(Appendix 5) : Independently State One Distinct Change To The Outdoor Environment During Winter

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5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

TERM / WEEKS: 3 / 1-3 To capture student interest and find out what they know about winter. TOPIC Seasons and Weather- Winter
To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about winter.
Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about What do we know about winter?
winter. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning learning

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Outcome 4 and
Observable changes Introduction:
occur in the sky 1. Play Vivaldi seasons music. Without informing students what https://www.youtube.com/
and landscape the songs are about see if the students can recognise the four
(ACSSU019) watch?v=GRxofEmo3HA
seasons within the songs. Students are able to dance to the Who knows what this music
songs. is representing?
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: 2. Inform students that over the next term they will be looking at
 Independently state one distinct change to the outdoor each of the four seasons in detail and weather that is related to What are the four seasons?
environment during winter. the four seasons. What months do they fall
Lesson Body: into?
1. Get students to choose a partner, using their collaboration
skills, students are to brainstorm anything they know about the
ASSESSMENT (DIAGNOSTIC) season of winter. This can include what clothes you would
As the students leave the classroom the educator writes what wear, what it feels, looks, smells, and tastes like.
each child’s difference was in the outdoor environment. The 2. Bring all students back to create a whole class KWL chart on
educator then uses a checklist to identify who was able to winter. They should complete what we already know and what
state one changes. (appendix 5) they would like to learn.
KWL A2 Chart.
3. As this is being completed in winter, students will grab some
paper and a pencil and find a spot outside the classroom.
HEALTH and SAFETY Students will draw a picture depicting what they have noticed
 Check over the outdoor environment for any possible dangers to the the outdoor area looks like during winter. This will then be What does it look like?
students. added to their book creator (appendix 1). What colours might you
Conclusion: use? What colours do you
1. As the exit ticket students must all state to the educator one see?
thing that they noticed about the outdoor environment during
winter, that would be different from the other seasons. Checklist- with room for
 Use peer teaching. A peer who seems to be more confident in this area is
their partner during the brainstorming task and also during the drawing
activity so they can see what they are looking for.
 Get the students to add labels to their diagram to make it clearer what
season changes they noticed within the environment.

*A misconception of winter just raining all the time and the sun never coming out was identified. *


5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS: 3 / 1-3 To provide hands on, shared experiences of winter. TOPIC Seasons and Weather- Winter
To support students to investigate and explore ideas about winter.
Formative assessment Rotations.
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOMES
Outcome 4 and
Observable Represent and Introduction:
changes occur in communicate 1. Have a big dark box with a bunch of different items in it. What are all these items?
the sky and observations and Get students to each pull an item from the mystery box. What could they relate to?
ideas in a variety 2. Talk about why all the items relate to winter and discuss
of ways such as some senses and feelings they may get during winter.
oral and written Lesson Body:
language, 1. Inform students that there are four activities they will be
drawing and role completing over the next two lessons. They will do two
play today and two tomorrow. Students will get twenty minutes
(ACSIS029) at each activity to explore and complete the tasks. How do you feel during
LESSON OBJECTIVES  Weather reporting station. This activity has a QR code with winter? What does it
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: an explanation of what it involves. Students will be smell like? What does it
 List two changes to the environment as a result of winter weather events, individually pretending they are reporting the weather. They sound like? What does it
individually. have to state what the weather feels like, smells like, sounds look like?
 Explain one impact of wind and rain on the natural and built environments, like, and looks like. They will need to record what they
 Make one prediction about how rain changes the environment, using the
need to wear and state the destruction that could take place
rain cloud experiment. in the environment. They will record this on the iPad i-Pad, prompt cards.
 Tornado in a bottle. This is an experiment where students
 Use i-Pad recordings and use anecdotal notes to write what
fill up a bottle with water. They then are required to spin it
students current understandings are on winter and its
really fast and see what happens. Students will then have
environmental impacts.
the opportunity to experiment with adding materials and
 Checklists for objective 2 and 3, to see where current
colour to their bottle. Students will answer one question on
understanding is. (appendix 6)
their Book Creator and take a video of the experiment.
(appendix 1)
Health and Safety
 Cloud in a jar. This is another experiment where students Bottle, water, glitter, dye.
 Make sure students do not swallow any of the materials. fill up a jar with water and shaving foam. They then add
 Clean up any spillages on the floor. food dye and watch it drip through the water. Students will
answer a question on their Book Creator and take a photo of
the finished project. (appendix 1).
 Winter sensory experience. This experiment involves a mini
world, students then use ‘wind’, ‘rain’ and other winter
events to experiment on the mini world. They then use a Shaving foam, water, jar,
book creator to do a brief explanation of what would dye.
happen in the real world (appendix 1).
1. Educator plays season bobs where a bunch of images will
come up on the board, student bob when they see an image
that looks like winter (appendix 3).
LEARNER DIVERSITY Rice, plate, mini house,
Enable: trees, people, water.
 Educator writes for them, or they speak their knowledge straight
into the book creator.
 Get student to write and then elaborate on their knowledge of wind,
rain, and other winter weather events.
 Get students to find extra information about causes through internet PowerPoint.

