Digital Conversational Assets and Accelerators

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Digital Conversational

Assets & Accelerators

GDS Advisory Digital , May 2018

Messaging is King

 “Chat bots will power 85% of

all customer service
interactions by the year 2020”
- Gartner

 “Chat bots will be responsible

for cost savings of over $8
billion annually by 2022, up
from $20 million in 2017”
- Juniper Research

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Why Chat bots?

 Act as virtual agent

 High Availability 24/7
 Lowest Operational Cost
 Consistent User Experience
 Intelligence Integration
 Extensible to multiple messaging
 Analytics Capability

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Chatbot Platform Capabilities
Delivery Conversational Interfaces (QnA/FAQ/Knowledge, Intelligent, Proactive, Decision Tree, Task Automation )
Assets & Accelerators
SQL Schema, Scripts
Intelligent & Task Analytics & Visualization Bot Service API & Bot Frameworks
Web chat Skype
Automation Bots Templates Custom Bot UI JSON, XML Templates
Cloud, On-Premise, SharePoint, Open Source
EY ShareBot Javascript Bot Admin Portal Text Stemmer ARM Templates

Skype for Business

Visualization Data Storage Machine Learning Intelligence Other

Cortana Slack
Azure Google
Power BI Azure Machine Cognitive Services Dialogflow
On-premise Azure Azure
Azure Learning
& Azure SQL Data Lake Cosmos DB
eMail GroupMe AppInsight Azure Search

Kik SQL Amazon Lex
Messenger Azure Blob Azure IBM Watson
Table Amazon ML
Azure IOT
Microsoft Cortana
Hololens Google TensorFlow Intelligence
Amazon Alexa
Maya Robotic Assistant

Office 365 SharePoint Dynamics CRM Social Data

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Why Chatbot Assets & Accelerators

 Assets:- Are common solution SDLC without Assets

Web Text Develop Develop Integrate NLP Integrate
patterns identified by us which are Intelligent
Chat Bot
Basic Chat Bot
with Basic
chat bot in

packed to modules. These are

tested and verified modules and SDLC with Assets
be readily plugged into any bot Web Text Plug-in
Intelligent Intelligent bot Deliver
solution which greatly reduces Chat Bot asset in Web

development efforts.

 Accelerators:- Are set of SDLC without Accelerators

support modules/templates which Intelligent
Chat Bot
Code Deliver
Contact Technical
Helpdesk to feed
Add FAQs to the
Bot with normal
Infrastructure Deployment FAQs to bot downtime
accelerates the development,
delivery and maintenance of bot SDLC with Accelerators
solutions. This greatly reduces Automated Provisioning of User can feed FAQs to the bot
operational costs. Chat Bot
Infrastructure and Code Deployment
using ARM Accelerator
Deliver using Admin Portal Accelerator
without downtime

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Digital Chat bot Assets

EY ShareBot

Cloud SharePoint

User Intelligent Bot based on

Azure Cognitive Services
(Speech, Text, Image, QnA)

FAQ Bot based on Intelligent FAQ Bot based

On-Premise on Azure Search + LUIS
Azure Search

Bot Templates Intelligent Bot based on Intelligent Bot based on

Bot Interface API
– JSON, XML Amazon Lex Google DialogFlow

Customizable Bot UI Intelligent Bot based on Chat Analytics &

JavaScript Bot
IBM Watson Visualization Templates

Bot SQL - Schema & Scripts Task Automation Bot Framework

Page 6
Assets - Cloud Chat bot
 FAQ Bot based on Azure Search : Knowledge chat bot which answers user queries on specific/pre-defined set of topics
using Azure Search.
 Intelligent FAQ Bot based on Azure Search + LUIS: Knowledge chat bot which answers user queries on
specific/pre-defined set of topics using Azure search identifying the intents through NLP (LUIS).
 Intelligent Bot based on Azure Cognitive Services : Generic chat bot which interacts with the user by identifying
the intent through Azure cognitive services including Speech, Text and Image recognitions.
 Intelligent Bot based on IBM Watson: Generic chat bot which interacts with the user by identifying the intent through IBM
Watson API.
 Intelligent Bot based on Google Dialog Flow: Generic chat bot which interacts with the user by identifying the intent
through Google Dialog Flow.
 Intelligent Bot based on Amazon Lex: Generic chat bot which interacts with the user by identifying the intent through
Amazon Lex.
 Analytics Logging Templates : Chat bot component which can be plugged into bot service to send analytics data to multiple
destinations including Azure App Insights .
 ChatAnalytics Visualization Templates : Visualization templates in PowerBI which is tailored to visualize chat analytics
 Task Automation/Workflow Assets : Chat bot component for task automations required in chat bot. Currently we have
incorporated functionalities to trigger events and send emails .

