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Dreams and

Make a list of dreams (3) you remember

1. drowning in water
2. Getting bite by a snake
3. My bird became bold
Choose one dream from the list and describe all
the elements you remember.

The drowning

I remember that me and my family went on to the trip in the forest and we were walking
following the path. The forest was green with mand tree/leave. We were walking on the wooden
path till we reach a nice clear pond that seem to be very cold. The water was clear with blue at
the bottom making we see the water as if it was a little blue. Their actually many people around
taking picture or ridding boat. So then I decided to get on the boat and start paddling around but
then my boat flip and push me in the water. I then starting sinking down facing my face at the
surface and whatever I do I cannot float up. Then I wake up in the middle of the night and relise
that I was also holding my breath in real life.
What do you think those elements mean as

I think the forest means the feeling of clam

Maybe the boat means the feeling of freedom

The path maybe the way to success

And the nice clean water means trap because in reality in the forest does not have that nice
clean water and also when we see a nice clean water it will make us wanna jump into it and swim
so maybe that a trap.

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