Foreign Currency Class Notes

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Foreign Currency

June 1993 Question One

(c) A tourist exchanged US $200.00 for Jamaican currency at the rate of
US $1.00 = J $18.81. She had to pay a government tax of 2% of the amount
Calculate in Jamaican currency
(i) the tax paid
(ii) the amount the tourist received. (4 marks)

January 1999 Question One

(d) Mrs. White bought a new computer for BDS $ 6 240. Given that the exchange rate at
the time was BDS $ 1.92 = US $ 1.00, calculate, in US dollars, the amount of money
she paid for the new computer.
[BDS $ = Barbados dollars, US $ = United States dollars]
(5 marks)
June 2006 Question One
(c) GUY $1.00 = US $0.01 and EC $1.00 = US $0.37.
Calculate the value of
(i) GUY $60 000 in US $ (2 marks)
(ii) US $925 in EC $. (2 marks)
January 2009 Question. One
(b) BDS $ means Barbados dollars and EC $ means Eastern Caribbean dollars.

(i) Karen exchanged BDS $2 000.00 and received EC $ 700.00. Calculate the
value of one BDS $ in EC $. (2 marks)
(ii) If Karen exchanged EC $ 432.00 for BDS $, calculate the amount of BDS $
which Karen would receive. (2 marks)
[Assume that the buying and selling rates are the same.]

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