Book I Lessons 23-24: Worksheet

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Book I Lessons 23-24


I. Complete the sentences with the words given.

Prefer Earth Has Six Top
Bottom Travel Space shuttles Cross Born
1. The Earth has ______________ continents.
2. You can _______________ the sea by ship.
3. The astronauts use __________________________ to travel into space.
4. The name of our planet is the _______________________.
5. The American continent _____________ three regions.
6. My father _____________ to travel by plane.
7. Is the North Pole at the __________________ of the Earth?
8. Betty was ______________ in Australia.
9. The South Pole isn’t at the top of the Earth; it is at the ____________ of the Earth.
10. My friend doesn’t like to ________________ by car.
II. Answer the questions.
1. Are there three continents in our planet? ________________________________________
2. Does your father like to travel by bus? __________________________________________
3. Were you born in the American continent? _______________________________________
4. Is on foot a way to travel? ____________________________________________________
5. Is the North Pole at the bottom of the Earth? _____________________________________
6. What is on the middle of the Earth? ____________________________________________
7. Is Canada in South America? _________________________________________________
8. How many hemispheres does the Earth have? ____________________________________
9. How do you prefer to travel short distances? _____________________________________
10. Do astronauts travel into space by ships? ________________________________________
III. Write a sentence with the following words.
Equator ____________________________________________________________________
Regions ____________________________________________________________________
Poles ____________________________________________________________________
Top ____________________________________________________________________
Middle ____________________________________________________________________

All Rights Reserved. By: JJGL

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IV. Answer the questions.

1. How often do you go to the park? ______________________________________________

2. How often does your mother buy the groceries? ___________________________________

3. Do you sometimes eat vegetables? _____________________________________________

4. Does your father seldom watch sports? _________________________________________

5. Are you sometimes late to school? _____________________________________________

6. Do your friends always go to the movies? _______________________________________

7. How often do you buy hotdogs? _______________________________________________

8. Does your mother never prepare soup for lunch? _________________________________

9. Do you always watch TV on Sundays? __________________________________________

10. How often do you tell a lie? ___________________________________________________

11. What do you do once a week? ________________________________________________

12. What do you and your friends do once a year? ____________________________________

13. What does your brother/sister do once in a while? _________________________________

14. Do you come to school once a week? ___________________________________________

15. Does your mother bake a cake almost every month? _______________________________

16. Do you go on vacation twice a year? ____________________________________________

All Rights Reserved. By: JJGL

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