Asian Regionalism

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ASIAN REGIONALISM - With capability to dominate the global

The only thing that will redeem mankind is political and economic environment.
cooperation - Bertrand Russel - The economic, political and security
affairs shifted to Asia.
- The growing demand for economic - Over half of the world’s population
integration spurred by and large by the produces three tenths of global output
rapid yet steady onslaught of and consistently records the world’s
globalization, the threat of terrorism, highest economic growth rates.
the spread of diseases, massive - The call for regional economic
technological innovations and cooperation is essential for addressing
geopolitical uncertainties are some these challenges. This is largely because
realities that face nation states. of Asia’s unprecedented growth in the
- These prompt nation states to bond past few decades led by economic
together and forge ties and alliances powerhouses, Japan, China, South
built on solid and legal frameworks Korea and Middle east regions.
REGIONALISM Asian Regionalism
- Regionalism is the manifestation or - Asian Regionalism could bring huge
expression of a common sense of benefits not just to Asia but to the
cultural identity and purpose combined world by:
with the creation and implementation - Sustain the region’s growth, underpin
of institutions that express a particular it’s stability.
identity and shape collective action - With the right policies – reduce
within a geographical region. inequality and address the perennial
- It should be noted however, that most problem of poverty.
of the regional organizations - Marshal a common response to major
established especially after World War new challenges that often arise
II are basically anchored on economic suddenly and unexpectedly.
integration. - To become vibrant and integrated Asia.
Economic Regionalism A stable, cohesive and productive Asia.
- Facilitate the free flow of goods and Imperative for Regionalism in Asia
services General Productivity Gains, new ideas and
- Coordinate foreign economic policies competition that boost economic growth and
between countries in the same raise incomes across the world.
geographic region or nearby locale.
- Manage the opportunities and Contribute to the efficiency and stability of
constraints global financial markets by making Asian capital
- Increase of international economic ties markets stronger and safer and by maximizing
- Foster economic growth the productive use of Asian savings.
- Prosperity among it’s member states.
Diversify sources of global demand, helping to
Example: stabilize the world economy and diminish the
Free trade areas, custom unions, common risks posed by global imbalances and downturns
markets and economic unions. in other major economies.
The Biggest continent (with Sheer size) Provide Leadership to help sustain open global
Greatest population trade and financial systems.
Great Resources
Create regional mechanisms to manage health, To collaborate more effectively for the greater
safety, an environmental issues better, and thus utilization of their agriculture and industries,
contribute to more effective global solutions of the expansion of their trade, the improvement
these problems. of their transportation and communications
facilities and the raising of the living standards
Imperative for Regionalism in Asia of their peoples;
In the 1930s, countries created preferential To promote Southeast Asian studies; and
trade blocs in an attempt to shelter their To maintain close and beneficial cooperation
economies from Great depression. with existing international and regional
Several countries established discriminatory organizations with similar aims and purposes,
currency blocks with strict exchange controls and explore all avenues for even closer
againsts outsiders. cooperation among themselves.
Results were devastating Fundamental Principles of ASEAN
ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS Mutual respect for the independence,
(ASEAN) sovereignty, equality, territorial integrity and
Established on August 8 1967 in Bangkok national identity of all nations;
Thailand The right of every state to lead it’s national
Founding members are Indonesia, Malaysia, existence free from external interference,
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. subversion or coercion.
Then Brunei, Vietnam, Lao PDR and Myanmar Non – Interference in the internal affairs of one
joined. another.
A regional intergovernmental organization Settlement of differences or disputes by
comprising TEN southeast Asia countries which peaceful manner.
seeks to promote intergovernmental Renunciation of the threat or use of force and;
cooperation and facilitates economic, political, Effective cooperation among themselves.
security, military, educational and sociocultural ASEAN
integration amongst it’s members and other 30th summit of ASEAN
Asia countries as well as with the rest of the Outward looking, living in peace, stability and
world. prosperity, bonded together in partnership in
Aims and Purposes of ASEAN dynamic development and in a community of
To accelerate the economic growth, social caring societies.
progress and cultural development in the region Being a global powerhouse ASEAN is known for
through joint endeavors in spirit of equality and it’s diverse range of instruments and treaties
partnership in order to strengthen the which enhances cooperation, recognition and
foundation for a prosperous and peaceful unity in numerous aspects, internally, regionally
community of ASEAN. and internationally.