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Assets - SharePoint Chat bot

 EY Share Bot
 Tailor made Chatbot to help EY users using SharePoint portals
 Leverage inbuilt security capabilities in EY SharePoint platforms
 The chat bot can be trained using NLP methods which will help the users get relevant answers to their queries instantly across
"" and "".
 It reduces the hassles in getting information through multiple navigations and in depth search to a unified conversational interface.
 The chat bot has a customizable UI

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Assets - On-Premise Chat bot

 Bot Interface API : Generic chat bot communication interface which exposes basic conversational functionalities through its REST
end points. A chat bot client can consume this service to perform its conversational functions.
 SQL– Shema & Script : SQL database for chat bot repository. We have created the schemas and scripts to perform search
based actions efficiently.
 Templates – JSON, XML : We have created standard JSON & XML schema used for bot service communications.
 JavaScript Bot : Client side chat bot using JavaScript. This can be very helpful in FAQ scenarios where with faster query response
where data protection of FAQ is not a concern.
 Customizable Bot UI : Are Bot UI components which can be customized as per user experience requirement.

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Chat bot Accelerators

Reusable components to accelerates the development, delivery and maintenance of chat bot
solutions across platforms.

Admin Portals Text Stemmer Chatbot ARM Templates

 This component uses the

 Admin web portals to enable  ARM templates provides
stemming techniques to remove
users to feed the FAQs to Infrastructure-As-A-Code
affixes from a word, ending up
repositories where the chat bots capability in Azure.
with the stem.
search for information.  We have created ARM
 This helps in extracting out the
 Capability to add, update & Templates for our Azure
keywords from the questions
delete FAQs individually or in Resources which enables
given by user. The questions can
bulk. automated provisioning of
be then indexed with the keywords
Azure bot solution in a faster
 This removes the dependency to make efficient searches.
way. This also enables a
with support team which helps to consistent view of the bot
cut down the operational cost. solution across multiple

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Benefits of using the Assets & Accelerators

Quick Turn around Repository Develop Once

Leverage existing pluggable Assets & accelerator repositories Developed solutions can be easily
solutions will reduce cost speed up the development and be plugged into various platforms
and helps quick turn around delivery of Chat Bot solutions. including cloud, on premise and
Team’s prior expertise on these sharepoint.
technology provides value addition
to customers

User Experience No Learning Curve

Collaborating with User Experience Trained resources based on the
experts and leveraging their approved learning map.
existing UI assets to provide value

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can you provide the business benefits of Smart Assistant chat bot... (as a part of deck creation)

Market Intelligence Chat Bot

To reduce the usage of WhatsApp conversation used by the sales
representative and bring in a chat bot which is capable to answer their
queries on price and news. The chat bot will also capture the live news
from sales representatives that could impact business decisions and
consolidates the data to provide insights in a dashboard view

A web chat bot based on Azure bot service capable of handling user
queries related to price and news intelligently. It is also capable of
capturing user inputs for building business insights from them .

Business Benefits

• Intelligent chatbot to capture dynamic price fluctuations and other

market insights from sales representatives across geography
• Unified Portal with dashboard visualizations on product price
indices & live steel news which helps business to take quick
decisions & to formulate dynamic sales strategies.

Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved

Chatbot Advisory Azure PaaS, Microsoft Bot framework, Azure

Search, Microsoft LUIS, Azure SQL
Audit Chat Bot

The FSO Assurance team currently does not have a single system that
serves as a repository for acronyms and has a capability to check and
compare forecast plan and actual efforts from ARMS and WIP systems.
This data would enable Assurance resources to plan their forecast
better, and also provide insights into upcoming team changes, holiday
plans with respect to clients and granular client engagement codes.


A Decision tree based skype chat bot which guides the user to reach to
the necessary information. Insights extraction from the raw data includes
complex computations such as comparison, variance, statistics and
vacation plans.

Business Benefits
• Intelligent search to find the information of an acronym
• Capability to define an acronym with the system
• Capability to handle budgeting inquiries related to comparison,
variance, statistics and vacation plans of people across multiple
• Able to capture user feedback about the system

Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved

Chatbot Advisory Skype, Azure PaaS, Microsoft Bot framework,
.NET, Azure SQL
SharePoint Chat Bot

To solve the queries and problems of the customers to
ensure consumer loyalty along with the brand establishment.


Rely on a databank of replies and heuristics. The bots reply

by selecting an answer that matches the context of a query.
It’s an on premise chat bot.

Business Benefits
• Integrated chatbot experience with SharePoint
• Secured SharePoint locations can be leveraged
as chatbot Knowledge repository
• Easy to set up the basic version using reusable
• On boarding cost & effort will be less , as
compared to other chatbot options
• Costumer Service Improvement through
Analytics and Data collection
• It allows companies to better know and Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved
understand their users
Chatbot Advisory SharePoint, Brain.js, Bayes-classifier.js, HTML, JS
and Natural language processing feature
Child Protection Chat Bot

Interaction with Child Protection Intelligence Platform Data Sources
to search information related to child..


