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Discussion Forum for Orientation

Reminisce the last time you went to church. What are the beautiful and memorable things or
events you experienced during your visit? What are the things you dislike most when going to

The last time that I went to church was the week before ECQ was implemented. It was an anticipated
mass, and at the same time it was the installation of the new parish priest of the said parish. The mass
was celebrated by Most Rev. Jesse Mercado D.D., and was concelebrated by a bunch of priest. As far as I
can remember, the gospel during that time was the multiplication of five loaves and two fishes which
fed many. The fact that it was an installation of the new parish priest, it allows me to imagine to be in
that situation someday by God’s grace I would be in the altar in front of the bishop to profess my vows
before the Lord and His beloved church. During the mass, through the homily of the priest, I realized
that more than the vows, a priest must be committed and compassionate towards the people that God
has entrusted to them, because it takes a huge responsibility to lead God’s people. Another was the
songs that were sang during the mass, the feels was different than that of online masses because it
seems like you are on heaven worshiping the Lord. Last but not the least, during communion, the time
that one can receive the body and blood of Christ, it seems that I was strengthened again and ready to
face what life may bring. The only thing that bothers me during the time was the huge crowd, knowing
that there is a surge of Delta variant. Nonetheless, I do believe that God is protecting those who serve
and love His church. In a normal day the one that bothers me the most was the temperature of the
church. At the end of the day, amidst all of those things that can bother our worship in the church, as
long as we give our hearts to the Lord during the mass, it will always be a beautiful experience.

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