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P ubli c
Exploring the
art of FPSE
When traveling around Forest Park Southeast, one cannot help but notice the beautifully
historic buildings, institutions and atmosphere. It is a neighborhood, preserved in the
heart of St. Louis, and surrounded by some of the most influential institutions and at-
tractions in the region. The appointment of Forest Park Southeast to the National Reg-
ister of Historic Places honors the beauty and history of one of St. Louis’ most recogniz-
able neighborhoods.
One of the most aesthetically recognizable attributes of the neighborhood is its well-
preserved “St. Louis Redbrick.” FPSE is also home to one of the city’s largest collections
of public artwork, evident through its’ unique street markers and entry signs, eye-pop-
ping murals, intricate neon signs and lively community gardens. Over the past decade,
business owners, property owners, neighborhood organizations and residents have
worked alongside organizations such as the Grove CID and Washington University Medi-
cal Center to help beautify FPSE.
These efforts have resulted in the elaborate public art that has made Forest Park South-
east a destination for artists, creative individuals and anyone interested in exploring a
physical environment in St. Louis considered to be “out of the ordinary”. Many areas
may seek strict conformity for their identity, but FPSE has embraced the creative arts as
a way to display the diversity of the neighborhood.
From painted fire hydrants to metal sculptures, Forest Park Southeast is host to some of
the most beautiful art in the public arena. Events like Grovefest and Tour de Grove cele-
brate the area’s diversity and display its’ unique qualities and historic charm. The collec-
tion of public art in FPSE is not simply for beautification, but for identification. It serves
as a visual history of the neighborhood, one of collaboration, creativity and reverence.
A r t i s t Te s t i m o n i a l

“The abundance of public art in Forest Park Southeast is a testament to the

neighborhood’s dedication to improving the area, while also preserving its’
unique qualities.

I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the revitalization of Manchester Avenue

through projects like the Grovefest paint-by-number murals. When people
take part in creating something tangible like a mural, there is a shared feeing
of ownership with the piece of art as well as the area.

It’s been really fun installing public art in FPSE over the last 5 years. I get
overwhelmingly warm receptions from residents and visitors every time I
start a new project. It’s a great feeling knowing that your work is being ap-
preciated and enjoyed.

There is a lot of excitement for the three new murals that the Herbert
Hoover Boys & Girls Club will paint this year. I know these murals will help
visually improve the neighborhood and truely make FPSE the destination
hot-spot for public art.”
-Grace McCammond
Artist: Bud Knoboloch
Year: 2003
Location: 3971 Papin St.

Over the past 5 years, murals have become a trademark to Fo re st

Pa rk S o u the a st . Bu t i t s n ot j u st p ro fe ssio n al artists wh o get to h ave
fun w ith this on e ! Eve r y ye a r, Gro vefe st p atro n s h ave a c h an c e to
take p a r t in t h e a n n u a l p a i nt- by- n u mb e rs mu ral to sh o wcase th e ir
art istic s ide . C u r re nt l y t h e re a re ap p rox imate ly a d oze n mu rals
span n in g the si d e s of b u i l d i n g s in F P SE with many mo re p lan n e d for
t he n e a r futu re .
Artist: Grace McCammond
Year: 2004
Location: 4108 Manchester Ave.
Tribute to 1984

Artist: Peat Wollaeger

Location: 4146 Manchester Ave.
Artist: Dexter Silvers
Location: 4126 Chouteau Ave.
The Atomic Cowgirl

Design: Chip Schloss
Fabrication: Walter Clark
Year: 2007
Location: 4138 Manchester Ave.

Artist: Grace McCammond
Year: 2005
Location: 4138 Manchester Ave.
Artist: Grace McCammond & Grovefest II “Artists”
Year: 2007
Location: 4138 Manchester Ave.
Welcom e to th e

Artist: Grace McCammond & Grovefest V “Artists”

Year: 2010
Location: 4155 Manchester Ave.

