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Name : Agni Ayulia Ayustira

NIM : 14120200091
Class : B5


Your TASK:
Berikan 2 contoh (selain dari contoh di atas) dari masing-masing words and
phrases berikut ini, jelaskan signal phrases, cause and effectnya:
Due to John's laziness, he did not pass the English
 Signal phrase : Due to
 Cause : John's laziness
 Effect : He did not pass the test

1. Because
He’s always late because he always stay up at night
 Signal phrase : Because
 Cause : He always stay up at night.
 Effect : He always late.
2. Since
Since school was cancelled, we study online
 Signal phrase : Since
 Cause : School was cancelled
 Effect : We study online
3. As
He gets a good mark, as his excellent performance in last examination.
 Signal pharase : As
 Cause : His excellent performance in last examination.
 Effect : He gets a good mark
4. Owing to
Yuta has a fever owing to he played in the rain all day
 Signal pharase : Owing to
 Cause : He played in the rain all day.
 Effect : Yuta has a fever
5. Due to
Due to Reni didn't study, she didn't pass the final test.
 Signal pharase : Due to
 Cause : Reni didn't study
 Effect : She didn't pass the final test.
6. Because of
Yuta was kicked out because of his own fault.
 Signal pharase : Because of
 Cause : His own fault
 Effect : Yuta was kicked out.
7. Thanks to
Neighbors love her thanks to her kind and friendly
 Signal pharase : Thanks to
 Cause : Her kind and friendly.
 Effect : Neighbors love her.

8. As a consequence of
Nana was scolded by her mother as a consequence of leaving her sister.
 Signal pharase : As a consequence of
 Cause : Leaving her sister.
 Effect : Nana was scolded by her mother.
9. As a result of
Cake and candy are high in sugar, as a result of they are bad for your teeth.
 Signal pharase : As a result of
 Cause : Candy are high in sugar.
 Effect : They are bad for your teeth.
10. For
Last night it rained hard, for that I didn't come home
 Signal pharase : For
 Cause : Last night it rained hard.
 Effect : I didn't come home.
11. Therefore
Nana ran out of food therefor he ate at the stall.
 Signal pharase : Therefor
 Cause : Nana ran out of food.
 Effect : He ate at the stall.
12. So
The trash can is full, so mom asked me to throw it out
 Signal pharase : So
 Cause : The trash can is full.
 Effect : Mom asked me to throw it out.

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