means you will yield more from your farm
and from collected mushrooms.

Ô 3rd level learning means your villagers will learn more quickly,
and you will get the foundations for the nursery school with
which to train the kids.

Ô My personal preference for 3rd level technology order: science,

construction, spirituality, medicine, learning, food mastery.



Ô Towards the end of the game, you will eventually convert the last
blue masked heathen. You will convert the purple ones as part of
the puzzles, as well as the chief. That will leave the orange and
red masked folks still hanging around, and causing problems as
the lake (a major food source) is near their broken down village.
Ô You
 convert them, but it requires you to have at least 800

Ô At 800 energy you will get the power of causing an earthquake.

Ô Center the earthquake on their village and trigger it. hen it is

over they will light up, thinking.

Ô ait for an hour or two until the lights above their heads go out,
then trigger another earthquake.

Ô Keep doing this and eventually they will convert.

/ !""




Ô Requires a master builder, 500 energy, the purple master builder

to be in the area, and the time warp godly power.

Ô To the right of the blocking totem are two small areas that look
like building supplies.  .

Ô To convert the purple mask master builder, you need to beat

him/her at a building contest.

Ô The purple mask master is very fast, however.

Ô The purple mask master also tends to wander, so you can't do the
challenge until he/she is sitting below the challenge area.

Ô Aring your master builder to the area.

Ô Use the time warp powers on him/her, and she will speed up.

Ô Drop the builder immediately on the left pile of supplies, and

he/she will quickly build an object.

Ô If they finish, the purple mask will convert to your tribe.

Ô The necklace piece will actually drop near the statue, near where
the other three pieces of the necklace are.

Ô Drop a child on the piece and they will bring it to the rest and
assemble the necklace.



Ô Requires tempest godly power (300 energy twice) and revive

godly power (600 energy). It is usually best to do this in stages,
and perhaps wait until you have completed puzzle 14 (the hand

Ô Go to the dry lake area and trigger a tempest (storm). Then

trigger a second (you must trigger the second while there are still
puddles in the dry lake).

Ô After two storms the lake will fill up.  .

Ô NOTE: If you don't have the capacity to do two storms in a row,
you can still do this. Just wait until after it rains and there are
puddles in the dry lake, then trigger a tempest.

Ô Now you need to recharge to 600 energy to use the revive godly

Ô hen you have the energy, use the revive godly power on the
lake and the fish will come to life.

Ô Now your farmers can fish. Unfortunately, until you convert the
orange and red masked heathens, they will interfere with your
farmers as they pass by their village.



Ô Requires level 3 construction, level 3 spirituality, lots of builders.

Ô Once you have the levels of technology, start dropping your

builders on the statue and they will complete it.

Ô Once the statue is completed it will increase your maximum

energy level.

Ô You can also drop builders on the completed statue to polish it.
This will give them building experience.


Ô Requires that you have converted all of the purple masked
masters and gathered their pieces of the necklace (puzzle 1,
puzzle 5, puzzle 9, and puzzle 13).

Ô This necklace belonged to the chief's daughter.

Ô Once the necklace is complete, drop someone (adult, child, it

doesn't matter) on it to take it to the chief.

Ô The chief will convert and join your tribe. The former chief is a
master in all six specialties.

ccc     2  2 




Ô You begin with level 1 in all technologies.

Ô Àevel 2 science allows the clothing hut to be built and the lab to
be restored enough to convert the purple mask science master.
You will also accumulate tech points more quickly. Àevel 3
science allows for another lab upgrade, and you accumulate
points more quickly.

Ô Àevel 2 medicine allows your villagers to live to their late 60s

(they will get elderly in their early 60s). It also increases fertility
and upgrades the hospital. Àevel 3 medicine allows your villagers
to live into their 70s and beyond (they will get elderly in their
late 60s). Again, it increases fertility.

Ô Àevel 2 learning makes your villagers learn their tasks more

quickly, and means they will reach master status sooner. Àevel 3
learning causes the nursery school foundation to appear. Once it
is built you can train the children in there (you need someone
who is adept in at least 3 areas to teach).

