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Performance Task 1

Illustrate and solve the problem.

A rabbit and a frog jump toward each other.

The rabbit takes two jumps for every three jumps of the frog. The two
jumping animals are 27 m away, and it takes the rabbit 4 jumps to cover
1 m. How many jumps will the frog take before they are both in the
same place.
Scoring Rubrics
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Understanding the Misinterprets Misinterprets Completely
Problem Complete understanding minor part of the major part of the misinterprets the
of the problem problem problem problem
Explanation shows Explanation shows
substantial Explanation shows very limited
Explanation shows complete
understanding of some understanding understanding of the
Mathematical understanding of the
the mathematical of the mathematical underlying concepts
Concepts mathematical concepts used to
concepts used to concepts needed to needed to solve the
solve the problem(s).
solve the solve the problem(s). problem(s) OR is not
problem(s). written.
A plan that could lead to Substantially Partially correct Totally
Solving the a correct solution with no correct procedure but inappropriate
Problem arithmetic errors procedure with with major fault plan
minor omission
or procedural
Correct solution Copying error;
Answering the computational
Problem error, partial
answer for
problem with
multiple answers;
no answer
answer labeled

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