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Expected Output: Application of Normal Curve

Instruction: Using a MS Office or a short bond paper (Note: USE BLACK INK ONLY AND
WRITE CLEARLY), solve the following problem. Show your detailed solution. (20 points each)

1.The average number of calories in a 1.5-ounce chocolate bar is 225. Suppose that the
distribution of calories is approximately normal with ơ = 10. Find the probability that a randomly
selected chocolate bar will have:

a. Between 200 and 220 calories

μ = 225
σ = 10
x1 = 200
x2 = 220

Z1 = 200 - 225 = -25 = -2.5 Z2 = 220 - 225 = -5 = -0.5

10 10 10 10

In Z-table value:

-2.5 = 0.00621
-0.5 = 0.30854


0.30854 - 0.00621 = 0.30233 or 30.233%


0.30233 or 30.233%

b. Less than 200 calories

μ = 225
σ = 10
x = 235

Z = 235 - 225 = 10 = 1
10 10

In Z-table value:

1 = 0.84134


0.84134 or 84.134%

2. The mean serum cholesterol level of a large population of overweight children is 220
milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl), and the standard deviation is 16.3 mg/dl. If a random sample of
35 overweight children is selected, find the probability that the mean will be between 220 and
222 mg/dl. Assume the serum cholesterol level variable is normally distributed.
Formula: Given:
Z = x̅ - μ μ = 220
σ σ = 16.3
√n n = 35
x̅1 = 220
x̅2 = 222

Z1 = 220 - 220 = 0 Z2 = 222 - 220 = 0.73
16.3 16.3
√35 √35

In Z-table value:

0 = 0.50000
0.73 = 0.76730


0.76730 - 0.50000 = 0.2673 or 26.73%


0.2673 or 26.73%

3. The numbers of fat calories and grams of saturated fat in a number of fast-food non-breakfast
entrees are shown below. Is there sufficient evidence to conclude a significant relationship
between the two variables?

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