Ô Àevel 2 construction allows for the second hut, the repair of the
aqueduct for the farm, and the next level construction of the
hand statue. Àevel 3 construction gets you the third hut and the
final level of construction of the hand statue.

Ô Àevel 2 spirituality gets you more energy capacity, and allows the
statue upgrade (in combination with construction level 2). Àevel 3
spirituality gets you more energy capacity, you are more efficient
at converting the heathens, and you can do the final statue
upgrade (in combination with construction level 3).

Ô *ood mastery doesn't open up a supply of food, it merely

increases the amount of food you can get from your source and
improves your storage methods so it disappears more slowly. At
level 1 you get a base amount of food, at level 2 you yield 50%
more, and at level 3 you double your yield. Therefore, for foods
that you gather in the game:

Ô Gray mushrooms: level 1 = 6 food points, level 2 = 9 food

points, level 3 = 12 food points.

Ô Red mushrooms: level 1 = 35 food points, level 2 = 52 food

points, level 3 = 70 food points.

Ô Noni fruit: level 1 = 2 food points, level 2 = 3 food points,

level 4 = 4 food points.

Ô *ish: level 1 = 4 food points, level 2 = 6 food points, level 3 =

8 food points.



Ô Collectibles are a bit different this time around. There are three
types: Relics, Science collectibles, and necklace pieces.

Ô There are 24 relics and 24 science collectibles. Each collection

has 8 common, 8 uncommon and 8 rare pieces.

Ô Each new relic you collect increases your potential energy. Each
duplicate relic you collect increases your energy, common pieces
give you 10 energy, uncommon give you 50, and rare give you

Ô However, you cannot collect more energy than your capacity. If

you have a capacity of 75 energy and you have 75 energy,
collecting duplicate relics won't give you more energy at all. You
need to increase your capacity first.

Ô Each new science collectible allows your researchers to get tech

points faster. Each duplicate collectible gives you tech points,
common items 100, uncommon 250 and rare are worth 1,000 tech

Ô Each piece of the necklace is guarded by one of the purple

masked heathens. Each of them is actually an adept or master in
their field as well. hen you convert them, they will drop a
necklace piece. You can pick it up with any of your villagers but
kids are faster. The necklace pieces will go to a spot to the left
of the hand statue until all four are accumulated. At that point
they will assemble the necklace. Drop a villager (a kid is faster)
on the completed necklace to solve puzzle 16.

Ô Relics will begin showing up as soon as you start the game.

Science collectibles will not appear until you have torn down the
Knowing Totem and taken over the science lab.



Ô Godly powers are things that you, as the "power" in the game,
can use to affect the environment. Your powers are limited to
two things: your energy capacity and your actual energy.

Ô The energy bar at the top right of your screen shows you your
energy capacity and power. Icons for the powers will appear
across the top of the screen as you accumulate the energy to
activate them.

Ô You can increase your capacity by finding new relics, by

converting heathens to your tribe, and by having children. Every
time you add a new person to your tribe you increase your energy
capacity. You can also increase the capacity by purchasing level 2
and 3 of spirituality.

Ô You can increase your energy by collecting duplicate relics, by

talking to the blue mask heathens, and by performing certain
tasks. Energy also comes from your villagers (your "followers")
and will slowly replenish over time even without any collecting or

Ô The godly powers (and their energy requirements) are as follows:

Ô Autterflies - 10 points. Triggering the butterflies will draw all

of the children (including the heathens) into the area where
you placed them. This is a great distraction for keeping the
kids in one place or away from another.

Ô Aees - 25 points. Triggering the bees can cause mayhem as

the bees attack nearby villagers and heathens alike, so they
can be used as distractions to get guards away from totems.
They can also be beneficial, when applied to the noni bush it
will pollinate it and produce a little more fruit.