An intelligent web chat bot which fetches health profile, historic

health records, relationship details of child along with general FAQ
functionalities. Conversations includes query as well as decision
based routes. Uses NLP to identify the user intent

Business Benefits

• Intelligent chat bot agent to find the information of a child health

records, profile details and threat details
• Decision based selections to get specific health profile of a child

Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved

Chatbot Advisory Azure PaaS, Azure Bot Service, Microsoft Bot
framework, .NET, Azure Search, LUIS, Azure SQL
AI Smart Assistant Chat Bot -EVA

The chat bot will ultimately enable South 32 employees to perform the daily site
operations and checks in a more systematic and user friendly interface..

A Modular web chat bot implemented using ITopics, provides the user with advanced
capability to switch between topics and resume from previous step thus achieving a
more human like interaction

Business Benefits

• Better Conversational Orchestration:- Advanced capability for user to switch between

use cases/ modules using the conversational model of V4 ITopics
• Better User experience:- User can switch between bot use cases without requiring to
start from the beginning of each flow as it stores the individual flow states and resume
from the step user left from previously.
• Secure:-Provides a more secure bot by implementing new authentication mechanism
from within the chat bot itself using AAD. Also leveraging the Azure Key vault, have
ensured additional security by storing all keys and connections in the azure environment
• Personalized User experience:- Capability to export customized reports on Purchase
Orders, Purchase Requisition, Vendors and other business data to the logged in email id
• Configurable:- Bot Admin can now easily configure use cases in the chat bot dynamically
by enabling disabling allowed use case in config file
• OCR Capabilities :- Leveraging Vision API to provide details on machinery by scanning Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved
image data
Chatbot Advisory Azure PaaS, Microsoft Bot framework V4, .NET Core,
Cosmos DB, Azure AD Authentication, Speech, Adaptive
cards, Azure Search, LUIS, Azure Key Vault, Voice
Authentication, Vision OCR
COX CCI IT Helpdesk Chat Bot

This chat bot is proposed to Improve the COX CCI IT Helpdesk experience by facilitating
intelligent bot capabilities around ticket life cycle management.

Currently user has to navigate through menus, find right category and log tickets. The
Addition of a chat bot will help users have a more convenient and productive means to
search and receive information without the hassles of site navigation

Business Benefits

• Service Now Integration- Helps users view the status of their current tickets, log new
service now tickets, view any reported outages in the location etc.
• Voice Enabled– Seamless voice interactions using BING Speech Synthesizers & helps
users provides users a more convenient and productive approach
• CORTANA , Mobile browser & Alexa integrations
• Unified Interface: Chat bot provides a one stop interface to query tickets, create tickets
in right categories, escalate tickets based on sentiments
• Portability : Making the chat bot accessible on the go, users can access this chat bot via
web, CORTANA, Android / IOS browsers with secure options
• Skinned Bot: Leveraging Direct line channels to provide a cleaner more custom interface
to present user data with Adaptive / Hero cards, Carousel views
• Easy functionality: Users can Create new Service now tickets , View Ticket statuses
with additional options, Report outages to IT Helpdesk, Escalate tickets Products & Services Service Line / Sector Competencies/Technologies Involved
Chatbot Advisory Service Now, Azure PaaS, Microsoft Bot framework V3,
LUIS, QnA Maker ,Azure Table Storage, BING Speech API ,
Hero & Adaptive cards, Azure Key Vault, S-NOW Email API
, Azure Cognitive Sentiment Analysis
Other Chatbot Use cases/ PoVs

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Use case / PoVs

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Chatbot Types

 QnA Bot:- Is a knowledge Bot which answer user's queries on specific/pre-defined set of topics
which is customizable. Users can configure topics/FAQs through its admin portal.
 Intelligent Bot:- Is a Bot which uses artificial intelligence (NLP) to find the user intent and perform
actions based on the intent. Users can train the bot through its admin portal.
 Proactive Bot:- Is a Bot which proactively notifies users through messages about an event which
can be configurable.
 Decision Tree Bot:- Is a Bot which executes a transaction by identifying the user intent through a
predefined set of decision criteria. It can leverage machine learning capabilities as well.
 Task Automation Bot:- Is a Bot which performs background activity based on messages from a
user. Here the identified user intent serves as the command

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Contacts Demo Demos & Asset Repository Location

Development team build lot of utilities that accelerates the delivery of chatbot solutions and all assets ,accelerators and
PoCs are available in a common repository. Below link provide further details on the same.

For further information, please contact:

Ramakrishnan Raman Roy Joyson Pratheesh Pillai

Digital (Non-FS ) & Emerging Technologies Senior Manager, GDS Advisory Digital Manager, GDS Advisory Digital
+91 7736684970 +91 9946999071
+91 9447905299

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