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P.O.B. S.B.

A Guide

The suggested order in which the report is assembled is as follows:

 The report if typed should be presented in an A4 or Quarto size folder that is
properly labeled.
 Outside of the folder should contain: Candidate’s name, registration number.
Title (‘SBA Report’), name of school and name of country.
 Page i: repeat the information from the cover

 Page ii: Objective of the report (business aim and purpose of writing the report)

 Page iii: Acknowledgements (state sources of information and thank people

for helping you to make the report an interesting exercise.)
 Page iv: Outline of the business to be established

 Table of contents

 Follow the list of criteria given to you in the outline; make it clear whether
you are studying production, marketing or finance.
 Bibliography ( state the actual reading material used)

 Appendix or appendices (include any additional diagrams, graphs, charts,

and statistical data. Remember to make reference of them in the main report.

1. Description of the business
 Give a suggested business name, type of product/service to be provided,
primary/secondary or tertiary sector, and proposed legal structure.
 Also mention whether or not the business will be a sole trader or partnership.
 As stated above the line of business whether a good or service will be produced.
 State the kind of good or service, which will be produced.
 Write a mission statement or state the main objectives of the business

2. Role of the Entrepreneur

 Define the term Entrepreneur
 Explain three functions the entrepreneur in your business will perform.
 Roles of entrepreneurs can be: Coordinate the factors of production, Supervise
workers, planning, conceptualizing, staffing and sourcing funds.

3. Use of Technology
 Explain several areas of the production side of the business within which
technology is likely to feature significantly. Examples: design of the product or
the actual production process.
 Other examples: cash registers, point of sale, computer.

4. Potential for Growth

 Is there potential for increased output in the future? Does the production method
being proposed have excess capacity that could be used to increase output?
 Internally- how will the business expand? Example: purchase additional
equipment, employ additional workers, increase the level of output provided etc.

5. Justification of location
 State the exact address of the business as well as the reasons for choosing the
 Examine the reasons for locating the business in that location. (The use of
textbooks can be used to give valuable information here.) One such is the
Business Studies books.

6. Selection of appropriate labour

 Give details of how many staff will be required, what skill levels will be needed
and how appropriate people will be selected for the jobs.
 State the duties and responsibilities of each worker
 State why these workers are necessary

7. Sources of Fixed and Working Capital

 Explain clearly the distinction between these two and give details of how finance
might be obtained for purchasing fixed assets and financing working capital
 Give examples of both types of capital in your business.
 The collateral used to secure loans and terms of repayment can also be

8. Type of Production
 Explain the different types of production that could be used. Then explain and
justify the type of production proposed for this business.
 Type of production could be: Primary, secondary and tertiary.

9. Levels of Production
 Explain and give details of the different levels of production.
 State which level your business will be producing at and why.

10. Quality Control Measures

 Explain the importance of quality and give details of how quality is going to be
assured within this business.
 Things that can be done to improve quality: motivation, training, Research and
development, Outsourcing and Benchmarking. (Can be seen in Business Studies

11. Linkages
 Outline the types of linkages then state which your business will be engaged in
and how.
 Linkage can be backward or forward. Candidates ought to look at the cost and
benefits of backward and forward linkages then give his/her comments on the
issue. State the benefits to your business.
12. Potential for Growth
 Is there potential for increased output in the future? Does the production method
being proposed have excess capacity that could be used to increase output?

13. Government Regulations

 Give details of two government regulations that will impact on your business and
state how it will do so.
 Examples: taxation (filing tax returns and paying taxes to the government),
labeling, registration of business, food handlers permit (health certificate),
Acknowledging the Building and Town Planning Act, (zoning code) and using
environment friendly materials.