Ô Sunshine - 50 points. Triggering this will drive away fog and

stop rain. There is a trophy for actually using the sun to stop
a storm (tempest) that you created.
Ô Àightning - 100 points. This will drive people away from
totems or any other area you aim it at. You can also use it to
light the fire and cancel out the ain Totem.

Ô Aloom - 150 points. hen applied to the ground it will cause

a bunch of flowers and mushrooms to suddenly sprout. hen
applied to the farm it will cause the crops to instantly grow.
Either way, it's a great way to stretch food supplies.

Ô Tempest - 300 points. As advertised, this is a big storm you

can unleash to scare the guards away from their village or to
fill in the dry lake bed.

Ô *og of Doom - 400 points. This creates a really dense fog

which the heathens cannot see through, but which your
villagers can. Towards the end of the game, when you are
trying to convert the last blue heathens, they will be in the
village surrounded by red and orange heathens. Difficult to
get near them without the fog. Trigger the fog, then start
dropping your villagers on the blue masks to talk to them.

Ô Time arp - 500 points. This causes a villager to speed up to

supersonic speeds. This is necessary to beat the purple
masked master builder build-off competition (puzzle 9).

Ô Revive - 600 points. As advertised, this will revive any dead

thing, be it a villager or fish in the lake. This is necessary for
puzzle 10, the lake.

Ô Grant Youth - 700 points. This one will de-age a villager back
to a child. Can be used on any older villager.
Ô Earthquake - 800 points. Yes, you can cause earthquakes.
You need this power to finally convert the orange and red
masked heathens. You can also use this to pull down a
building project and start over.



Ô There are five types of heathens in the game, and you will
hopefully convert them all to your village.

Ô Some of the heathens will ignore your people, some are actively
hostile, and some are too scary to approach.

Ô Types of Heathens:

Ô Alue Masks: These are friendly folk who are not scary and
who will not chase your villagers. Drop one of your villagers
on them to talk about conversion. hen the conversation is
over you will see a light over their head, indicating that they
are thinking about it. Don't bother them again while that
light is on, they will run away. You will eventually convert
all of the blue heathens by talking to them (even the
"mommy" heathen in puzzle 17).

Ô urple Masks: These are adepts or masters in their field, and

there are four of them. A doctor, a farmer, a scientist, and a
builder. They can only be converted by actions, not words.
See puzzles 1, 5, 9 and 13 for details.
Ô Orange Masks: These are aggressive guards, who try to keep
your villagers away from certain areas and also the blue
heathens. If one of your villagers gets close to these guys
they will chase them away. Even when they end up confined
to their broken down village towards the end of the game,
they can cause problems for fishermen passing too close on
their way back from the lake. One of the orange masked
guards is also a child, and will wander all over in the game,
showing up when you least expect it to interfere with food
gathering, building, and collectible gathering. A villager will
drop what they are carrying when chased by an orange mask,
and you will lose the food or the collectible they were

Ô Red Masks: These are senior guards. They won't chase your
villagers, but they are so scary your villagers will run away if
they get too close. You will find these guarding totems and
major sites, and eventually they will congregate in the
broken down village with the rest of the orange masks. Red
and orange masked guards can only be converted with
earthquakes. You need 800 energy to trigger an earthquake
in their village, and they will start to think (you will see the
lights over their heads). hen the lights go out, hit them
with another earthquake. Keep doing this until they are

Ô The Chief: You will occasionally see the chief wander in and
out of the forest area to the north with the Alind Totem. He
will ignore your villagers and doesn't want to talk. See puzzle
16 for the solution on how to convert the chief.


Ô There are seven totems in the game, and you will end up
destroying six of them.

Ô Most totems are a focus for the orange and red masks guarding
the useful spaces, the pool, the science lab, the mausoleum, the
dry lake, and the noni bush. Two totems don't have guards: the
pain totem (which shoots off electricity) and the blind totem.

Ô The totems and their methods of destruction are:

Ô Hungry Totem: Guards the noni bush. Distract the guards

with bees or children to allow your builders to pull this one
down (puzzle 3).

