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COVID-19 Joint Incident Management Team

Compiled by: Health Sector Preparedness & Response

External Situation Report #29 I 17 September - 14 October 2020

1. Pacific Highlights
Fiji receives more medical supplies (24 September 2020)
Fiji received approximately FJD $750,000 worth of medical supplies from the World Health Organization,
transported by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in order to further strengthen the
country’s capacity to fight COVID-19. The supplies include 888,500 surgical masks, 53,400 KN95 masks,
29,200 face shields, 2,000 protective goggles and 4,000 isolation gowns.

WHO, UNICEF and Fiji MoH staff formally hand over medical supplies Photo: WHO

COVID-19 Preparedness - Supporting the Vulnerable in

Samoa (23 September 2020)

The JIMT continues to support the Government of

Samoa in delivering a mass media communications
campaign to educate the public on the signs and
symptoms of COVID-19, training of the clinical teams on
infection and prevention control, screening and testing,
isolation and clinical management of COVID-19, and
intensifying mental health services given the recent
measles outbreak.

WHO Staff Member, Lepaitai Hansell demonstrating handwashing to

children during the COVID-19 assessment, Upolu; Photo: WHO
2. Pacific Island Countries & Areas – Epidemiological Situation
As of midnight UTC+12, 14 October 2020
• Of the 3,375 newly reported cases since the last situation report (18-Sep-2020), there were 2,061 cases in
French Polynesia, 1,296 cases in Guam, 1 case in New Caledonia, 15 cases in the CNMI and 2 cases in the
Solomon Islands; bringing the total to 6,730 cases in Pacific Island Countries and Areas.
• Of the 37 newly reported deaths since the last situation report (18-Sep-2020), there were 9 deaths in
French Polynesia and 28 deaths in Guam; bringing the total to 76 deaths in Pacific Island Countries and
• Fiji did not report a case in this reporting period. It has been 39 days since Fiji last reported a travel-
related case and 179 days since the last reported community-acquired case. There are currently no active
cases in Fiji.
• The second wave of cases is continuing, and cases are increasing in French Polynesia with 3,189 newly
confirmed cases from 2 August to 14 October 2020 (UTC+12) including 2,061 new cases reported since the
last situation report (18-Sep-2020). The majority of cases remain in Tahiti where there is community
spread, however cases have spread to several islands. The majority of cases are aged below 45 years and
half (51%) of cases are female.
• French Polynesia reported an additional 9 deaths which brings their total to 11 COVID-19-related deaths
and a case fatality proportion of 0.34%
• Cases in Guam are not showing a decline as 1,296 additional cases were reported since the last situation
report (18-Sep-2020), bringing the total to 3,341 cases. There were an additional 19 cases among military
service members (total 282) and 1,277 cases among civilians (total 3,059). There are currently 59 cases in
hospital, including 14 in the ICU. The highest number of cases are in the 20–29 year age-group (23%),
followed by 30–39 years (19%) and 40–49 years (15%); 53% of cases are male. The average daily tests
conducted has remained consistent over the past month with approximately 471 tests per day.
• Guam reported an additional 28 deaths which brings their total to 61 COVID-19-related deaths. The
highest number of deaths are in the 60–69 years (27%) followed by 50–59 years (23%) and 70–79 years
(21%); 50% of deaths are male.
• New Caledonia reported one additional case which brings their total to 27 COVID-19 cases. The case was
imported and identified during quarantine. The case has since recovered and there are currently no active
cases in New Caledonia.
• The 15 new cases in the CNMI were all imported and tested positive during quarantine; 3 originated from
the US mainland, 5 from US territories and 7 from other countries. Of the total 77 cases, 51 were
identified through port of entry screening, 10 were identified through community screening and 16 were
known contacts of confirmed cases. Of the 51 total imported cases, 29 originated from the US mainland,
12 from US territories and 10 from other countries. The highest number of cases are in the 20–49 year
age-group (51%) and 60% of cases are male.
• Solomon Islands reported their first two COVID-19 cases. These cases were both asymptomatic
repatriated students from the Philippines who tested negative prior to travel but tested positive in
quarantine in the Solomon Islands.