To promote active collaboration and mutual ASEAN Connectivity
assistance on matters of common interest in the The ASEAN formulated a Master plan on ASEAN
economic, social, cultural technical, scientific connectivity 2025, which aims to create a
and administrative fields. network of people and infrastructure to
To promote active collaboration and mutual improve the way we live, work and travel. This
assistance on matters of common interest in the master plan comprises of:
economic, social, cultural, technical, scientific Sustainable Infrastructure
and administrative fields; Seamless Logistics
To provide assistance to each other in the form People Mobility
of training and research facilities in the Digital Innovation
educational, professional, technical and Regulatory Excellence
administrative spheres.
formed to further the objectives of regional
ASIA PACIFIC ECONOMIC COOPERATION peace, security and prosperity.
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) is It has evolved as a forum for strategic dialogue
a regional economic forum established in 1989 and cooperation on political, security and
to leverage the growing interdependence of the economic issues of common regional concern
Asia-Pacific.  and plays an important role in the regional
APEC's 21 members aim to create greater architecture.
prosperity for the people of the region by Discuss common interest and concern in an
promoting balanced, inclusive, sustainable, open and transparent manner.
innovative and secure growth and by Membership of the EAS comprises the 10
accelerating regional economic integration. ASEAN countries and 8 other countries in the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) East Asian region.
operates as a cooperative, multilateral Brunei Darussalam
economic and trade forum. It is the only Cambodia
international intergovernmental grouping in the Indonesia
world committed to reducing barriers to trade Lao People's Democratic Republic
and investment without requiring its members Malaysia
to enter into legally binding obligations. Myanmar
They are fundamental in reducing tariffs, Philippines
improving customs efficiency, and closing the Singapore
gap between developing and developed Thailand 
economies. APEC also combated climate Vietnam
change, dismantled terrorist networks, Australia
increased transparency, and The People's Republic of China
stimulated economic integration. India
Furthermore, the group raised living standards Japan
and education levels, and fostered a greater New Zealand
sense of community among Asia-Pacific Republic of Korea
countries, by nurturing shared interests. United States and
The founding members of APEC were Australia, Russian Federation.
Brunei, Canada, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, APT ASEAN Plus Three
Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, ASEAN plus 3 cooperation began in December
Singapore, Thailand, and the U.S. Since its 1997 and institutionalized in 1999 when the
launch, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mexico, leaders issued a joint statement on east asia
Papua New Guinea, Chile, Peru, Russia, and cooperation at their third ASEAN plus 3 summit
Vietnam have joined its ranks.  in Manila
The 21 APEC member economies jointly work The latest development of East Asian regional
towards the realization of free and open trade cooperation.
and investment in the Asia-Pacific by year 2020 Expressed greater resolve and confidence in
and the establishment of greater regional further strengthening and deepening East Asia
community to address the economic and social cooperation at various level and in various areas
dimensions of development and commitment including energy, transport, information and
made by APEC leaders in 1994 known as the information technology.
Bogor goals. ASEAN Plus three (APT) can be considered as a
EAST ASIAN SUMMIT (EAS) forum that functions as a coordinator of
The East Asia Summit is unique leaders-led cooperation between ASEAN and east asia
forum of 18 countries of the Asia-Pacific region nations.
ASEAN agreed to strengthen partnership with Arab League Conflicts
the China, Korea and Japan to address mutual The Arab League's effectiveness has
issues and concerns in energy security, natural been hampered by divisions among member
gas development, oil market studies, oil states. During the Cold War, some members
stockpiling and renewable energy. were supportive of the Soviet Union while
Arab League others aligned with Western nations. There has
The Arab League is a union of Arab-speaking also been rivalry over leadership, for
African and Asian countries. It was formed in example, between Egypt and Iraq. Hostilities
Cairo in 1945 to promote the independence, between monarchies such as Saudi Arabia,
sovereignty, affairs and interests of its 22 Jordan and Morocco have been disruptive as
member countries and four observers. have the conduct of states that have undergone
The Arab League countries have widely varying political change such as Egypt under Gamal
levels of population, wealth, GDP, and literacy. Abdel Nasser, Baathist Syria and Iraq and Libya
They are all predominantly Muslim, Arabic- under Muammar Gaddafi.