Ô Knowing Totem: Guards the science lab. Distract the guards

with bees or lightning (and children to distract the orange
guards) to tear this one down (puzzle 4).

Ô The ain Totem: Keeps everyone away from the hospital.

You must use lightning to neutralize this totem to pull it
down (puzzle 11).

Ô The Hollow Totem: Stands near the dry lake. Guards don't
stand by this totem, they stand in the lake bed itself. This
can only be destroyed with the help of six children (puzzle
Ô The Alocking Totem: *ocal point for the mausoleum guards.
This one can only be brought down by master builders, and
requires a lot of distractions in the form of lightning and
children to accomplish (puzzle 7).

Ô The Rainbow Totem: Controls access to the hot springs

pools. You need to have completed building the clothing hut
to tear down this totem (puzzle 12).

Ô The Alind Totem: This is the only totem you don't have to
destroy but rather to activate. There is a long complicated
solution to this in puzzle 15.

c4 !""


!""$5!  23 


Ô Requires: One villager (adult or child).

Ô To the left of the enclosure, across the stream, is the science
lab. Just below the lab (south) is the hospital, guarded by the
pain totem.

Ô In the hospital are some blue mask heathens, and a purple mask
heathen who is sick.

Ô Set one of your children (or adults) to healing, then drop them on
the purple mask heathen until he/she is healed.  .

Ô Once the purple mask heathen is healed he/she will convert and
join your village. You now have an extra adult to work, and one
who is also an experienced doctor.

!""#5* 2  * 


Ô Requires: One adult villager (at a minimum).

Ô Your villagers will appear inside a flimsy bamboo enclosure. Set

your adults to building and drop them on the bamboo and they
will start tearing it down to build a food bin.  .

Ô hen the food bin is finished you have solved the puzzle.

!""%5 323 


Ô Requires: Aees, adult builder, child for distraction.

Ô Above and to the right of the enclosure is a noni bush. There is a
Hungry Totem in front of it.  .

Ô In order to get food from the bush, you need to get the guards
away and tear down the totem.

Ô Use the bee power on the bush. This will do two things: (1)
Increase the number of noni berries, and (2) temporarily drive
away the red mask heathen.

Ô Once the heathens near the bush run away use a child to distract
any orange masks in the area, then drop your adults on the totem
to tear it down.

Ô Keep the orange guards away and keep your adults on it until the
totem collapses. This will happen fairly quickly.

Ô Once the totem is gone the red mask and the orange mask will go
elsewhere. Now you can harvest food.

!""&5A/ o  -   


Ô Requires: Aees or Àightning power, adult builders, children for


Ô The totem is guarded by this time by one or two orange masks

and a red mask. The red masks will not chase your villagers, so
you need something that will distract both types of guards.
Ô The easiest for doing this is the lightning power, which is 100
energy. If you have this ability by this time, then use it.

Ô If you don't, then you can use the bees.

Ô Hit the totem with lightning and the guards will run off. As soon
as they are far enough away drop every adult you have on the
totem to dismantle it.

Ô Orange guards may come back early or come out of the lab. If
they do, distract them with children while your adults are tearing
down the totem.

Ô If the red guard comes back before you finish, just move your
adults back to farming/building and let your energy build up
again. You can accelerate this process by double collecting relics.

Ô Hit the totem with lightning again if necessary, then finish pulling
down the totem.

Ô Once the totem is gone the guards will leave and you can access
the lab. 

!""(56 *


Ô Requires: Construction level 2, 1 master scientist, 1 master

builder, other builders.

Ô Once you have all of those, turn your attention to the farm and
the broken aqueduct above (north) of the lab.  .
Ô Drop your master scientist on the aqueduct and they will start to
supervise the work.

Ô Drop a master builder to start construction, then any other

builders you have as well.

Ô Once the aqueduct is repaired the farm will be ready to go.

Ô Supposedly you need a master builder, but I have found that as

long as you have the master scientist, any builder will do.

Ô At this point the purple masked farmer will convert to your tribe
and drop a piece of the necklace. Have a child pick up the piece.

