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Nome: ____________________________ turma: ___ profª Joana D’Arc- data: ____/__/2021.

I’m going!

I’m going! But I want

Metropolitan to pack

my blankets, sweaters,

brushes and combs, all in

my dog suitcase

They will build me a

Special doggy kennel

to keep me safe and warm

while I go flying trough the sky.

So, if you want your pet safe and sound at the other end, call us.

The people that know why you have pets in the first place.


Metropolitan transports

Check the correct alternative according to the text.

1 ) The message of the ad is about

a) Pet sales for people who love pets.

b) Pet safety when people move.
c) Pet accessories.
d) People who know why they have pets.
e) Pet telefone services.

2) Metropolitan offers transportation services

a) Inside Brazil only.

b) Inside the United States only.
c) From Brasil to the Unites States.
d) Inside South America only.
e) To every country of the world.

3) In this ad, Metropolitan mentions transportation by

a) airplane
b) train
c) truck
d) bus
e) ship

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