Note: The Explore Lesson would be repeated again so students have an opportunity to engage in all of the experiences and really explore winter and its weather
in different ways.
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS: 3 / 1-3 To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing TOPIC Seasons and Weather- Winter
conceptual understandings
Formative assessment Specific Learning on Winter
Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry OUTCOMES
Human Skills
Outcomes 2
and 4
Observable Respond to Introduction:
changes occur in and pose 1. Watch the YouTube clip about winter weather in Perth.
the sky and questions, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiH5aMhQ91M Do these weather events
and make 2. Create a whole class brainstorm about what type of weather is happen every day or are
predictions occurring in the video and the impacts on the Perth they more occasional?
about environment.
familiar Lesson Body:
objects and 1. The educator will then explicitly teach what happens outdoors
events during winter. The educator will get all students outdoors and
LESSON OBJECTIVES name three things that have happened to the environment
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: during winter, giving an example first.
 Explain the impact of rain and wind on the natural environment  Rain has made the river very full.
during winter.  The trees are moving with the wind. Key Question: What is
 State the two Noongars seasons which are similar to winter.
 Hail damages plants and cars. one winter weather
2. Students will then find an image and type or speak their answer event? Describe its
to the key question into their book creator (appendix 1). impact on the natural
ASSESSMENT (FORMATIVE) 3. Teach students the six Noongar seasons, particularly focussing environment.
 Use the student’s entry in the book creator. Using a on the two that correlate with the western winter season. Play
checklist, tick if students understand the understand the the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb6_SqclAmM
impact of a winter weather on the natural environment, 4. Students will then collect natural materials outdoors which they iPad
half tick if they were able to just name a winter weather think match with each of the two Noongar seasons.
Book Creator
event and dot if they did not answer the question. 5. In two groups students will make Makuru and Djilba posters
 When explicitly teaching about the Noongar seasons, get using the materials.
the students to repeat Makura and Djilba back to you, Conclusion:
when collecting resources ask students to recite one of the 1. Play the Noongar seasons song again as students can dance and
seasons back to you. Use a checklist ticking if they are move to the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?
able to do this. (appendix 7). v=Jb6_SqclAmM
2. As students go out to morning tea ask each student a specific Poster Card
Health and Safety question which relates to the learning of today. Natural materials.
 Make sure the outdoor environment is safe for students to  What is one winter weather event?
use.  What happens to our environment during a lightning storm?
 Clear instructions about how they move through the  What is one of the Noongar seasons?
environment while dancing. LEARNER DIVERSITY
 Get students record their answers into book creator.
 Have a peer prompting questions for them to answer in their answer.
Extend Sheets
 Students type their response into book creator.
 Students add words that relate to each of the Noongar seasons for more
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
TERM / WEEKS: 3/ 1-3 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional TOPIC Seasons and Weather- Winter
concepts through a student planned investigation
To use investigative/ inquiry skills Do plants grow better in winter?
Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOMES
Outcome 4 and
Observable Participate in Introduction:
changes occur in different types 1. Read the winter part of the ABC book of seasons.
the sky and of guided 2. Asks students do you think plants grow better in winter or in
landscape When will plants grow
investigations summer? Inform students that they are going to create an best?
to explore and investigation to find out when plants grow best.
answer Lesson Body:
questions, such 1. Give each student an investigation worksheet (appendix 4).
as manipulating 2. Discuss what will stay the same during this investigation,
materials, what will need to be changed and what we are observing so
Investigation worksheet.
testing ideas, the results are clear.
and accessing  What will stay the same? The type of plant, what soil we
information use, if we water it and what pot is used.
sources  What will change? Where the plant is left to grow.
(ACSIS025)  What are we observing? Which plant is the biggest? What will we keep the
LESSON OBJECTIVES 3. Ask students where the best three places will be to put the same?
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: plant if we want to see if it will grow better in winter or
 States one prediction for which plant will grow the best, summer. What will change?
independently. 4. Get students to write what is changing and what we are
 Create an investigation comparing how native plants grow during
winter, compared to the other seasons. *This objective will be carried
observing in the worksheet.
through to the next week, when the investigation is finished.* 5. Get students to do a think, pair, share for their prediction What are we observing?
about what plant will grow best, based on the learning that
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Inquiry Skills) has been happening in the classroom. Students will then
 The rubric will begin to be used in this lesson and finished in write this into their worksheet.
the next. It will be used to evaluate how students completed 6. As a class write the five steps to this investigation and what Where should we put the
the investigation and if they were able to accurately describe materials the student need. plants?
which plant grows best. The rubric will also be used to assess 7. As a class get the plants ready and then place them in their
the quality of students predictions. (appendix 8) locations to conduct the investigation.
8. Inform students that next week, they will be measuring and
checking to see which plant has grown best and if their
Health and Safety predictions were right.
What is your prediction
 Buying safe classroom plants and soil. Conclusion:
on what will happen?
 Making sure students do not eat the soil and plants. 1. Ask students what the three main parts of an investigation
 What we change?
 What we keep the same? What are the five steps
 What are we observing? and materials needed for
2. Ask students why they think we make predictions. this investigation?
Enable Plants, soil, pots.
 Using voice recordings to write the steps and predictions and drawing
pictures for materials.
 Have a stronger peer that can help them with predictions and helping
them through the investigation process.
 When the investigation is finished students research why these
differences occur and then present to whole class.
What are the three main
 Students can use a more formal investigation sheet.
parts of an investigation?

