3 New Dimensions in The Brain

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3 new dimensions in the brain (Sahastrara chakra 1983) 3 noi dimensiuni in creier

Etichete: Sahastrara

Now, at every center in the body you’ll receive a different type of joy. Every center has a different type of joy and there are names
for every types of joy you receive at every center when the Kundalini rises. But when the Kundalini comes into the Sahastrara, then
the joy you receive is called as Neerananda, Neerananda. Now, Nee means nothing else but Ananda. Neerananda. Also, is
surprising, My name is Neera — also, in My family I’m called as Neera. And Neera also means Mary, Maria. Because it means
marine. Neera is water. Neera means water in Sanskrit language. It is called as Neerananda in the brain.
And this stage ultimately unfolds.
First what you know is the Satya, is the Truth — what is this another gentleman is suffering from, that you see on your fingers. First
you see your fingers. With your attention you know what Chakras, what fingers are catching, with your attention. Then with your
brain you can depict what center which is catching. Because, if you say this finger, that doesn’t mean it is Vishuddhi Chakra.
But your brain then says, ‛It is Vishuddhi.“ And that depicts it that this fellow is suffering from the troubles of the Vishuddhi Chakra.
But still it is rational. Because you see what finger it catches and then you say it. But when the Satyakhanda or the Sahastrara
unfolds itself more, you don’t have to think about it, you just say it. Then there is no difference between your Chitta and your Satya.
The enlightened Chitta and the enlightened brain become one. There is no problem at all for such a person, there’s no need to see
on the fingers, no need to say anything on the fingers and then depict it through brain, which you have learnt in Sahaja Yoga, that if
you find something wrong here, it means Agnya — that’s not necessary! You just say Agnya. And you just say it and it is there.
Then it unfolds more. First it is integrated with, as I said, Chitta. Then, when it gets absolutely integrated with the Spirit, then
whatever you say, is the truth. You just say it, it is so. That is how this brain unfolds into three new dimensions. First, it depicts
the truth through logical conclusions. Because, I have told you that if this finger is catching then it is Vishuddhi. And then you ask
the person, ‛Have you got a problem here?“ He says, ‛Yes“. Then you believe in Me and then you believe that this is the Vishuddhi
Chakra, which is showing, is true. This is the logical conclusion, in a way, that you have experimented, you are seeing and still
doubting whether Mother says it’s true or not. And then, you are sure, ‛Yes, it is so, we have seen that this is Vishuddhi Chakra.“
So, the truth becomes logically acceptable to his brain. But still, there is the brain working out on its gross level.
Then the second stage, as I told you, where you believe, you know for definite that this means Vishuddhi Chakra, no doubt about
it. Nobody. Then — then we start Nirvikalpa has started, when there’s no doubt about Me or Sahaja Yoga. But then, the new
unfolding starts within. For that, one has to do meditation. In humility, one has to do meditation. And then also, for this new
dimension, where your Chitta itself becomes merged into your brain or into the enlightened brain, for that, one has to very honestly
and humbly surrender to Sahaja Yoga.

3 noi dimensiuni in creier

In fiecare centru din corp veti primi un anumit fel de bucurie. Fiecare centru are un anumit fel de bucurie si exista cate un
nume pentru fiecare gen de bucurie pe care o primiti in fiecare centru cand se ridica Kundalini. Dar cand Kundalini vine
in Sahastrara, atunci bucuria pe care o primiti este numita Neeraananda. Neeraananda.
Nee inseamna “ nimic altceva decat Ananda”. Neeraanada. De asemenea, surprinzator , numele Meu este Neera. – si in
familia mi se spune Neera. Iar Neera inseamna Mary, Maria pt ca inseamna « marin », Neera este apa. Neera inseamna
“apa” in limba sanscrita.
In creier se numeste Neeraananda.
Si in cele din urma acest nivel se desfasoara.
Mai intai ceea ce cunoasteti este Satya , este Adevarul :vedeti in degetele voastre de ce anume sufera acel domn. Mai
intai va vedeti degetele. Cu atentia voastra stiti ce chakras, ce degete au blocaje -cu atentia voastra.
Apoi cu creierul puteti spune ce centru este blocat. Pentru ca, daca spuneti « acest deget »(Shri Mataji arata aratatorul) ,
asta nu inseamna ca e Vishuddhi. Dar apoi creierul zice « acesta este vishuddhi » Si astfel el descrie ca aceasta persoana
sufera de problemele chakrei Vishuddhi. Si totusi inca este rational pentru ca voi vedeti ce deget indica blocaje si apoi
ziceti . Dar cand Satyakhanda sau Sahastrara se desfasoara (deschide) mai mult ,voi nu va mai ganditi la acestea , voi
doar spuneti ce este.
Atunci nu mai este nici o diferenta intre Chitta voastra si Satya voastra. Chitta iluminata si creierul iluminat devin una .
Pentru o astfel de persoana nu mai exista nici o problema, nu mai este nevoie sa vada ce simte in degete , nu mai este
nevoie sa zica ceva de degete si apoi sa le decodifice (descrie) cu creierul asa cum ati invatat in Sahaja Yoga – daca
vedeti ca ceva e in neregula aici ( in inelar) atunci inseamna Agnya . ! Nu mai este necesar. Voi doar spuneti :Agnya. Doar
spuneti si vedeti ca asa e.

Apoi se deschide si mai mult. Asa cum am spus, mai intai este integrat cu Chitta. Apoi, cand este absolut integrat cu
Spiritul orice spuneti este adevarul. Ceea ce spuneti ,asta este.
Astfel creierul se deschide in trei noi dimensiuni.
Mai intai creierul arata adevarul prin concluzii logice ,pentru ca Eu v-am spus ca atunci cand in acest deget-aratatorul- se
simte ceva ,atunci este Vishuddhi. Apoi voi intrebati persoana « Aveti vreo problema aici ? » El zice « Da ». Apoi voi
credeti in Mine si credeti ca aratatorul este Vishuddhi chakra ,va dati seama ca este adevarat.
Intr-un fel , aceasta este o concluzie logica , pentru ca ati experimentat . Voi vedeti si inca va indoiti daca ce spune Mama
este adevarat sau nu. Dar apoi sunteti sigur « Da, asa este , noi am inteles ca aceasta este Vishuddhi chakra ». Astfel
adevarul este acceptat de catre creier in mod logic. Dar totusi , creierul inca lucreaza la nivel grosier(mental).
Al doilea nivel , asa cum v-am spus este atunci cand voi credeti, stiti sigur ca aceasta inseamna Vishuddhi chakra-nu
aveti nici o indoiala. Apoi incepe Nirvikalpa unde nu mai aveti nici o indoiala despre Mine sau Sahaja Yoga .
Dar apoi, noua etapa se deschide in interior si pentru aceasta trebuie sa meditati. Trebuie sa meditati cu umilinta.
Pentru aceasta noua dimensiune in care Chitta voastra se contopeste cu creierul vostru sau cu creierul iluminat, fiecare
trebuie sa se abandoneze foarte cinstit si umil Sahaja Yogai.

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