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 2
Days Since Last Days Since Last
Reporting Country / Territory /
Total cases Total Deaths Reported Travel-Related Reported Community-
Case Acquired Case
American Samoa 0 0 - -
Cook Islands 0 0 - -
Fiji 32 2 39 179
French Polynesia 3,251 11 0 0
Guam 3,341 61 0 0
Kiribati 0 0 - -
Marshall Islands, Republic of the 0 0 - -
Micronesia, Federated States of 0 0 - -
Nauru 0 0 - -
New Caledonia 27 0 19 194
Niue 0 0 - -
Northern Mariana Islands,
77 2 4 57
Commonwealth of the
Palau 0 0 - -
Samoa 0 0 - -
Solomon Islands 2 0 3 -
Tokelau 0 0 - -
Tonga 0 0 - -
Tuvalu 0 0 - -
Vanuatu 0 0 - -
Wallis and Futuna 0 0 - -
Total 6,730 76 N/A N/A
Table 1: Countries, territories & areas with reported COVID-19 cases & deaths (as of 14 September 2020, midnight UTC+12)

Figure 1 – Pacific Epidemic Curve by Date of Notification (as at 1535 UTC+12, 14 October 2020)

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 3
3. Response Activities under the JIMT
Health Operations and Technical Expertise Pillar
Technical Area Support Provided / Update
Health Service • HSD Cell members developed supplementary guidance on ensuring ‘Continuity of
Delivery Essential Services for Gender-Based Violence during COVID-19 response in PICs’
[IFRC, SPC, UNFPA, • Cell members contacted countries to assess status of HSD planning and monitoring
UNICEF, UN • All Cell members supported the finalisation of supplementary guidance on GBV and
Women, WHO] are working on one addressing adolescent health based on global guidance

Mental Health and • All Cell members supported the finalisation of monitoring and evaluation strategy for
Psychosocial MHPSS
Support • Cell members completed internal versions of telehealth guidance and sent for
[WHO, UNFPA, SPC, external review (including Using Telehealth to Continue MHPSS Services, and
UNWOMEN, IFRC] Incorporating MHPSS into Existing Telehealth Services)
• All Cell members supported the finalisation of the internal version of MHPSS COVID-
19 Tip-sheets for community workers, sent for final external review
• WHO are preparing to implement adapted basic psychosocial skills training for PICs
• WHO facilitated a webinar to share COVID-19-related learning for Pacific Ministries
of Health
• MHPSS partners drafted two telehealth guidance documents currently under review
by partner agencies and the Telehealth Cell
• MHPSS partners are working to update a community toolkit to support community
workers to address MHPSS. WHO has updated the toolkit based on the feedback
received from community organisations based in the PICs
• UNICEF supported the work of the Cell providing CP/Child-Friendly technical inputs,
including the development of the Community Quarantine/Isolation Facility guidance
for PICs (annex to RCCE Cell Community COVID-19 Planning guide)
• UNICEF supported the delivery of MHPSS messaging via a 2-week radio spot on
AM1440. Messaging included protection of children, parenting tips and COVID-19,
with call in time for questions. Reach calculated for approximately 35.5% (39,089) of
the population; estimated 15,904 children (8,166 males; 7,738 females) and 23,185
adults (11,309 males; 11,876 females)

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 4
Epidemiology & • Cell members are developing interactive contact tracing training for PICs and liaising
Surveillance with countries regarding support required for repatriation
[PIHOA, SPC, WHO] • Cell members are consolidating surveillance information for country risk assessments
and identifying activities for support
• All Cell members are providing technical input for the Community Quarantine /
Isolation Facility guidance
• Cell members are planning training for the use of digital surveillance tools for contact
tracing and case/contact monitoring