14. Ethical Issues

 Discuss two ethical issues related to production and state how they will impact
on your business.
 These include falsification of documents, not paying employees for work done,
unfair dismissal, money laundering, appropriate and authentic advertisement,
disposing of waste properly and conducting legal transactions with suppliers and

15. Communication of information in a logical way using correct grammar.

 Candidates are advised to check written work carefully before handing it in for
 Check Grammar, sentence construction and spelling.
 Title page, table of content and bibliography are included


1. Description of the Business
a. Give a suggested business name, type of product/service to be provided,
primary/secondary or tertiary sector, and proposed legal structure.
b. Also mention whether or not the business will be a sole trader or partnership.
c. As stated above the line of business whether a good or service will be produced.
d. State the kind of good or service, which will be produced.
e. Write a mission statement or state the main objectives of the business

2. Organization of the Marketing Department

 identify and describe organizational structure of the marketing department with the
aid of a diagram
 - describe the roles/functions of personnel in the marketing department

3. Use of Technology
 identify two types of technology used
 outline how the technology used is used to enhance the efficiency of the business
 Technology can be used in the Marketing department in different ways and the project
should explain at least two of these and their potential advantages. E.g. Internet selling
and use of IT to prepare market research reports.

4. Market Research
- target population (qualitative and quantitative)
- price
- competitors
- substitutes
- sales forecast (assess/describe) discuss any three
This is a key component of the marketing business plan. Students are advised to think
carefully about the most appropriate methods of research. It is likely that both primary and
secondary data should be gathered and analysed. It is likely that both primary and secondary
data should be gathered and analysed. Students will need to aim their research at the
appropriate target market. E.g. if the product or service is intended for the teenage market
then the samples used should be drawn from this market segment. Price comparisons with
other similar firms should be undertaken. Competitors providing substitute products should
be analysed in terms of their main strengths and weaknesses. Finally a sales forecast for the
first year of the business operation should be attempted and justified.

5. Product (branding and packaging)

 Students should explain the key features of the good or service being provided and
analyse how it will be branded or differentiated from that of competitors.
 The key features of the packaging of the good also should be assessed.

6. Pricing
 The different pricing methods that could be used should be briefly analysed and the
method be explained and justified.
 The candidate should clearly explain and evaluate how the final price to be charged
was arrived at.

7. Place (distribution channels)

- describe distribution channels used
- limitations of the channel used
- other suitable alternatives
The product will need to be made available to consumers and the appropriate distribution
channel should be explained and justified. E.g. Manufacturer to consumer
8. Promotion Mix
-discuss the various promotional strategies used by the business (advertising, sales
promotion, after sales services, public relations, personal selling, promotional pricing)
Any two
As the project is based on a new business start-up the promotion used by the firm is likely to
be focusing on providing information to potential consumers. Candidates should explain how
this could be most efficiently achieved within a reasonable budget constraint.

9. Government Regulations
- identify government regulations that impact on the business (Health and
Safety Act, trade license, copyright laws, patent, import and export license
There are government laws and regulations that will constrain marketing decisions and at
least two of these should be explained E.g. advertising restrictions and consumer protection

10. Consumer Complaints

- illustrate by way of an example how the business addresses consumer
 A marketing department should prepare for consumer complaints and the ways in which these
are to be handled. Students could use evidence from existing businesses as a starting point
here. E.G. Hotline, suggestion box, customer service department.
 How does the firm deal with issues related to the customer? How do they deal with
complaints? The candidate is just asked to list or mention the issues here, not to give his/her
opinion on these issues.

11. Ethical Issues

-discuss one ethical issue relating to marketing (copyright infringements, expiry
dates, false advertising, pollution, product safety and labeling etc.) showing how it
impacts on the business
The concept of moral principles applies to marketing just as much to other aspects of business.
Students should consider two possible situations where ethical issues might apply and explain how
there business might respond to them. E.g. selling products to under-age consumers.

12. Communication of information in a logical way using correct grammar.

a. Candidates are advised to check written work carefully before handing it in for
b. Check Grammar, sentence construction and spelling.
c. Title page, table of content and bibliography are included

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