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Brainstorming Guidelines

Interview Project
1. Project topic
In your group, have a look through all the topics and answer the following questions.
● What topics are you learning in the course?
- Life in a Day; Don’t Give Up; Why We Buy; Green Living; Food Journeys; Living for Work; Good Times, Good
Feelings; The Marketing Machine, Wild Weather, Focus on Food.
● Which topic does your group choose? (Choose only 01 topic)
Topic our choose is “Why We Buy”.
2. The purpose of the interview project & the Interview Questions
In your group, discuss the question below together and fill in the chart below.
● What is the purpose of your interview? (e.g. 02 groups might choose the same topic but group 1 aims to
understand more about the topic, while group 2 aims to look for some solutions to that topic. In other words, the
groups have different purposes when addressing the chosen topic.)
-> Complete the sentence “The purpose of our interview is to ……….” in the chart below.
● What questions are you going to ask the interviewees? Discuss and choose 3-4 interview questions. Your
interview questions must directly link to the chosen topic AND the purpose of your interview project.
-> Write your interview questions in the chart below.

The purpose of our interview is to find out about some buying habits of different people.

Interview Interview Interview

Question 1 Question 5 Question 7
Question 3
Do you like Where do you often Have you ever spent
Do you prefer to
shopping? For what go shopping? too much? What did
shop alone or with
kinds of things? you buy? How this
other people? Why? Question 6
you feel afterwards?
Question 2
Question 4 Do you to shop in a
Question 8
How long do you store or online?
Which do you
usually shop for? Do Why? What items have
prefer: buying things
you try to get your you ever bought that
for yourself or for
shopping done as are meaningful to
other people?
fast as possible? you?

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