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NSTP-CWTS: Learning Journal


The most important thing is to make time for your writing – regularly set aside some time to
think, and then write down your thoughts. Try to focus on using the journal to help you to
communicate. Video recording during the session is also attached.

1. What is the webinar all about? (10points)

2. Who is/are the speaker/s? (10points)

3. What’s the intention of the webinar? (10points)

4. What t are the topics being discussed? (10points)

5. Any flashes of inspiration you have/had? (10points)

6. What have you understand so far? (10points)

7. What topics you find puzzling, difficult or contradictory? (10points)

8. How can reach a better understanding of the above? (10points)

9. What do you need to know more and how can you go about finding out more? (10points)

10. What new knowledge, skills or understanding have you gained during the session and
also in the process of writing your learning journal? (10points)

Prepared by: Richie B. Bungart, LPT, MBA Page 1 | 1

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