speaking countries, but Egypt and Saudi Arabia
are considered the dominant players in the The United States' attack on Saddam Hussein's
League. Through agreements for joint defense, Iraq created significant rifts between members
economic cooperation and free trade, among of the Arab League and, because decisions
others, the league helps its member countries made by the league only apply to the nations
to coordinate government and cultural that voted for them, the divisions have crippled
programs to facilitate cooperation and limit the league's influence.
conflict. Arab Spring
The 22 members of the Arab League as of The "Arab spring" uprisings in early 2011
2018 were: spurred the league into action, and it backed
Algeria UN action against Libya's Muammar Gaddafi's
Bahrain forces. Members also tend to agree on policy
Comoros such as support for Palestinians who are under
Djibouti Israeli occupation. However, the league's
Egypt actions are mostly limited to the issuing of
Iraq declarations. One exception was an economic
Jordan boycott of Israel between 1948 and 1993.
Kuwait Where the Arab League has been effective is in
Lebanon education, preserving documents and
Libya manuscripts, and creating a regional
Mauritania telecommunications union.
Morocco MENA
Oman - The Middle East and North African
Palestine (MENA) region accounts for
Qatar approximately 6% of the world's
Saudi Arabia population, 60% of the world's oil
Somalia reserves and 45% of the world's natural
Sudan gas reserves. Due to the region's
Syria substantial petroleum and natural gas
Tunisia reserves, MENA is an important source
the United Arab Emirates of global economic stability.
Yemen. - The term MENA is also referenced
The four observers are Brazil, Eritrea, India and when describing the state of
Venezuela. deteriorating relations between Arab
states in the region. For example, Saudi 3. Failure to make use of available instruments
Arabia and Qatar are engaged in a of conflict – prevention and resolution.
diplomatic standoff that has resulted in 4. Failure of regional trust building, which is
banking sanctions and no-fly zones supposed to have been brought by regional
between the two countries. Yemen is groups like ASEAN is reflected in the emergence
also feeling the pressure of a proxy war of what seems to be a significant arms race
between Iran and Saudi Arabia that has across the regions.
pitted these two regional powers 5. There has been no regional free trade area
against each other. under the auspices of APEC. Bilateral trade
- The MENA region has grown in agreements have flourished, thereby
geopolitical importance since 2011 undercutting the rationale for wider regional
when a number of the regions long- arrangements.
time dictatorships were overthrown in 6. Regularly visited by Natural Calamities even
an event known as The Arab Spring. terrorism and there is no standing regional
Following this event oil supplies from humanitarian and disaster assistance
Libya, for example, have been mechanism in place despite periodic attempts
extremely volatile, influencing the price to create one.
of oil on international markets. 7. On human rights and social issues, Asia
- Additionally, a slow-burning civil war in continues to lag behind other regions, including
Syria has brought the U.S. and Russia Africa and Latin America, not to mention
into direct military competition in a way Europe in developing regional human rights
not seen since the Vietnam War in the promotion and protection mechanisms.
1960s and 70a and the war in
Afghanistan in the 1980s, with each The recently created ASEAN Inter-governmental
country backing different sides and commission of Human rights is merely a body
offering military assistance. for the promotion rather than protection.
Issues and Concerns of Asian Regionalism
Financial stability
Rapid rise of Price
Financial reversal
Economic Slowdowns due to business cycles.
2. Health and Security Threats
3. Environmental Damage
4. Social Instability
Issues and Concerns of
Asian Regionalism
There are criticisms that are usually hurled
against Asian regionalism:
They have not played a role in the major and
long standing regional conflicts, especially those
that are hold overs from the cold war period.
Mismanagement of maritime territorial
Spratlys Islands – Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia,
Philippines and Brunei.
Senkaku/Daoyutai islands – China and Japan
Takeshima / Tokdo – Japan and Korea

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