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Writing A1/A2

Name: Juan Jesus Vaca Guzman

Writing skills practice: Travelling abroad
Look at the email and do the exercises to practise and improve your writing skills.
1. Check your understanding: true or false
Circle True or False for these sentences.

1. Eoin will go to the airport alone to meet François. True False

2. Eoin is meeting François on the weekend. True False

3. Eoin lives in the center of Dublin. True False

4. There are lots of places to visit and many things to do in Dublin. True False

5. Eoin and his friends like to play sports. True False

6. Dublin is a good place to visit if you like scary movies. True False

2. Check your writing: spelling

Read François’s reply and correct his spelling mistakes.

Dear Eoin

Thanks for your mesage/ massage. I’m really looking forward to my visite/ visit to Dublin. My aerplane/ airplane
arrives at 15:30.

I would like to go to the water park and Phoenix Park. Is it posible/ possible to borrow a bycicle/ bicycle? I’m
not very intrested/ interested in Dracula but I like films so we can go to the cinema too. I want to meet your
frends/ friends and your familly/ family. I love footbal/ football. It’s my favorite sport so we can play every
day if you want!

See you on Saturday.


1. Thanks for your mesage/ massage.

2. I’m really looking forward to my visite/ visit to Dublin.

3. My aerplane/ airplane arrives at 15:30.

4. Is it posible/ possible to borrow a bycicle/ bicycle?

5. I’m not very intrested/ interested in Dracula but I like films so we can go to the cinema too.

6. I want to meet your frends/ friends and your familly/ family.

7. I love footbal/ football.

8. It’s my favorite sport so we can play every day if you want!


Do you often make spelling mistakes?
What words do you often spell incorrectly?
Yes, many times, some of the words I misspell are, how are you, how was your day, and what are we going to do, those are some
of the words I often misspell because I use them when I talk to my friends.
Write a message to a friend. Use the first message as an example.

Write a message to a friend. Use the first message as an example

Juan Jesus
Thank you for your massages. I can't wait for you to come to Colima. I am going to the airport with my father to pick you up on
Thursday. What time does your flight arrive?
I think you will like Colima. We live about 5 km from the city center, but there are buses that go into the city all the time. When
you are here there are lots of things we can do. We can go to the water park at the aquatic center, and we can go biking around
the Metropolitan National Park. If you like horror stories, we can also go see a movie. And of course, you will meet all my
friends, and we can play soccer together.
You should bring a sweater and a jacket. The weather here is usually cold and rainy.
See you on Thursday
Maria F.

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