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Business Plan - Presentation Transcript


2. Executive Summary

Costs included in this plan are on the basis of industry trends.

This business plan is derived from a secondary detailed market


A buffer is included in the start-up cost to ensure that the

business is not under financed.

We have also determined the traditional and non-traditional risk

associated with failure of the restaurant.

3. Objectives

Keeping food costs at less than 35% of revenue.

Promoting and expanding the restaurant concept as a unique


Expanding our marketing and advertising in Noida to increase

our customer base.

4. Mission

Our restaurant will be an inspiring one, combining an eclectic

atmosphere with excellent and interesting food.

Our main mission are as follows:

Have a great food selection.

Efficient and superior customer service.

Because customer satisfaction is our prime objective.

Employee welfare, participation and training are equally

important to our success.

5. Mission

Our concept combines variety, ambience, entertainment and a

superior staff to create a sense of ‘place’.

We offer fair profits for the owners and investors, and a

rewarding place to work for the employees.

6. Key to success

Unique, Innovative & Contemporary

Product quality

Employee Retention Focus

Cost Control Focus

The menu will target to varied peoples.

7. Company Summary

The design: -

The restaurant will feature two venues:

One will be in the restaurant mainly for dinning

purpose and families.

Other will be outdoor for the customers who

want something not so heavy like lunch and dinner.

There will be chairs provided and roof will be in

the style of hut to give the restaurant an Indian look and
also to differentiate from others.

8. Company Summary

The Menu

Our restaurant is focused on serving the need of the

people of the Noida.

There will also be little bit flexibility in the menu at the

starting of the restaurant.

The management

One restaurant manager

Cook according to need and demand

One supply chain and inventory manager

Waiters according to the number of tables

9. Company Start-up

We are currently negotiating a restaurant space to be rented of

in jaipuria complex, sector-26 and will open in the month of

Our start-up costs are mostly expensed equipment, furniture,

painting, reconstruction, rent, start-up labor, and legal and consulting
costs associated with opening our restaurant.

10. Location and Operations

Jaipuria will be strategically suitable because of the following

reasons: -

In front of D.P.S Noida.

It also have coaching institutes and computer café.

It doesn’t have even a single restaurant near a km area

who provides Dosa.

11. Operation Criteria

The restaurant will be located in jaipuria sector-26, Noida. The

restaurant will service lunch, dinner, and after-hours dining during the
week and weekends.

Service will be during the following hours:

Lunch - 11:00am to 4:00pm

Dinner - 6:00pm to 11:00pm

Breakfast - 8:00am to 12:00noon and 4:00pm to 7:00pm

Home delivery will available on the order of more than


12. The Menu

Apart from the Dosa we will also provide: -


Deserts (mainly ice-creams)

Drinks (only soft-drinks, shakes and fruit juices)

Chinese cuisine we will also provide.

13. Market Analysis

My business is based on a preconceived idea. For market

analysis I had taken the help of secondary data available.

Today in India the trend of specialty restaurants is increasing.

Dinning Experience.

Reasonable prices.

14. Market Segmentation

Restaurant & Lounge intends to cater to a wide customer base.

We want everyone to feel welcome and entertained. We have defined
the following groups as targeted segments that contribute to our growth

Youths and teenagers.


People from sector 20, 19, 25, 21.

The peoples will generally fall in between 15 to 50.

15. Strategy and Implementation

We intend to succeed by giving people a combination of

excellent and interesting food in an environment.

We will focus on establishing a strong identity in our

community with a grand opening.

We will create an appealing and entertaining environment with

unbeatable quality at an exceptional price.

All menu items are moderately priced for the area.

16. Competitive Edge

Competitive edges will be: -

An extraordinary contemporary restaurant design.

Indian classic menu with featured menu.

Chef/Management Stock Incentive Program.

Inner and Outer Sector Marketing campaign (i.e.
"Come to Town" promotions)

Employee Training, Incentive and Retention program.

17. Marketing strategy

Marketing strategy will be to promote our electric food,

superior service, and exciting concepts to draw in the local repeat
customers. Marketing initiatives will concentrate on the following:

Building and Signage.

