Q1. What Are Health Sectors?

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Instructions: Answer the following assessment questions:

Q1. What are health sectors?

The health sectors are:

1. General Economic Resources

● Land
● Labor
● Capital
● Technology
2. Economic Resources Specific to Health
● Physicians
● Nurses
● Physical Therapists
● Hospitals
● Pharmaceuticals
● Clinics
● Laboratories
● Health Centers
3. Supply of Health Services
● Hospitalization services
● Surgical procedures
● Diagnostic procedures
● Obstetric care
● Maternal and child care
● Immunization programs
● Nutrition programs
● Anti-TB programs
● Specific Disease Treatment Protocols
○ ARI protocol
○ Diarrhea control
4. Demand for Health Care Services
● involves a multitude of goods and services
5. Health Care Service Utilization
● knowledge about the benefits of utilizing the health good or service, and
● accessibility of the facility that supplies the health good or service
6. Other Health-Related and Socio-Economic Factors
● Education
● Public transportation and infrastructure
● Political climate and changes in political leadership
● The rate of economic progress
7. Health Status
● improves when people properly utilize healthcare goods and services as
measured by health indicators or parameters

Q2. What are the functions of the health sectors?

The health sector is understood as a collection of principles, standards, institutions, and

entities that create, distribute, and consume goods and services with the primary or sole
purpose of protecting the wellbeing of patients or communities. These institutions and entities'
actions are aimed at preventing and controlling disease, providing care for the sick, and
conducting health training and research. Businesses that provide medical services, produce
medical equipment or medications, offer medical insurance, or otherwise enable the quality of
services to patients to make up the healthcare sector. The healthcare sector offers a wide range
of services to meet a community's or individual's healthcare needs. The healthcare industry
divides its products into numerous sectors. Hospitals and healthcare systems are constantly
modifying their service offerings and respond to a variety of internal and external influences,
such as reimbursement challenges, technological advancements, and demographic shifts.

Q3. Define health care delivery system.

The health care delivery system is described as the collection of institutions,

organizations, and individuals who enter the system and are responsible for health awareness,
disease management, illness identification and treatment, and rehabilitation. According to
Williams-Tungpalan in the year 1981, it is a system of health facilities and staff that is
responsible for providing health care to the public. According to Dizon in 1977, the Philippine
health system is a complicated network of organizations that work together to deliver a wide
range of health services.

Q4. Compare and contrast the health care services provided by Government and Non-
government sectors.

Both governmental and private health care professionals are offered. The government
normally provides public health care under national healthcare systems. “For-profit” hospitals
and self-employed practitioners, as well as “not for profit” non-government institutions, such as
religious groups, could offer private health care. Inside a public hospital, however, the situation
may be quite different. Because government hospitals are supported by the government, they
are unable to turn patients away. Private hospitals, on the other hand, are self-funded and have
their own set of laws. As a result, uninsured individuals have turned away from private hospitals.
Both industries place a high value on customer service. The client of a private corporation is
someone who has consented to pay for their services, whereas the customer of the public
sector is the residents of the country. It is called public service. In lower-middle nations, private
healthcare delivery is frequently believed to be more convenient, ethical, and durable than
public healthcare delivery. The public sector, on the other hand, is frequently considered as
providing more egalitarian and evidence-based care.

Q5. Discuss the characteristics of an effective interdisciplinary health management


Effective interdisciplinary teamwork is characterized by ten characteristics and these are

positive leadership and management qualities; communication strategies and structures;
personal rewards, training, and development; appropriate resources and procedures;
appropriate skill mix; supportive team climate; individual characteristics that support
interdisciplinary teamwork; clarity of vision; quality and outcomes of care; and respecting and
understanding roles are all examples of positive leadership and management attributes.

The characteristics of an effective interdisciplinary health management team collaborate

to ensure that the desired outcome will be fulfilled. It can be made possible through the health
care providers that collaborate with each other and establish a method for setting goals, making
decisions, and sharing resources and duties from several disciplines working together with a
single aim. It is where the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, main objective, and the construction
of a care plan are all carried out by a team of professionals from several disciplines, in
collaboration with the patient. The deliberations about the patient's condition, prognosis, and
care plan include the patient, their family, and their providers.

Clinical performance and related health outcomes are influenced by interdisciplinary

team characteristics. Human factors linked with the performance of the team are identified as a
key area for clinical patient care enhancement in standard patient healthcare and patient safety
programs. An interdisciplinary team is a collection of healthcare professionals from many
disciplines who collaborate or work toward a common objective in order to deliver the best care
or outcome for a wide variety of patients. Pharmacists are one representation of expertise that
might make up an interdisciplinary team. Aside from the benefits to hospital employees, patients
gain greatly from an interdisciplinary treatment plan. Patients with interdisciplinary care plans
benefit from increased collaboration among healthcare providers because it lowers healthcare


health care delivery system. (n.d.). Oxford Reference. Retrieved June 23, 2021, from
Health Service Delivery Profile of the Philippines 2012


sharina11. (n.d.). Health care delivery system in the philippines. Slideshare.Net. Retrieved
June 23, 2021, from https://www.slideshare.net/sharina11/health-care-delivery-

Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. (2013). PubMed Central (PMC).

The Philippines Health System Review (WHO, 2011)

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