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Time - 3 hours Maximum marks – 50

 Question paper consists of 38 questions divided into four sections; A, B, C and D.

 Section A is objective type.
 Section B, C and D is subjective types.

[Questions 1 – 20 carry 1 mark each]

1. H.C.F. 2,3,4 is-

(a) 2 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 4
2. IN quadratic equation ax2+bx+c=0. The sum of roots will be-
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3. The prime factors of 140 are-
(a) 52 × 2 × 7 (b) 5 × 2 × 72 (c) 5 × 22 × 7
4. The product of roots of quadratic equation ax2 + bx + x = 0 will be –
(a) (b) (c)
5. For any two positive integers a and b, H.C.F. (a, b)= ?
(a) (b) (c)
6. The L.C.M. of two integers 26 and 91 is –
(a) 13 (b) 182 (c) 26
7. The sum of zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 7x + 10 is –
(a) –7 (b) 7 (c) 10
8. The H.C.F. of two integers 510 and 92 is –
(a) 26 (b) 2 (c) 13
9. Zeroes of polynomial x – 7 are –
(a) , (b) 7, – 7 (c) –
10. Which of the following is cubic polynomial?
(a) 2 – x2 (b) 2 – x3 (c) 2 – x
11. If p(x) = x – 3x – 4 then the value of p(2) will be-
(a) – 14 (b) – 6 (c) 4
12. In an A.P a=7, d=3, n=8, then, an =?
(a) 28 (b) 38 (c) 18
13. The pair of linear equations if . Then system of equation will be –
(a) Only one solution (b) many solutions (c) none
14. Discriminant of the quadratic equation 2x – 6x + 5 = 0 will be –
(a) 12 (b) 15 (c) -4
15. What is distance formula -
(a) (b)
16. Area of rhombus is –
(a) ×product of its diagonals (b) length × breadth (c) 2(L+B)
17. 15th term by A.P: 7, 13, 19………. Is
(a) 105 (b) – 78 (c) 91
18. The distance of point (– 4,5) from origin is-
(a) 1 (b) 9 (c)
19. The co-ordinates of midpoint of the points (– 5,4) and (5,6) are:
(a) (5,5) (b) (-5,5) (c) (0,5)
20. is :
(a) Rational number (b) whole number (c) Irrational number


[Question numbers 21– 27 each carry 2 marks.]

(Do any four.)

21. Find H.C.F. of 196 and 38220 using Euclid’s division algorithm.
22. Given than H.C.F. (306, 657) = 9. Find L.C.M. (306,657)
23. Find the zeroes of quadratic polynomials 3x2-x-4 and verify the relationship between the
zeroes and coefficients.
24. Find the roots of quadratic equation 6x2 – x – 2 = 0 by factorization.
25. Find the roots of quadratic equations by quadratic formula: 2x2 + x – 4 = 0.
26. Write first four terms of AP when first term ‘a’ and common difference ‘d’ are given:-
a = 10, d = 10
27. Find the distance between the points (– 5, 7) (– 1, 3).
[Question numbers 28– 34 carry 3 marks]
(Do any four.)
28. Determine if the points (1, 5) (2, 3) and (– 2, – 11) are collinear.
29. Find the 31st term of an AP whose 11th term is 38 and 16th term is 73.
30. How many three digit numbers are divisible by 7.
31. Find the value of k of the following quadratic equation-
2x2 + kx + 3 = 0
32. Divide p(x) by g(x) and find the quotient and remainder:
p(x)=x4 – 3x2 + 4x + 5, g(x)=x2+1– x
33. Solve by substitution method:
x+y = 14 ; x– y = 4
34. Solve by elimination method:
3x + 4y = 10; 2x – 2y = 2
[Question numbers 35– 38 carry 5 marks each]
(Do any two)
35. The sum of the reciprocals of Rehman’s ages (in years) 3 years ago, and 5 years from
now is . Find his present age.
36. If we add 1 to the numerator and subtract 1 from the denominator, a fraction reduces
to 1. It becomes if we only add 1 to the denominator. What is the fraction?
37. The coach of a cricket team buys 3 bats and 6 balls for Rs. 3900. Later, he buys another
bat and 3 more balls of the same kind for Rs. 1300. Represent this situation algebraically
and geometrically.
38. Find the area of a rhombus if its vertices are (3,0), (4,5), (– 1, 4) and (– 2, – 1) taken in
[Hint: area of rhombus = products of its diagonals.]

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