Customer service.

Advertising and Promotion.

18. Marketing Program

Media marketing: -

Billboard Advertisement

Distribution of pamphlets

Advertisement in regional newspaper

Advertorial on local cable channel

Sponsorship in the schools but not far than 1km.

Banners and small posters in the sectors.

19. Sales Strategy

Our sales strategy requires consistently high quality food,

service, speed and atmosphere. We can accomplish this by:

Hiring employees who genuinely enjoy their jobs.

Continually assessing the quality of all aspects

mentioned above.

Interacting with our customers personally, so they know

that their feedback goes directly to the owners

Evaluating food choices for popularity

20. Sales Forecast

21. Management Summary

Owner (restaurant manager)

Operations manager.

Finance manager.

Marketing manager.

Supply manager

Legal advisor.

Chartered accountant.

Inventory manager.

Cashier cum receptionist.

22. Personnel Plan

I believe the personnel plan is in good proportion to the size of

the restaurant and projected revenues.

There will be the differentiation in the salaries of full-time

employees and part time employees.

There will be award like “best waiter of the week” to boost the
employees performance.

Proper allowances will be provided to increase the job

satisfaction level.

23. Kitchen

A South Indian chef with considerable experience in

different restaurants (1).

Cooks that work directly with chef (2).

Prepare cooks/dishwasher (2).

People cleaning the restaurant (2).


24. Financial plan

Restaurant’s financial model is based on a business concept to

"Plan for the Worst, but Manage for the Best."

Restaurant’s financial plan will include:

Important Assumptions

Risk Analysis

Break Even Analysis

Profit and Loss Statement

Cash Flow Statement

Balance Sheet

25. Important Assumptions


Business growth

Annual Growth Rate Percentage

Seasonal Sales Variance

Industry & Start-Up

Pricing & Cost Control

Cost Control

Inventory turnover and Accounts Payable

26. Risk analysis

This financial plan is budgeted to support the Worst-Case business
Business plan restaurant business - Document Transcript
Business plan restaurant businessDreaming about owning your own restaurant is
always a fun activity. You think aboutwhere it will be located, what kind of food you
will serve, how the whole place will lookand what kind of feel you want it to have.
You think about how people will just love thefood and the food blogs and magazines
will rave about you and your place will be one ofthe biggest hotspots in the city. It
sounds fun, doesnt it? Plus, it gives you a sense ofpurpose thinking about having your
own restaurant and earning from it, rather thanhaving to go to an office every day to
try and eke out a living. However, you have toremember that a restaurant is a very
real business as well, one that you have to takeseriously.If you want to take your
restaurant dreams and mold it into reality, you have to know allthe necessary details
to allow you to make it come true. For starters, it is a very priceyventure, and you
would definitely benefit from getting unsecured business loans so youhave money to
operate it. Here are some things and expenses you have to keep in mind.1. Because
this is like pretty much any other business, you need to file the rightpaperwork to
allow you to operate. This takes some money so you can pay the necessaryfees.2. If
you had your own building, you wouldnt have to worry about having space for
yourrestaurant. But come on, how many of us really have our own buildings? Most of
thetime, you would have to rent out space, and usually, you need to pay in advance.3.
You cant just throw a bunch of furniture together for your restaurant interiors.
Youneed to purchase the right items and even hire a contractor so the inside will look
exactlyas you need it to.4. You wont be working with just a stove or a microwave.
You need a full range ofequipment in your kitchen.5. Buying the ingredients is both a
weekly and a daily affair. There are some ingredientsyou can buy in bulk and which
could last you a while, but you also do need to buy freshmost of the time.6. Every
year, you have taxes to pay the city. Every month, you have water and electricitybills,
not to mention that salaries for your waiters, cooks, and dishwashers, among
others.Starting and running a restaurant tends to cost a lot of money. But which some
financialassistance such as a business cash advance, unsecured business loans, or a
bad creditbusiness loan, you can make it happen. – You
can download free ebooks about: restaurantmanagement forms, restaurant business
plan, restaurant marketing plan sample,restaurant startup guide…

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