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Name: Alwyn U.

Sacandal Course and Year: BSED 3A

TOPIC 6: Promotion of Purposive Learning

Try this!

TAKE A POSE: Picture out your previous classroom (either elementary or high school days)
and focus on how learning takes place (NOTE: Focus on one). Determine if the environment
supports purposive learning by checking ( ) the box that corresponds what you have
observed in your class.

The learning environment promotes respect by giving you and
other students opportunities to listen to each other.
You were provided with avenues to observe and practice a
All experiences are considered learning experiences.
You were given opportunities to collaborate with each other.
The teacher uses other strategies aside from lecture to help the
students understand the lesson.
Source: Field Study 1 – A Guide for 21st Century Student Teachers (Pawilen,,2019)

Think ahead!

1. How did your teacher promote learning in the classroom?

Every after discussion or activities, our teacher always gives insights and ideas about the given
topic, then encourage us to share our thoughts and opinion about it. She never runs out of activities that
surprise us or making the discussions more engaging. She values collaboration and grouping us with
different members every activity, which further enhance our potential to work and socialize with different
kind of individual. Also, she really provides a positive feedback and incentives, which encourage us to
pay more attention or be more engage in the said activity.

2. How did this form of learning help you?

Grouping us in different member every activity allows me to be more adaptive and flexible.
Providing us positive feedback and incentives encourage me to listen and be engaged in activities, as a
result, I was able to learn and have more confidence in my capabilities. Also, the incorporation of various
teaching approaches and activities enhance my skills in the long process, at the end, I was able to think
critically and communicate well.

3. What should the teacher do in order to promote learning?

The teacher should provide a positive learning environment and ensure that students are being
taught at the optimal instructional level, one that challenges them but provides enough success to keep
these students engage in every class discussion and activity. Incorporating various strategies to address
the different needs of the students is essential. Grouping them can further enhance their collaboration
skills, and as students become more proficient, give them an opportunity to drill and practice to strengthen
their skills. Whenever possible, make student practice session's interesting by using game-like activities;
coming up with real-world, applied assignments; or incorporating themes or topics that the student finds
interesting. Also, enforcing corrective feedback and encouragement will enhance their confidence and
See if you can do this!

TEACHER’S PURPOSE: As a would-be teacher in the field, what are the things that you
should do to encourage purposive learning? Suggest the best thing that you can do (try to be
more specific as possible) by filling-out the table below.

As a would-be teacher, I will… Like… So that…

for me to… (How is this done?) (Cite an example.) (How will this help?)
➢ provide a ➢ giving positive ➢ The students will
… support purposive consistent positive feedback like be encouraged
learning reinforcement in praises and to learn and
the behavior and incentives to the participate in
responses of the student and activities, tasks,
students as groups that did a and discussions,
possible and good or an as well as
discourage or excellent job in present the
correct them if activities, appropriate
necessary, to quizzes, and behavior in
maintain a status exams. By doing class. This further
quo in the teaching so, it can enhances class
and learning role. positively engagement in
reinforce them. the classroom.
Also, these Also,
praises and Acknowledging
rewards like a the student's
good job, ideas and efforts
tokens, and can boost their
such, should be self-esteem, and
based on the teacher and
objective student's
judgment or the interaction.


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