Ô It will take 2 hours (in fast speed) for food to grow, but you can
make it bloom instantly if you have the instant bloom "godly"



Ô Requires: uzzle 7 solved, several builders.

Ô Once the Alocking Totem (puzzle 7) is gone, wait and the

heathens will drift away to other places.  .

Ô You can then drop builders on the mausoleum to clear the


Ô Towards the end, the purple mask heathen who sits by the
mausoleum may try to put the blockage back. Don't worry about
it, just make sure that there are three or more builders clearing
the rubble.

!"")5 7  A2 3 *


Ô Requires: Master Auilders (preferably 3 or more), Àightning

power, children for distraction.

Ô uzzle 7 is to take down the blocking totem, which guards the

entrance to the mausoleum.  .

Ô Drop a master builder (or several) on the totem to start taking it


Ô Once you start to work on this totem, the guards and others from
the mausoleum will come and try to rebuild it.

Ô Your builders will run away, make sure they don't go far.

Ô Once the totem is surrounded by the guards, hit it with lightning.

Ô hen they run away, drop your builders back on to tear it down.

Ô If any orange guards come back early, you need to keep them
distracted with a child.

Ô hen the red and blue masks come back and start repairing the
totem, hit them with lightning again.

Ô hen they leave bring back your builders and keep tearing down.
Ô Repeat as necessary until the totem is gone.

!""+5o -  -   


Ô Requires: Six children under the age of 14.

Ô This is the Hollow Totem that sits beside the dry

lake.  .

Ô Your builders can't take this one down, you need to stuff it with

Ô Notice the holes, there are five of them.

Ô *ive children can fit comfortably in the totem. A sixth will cause
it to collapse.

Ô Drop children on the totem and wait until they go in. hen the
holes are filled with eyes, drop the sixth and the totem will

!""05  R2 


Ô Requires: A builder (adept or master), time warp power, 500

energy, and the purple masked master builder to be sitting in the
Ô To the right of the blocking totem are two small areas that look
like building supplies.  .

Ô To convert the purple mask master builder, you need to beat

him/her at a building contest.

Ô The purple mask master is very fast, however.

Ô The purple mask master also tends to wander, so you can't do the
challenge until he/she is sitting below the challenge area.

Ô Aring your master builder to the area.

Ô Use the time warp powers on him/her, and they will speed up.

Ô Drop the builder immediately on the left pile of supplies, and

he/she will quickly build an object.

Ô If you finish first, the purple mask will convert to your tribe.

Ô The necklace piece will actually drop near the statue, near where
the other three pieces of the necklace are.

Ô Drop a child on the piece and they will bring it to the rest and
assemble the necklace.

!""$15 /  /


Ô Requires: Energy of 1,200 (you'll need to do it in stages), tempest

power, revive power.
Ô Go to the dry lake area and trigger a tempest (storm). Then
trigger a second (you must trigger the second while there are still
puddles in the dry lake).

Ô After two storms the lake will fill up.  .

Ô NOTE: If you don't have the capacity to do two storms in a row,

you can still do this. Just wait until after it rains and there are
puddles in the dry lake, then trigger a tempest.

Ô Now you need to recharge to 600 energy to use the revive godly

Ô hen you have the energy, use the revive godly power on the
lake and the fish will come to life.

Ô Now your farmers can fish. Unfortunately, until you convert the
orange and red masked heathens, they will interfere with your
farmers as they pass by their village.

!""$$5! 2c8  , 


Ô Requires: Àightning power, at least 100 energy (preferably 300),

several builders.

Ô The pain totem has no guards, but it gives off electricity so no

one can touch it.  .

Ô Hit the pain totem with the lightning power, then drop your
builders on it to take it apart.
Ô If its power comes back, hit it with lightning again and finish
demolishing it.

!""$#56' R  


Ô Requires: Clothing hut built (level 2 science), 2 or 3 random

adults, several builders.

Ô This is the Rainbow Totem that guards the hot springs

pools.  .