Why do we make

*Note the elaborate lesson will be repeated a week later, to see how the plants have grown.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
TERM / WEEKS: 3/ 1-3 To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about winter and represent what they TOPIC Seasons and Weather- Winter
know about winter.
Summative assessment of science understanding e account of students’ existing ideas when planning What have we learnt about winter?
learning experiences

Literacy Numeracy ICT Capability Critical and Creative Ethical Understanding Personal and Social Ethical Understanding
Thinking Capability
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


2 only)
Science Understanding Science as a Science Inquiry Skills OUTCOMES
Outcomes 4
and 5
Observable Represent and Introduction:
changes occur in communicate 1. Read the text My Year on our Farm by Penny My Year on the Farm
the sky and observations and Matthews.
ideas in a variety 2. Discuss how the world around us changes during the
of ways such as different seasons, ask students how this relates to other
oral and written experiences they have had during this unit on winter.
language, Lesson Body:
drawing and role 1. Get students to do a think-pair-share about everything they
play know about winter as well as what they know about
(ACSIS029) Noongar seasons.
LESSON OBJECTIVES 2. When they are sharing back to the class get some key points
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to: and put these on the whiteboard.
What does winter feel, smell,
 Describe three elements of winter and the impacts of the environment, 3. Inform students that they are going to make a short look, sound and taste like?
independently. reflection video about everything they know about the What do we wear in winter?
 Communicate knowledge of winter through an oral video presentation. season winter. Have some guiding questions so students What months are in winter?
know what should be included in their video. (appendix 1) What happens to the
4. Students who would like to share their video with the class environment during winter?
What happened to our plants
ASSESSMENT (SUMMATIVE – Science Understanding) can. when they were made to
5. Once students have finished, they can collect images from experience the cold?
 The educator will assess students’ knowledge by watching the internet to include in the end of their Book Creator. What are the Noongar seasons
their book creator videos and using a rubric to highlight (appendix 1) that match with winter?
their level of achievement overall in this lesson. (appendix Conclusion:
9) 1. Get the KWL poster from lesson 1. Read all the things that KWL
Health and Safety
students thought they knew back in lesson 1.
 Make sure students use their i-Pads safely.
2. Get students to tell you what they have learnt about winter
since lesson 1.
 Students do a pair-share for the KWL chart so they have something
to contribute.
 Students have a peer to lend prompting questions to support
through the reflection.
 Students type their response into book creator.
 Students can inform the educator how they know those learnings on
the KWL chart.

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