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Homework Exercise (Unit 5)

1. Discuss about the work instruction standard operating procedures.

2. Define the process of identification and isolation the errors in computer system.

3. What are the information’s about computer performance standard? Explain it.

4. How to identify faulty materials and documentation quality?

5. What do you understand by the specific quality standard and process improvement procedure?


1. The work instruction is gotten and work is carried out in understanding with standard operating
procedures. Work Instruction may be a record that describes in detail the steps that ought to be taken in
order to total a particular errand. They can be made accessible as printed or electronic
documents. These days, increasingly producers want to rearrange and move forward the process
of overseeing and sharing work enlightening. These companies too need to extend the usability of their
work informational. This approach is particularly imperative for companies with a huge number
of changing assignments and habitually changing forms. How can this be done?
Most frequently a choice is made to supplant paper-based work enlightening with an electronic version.
This, in turn, involves the requirement for a computer framework to oversee the electronic version of
the documents.

2. Computers use hardware, software, and network components

that will inevitably fail. An error message is a visual message that

describes a failure in a computer application or device. Typically,

a message will give the user adequate information to determine

how to resolve the problem.

Errors may be related but not limited to the following:

• Deviation from the requirements of the Client

• Deviation from the requirement of the organization

There are many error created in a system at work time so

need to identify these types of error must, following error helps

for identification of computer system, such as:

• Script Error: It is generally occurs when you try to run

a computer application or access a web page and your

system cannot understand or implement the command.

When an error message appears, it will sometimes indicate

what the problem is such as letting you know the page

has displayed but with errors.

• Socket Error: When a computer user checks emails or

uses instant messaging or a peer-to-peer (P2P) program,

he or she is opening a socket and connecting to another

computer or server. A socket error is when there is a

problem with the user’s computer or the other computer

or server while making this connection.

• Fatal Error: A fatal error is a type of computer issue in

which some type of activity causes a currently running

program to cease functioning and close. In most cases,

the occurrence of a fatal error leads to the display of a

message that partially explains the nature of the error,

then returns the user to the operating system.

• Logic Error: It is a problem with a computer’s programming

code that is not readily identified when the code is written

or compiled.

3. Computer performance is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer

system or computer network compared to the time and resources used.

Depending on the context, high computer performance may involve one or more of the following:

• Short response time for a given piece of work

• High throughput (rate of processing work)

• Low utilization of computing resource(s)

• High availability of the computing system or application

• Fast (or highly compact) data compression and decompression

• High bandwidth

• Short data transmission time

4. Faulty materials related to work are identified and isolated in a work environment.

• Faults and any identified causes are recorded and/or reported to the supervisor concerned in
accordance with workplace procedures. • Faulty materials are replaced in accordance with workplace

The documentation quality should include:

• Process documentation: These documents record the process of development and maintenance.
Plans, schedules, process quality documents and organizational and project standards are process

• Product documentation: This documentation describes the product that is being developed. System
documentation describes the product from the point of view of the engineers developing and
maintaining the system; user documentation provides a product description that is oriented towards
system users Unfortunately, much computer system documentation is badly written, difficult to
understand, out-of-date or incomplete.

The document quality use for in some cases, such as:

• Organization work procedures

• Manufacturer’s instruction manual

• Customer requirements

• Forms

5. Specific quality standards, it’s around security, conveying on a guarantee and assembly the
exceptional essentials of client desires. Standards are sets of rules that layout determination of
measurements, plan of operation, materials and performance, or portray quality of materials, items or
frameworks. These benchmarks ought to cover the performance desires of the item for specific
applications. The aim of standards is to supply at slightest least quality, security or execution details so
as to ensure relatively uniform items and execution, and to evacuate equivocalness as to the
reasonableness of certain commercial items for specific applications. Process improvement procedures
are participated in relative to workplace assignment. Effective management requires the process being
managed to be visible. Process improvement, is the act of progressing objectives interests by refining
the structure of operations in an organization, as restricted to tackling problems singularly. Rather than
looking as it were at what has been happening, they are empowered to examine how circumstances are
being shaped, taking into all fringe components influencing current conditions. Handle advancement
moves consideration absent from fault-finding or allotting blame and toward working as a group to
dispose of inefficient exercises and streamline productivity.

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