Ô After the clothing hut is complete, three dye pots will appear at
the top of the screen, to the right of the pool and above the
farm.  .

Ô You can use these to drive all of the heathens out of the pool
long enough to take down the totem.

Ô You need two or three adults to take dye to the pool. Drop the
first adult on the yellow pot and wait until he/she picks it up and
starts towards the pool.

Ô Then drop the second adult on the red pot. Do not wait for the
first one to reach the pool, if you do the yellow dye will wash
away before the red can get there.

Ô atch as the adults drop first the yellow, then the red dye into
the pool. The water will turn a nasty orange color and the
heathens will leap out.
Ô This also works with the colors in the order of the totem, red,
yellow blue (requires 3 adults).

Ô hen they do, drop your builders on the totem to take it down.
Repeat with the dyes if the heathens come back before you can
get the totem down.

Ô This will clear the heathens out of the pool. At this point, the
only place they can go is the broken down village in the south
east corner of the map.

!""$%5 !    ! 


Ô Requires: Àevel 2 science (the back of the lab must be rebuilt), a

master scientist.

Ô After you purchase 2nd level science, the lab cleans up a bit and
there is a large "blackboard" on the back wall made of animal

Ô Drop a master scientist on this board and they will proceed to

write out a mathematical proof.  .

Ô If they are correct, the purple masked master scientist will

celebrate, then walk over to the mat and sit down, thinking.

Ô You can tell they are thinking due to the light over their head.
ait for the light to go out (an hour or two depending on what
speed you are playing the game at).
Ô hen they are no longer thinking repeat the process with a
master scientist. ait again and repeat a third time. After the
third time the heathen will convert.

Ô The heathen will drop a piece of the necklace, have a child pick
it up.

!""$&5   3


Ô Requires: Àevel 3 construction, level 3 spirituality, builders.

Ô Once you have the levels of technology, start dropping your

builders on the statue and they will complete it.

Ô Once the statue is completed it will increase your maximum

energy level.

Ô You can also drop builders on the completed statue to polish it.
This will give them building experience.

!""$(5 AN  7 


Ô Requires: The mausoleum to be completely cleared (puzzle 6 and

7), random adults, fire in the fire pit.

Ô hen you have finished clearing the mausoleum, a shallow pan

will appear on the steps. Drop an adult to pick it up.  .
Ô The adult will take the pan up the stream and drop it near the
mysterious pot, halfway between the food bin and the science
lab.  .

Ô Drop an adult on the shallow pan and they will start to pan for
gold. If they are successful, they will fill the pot 1/3 full of gold.

Ô Keep dropping adults on the pan and panning until the pot is full.

Ô hen the pot is full drop an adult on it and they will take it to
the fire.  .

Ô ait a bit, and the gold will turn into a large orb. hen it does,
drop an adult on it and they will take it to the Alind Totem at the
edge of the forest.  .

Ô hen they put the eye in the totem, the hidden section of the
forest will clear and you will see the chief.  .

!""$*5 7 o


Ô Requires: Conversion of all of the purple masked masters (puzzles

1, 5, 9, and 13), all pieces of the necklace, several children.

Ô After each of the purple mask conversions, you should have a

child take the piece of the necklace that they dropped to the

Ô The child who brings the last piece will assemble the necklace.
Ô This necklace belonged to the chief's daughter.

Ô Once the necklace is complete, drop someone (adult, child, it

doesn't matter) on it to take it to the chief.

Ô The chief will convert and join your tribe. The former chief is a
master in all six specialties.




Ô This is an extra puzzle that will only appear in games sold in the
first few weeks directly through Àast Day of ork.

Ô Requires: at least 3 nursing mothers, children to distract the

orange guards.

Ô You may have noticed the heathen "mommy" sitting in the ruined
village in the southeast corner of the map.

Ô Mommy is almost never alone, the guards are always there except
when they are drawn away, or when it rains.

Ô Distract the guards away and drop a nursing mother onto

"Mommy" to talk to her.

