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Contingency Plan

Political. To improve economic conditions, governments are gradually promoting technical

advancement. Ford should take advantage of government support for creativity, environmentally
friendly goods, and long-term growth in this case. Ford will also extend its activities thanks to
international agreements that make it possible for businesses to reach overseas markets.
Furthermore, developed countries with fast growth rates are upgrading their infrastructure,
especially transportation infrastructure. This remote/macro-environmental situation leads to an
increase in vehicle demand in these countries, allowing Ford Motor Company to expand

Economic. Ford will expand thanks to the gradual yet steady expansion of the US economy,
which is the company's largest sector. Ford also has a chance to expand in high-potential
developed nations, where it currently has a small footprint. However, since much of Ford's raw
materials and car components are manufactured in the United States, the strengthening of the
dollar is an external force that decreases profit margins and the competitiveness of its goods. Due
to the remote/macro-environmental situation, Ford would need to increase company efficiencies
in order to exploit prospects in international markets.

Social. Ford will expand by developing goods to meet the growing need for hybrid and electric
vehicles. Ford also has the chance to develop its services, especially after-sales services, in order
to draw more customers. The widening wealth gap, on the other hand, is a remote/macro-
economic climate situation that challenges Ford's Lincoln cars, which are high-priced luxury
vehicles. To meet shifting consumer demands and counter sociocultural external influences,
Ford's intense development strategy would place a greater emphasis on product creativity.

Technological. An external factor that provides opportunities for Ford Motor Company to
expand through mobile service support and mobile marketing is the growing use of mobile
computing. Additionally, the company can boost its efficiency by enhancing its online delivery
services. These distribution systems, for example, will supply Ford parts to consumers. The
company's future growth in supplying alternative-fuel cars, on the other hand, could be hampered
by the lack of alternative fuel stations. To remain competitive, Ford must concentrate on service
development and technical advancements, facing difficulties in its remote or macro-environment.

Environmental. Climate change is an external phenomenon that provides Ford with resources to
develop from goods that benefit the climate. The low-carbon pattern could be exploited with the
same commitment. Ford may also introduce new vehicles that use renewable fuels or energy to
mitigate the effect of dwindling oil sources on automakers' distant or macro-environments.

Focus and Fighting Noise. With hardware that acts like noise-cancelling headphones, Ford is
offering drivers a more calming and exciting ride. Ford's Active Noise Control uses sound waves
to block out external noises like engine, transmission, and wind noise in the cabin. The all-new
Ford Mondeo Vignale features Active Noise Control, which will be available on other Ford
vehicles soon. Sound-absorbing acoustic glass is also used in the car.Sony engineers fine-tune
the Vignale audio system for a superior acoustic experience, including a personalized stereo
mode and genuine surround sound. Ford's Active Noise Control detects unwanted sounds from
the engine and transmission using three microphones carefully located in the cabin. The machine
dampens the sounds of competing sound waves from the audio system, without altering music or
speech frequency volumes. When a driver accelerates in a lower gear, for example, his or her
behavior is registered and predicted.

Embracing the 21st Century. Ford Motor Company should implement some vehicles like Go-
Bike since most of the individuals in this current year want some vehicles that are easy to carry,
and of course those newly modeled bikes have features only the company had.

Consumer Confidence. Ford aims to provide value to its consumers by offering goods at a
cheaper quality than its rivals, allowing Ford to sell lower prices. Ford, on the other hand, is at
risk of being replaced, since potential competitors in foreign markets by a local rival are a real
possibility. The aim of marketing and communications efforts is to raise customer awareness of
our goods as well as our company's success. We're especially interested in raising customer
awareness of the Company's superior efficiency, protection, environmental, and social success.
To exchange information about Ford with prospective customers and to get input from drivers,
we use a variety of contact tools.

Aging Mission. Ford's corporate goal is to "improve people's lives by making mobility available
and inexpensive." This mission line emphasizes moving people, which is a fundamental feature
of vehicles and the transportation industry. The importance of mobility in Ford's business reveals
the company's social mission. Ford should able to slash the price of his vehicle by hundreds of
dollars thanks to more robust manufacturing. Ford should able to fulfill his two life goals of
bringing the pleasures of the car to as many people as possible and providing a vast amount of
high-paying jobs by lowering the price.

Brand Value. Ford should employ a differentiated targeting approach to market particular
brands to specific consumer groups. Positioning refers to when the goods or services are seen by
customers, as well as the impression that is formed in their minds when they hear the brand

World’s Highest R&D Costs. Ford's research and development (R&D) expenditures came
to about 7.1 billion U.S. dollars in 2020. We cannot force the company to stop doing research;
the company should also monitor the accuracy, reliability, and credibility of the information.

Struggles Internationally. Ford is dealing with a host of problems in its global operations. The
top five items executives said Ford is doing to improve its foreign revenue are mentioned; new
Products, dealer profitability, local production, cutting losses, and more restructuring.
Swifter Competition. Competitors such as General Motors and Toyota, which participate in
vigorous promotion and creativity, pose a challenge to Ford. Since the business depends
primarily on product differentiation to increase profits globally, technological advancement is a
crucial source of competitive advantage for the brand, so that, they need to work with it more to
have a good outcome to the company.

Restructuring Cost. Over-the-air app upgrades, which are available on any car with built-in Wi-
Fi, can lower warranty prices, make software recalls more convenient, and make it easy for
consumers and suppliers to keep their software up to date in general.

Weak Positioning. Ford should marketed as a low-cost rival with a functional emphasis. Honda,
Toyota, and Nissan compete with Ford largely on price, with Honda, Toyota, and Nissan
focusing on beauty over feature.

Weak Sales. Market expansion is Ford's key intensive growth approach. To expand the market,
this intensive strategy involves selling more goods to existing customers. Ford implements this
aggressive expansion plan by expanding its dealership network and growing sales volume.

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