Infection • All Cell partners provided technical advice on the Community COVID-19 Pandemic
Prevention & Planning Tool and further input to the Dead Body Management & IPC
Control • Cell members reviewed ‘Health on Air’ Episode 7 (Breast feeding / COVID-19).
[SPC, UNDP, • All partners supported and analysed the waste management survey questionnaire
• Cell members developed and disseminated PPE donning and doffing competency
assessment form
Case Management • SPC & the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) supported a regional
[DFAT, SPC, WHO, Directors of Clinical Services meeting on 1 October 2020
UNFPA, UNICEF] • WHO worked with JIMT partners on the Community COVID-19 Pandemic Planning
Tool that includes the Community Quarantine/Isolation Facility guidance
• WHO & SPC disseminated information regarding nine upcoming case management-
focused webinars available to PICs
• WHO & SPC supported Nauru & Tuvalu in their search for additional human resources
to support clinical management needs in both countries
• All cell members provided support for episodes 7 & 8 of the UNICEF-led ‘Health Care
on Air’ program
• WHO & SPC carried out a national and subnational assessment to support COVID-19-
focused risk assessments for PICs
• All cell members worked with RACS and PICs Operating Theatre nurses to develop the
Perioperative Environmental Safety standards (PPPB3)

Laboratory • WHO recruited a laboratory consultant to provide remote support for PICs on COVID-
WHO, UNICEF] • WHO supported online training on GeneXpert monitoring and KPI for laboratory
scientists in the Northern Pacific; a total 18 training sessions have now been
• WHO supplied RNA extraction kits to the Guam Public Health Laboratory
• Batch #21 of GeneXpert order (23,600 cartridges) was dispatched which means that
the Northern Pacific, Kiribati, Tonga and PNG orders will be complete

RCCE • Cell members are currently finalising the COVID-19 Pacific Community Planning tool
[ASTHO, IFRC, IOM, • Cell members developed two short guidance documents on (1) Establishing and
SPC, UNCG / maintaining community quarantine and (2) Establishing and maintaining community
UNRCO, UNFPA, isolation facilities, with technical input from other cells
UNICEF, WHO] • The Cell aggregated the ‘Pacific Ministry of Health Knowledge, Attitudes and
Perceptions’ data to identify common trends and support targeted assistance to
• RCCE Cell provided targeted support to Guam and French Polynesia with likely
ongoing work to result
• Cell members supported three RCCE workshops and field activities on the 14–16
September and 22–25 September; RCCE activities include communication mapping,

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 5
identifying partners, developing the communication chain, revision of the RCCE plan,
testing of RCCE materials and currently working on developing a KAP survey in
partnership with the RCCE Cell
Tele-Health • Cell members continued to development a Telehealth toolkit for PICs

Operational Support and Logistics Pillar

Operational Area Support Provided / Update
GeneXpert® • WHO distribution of batches 5 to 19 of the GeneXpert® cartridges is ongoing
# cartridges
[DFAT, PIHOA, Batch 1-19 Batch 1-19 Batch 1-19 %
UNOCHA, WFP, completed ongoing % complete completed
270 0 100% 1,680 16%
CNMI 2,360 0 100% 2,360 100%
FSM Chuuk 470 0 100% 1,500 31%
120 290 29% 1,110 11%
FSM Yap 110 0 100% 340 32%
FSM Kosrae 160 0 100% 200 80%
Guam 4,600 0 100% 4,600 100%
RMI Majuro 620 0 100% 620 100%
RMI Ebeye 170 0 100% 450 38%
Palau 660 0 100% 660 100%
Cook Islands 540 0 100% 540 100%
Fiji 8,250 440 95% 26,750 31%
Kiribati 1,440 0 100% 3,510 41%
Nauru 420 0 100% 420 100%
Niue 50 0 100% 50 100%
Samoa 1,420 60 96% 6,000 24%
Solomon Is. 5,320 540 91% 18,000 30%
Tonga 920 580 61% 3,300 28%
Tokelau 0 50 0% 50 0%
Tuvalu 340 0 100% 340 100%
Vanuatu 2,240 360 86% 8,400 27%
Wallis and
460 0 100% 460 100%
PNG 9,150 540 94% 15,000 61%
250 0 100% 250 100%
Total 40,340 2860 93% 96,590 42%

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 6
Transport of • UNOCHA supported the integration of procurement data from UNFPA and UNOPS
Supplies into the JIMT Dashboard
Humanitarian Pathway Flights*
UNICEF, UNOCHA, WFP organised the following flights:
UNRCO, WFP, WHO] • Brisbane - Nadi - Kiribati
• Fiji - Tonga on 10 October
• Fiji - Kiribati on 11 October
• Kuala Lumpur - Port Moresby - Nadi 13 October
• Nadi - Port Moresby - Kuala Lumpur 14 October
• Fiji - Nauru on 14 October
• Fiji - Tuvalu on 14 October and 15 October
*flights scheduled to move WHO & UNICEF cargo and that held in the WFP warehouse
in Nadi are already fully subscribed
WHO supported the delivery of PPE from both WHO and the Jack Ma Foundation to Fiji
in the week of 28 September and Tonga on 10 October 2020:

