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Unit THEME: Consumerism and Financial Awareness

4 Buying and Selling

RE AD ING SoW Lessons 47–52

Sally : Hi, Mr Lee. I’m doing a class project and I have to interview a shopkeeper. Can I ask you a
few questions?
Mr Lee : Sure. I’d be glad to help.
Sally : Can you tell me how long you’ve owned this shop?
Mr Lee : Actually, it was my father’s shop. It started off small and has since grown to what it is now.
But business isn’t really thriving any more.
Sally : Why is that?
Mr Lee : Well, hypermarkets have opened up everywhere and they buy in bulk, so we can’t compete
with their prices.
Sally : Yes, but yours is a convenience shop. Doesn’t it exist for customers to buy items they need
Mr Lee : Yes, but don’t you know what people are like? They always choose price over convenience.
The rental here is very high too, so I can’t afford to offer big discounts. Fortunately, this is a
family business, so my wife and kids help me out whenever they are free.
Sally : Do you mind if I take some photos?
Mr Lee : Go ahead. It’s good advertisement for my business anyway.
Sally : Thank you, Mr Lee. You’ve been very helpful.

A Read the interview above. Then, for each of the following statements, underline TRUE or
FALSE. Correct the statements that are false. LS 3.1.2

1 Hypermarkets can sell their goods more cheaply because they buy in bulk. TRUE/FALSE

2 It is easier for customers to shop quickly in a hypermarket. TRUE/FALSE

3 Mr Lee’s family members help him in the shop when they are free. TRUE/FALSE

B Use a dictionary to look up the definitions of the following words. LS 3.1.4

1 thriving 2 bulk
3 convenience
LS 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
LS 3.1.4 Use independently familiar print and digital resources to check meaning

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 19 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

Question Forms

Questions that begin with:

WH- • Why is that?
What, Why, Whose, When,
Questions • Where does Sally live?
Which, How, Where, Who
• Can I ask you a few questions?
Yes/No Questions that can be
• Doesn’t it exist for customers to buy
Questions answered with ‘yes’ or ‘no’
items they need quickly?
Polite questions that start with • Can you tell me how long you’ve owned
phrases like: Could you tell me this shop?
...? or Do you know ...? • Do you mind if I take some photos?

A Write WH-questions using the word in brackets for the statements given below.
I bought a new watch because my old one was spoilt. (why)
The sale started at the beginning of the month. (when)
My mother does her shopping at the convenience shop near my house. (where)
The Home Exhibition will be on until the end of the month. (how)

B Match the Yes/No questions with the correct answers.

No, she isn’t. She doesn’t check out

1 Do you like online shopping?
prices before buying things.
2 Is June a wise shopper? Yes, it was. We sold everything.
3 Have you been to the new mall? Yes, I do. I think it is very convenient.
4 Was the garage sale a success? No, I haven’t. It’s very far from my house.

C Turn the following questions into indirect questions using the words in brackets.

1 How long was she working at the store? (Do you know)

2 What are you saving up for? (I was wondering)

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 20 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

A Read the email below. Find five words that are spelt wrongly and correct them. LS 4.2.2

Dear Dee,
Do you know what happened last week? I was browsing online for a new shirt and
found a great offer. There was a 70% discount and I was so excited that I placed an
order. It cost me only RM24.60. The original prise was RM82! The shipping was free
too! I chose the colour I wanted and payed with my mother’s credit card. Of course, I
asked her first. Anyway, when the shirt arrived, I was so disapointed. Can you guess
what happened? It wasn’t the wrong size, but the cutting was too tight! The buttons and
the colour of the shirt looked different from the picture too. I wanted navy blue, but what
I got was a bluish green! So, now I have to go threw all the trouble of sending it back to
get a refund! I don’t think I will risk bying clothes online again!

B Answer the following questions. LS 4.1.4

1 Discuss and elaborate on the emotions Kamal felt

(i) when ordering the shirt:

(ii) after receiving the shirt:

2 In what way did Kamal’s opinion on online shopping change?

3 How did you feel when you read the email? HOTS

4 What is your opinion about online shopping? HOTS

LS 4.1.4 Express opinions and common feelings such as happiness, sadness, surprise and interest
LS 4.2.2 Spell written work with moderate accuracy

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 21 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

A Listen to the text. Read the words below and tick the words that appear in the text.
LS 1.1.1

convenient unused bargains disadvantage personal

descriptions discounts online browsing useless

B Listen to the text again and complete the following sentences. LS 1.1.2

1 Online trading is a useful and easy way to get rid of .

2 Some things we can sell online are toys, books, and even clothes.
3 My friend gave me some for trading online.
4 Don’t give away your .
5 Always make sure that the seller has a high, .
6 Proceed cautiously until you are familiar with .

C Answer the following questions. LS 1.1.5

1 What is online trading?

2 What kind of things shouldn’t we sell online and why? HOTS

3 What shouldn’t we give to strangers and why? HOTS

4 Why is it necessary to take photos of the item you want to sell? HOTS

5 Who should we ask for help if we are unsure about the safety of a site?

LS 1.1.1 Understand independently the main ideas in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
LS 1.1.2 Understand independently specific information and details in simple longer texts on a range of familiar topics
LS 1.1.5 Understand with little or no support more complex questions

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 22 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

A Work in pairs. Below is some advice about shopping at a hypermarket. Discuss the topic
and give opinions about the advice. Use the points and the guided dialogue below to
help you. LS 2.1.4


Buying in bulk is cheaper. Do we really need so much?

You can always share if Is it worth the trouble

you buy too much. and cost?

Take advantage of good Are these inferior goods

offers and discounts. or old stock?

Weng : Hi, Salleh! Where are you rushing off to?

Salleh : I have to get home. I’m going to do some grocery shopping at the hypermarket in
Weng : Why do you want to go there? Isn’t it ?
Salleh : Things there are a lot cheaper. I can buy .
Weng : Do you really need to ?
I think you might end up .
You may also .
Salleh :
Weng : I see. But is it worth ?
How do you decide ?
What happens if ?
Salleh :
Weng : I’m glad to hear that. However, .
Salleh : That’s good advice. I will definitely do that.

LS 2.1.4 Express opinions about simple spoken or written advice given to themselves or others

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 23 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

A Read the short story Cheat! by Allan Baillie. Match each sentence below with the correct
theme. LS 5.1.2

Lynne strongly believed that Geoff was hiding the story he

∞ had stolen his idea from.

Honesty and ∞ Lynne thought it was unfair for a cheater to win.


∞ Although Lynne won the medal she wanted, she was

appalled at the idea of Geoff being disqualified.
Fair Play ∞
Geoff felt that his entry should be disqualified once he
∞ realised that he may have gotten his idea from a book he
The Cost of had read years ago.
Being ∞
∞ Geoff was willing to give up his medal to Lynne.

∞ Mr Velos reversed his decision when he learnt that Lynne’s

story was more original.

B Work in pairs. Read the text below and discuss the following questions. LS 5.1.2

Lynne leaned against a locker and tried to swallow the bitter taste from her mouth.
She began to wonder where it was that she had read a story about a sheepdog in a flood.
(p. 92)

1 Do you think Lynne’s story was completely original? HOTS

2 What can we tell about Lynne’s character from this excerpt? HOTS

LS 5.1.2 Identify and describe in simple language the key characters and themes in a text

© Oxford Fajar Sdn. Bhd. (008974-T) 2018 24 Drill in KSSM English Form 2 (Unit 4)

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