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Evidencia 4: Resumen “Product distribution: the basics”




Instructora de inglés


AGOSTO 2 DE 2020
"Product distribution: the basics"

These basics are suitable if you have a business and need to transport
materials, supplies or tools.
Choosing the right mode of transportation means striking a balance between
time and budget constraints. Therefore, it should be the most important factor in
your decision making. The speed of transport is also important, if you have
perishable goods it is recommended to consider that the mode of transport
chosen is reliable so that customers are not disappointed.
If, on the other hand, you are transporting dangerous goods, contact the
Dangerous Goods Section of the Department of Transportation.
If your products are expensive or if they are sent by mail, make sure they are in
place or in the mail. Also make sure they are cancelled by the supplier or
customer to avoid confusion.
If your cargo is valuable, it may be necessary to use a vehicle to track it. This
helps us know exactly where it is, so make sure the cargo is properly packed
and labeled to reduce risk. There are also some modes of transport. First of all
we have Road transport. It is cheap which can be useful, taking into account
height, weight and length restrictions. On the other hand, there is air transport. It
is undoubtedly the fastest way of transporting products across the distance but
with a small detail, it is expensive and not very environmentally friendly. This
transport is charged by the kilogram so there are some small expenses to be
incurred such as : customs duties and taxes, security and VAT if imported.
Finally, the transport by sea. It is relatively cheap if sent in large volumes, but it
is slow and rather inflexible because there are not enough ports. This transport
is composed of the following means: ships, container ships, cargoes, bulk
carriers, oil tankers, transport of passengers and vehicles.

Bulk - abultar
Choosing- Elegir
Couriers – Mensajeros
Deeply – profundamente
Duties – deberes
Fees - matrícula
Few – pocos
Haulage - acarreo
Hauling – transportación
Hazardous - peligroso
heap – barato
Insurance – seguro
Likewise – Igualmente
Passenger - pasajero
Risk – riesgo
Scheduled - programado
Shipment – envío
Striking – sorprendente
Undoubtedly – indudablemente
Vessels – recipientes
Weight - peso


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