Fiji PPE Delivery

Face shields 29,200

Goggles 2,000
Gowns 4,000
N95 Masks 35,000
Surgical masks 888,500
Facemasks 18,400

Tonga PPE Delivery

Face shields 5,000

Goggles 960
Gowns 3,000
N95 Masks 53,200
Surgical masks 700,000

Information and Planning Pillar

Technical Area Support Provided / Update
General • WHO developed 21 country assistance summaries for PICs as a part of preparations
[SPC, UNOCHA, for the 71st Regional Committee Meeting hosted online by WPRO
WHO] • OCHA rolled out a common tool that supports the mapping of achievements against
the Results Monitoring Framework for the Phase II Plan
• OCHA and WHO are developing a draft process to streamline situation reporting for
health sector actors, including the development of a new Situation Report template
to begin reporting against the Phase II end-of-program outcomes
• OCHA & WHO worked with the Logistics Pillar to integrate partner inputs into the
Pacific Logs Dashboard; now includes inputs from UNFPA, UNOPS, UNICEF & WHO
• WHO continues to produce a daily Regional Epidemiological Summary for PICs and
JIMT partners

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 7
4. Agency Response Activities

Regional Activities Agency

• ADB is preparing additional financing for the Systems Strengthening for Effective Coverage of New ADB
Vaccines in the Pacific Project
• SPC developed technical materials for planned training sessions in PICs; epidemiology of SARS- SPC
CoV-2 virus, conducting case interview, conducting contact tracing, PPE and IPC; the training
materials are translated in both English and French and were shared with the JIMT
• UNICEF is distributing vaccines and immunisation devices on WFP flights to Nauru, Samoa and UNICEF

Country specific activities Agency
• ADB has facilitated a USD $2,000,000 COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant through the Asia ADB
Pacific Disaster Response Fund with contribution from Government of Japan
• SPC continues to provide support for laboratory strengthening including support of Laboratory SPC
Quality Management Services implementation at Fiji CDC
• UNICEF supported the Fiji Ministry of Health draft a COVID-19 Nutrition Response Plan UNICEF

French Polynesia
Country specific activities Agency
• WHO Pacific Health Cluster Coordinator was re-deployed to French Polynesia on 22 September WHO
2020 following a request from the Ministry of Health & Prevention for support in response to a
surge in COVID-19 cases since the country's reopening in July
• Upcoming: WHO is supporting the deployment of a public health physician for an initial three
months to support outbreak response, and an epidemiologist through the Global Outbreak Alert
and Response Network (GOARN)

Country specific activities Agency
• UNICEF supported Kiribati MWYSSA with the development of Facebook messaging on SafeNet UNICEF
site with content including types of child protection, free helpline numbers, signs and symptoms
of stress, police services for children and flashcards with child helplines
• IFRC conducted COVID-19 response and preparedness training for 66 pre-school teachers IFRC
• IFRC dissemination key messages on COVID-19 and hygiene best practice through community
engagement, mass media (tv, radio, newspaper) and social media

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 8
Marshall Islands, Republic of
Country specific activities Agency
• IOM continued the secondment of two staff to the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) IOM
to support COVID-19 preparedness and response in schools
• IOM and the NDMO launched a COVID-19 Mask Campaign Competition
• IOM donated two mini X-ray machines to the Ministry of Health and Human Services
• IOM conducted awareness outreach to 53 students, created a mask campaign for social media,
and met with the Taxi Drivers Association to discuss SOPs during a lockdown
• IOM implemented point of entry (POE) training for 35 MALGOV police in Majuro and 57
participants from various departments in Ebeye
• WHO continued to support work around finalising the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Readiness WHO
• WHO donated 1,000 Dengue Rapid Test Kits and Polio Stool Specimen Test Kits
• WHO supported the mhGAP training and copies of the mhGAP Intervention Guide was provided
for the healthcare assistants training

