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Unit 1 Introduction to Surrealism

Statement of inquiry: Dreams and nightmares inspire personal, provocative representations of the
unconscious mind
Title: The temptation of St. Anthony
Artist: Salvador Dalí
Location: Royal Museums of Fine Arts of
Period: Surrealism
Created: 1946
Medium: Oil painting
Lesson 1 DL
Answer these questions:
1. Describe what you see
I can see a naked man holding up a cross to giant animals (horse, elepants) and a fancy mansion with extremely long
legs in an empty vast area of flat land. On top of everything I can also see naked women in the mansion and on top of a
tower on an elephant. On the ground, I can see two figures and a white angel. Then further away there is another
elephant with long legs with a tower on top of it.

2. How do you think the painting is organized? Why?

The right side of the painting looks very big and takes up a lot of space, which indicates that it is very powerful and
overpowering the man on the left. On the other side, the man takes up little space, but his cross holds power because it’s
a symbol of Christianity. In my opinion, it balances the powerfulness out even though it is not seen visually in space.
Lesson 1 DL
Answer these questions:
1. What do you think is the meaning of this painting?
Using the title of the painting The Temptation of St. Anthony, I think the meaning of this painting is about St.
Anthony’s temptation to battle the crazy parade of imaginary characters and objects even though it is probably
not a good idea because he only have a cross. I say imaginary because this can only be thought of from
someone’s mind and not seen in real life. Despite the cross balancing out the painting with its power of
religion, it is still just a stick and beliefs can’t physically battle a physical thing charging right up to you.

2. Do you like this painting?

I do like this painting because the style shows a lot of movement which makes it powerful. The horse almost
looks like it’s about to squish St. Anthony with its hooves. I also like the colors scheme of the painting. The
colors works together to emphasize the meaning and makes it feels alive.
Please, watch this video
1. Make a list with all the words, terms and concepts that are new for you. Explain the meaning
of each.
Eccentric - uncommon or slightly strange

Surrealism - a style of art is literature in which ideas, images, and objects are combined in a strange way, like in a dream

Psychoanalyst - people who studies the human mind

2. Think about the statement of inquiry (slide 1), how do you think the Art Movement known as
Surrealism can explain it?
Surrealism is a style of art in which the components of it are combined in an unconventional way, like how our unconscious mind can think of
all these strange thoughts and ideas. Using the things we dream or have nightmares about, artists use surrealism to visually create art for a
purpose of expressing themselves. As strange or real the artist’s dreams are, it can create proactive representations of the human unconscious
minds work to educates those who are interested in the science side or the arti side.

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