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However, there was one thing that bothered him.

A few days ago, a brother he had sent on reconnaissance had brought back bewildering information.

A small monster releasing monstrous energy.

That monster’s demonic aura far surpassed that of the leader.

There could be no such thing. So concluded the leader.

He had not perceived such a threat, and all the monsters he met were weak.

There had been nothing to call resistance as of yet.

Only that one time, ten or so goblins had murdered a few of their brethren, but never again.

Chances are, the scout was far too excited to see rationally.

Thinking that, the boss only looked ahead.

And in front of him, lay the village.

It was just were the scouts reported.

Using the wounded goblin, they had marked this village. So now, they can hardly offer proper resistance.

The leader was a cunning wolf. He wouldn’t let his guard down.

However, the village was not as expected.

As if it belonged to humans… it was fenced.

They had dismantled every house and erected a wall.

And, in the middle of the entrance ahead, stood a single slime.

How ingenious!

So laughed the leader.

They left an opening to defend against our numbers! Were his thoughts.

After all, they were slow-witted, trash of a monster.

That wall will quickly topple before our claw and fang!

We shall show them our might! With these thoughts, he ordered the attack.

And as one, ten fang wolves assaulted the walls.

They truly were a single being.

That was their true worth–their unity in combat.

Movement made possible through telepathic communication. A form of communication many times
faster than words.
The first attack should have destroyed the walls.

Surely, the leader imagined, the goblins will soon realize the futility of their plan and panic. Instead, it
was the leader who let out a voice of surprise.

The attack squad was repelled! And, there was something rolling on the ground while splashing blood
among them, too.

What had happened?

Without a hint of panic, he sought answers.

The slime had not moved.

Did he do something?

And then, the closest of his subordinates,

(It’s the one from that day! The one that possessed an aura stronger than our lord!)

So he reported.

How foolish! He thought while looking at the slime.

They would sometimes be born in the plains.

You’d exaggerate if you called them monsters; a pitiful existence.

To be surpass myself in demonic aura… impossible!

But then,

「Alriiight! Stop right there. If you withdraw now, I will not pursue. Depart at once!」

Is what the slime declared.

The Fang Wolves’ leader was a crafty and cunning monster.

Having lived many years and experienced many things, he’d never neglect making a plan.

He was cool-headed and possessed courage tested through many battles.

His many experiences, and the information he collected, all rejected the presence of a being stronger
than him among the goblins.

But the leader had, at that one moment, made a fatal mistake.

And that mistake has decided their fate.

*Uuuru!! Garuuuuuuuu!!!*

(Miserable existence!!! I’ll pulverize you!!!)

He ordered the attack.

Wow, that was a surprise.

Didn’t think they’d attack so suddenly.

I thought we’d start with a conversation… now all my lines went to waste.

All the practice gone to waste!

I even practiced during break….

The first order I gave was to be guided to the wounded.

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