Micronesia, Federated States of

Country specific activities Agency
• IOM support the construction of a water catchment system (WCS) at the Pohnlangas dispensary, IOM
Pohnpei State
• IOM constructed a handsfree handwashing stations and installed a WCS at Sapuk Community
Health Centre in Chuuk State
• IOM trained 41 POE officials in Chuuk on POE roles and working closely with POE team in Yap
• IOM participated in the 2nd round of the Yap RCCE household survey and supporting the 2nd draft
of the POE SOP
• IOM donated and installed two incinerators and trained four operators at the Pohnpei State
• IOM constructed a rainwater catchment system at Neuo Community Health Centre, Chuuk
• WHO continues to work together with RCCE Pillar to develop and publish communication WHO
materials for FSM including the development of three COVID-19 videos and one advisory series
has been created for Pohnpei State
• WHO continues to provide technical support and advice to the Department of Health including
support for the development of SOPs for the Seaport, Dead Body Management and PPE usage
• WHO is working in partnership with UNICEF to develop a COVID-19 Vaccine Plan for FSM

Country specific activities Agency
• ADB facilitated a USD $500,000 COVID-19 Emergency Response Grant through the Asia Pacific ADB
Disaster Response Fund with contribution from Government of Japan

Country specific activities Agency
• WHO handed over PPE supplies to the Department of Health as part of JIMT Phase 2 supply WHO
• IFRC supported the deployment of Palau Red Cross Society (PRCS) volunteers to Airai State to IFRC
distribute hygiene kits and IEC materials to vulnerable families

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 9
• IFRC supported PRCS volunteers also provide support to the Ministry of Health and continues to
provide access to blood services and programs

Country specific activities Agency
• IFRC supported the distribution of 1,000 Hygiene kits were distributed to vulnerable households IFRC
in Upolu and Savai’i
• IFRC supported vulnerability assessments were completed in Savai’i

Country specific needs and activities Agency
• WHO support phase 2 of repatriations and quarantines which commenced 1 August 2020; a total WHO
of 1,325 persons have been received as of 14 October 2020 (mainly seasonal workers returning
from Australia and New Zealand) with additional repatriation flights planned until early
December 2020
• WHO provided technical support to health operations for repatriations and quarantining,
including for information management, daily monitoring, psychosocial surveys and support, and
• WHO continues to co-lead the Vanuatu Incident Management Team (through the National
Health Emergency Operations centre) and membership on Health Technical Advisory Group
• WHO is providing technical assistance for revision of and consultation on National Health Sector
COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan
• WHO is providing technical support to appraise options for contact tracing and data
management for quarantines
• WHO is supporting the formalisation of the IPC strategy using COVID-19 focused work as the
entry point
• WHO provided technical support for IPC, including training for persons supporting quarantine
procedures and for guiding quality control of locally produced fabric masks and face shields
• WHO delivered technical support for risk communications activities, including to manage stigma
for those released from quarantine
• WHO provided technical guidance in defining health measures for safe business operations,
including for travel and tourism sectors
• WHO supported a training of trainers for COVID-19 preparedness activities at provincial level,
including hospital readiness
• WHO supported coordination and consultation for introduction of vaccine through the COVAX
Facility, including country readiness assessment

Wallis & Futuna

Country specific activities Agency
• SPC delivered a training workshop for 16 healthcare workers and managers involved in COVID-19 SPC
contact tracing between 17-23 September 2020 including table-top simulation exercises
• SPC is currently testing the RCCE posters and COVID-19 video developed for Wallis and Futuna
• SPC is supporting the pilot of the initial KAP survey in residential areas and local health facilities;
feedback from this process will help guide the next version for the KAP survey

JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 10
5. Links to Data Repositories, Dashboards and Situation Reports
• External repository of COVID-19 guidance documents and technical materials adapted for the Pacific context
• Pacific COVID-19 Case Dashboard summarising the epidemiological situation in the Pacific
• Logistics dashboard of information regarding delivery of GeneXpert kits
• Pacific Air Transport Services of regular updates and details on travel/cargo services, restrictions and guidance
in the Pacific
• WHO Global Situation Reports
• WHO COVID-19 Global Situation Dashboard


JIMT / WHO use only officially confirmed data which may differ from data published on other sources. 11

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