Artist: Grace McCammond

Year: 2007
Location: 4199 Manchester Ave.
Artist: Grace McCammond and Grovefest IV “Artists”
Year: 2007
Location: 4199 Manchester Ave.
Artist: Grace McCammond and Grovefest I “Artists”
Year: 2006
Location: 4162 Manchester Ave.
P ub l i c
M uc h o f the p u b l i c i nf ra st r u c t u re we se e o n a d aily b asis is d u ll an d
ordi na r y. Tho s e t h i n g s c om e to life th o u gh in Fo re st Par k So u th e ast.
Painted fire hydrants, unique concrete bollards, and soon-to-be-in-
stall ed mo d e r n t ra sh ca n s, b i ke rac ks an d p lante rs all sp r u c e u p p u b-
lic spaces. Additionally, three new art pedestals have been installed
on M a nche ste r to se r ve a s d i sp lay sp ac e s fo r mo re p u b lic ar t!
FPSE is home to numerous community gardens
spread out throughout the neighborhood. Each
of these gardens is maintained and operated
by different organizations in an effort to beau-
tify under utilized lots.
The traditional red brick entry markers were
installed along the 1000 and 1100 blocks of
Taylor Avenue during the early 1990’s.
Ball Bollards &
Artist: Wausau Tile
Year: 2009
Location: Throughout FPSE

Artist: Grace McCammond
Year: 2009
Location: Throughout FPSE and the Grove

Whi le the h istor i c b u i l d i n g s a l on g M an c h e ste r Ave n u e alre ad y p ro vide a

pa sse r-by the fe e l i n g of e a r l i e r time s, so d o th e u n iq u e sign s h an ging from
those buildings! The numerous neon signs throughout the Grove pay trib-
ute to the h istor i c c h a ra c te r of th e n e igh b o r h o o d wh ile ad d in g ar tist i c val -
ue unmatched any where else in the area. These new and refurbished neon
s i g n s , a l o n g w i t h o t h e r e nt r y m a r ke r fe at u re s , d o t t h e n e i g h b o r h o o d a n d
show how art can be both practical and beautiful.
Artist: Wesley Fordyce
Year: 2009
Location Sign 1: Tower Grove and Vandeventer
Location Sigh 2: 4350 Chouteau Ave.
Artist: Peat Woellaeger (logo)
Space (design), Engraphix (Fabrication)
Year: 2010
Location: 4243 Manchester
Artist: Ten 8 Group and Design Communications LTD
Year: 2010
Location: Manchester Ave. & Sarah Ave.
Artist: Richard Hemp (Design)
H1-Clay Sign Company (Fabrication)
Year: 2004
Location: 4266 Manchester Ave.
Restoration: A-1 Designs
Year: 2004
Location: 4254 Manchester Ave.
Future P ro je c t s

Even though there is already an impressive collection of public

a r t thro u g h ou t Fore st Pa r k So u th e ast, it h asn ’t sto p p e d p e o pl e
pre p a r i n g to i n sta l l m ore! Cu rre ntly, th e re are p lan s fo r th re e
ne w mu ra l s, si x p a i nte d traf f ic sign al b oxe s, stre et e ntry mark-
e rs , u n i q u e fe n c e a r t , s c u l p t u re s a n d m u c h m o re fo r t h e ve r y
n e a r f u t u re . W U M C RC i s d e d i cate d to h e l p i n g b e a u t i f y t h e a re a ,
stren gth e n n e i g h b or h ood id e ntity an d fo ste r re sid e nts’ an d v i si -
to rs ’ cre at i ve si d e !
G rove Shopp i n g B ag S i g n a l Box
Artist: Grace McCammond - Year: 2011 - Location: 4200 Race Course Ave.

Groovin’ in the Grove

Artist: Grace McCammond
and Herbert Hoover Boys and Girls Club
Year: 2011
Location: 4370 Manchester Ave.
To ur de
Grove Mura l

Artist: Grace McCammond

and Herbert Hoover boys and Girls Club
Year: 2011
Location: 4201 Manchester Ave.

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