Ô ait until the "Mommy" is listening, then drop another nursing

mother to talk.

Ô Again wait, then drop a third nursing mother.

Ô Aasically you want all three mommies to be talking to the
heathen "mommy" at the same time. At this point she will


4 *9 A: 


Ô W c  ;


Ô Relics show up on the ground from south near the

mausoleum all the way north to the stairs to the forest. They
also show up in the stream that divides the map. They do not
show up on the dry lake bed.

Ô W       ;


Ô Science collectibles only show up once you've solved puzzle 4

(The Knowing Totem) and taken over the lab.
Ô 3  c '""$; !""%; ""$#;


Ô lease check the section above the *AQ, section IV, which
lists all of the puzzles in order.

Ô W 8   - ""        



Ô That is an extra puzzle that will only be included in games

purchased from Àast Day of ork in the first few weeks of
release. The solution to the puzzle is in our puzzle section.

Ô 0    ' 2  c  ;


Ô There are more ways than ever to stretch the food in VV5. If
the noni bush is exhausted, hit it with the power of Aees.
This will generate 20 or 30 more fruit. If you have 150
energy, then use the Aloom power on a bare patch of grass
and have lots of kids standing by to collect the red
mushrooms. If you've built the farm but have to wait 2 hours
for the crops, use the Aloom power on the farm and it will
sprout instantly. See puzzle 5 on how to repair the farm and
puzzle 10 for fishing.

Ô A , 
,   ' 

Ô There are indeed, and villagers get that title when they
master in 3 disciplines. There is also a jack of all trades
designation, for a villager who has mastered all six

Ô W 2 
 8   ;


Ô Yes, it's called Devotion. The way to increase devotion is to

have the person (it needs to be an adult) talk to the blue
mask heathens, trying to convert them. Once they have
some skill at devotion they will worship at the statue of the

Ô W2c  2   ;


Ô That lake is dead, baby. *illing it with water doesn't change

that. To get fish you will also need the revive power, which
takes 600 energy. Use the revive power to bring the fish back
to life.

Ô 3 c         < 



Ô There are a couple of ways. *irst, drop a builder onto the

completed statue and they will polish it, which will earn
them building points, and earn you more godly energy.
Second, drop a builder onto the huts (not the clothing hut)
and they will repair them. It takes longer, but they can
achieve mastery that way. Third, trigger an earthquake
underneath one of your huts (if it is incomplete). This will
reset the construction back to the beginning.

Ô 62c8' '   

   W  c      



Ô They, too, can be converted, but not by talking. You need

the Earthquake power (800 energy) to convert them. Trigger
an earthquake under their village and you will see lights go
on above their heads (they're thinking). In an hour or two
when the lights go off hit them with another earthquake.
Keep doing this until they convert.

Ô W2c8' '  ""2     



Ô Àots. It's possible to solve all of the puzzles without

converting the orange or red heathens, so you can still do
that. You can finish up the collections of relics and science
collectibles. There are a bunch of trophies to be won as
well, so check out the trophy page.

Ô 6 2c''   <  2 

8     3 c  
 -   ;

Ô It is possible to make a jack of all trades before a villager

dies, but it is difficult and they are pretty old when they
finish, especially now that there's a sixth discipline. The best
thing to do is use the restore youth power on them, taking
them back to childhood. hen they become 14 and ready to
work again, it will be easy to complete their learning.

Ô 0 
3 c


Ô Once the nursery school is built you can train children to

have some skill before they hit working age. Children of
extremely talented villagers (masters in their crafts) are also
born with a little of that skill.

Ô c   
 2  ' c8
  8  W 8 ;


Ô In order to teach at the school an adult must be at least

adept in three different subjects. If they are only master of
one subject they can't teach. It's best to teach with
esteemed elders or a jack of all trades (if you have one).

Ô c     

Ô Yes, the game can be bought in a bundle with a strategy
guide from Àast Day of ork. If you didn't get your strategy
guide you should contact them or you can post in their
technical support forums.

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